This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at
US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Wruckers room

A Country a People a Culture Stays great cause it does not allow itself to be attacked or oppressed. The USA is currently run by a grid of losers to the Communist Chinese oppression. Racist Latin's leaders more worried about allowing Mexico to invade our grids to take over. African Racist Progressive more worried about taken over US European heritage muscle influence and base closures. European American's more worried about the Communist Chinese Proxy Warriors instead of the root of the matter like we did during the Cold War against the Russian Puppetted state of China's Bolshevist proxy warriors. A grid of losers and not one can figure out a simple plan to get us out of deficit to compete against the Communist State Owned Enterprise's. A country and culture does not stay great cause of some kind of ideological perspective that their theory will win. Even if they are massively being destroyed by a foreign state. Free Trade does not work in a neo-mercantilism world. The US alone has lost 3,000 Export Business over the last 18 years. Accumulative to 55,000 just to the Communist State Owned Enterprises of a mono fascist party state. This then would have been around currently with our civil needs, we would be in $34 trillion dollars of surplus if we would have fought the Communist like we did during the Cold War. As during the cold war we where spending around 15 trillion a year just on space race. These days thanks to oppressed weak leaders we are cutting everything and running scared from grid speech and grid maneuvers.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thoughts on Article Sotomayor: Prosecutor remark tapped ‘deep and sorry vein of racial prejudice’

The theory and logic of that treaties is about how foreign governments can use the legal theories of minorities and prejudice to genocide foreign local majorities to allow their majorities to take over. Like saying is a Chinese person with 1 billion people in China a minority in the USA. Devils advocate.

Brief on the war treaties,
The Romans and Greeko era soldiers would move in diplomats to make laws for their citizens majority at home to have more leway as they where a smaller less threatful people. Then once they got a good hold in the community. They would start using the idea of prejudice and minority to invade in mass droves until it was thought oh that is ok if they become a majority here.
War by Empathy.
If you ever read the defectors of CISEN or Mexican espionage. They admit that Mexico espionage is doing the same thing. Where they moved in diplomats that use the legal theories of prejudice and minorities. Then preach about foreign national majority take over of the local majority. Then plan to later on once they have a foothold in all political and other grid waves to move in military like Rome did. Same thing war by Empathy that is how Rome expanded so far. However, they did it in lightning fast movements.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Suing last employer for violations of employment law.

Current Status:
Case Active begging research again to file suit. Mistake is a mistake as an employee if I make them I am fired or let go or cut before a female who was less product than I was.

Rough Draft
Possible case dismissal found out that 15 other employees where let go to. That is what Temporary agencies are for higher and then let go for short time. That is fine, but I will keep working on it as there was no proper legal oversight. In case I do not get another job to survive on I can file and hang out to that in my cognition. Most likely dissimissed I really loved the place and the people. Just a few quirks. I wished I would have been a my old paralegal employment law self going in to help them manager their firm instead of working labor. But life is life I need to eat and survive they allowed me attack spots. I will have to if I can't find another job.

Issue of inefficiency evidence will lead to market competitive destruction with the Mac Pyramid direction of pure light in the families ancient pyramd. They admit to their wrongs if they lie I take it all for mine.
I am a great employee I abide by the law as I enforce it. best person to higher for work for safe conditions. So many competitive firms will pop up over night that it will be impossible to move in the market.

Dear Such and Such,

I was contracted to work at your firm from .... to ...... During that time I witnessed multiple mistakes in managerial law and practice. This is a very costly. As the firms practices is to ...... .... Which basically is to fix mistakes and know more than the client. I feel I must also fix your mistakes as I know more than you about managerial law. I am a militarized person and if such is thought to lie to me I will take this to military JAG tribunals as a military person. Which is a heightened elevated area of fixing mistakes.

Legal discourse:

Retaliation fact pattern interrogatory:

During a lecture of the duties did you or did you not make it very scarry that if you did not reach your quota at the end of the month for the duty they would be let go?

Did you or did you not remove the plaintiff from a department after he spoke up about being asked to do others work and being scared of the month end stringent quota?

Collection of Retaliation laws in employment practices:

Workplace Retaliation: What Are Your Rights?

against an individual who opposed unlawful practices, "unlawful practice threatening employee with discharge if not make a strringent quota then forcing him to help others for 3 hours that woudl substantial affect his quota" then he spoke out about it and he was moved the next day. has nothing to do with leaving the firm for supposed lack of work when they just got two new contracts. Speaking out means I sent five emails and stated I was in emotional fear of my employment for loss of hours on my quota. I was very nice and proper about it.

Complaining at work or speaking out key words

"The law forbids retaliation when it comes to any aspect of employment job assignments, promotions"

Key words:

"did they do it because they don’t like certain people?" everybody else got birthday gifts and presents but all I got was oh we did not celebrate your birthday so sorry. everybody knew it was my birthday when I showed up they said so sorry we did not celebrate it even though they usual went at lunch time to get the fun stuff. Business necessity fairness is attention and quality of work force. I went home and cried the whole night that nobody celebrated my birthday at work. I went in for the next three days hoping in my heart to see a celebration for me but no just discrimination against me so I gave up hope. Then each time I saw another birthday I stood up and sang with half a heart and broken spirit and mind. They have many employment law cases about that and how that feeling in a human being can destroy them so much so all employmetn attorneys say just to have one birthday cake for each month. As it is very costly in the courts when you miss a birthday. And again its on the honor system I am a guerilla the DOD trust's my word if I bring it to them with full heart that I am not lying as I am not a greedily capitalist pig I am a nationalist.

"You cannot be punished for standing up. If they can punish you, who is ever going to speak out?"

"carrying a grudge or feeling resentment. When someone is suddenly treated differently at work, or assigned different responsibilities, or excluded from meetings or discussions, there is always some excuse or explanation. There is always some pretext"

""the real social impact of workplace behavior often depends on a constellation of surrounding circumstances, expectations and relationships." expectations in the relationship is a key to the binder policy in employment law. Folks forget spoken word but written word in on desk top or local c drive policy can't be if reminded where to go for policy. they had a policy for celebrating folks birthdays and they did not celebrate mine purposely as again they all knew about it the morning of and did nothing for me. Dont miss my birthday you son of guns That was so  upsetting. I am a mean white male when folks mistreat me I live once and I will not live with that in my heart and let it go by each day i did nothing. So my turn to to return the favor of heart feelings. ahhhhhh wholawhoooo haaaaa now I am getting a bit birthday present $10k give it to me baby. My birthday My birthday My birthday myyyyy birthday

"The prohibition against retaliation is not for the purpose of protecting people from abuse, or even discrimination. Acts of retaliation will certainly involve "abuse," but whatthe anti-retaliation law is concerned about is protecting the individual's right to complain or to seek grievance."

"the law cannot effectively be enforced. Enforcement depends on the courage and cooperation of individuals."

The Supreme Court’s objective test for retaliation complaints was set forth inBurlington Northern v. White. It can be stated in simple terms:

If you engage in some protected activity (e.g., like blowing a whistle or filing a complaint) and then your job is changed in some way that is not good (i.e., it’s a materially adverse change), and if you and other reasonable people take that as a warning or even a disincentive to complain, it’s retaliation. "

I spoke out against the idea of stating we have a stringent quota system but then folks they do not like can be chosen to help others in other departments so that others in that department can get higher quotas than the ones who where taken from the department while the department I helped sat there and talked the whole time. 

This article below is really good use it as key searches for time in law library very good key words for cases, codes regulations executive orders and treaties.

Burlington Northern v. Sheila White (2006):

"Burlington Northern established an objective test for retaliation claims: if you are somehow treated badly after voicing a complaint, and if that would make people think twice about speaking up, that’s retaliation."

"retaliation that produces an injury or harm." "reasonable employee would have found the challenged action materially adverse," Rochon, 438 F. 3d, at 1219 (quoting Washington, 420 F. 3d, at 662).

test based on the fact I spoke up and then I was moved from a 12 hour a day position and department to a barely 2-8 most of the time 5 hours. substantial due hardship

"trivial harms" hourly wages droping over $1,000 500 is a felonous misdeamnor of stolen finances in penal violations.

"minor annoyances" losing over a felony worth of funds a month is not minor annoyances due to retalation for speaking out.

"snubbing" just friction is ok there will be friction but taken due rights to civil rights to freedom of speech is illegal. I spoke out and my freedom of speech was retalated against. Snubbing was going on because he was a manager who was scared and did not know he had the personality of such. As I have a management degree and you can tell thosee that are comfortable and those that are unknowlwedge and scared. Then they define snubbing as manners slight of hand and minor annoyrances not complete taken of over 1,000 worth of funds a month for my freedom of speech to speak out. The one deparment I worked with where the girls where very comfortable except wit their sexism and very femine dominate ways of protecting the females over females was laid back his department he was scared to do his job as he has no clue how to manage.

immaterial or material actions

retaliation for exercising my rights of freedom of speech.

bad management practices.

Retaliation tests and cause of action levels

Protected activity in this civil rights issue is freedom of speech. Encircling the idea of speaking out on bad policy in management.

The First Amendment and the California Constitution protect employees engaging

in free speech or other activities from retaliation. Generally, public employers are

prohibited from retaliating against employees for engaging in speech regarding

matters of public concern. See Sowards v. Loudon County (6th Cir. 2000) 203

F.3d 426."

"The Yanowitz court held that any adverse action that materially affects the terms and conditions of

employment is sufficient to support a claim for retaliation. Yanowitz at 1043. See also, Akers v.

County of San Diego (2002) 95 Cal.App.4th 1441, 1454-1457."

Examples Of Adverse Actions

Denial of a pay raise.

Change in work schedule to a less desirable shift and/or days off.

Transfer to a more difficult or less desirable position.

Change in job duties.

EEOC has issued a new Compliance Manual (Manual)

"Elements of a Retaliation Claim
The Manual sets forth the elements of unlawful retaliation. An individual who alleges unlawful retaliation must establish the following:

1. He or she either opposed an employer's unlawful practice or participated in a proceeding covered by EEOC-enforced statutes;

2. He or she was subjected to an adverse action by the employer; and

3. The employer took the adverse employment action against the employee in response to the protected activity.- See more at:"


Did not participate in statute enforcement so might not be able to use EEOC. Have to find way around that. different filing area most likely.

This will rock this cause of action:

The First Amendment forbids government officials from retaliating against individuals for speaking out. Hartman v. Moore, 547 U.S. 250, 256 (2006); see also Gibson v. United States, 781 F.2d 1334, 1338 (9th Cir.1986). To recover under § 1983 for such retaliation, a plaintiff must prove: (1) he engaged in constitutionally protected activity; (2) as a result, he was subjected to adverse action by the defendant that would chill a person of ordinary firmness from continuing to engage in the protected activity;1 and (3) there was a substantial causal relationship between the constitutionally protected activity and the adverse action. See Pinard v. Clatskanie School Dist. 6J, 467 F.3d 755, 770 (9th Cir.2006). - See more at:"

the fact is they got rid of me for saying there was no more work but through proper discovery I can prove there was new contracts signed.

Could possible get under the whistle blower act. As one weekened manager violated company policy and I spoke freely my fear of quota issues to the other head manager.
"If whistleblowing is our paradigm of protected employee speech, as it is in the public
sector under the "public concern" requirement, then we would expect very limited
protection of more mundane speech relating to internal workplace governance: employee
grievances, criticism of supervisors, suggestions for improved work practices, and even
discussions of unionization. But ironically, as a formal matter, most private sector
employees enjoy greater freedom of expression than do most public employees on the
issues that matter to them most at work." Indeed, the single most sweeping legal
protection of employee speech in the private sector is the National Labor Relations Act,
which gives employees the right to engage in "concerted activity for.., mutual aid or
protection." Section 7 applies not only to employees who are, or who seek to be,
represented by a union but to almost all private sector employees, provided that they act
"in concert" with one or more coworkers.' The NLRA is rarely used by and is largely
unfamiliar to nonunion employees outside the organizing context." But section 7 is a
potentially significant source of free speech rights in the workplace on issues of concern
to workers; it protects speech about unionization or other forms of employee"

"work-related grievances"

Free Speech in the work place

"n McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, the Supreme Court set forth a burden shifting approach for Title VII discrimination cases which was subsequently adopted for Title VII retaliation claims as well.[vii] Under this approach, a plaintiff's retaliation claim may succeed without direct evidence. To do so, the plaintiff must establish a prima facie case of retaliation by producing enough circumstantial evidence regarding protected activity, adverse action, and causal connection to create an inference of retaliation.[viii] If the plaintiff succeeds in establishing a prima facie case of retaliation, the burden shifts to the defendant to produce evidence of a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for the adverse action taken against the plaintiff."
Shift of burden my contract manager said they lied and said no more work. Yet moved four woman into my department and let me go and obtained 2 new contracts.


Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services (1998) 

An opinion delivered by Justice Antonin Scalia,  Oncale is best known for having established that men can be victims of gender discrimination,  just like women.

Filing Areas

As such, since the basic need of a firm is to get and obtain legal advice before it begins as per multiple laws and judicial orders. The basic fund just to obtain an attorney for such a case would be around $10,000. So as I loved the folks at the firm. But still feel there was mistakes I can capitalize on. I will be glad to walk away from this industry with the $10,000. As I can take this to a court system and cost you funds in punitive damages for educating you in the courts along with the cost of your representation. I will gladly settle outside of court and sign a settlement argreement made by you as you deem fit as per Legal Zoom documents Find legal zoom article . And thus not have to scare the institutions record in the proper mediation courts.

As I like the firm and as a friend to the firm. If you decided to settle. I will also provide you with pamphelts I think would benefict the firm legally to read as a paralegal can provide pamphlets on employment law. Which is worth over $15,000 in legal advice from a paralegal for free as I like you guys.

1. Retalation
Did you or did you not remove the plaintiff from a department after he spoke up about being asked to do others work and being scared of the month end stringent quota?

2. Sexism
DId you or did you not replace the plaintiff with four females?

3. No Policy Binder
Did you or did not have a policy binder for your employees?

$10,000 please

Court case alone to defend and try will cost firm over $175,000 so I will settle for $10,000 cause I like them. they did not have to get rid of me as I was more than willing to do small time work half an hour few minutes and wait my turn.

I can make some big money off this one judges love companies that are knew and do not higher proper lawyers to do manager laws and protocals. It will cost them $10k just to get an attorney for a retainer. So that is easy money. I do seriously believe that the female coefiecent conspired sexiestly to get rid of me as I was very outnumber with only two other men and very spread out in the work force.

The defenses of why they got rid of me do not ride against policies of the above. Bad employee to those are nothing. Especially as I was not a bad employee. it is conspiracy. Everyday I came in they asked me if I was going to leave early as a girl group and they would bother me and ask me.

The firm lets goes and highers people all the time. When I was there many folks came in and went. So somebody needs to create a better policy.

hardest law is corporate law and then employment law. Corporate law is war literally with miltiaries employment law is just idiots thinking they are bad arses and can bully folks. But this firm was really nice and proper just did not have a proper legal strategy. But still many folks that work there think they are some kind of king lion of the people with many proxy wars under their belts. And I know none of them are as i did full backgrounds fo the grid.

Then if they do well his twitter cite this or that I will go your honor military persecution I am a intelligence volunteer for the USA and have my rights as a volunteer.

They make money off folks mistakes and inabilities to understand a system. So will i. They can't really be mad at me as their business is purely based off folks making mistakes and not understanding proper line of industry. Just like they did not understand management line of industry of law.

I am not sending it to the DFEH i can tell you that much.

They are making about 5-7k a day. So they have it as that is around $112,000 a month with overhead and taxes they are probable taken home about $40-50k so 10 k is nothing for em. With that kind of money easily shown being made by the industry and that firm. I can easily get a judge to agree they should of highered attorneys to prepare managerial law outlines.

And if I know anything like the ancient stories of the MacDonald family pyramid. As they are a family of business owners very close together. They are most likely in to other adventures for lots more. As the Mac Family business tens of thousands of years ago started out the same way just a couple brothers really good friends acted like a industrial line as a family instead of fighting and toiling Just did it together. shared. 

Republican Front Romney as a Foreign Military Asset.

Today Mitt Romney receives major amounts of funds from a company that violates US national security police. Bain Capital invests in Huweai which was found to be a very big national security threat to the USA. Along with that Bain Capital invests in many Chinese spy companies that are cloaked and uncloaked. Mitt Romney receives a huge chunk of wealth in his personal assets from this foreign military asset connection.

Collection of laws on foreign military assets in US Politics.

The issue of National Security policy violation and running for head President of the Chief of the US defense structure

Agencies to use to prosecute this case to stop the front runner with ties to the funding.

Tools that he can use to block or attack.

The idea of mentality and how major amounts of millions of dollars affect a man's thought's. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

DFEH case of possible Due Process Violation of Calendering Law.

Matthew 10:34
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

So I filed my case. It went to mediation as per interview or meeting with DFEH representative. Both sides agreed to mediation. I waited some time my soul began hurting. I called in said more time they are tight lipped. I wrote in that I was militarized and had a tight fist and will sue after 30 days if not calendered on time. Then I waited for a week. I then called the Representative had a bad attitude towards me the victim for being upset and stating my legal rights to sue and law. Then I was told that I was going to be retaliated against for my statements of being able to sue after 30 days of no calendering. By having my case re-investigated then possible not heard at all. So then I sent in a letter of how that is illegal and retaliation will cost the agency over $200,000 in punitive damages if proven. Then I was told I would be hearing from the Representative in a week. That did not happen. So I called them on the Monday afterwords and I was told very nicely after making a big fit with the war department council of engagement and research and refer of the warriors guilds. Then I was told that the case has been reset for mediation and they will hear it very nicely. I said ok I will wait another month for good character. Even though I told him everyday I am not able to get into gain justice it hurts me as the victim. I did not tell him but my heritage was genocided and had to flee a land where Communist mono fascist genociders killed everybody that did not believe in tabula rosa and the one way of their life. As my grandma was Russian Christian heritage and as per the very few who made it out mainly being the royal court. It is fabled she was the prince of Russia. And my girlfriend for five years who I almost married was Vietnamese Conservative heritage who her family was genocided out of Vietnam too. Plus i live in a major area of genocided people by Communist political discriminative governance.

So I went to work and today was a slow day so I am a good worker I am not going to force my boss to pay me for not being productive. So I went home and went to the law library. The conclusion I came up with is to give them 60 days from first interview to set the date time and place as per law. California Code of Regulations Title 1 Division 2 Chapter 3 Article 2 Sec 1220 Date Time and Place of Mediation "60 days" was the ammo I was looking for.

Its my belief that their Office Of Compliance does not have a policy manual or proper court style calendering or due process book like court clerks and calendering clerks are supposed to have. So I went to the law library and pulled up some cases. As I have the police manual cause of action, injuctive order, threat of retalation, violation of due process and those are good causes of action that can draw blood of over $300,000 in damages or in case damages just to hur their treasury over $500,000 just in attorney fees.

Other words and books and other areas of issues I might need to refresh on if I am violated again.

Books so far not opened just on the shelf:

California Code of Regulations

California Legal Filing Director

California Administrative Hearing Practice

Due Process of Law; a history of and analytical treaties of the principle and methods followed by the courts in application of the concept of law.

Judicial Efficiency and Improvement

Proposed case processing time standard for California Superior Court

Mediation Arbitration Laws

Mediation; law, policy, practice

Due Process, Due Diligence

Due Process Advocacy

DFEH Office of Compliance Programs
1201 I Street, Suite 211,
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 323-4547

Due Process Challenge tests needed

Time Standards

Case of Management

Uncomplicated which means simple mediation calender date

Statutory Requirements

Sanctions Gov. C. Sec 68608(b)

Mediation Department Date Time Place

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Government Code

and that is all I found before I found a soft spot in the law I had to appeal to to help the judge rule in my favor. So I have to wait for next violation date

I worked for the labor department as a paralegal for 3 years in a private firm for police military and high tech scientists. This is obviously way over the calendering date. Usually took about 3 days to a week. I had my car broken into cities try and ban me folks threaten me the whole 9 yards when folks mess with military police or high tech scientist they are big meanies. And the first step in war is the courts and I did the first step for them.

3 hours at $125 bill rate as per last work and my ability to strategize and collect knowledge in a timely manner.

Spent another hour on the case

Case law above is the main issue of soft law. Must find the Federal law I had when i worked as a paralegal.

Compliance with Due Process Calendering laws
Failure to follow assements and procedures

Due process hearing medaition arbitration

Office of Adminstration Hearings

CA Office of Adminstration of Law

Research Adminstration Law Manual

I am surpised somebod has not already done a complete treatise on Due Process and Calendering laws of the court. I am just not keying into this to find its pool source.

Federal Adminstration law

Violation of this letter from the Office of Adminstration to create calendering laws

DFEH is not on this list of adminstrative law calendering dates for 2012 so DFEH can place blame on Adminstrative law executives. So they might not be to blame and the Admin of California itself might be for leaving her and the admin out.

This admin provided the above calendering laws

Laws that govern the DFEH under the CA Admin laws

Chapter 3. Agency Alternatives to Formal Hearings--Alternative Dispute Resolution
Article 1. General Provisions

§1208. Standards of Conduct for Neutrals.

adminstrative procedure act governing government employees

Federal Code of Regulations

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Republican Destroy World To Allow Communist China To Take it Over.

I am a Republican LT General for the Free People's Army of the Republican militias. I am also a Knights Templar. Which is part of a religious order of men who get together to fight for free markets and freedom of religion. These are my thoughts on the current USA Republican Executive board and my desire to cou them. I have spent many years trying cases for high treason. That where based on the left working closely with world communist parties. In which they both actors desired to destroy the USA. I think after you read this you will think the Republican Party is now under play of high treason laws and can be targeted for the same thing.

During the cold war the US government created a development plan. In which over 100,000 export business where tied and stipulated to world development grids. So the US could give out loans and then receive foreign fresh treasury back to create a sirplus of taxes to be used for satellites and space defense. The US created over 70,000 Republican owned export companies that tied into US export development loan strategies. The US told their allied systems that if you work with us and build Democracy grids and take in our exports. We will forgive your loans for building a free market and free religious grids. Then during the 1990's the Soviet Union collapsed. During this time President Clinton was able to balance the economic grid system in the USA. While also President Clinton followed through on the US military statements. That stated we would forgive the loans once the US went into a sirplus or the Soviet Communist grid was gone. So the US forgave trillions in development loans. At this time the world of the west thought,  the Communist are gone, this development war game is no longer necessary.

Thus though, President Clinton was found guilty of high treason in the congressional courts, us courts and military courts. As the Communist Threat was not over. As per the Book Deception which outlines the whole trial and everything going on that had very little media attention. That was based on another massive Communist Party and its desire to destroy the West and Democracy. Some of the bigger facts where that he allowed the Communist Chinese to bring in COSCO shipping and sell of many of the US world military bases and export defense systems as per cutting US military grids. Which he took money from a Communist Chinese Espionage unit to do, as per the courts and congressional evidence. He then let go all military defense assets that protected the development loan structure. As we had forgiven them all anyways. Prior to this time the Communist Chinese began working closely with the Service Union of the USA.

The Service Union begin driving our economic cyclical legislation. As per their works and commands of the system we did the savings and loans, .com and mortgage and now the insurance service cycle; which will begin in 2014. These legislation's allowed the US to feel comfortable with the Communist Chinese Propaganda agency destroying our export grids. As their propaganda agency is over 3.5 million personnel working mainly on the matter of imploding the Western grids. This was done to strip out the the US export business and communize and statize those fresh treasury sirplus of the USA tools that we had, to the Communist Chinese state. The US during these patterns went into a roller coaster of economic implosion. When the service economic boomed then busted and we went under as the Chinese Communist took over our root  of fresh treasury which was the export industries. Thus each cycle is going deeper and deeper into a deficit. Until finally today the US can no longer get back into a sirplus or balance. As the last mortgage service union boom bust showed. We have lost to much exports and fresh treasury to come back and balance out. So the roller coaster is now keeping us in the red slowly getting more and more into an implosion grid.

The majority of these export business where owned by the Republican party. So those export companies that once received great assistance from the US export and military development commands. Now are communized to the Chinese state. Where the Communist State gives stipulated funds to the Republican elders who get paid to politicalize the ok'ing of Communist Chinese take over of the USA economic grid system. Which in reality if you look at, is high treason, and the law is, high treason. As the Republican leaders who get paid from the Communist Chinese statized business that used to be theirs, now just argue in the world of conservancy that Communist Statization of western free markets is ok.

Today the Republican Party's like the Wisconsin party, fight against our best tools against communist Chinese State Owned Enterprises to stop the take over by the Communist party of our economics. Which during the cold war was labor unions. As labor unions stopped the Soviet Communist State from greedily paying rich owners to allow their business to be statized to the Soviet state. Then when the Republican Wisconsin Party took power, the first place they go to get development loans that stipulate they have to buy from, is the Communist State Party system. Which is the worlds biggest communist state system. Then in blue states like San Francisco, California over 10 loans of development that stipulate they have to buy products and labor from the Communist State Owned Enterprise system have taken over their grids.

It seems to me today that both parties have forgotten the old development war system of a simple reality. We just simple give out development loans and stipulate to buy from our national markets. Just like Russia, China, Germany, Brazil, India and the others still do today, but for some reason the USA does not. In which a simple algorythm could keep us in a sirplus for our country. I am not so much upset about the left as they are lefty's.  But, more so about the Republican party cutting our world defenses our budgets and then taken development loans from the Communist Chinese. In which allows the Communist State to statize our free markets to their state. While destroying the world free market defense system by imploding our own department of defense world Democracy and free market defense bases.

Rider I

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Illegal Immigration and the Laws of Inequality.

Illegal Immigration and the Laws of Inequality. 
A Legal Treaties on 140 Years of Law
Prior to 4 Mexican Espionage Agents
In US Politics.

Proverbs 16:11
"A just balance and scales are the Lord's; all the weights in the bag are his work"

Prior political quotas in migration not based on race or ties to families but political ideas. As per Democracy. If one side of the family tree only gets to come here due to family ties then the other political family tree never gets any. Majority of folks take after their families political beliefs.

How to Force a Stay in Legislative matters until the military completes its complete foreign analysts of Mexican military involvement in illegal immigration and the current one sided policies of inequality of Democracy.

Collect laws on Ellis isle that allowed both major parties to go out and one to one boat for voters in lands of like minded citizens of the world.

Collect laws on the quota laws. Where prior to 1960's illegal immigrants where part of the quota law. Where if one party chose to fight for their rights for citizenship then the other party was able to also gain their choice of citizens. Just like legal migrant quota laws of one to one for both major parties.

Collect mexican built grid's based on militarized human smuggling and drug smuggling.

Collect mexican official statements of mens rea to build genocide grids to take over.

Collect laws of equality in the USA.

Collect how to stop a legislation and force research into this matter.

Collect the whole 20 million illegal immigrant amnesty given over the last 50 years which from my scrape of the research so far. Every 5-7 eyars the Democrats give around 3-5 million Majority Mexican leftist voters amnesty.

Speak on how the use of such one sided politics. Will destroy the idea of the conservative party without power of equality in migration allowances.

Analologize the idea of the left swinging around 12 million leftist illegal voters getting amnesty to the Republicans worlds biggest run and owne4d Republican arms commission personal party military being thrown around in MIlitary tribunals of law and war for peace and justice.

Collect analysts on constitutional issues of naturalization of citizenship through birth only and foundational leaders worried about specifically mexican take over if we do not force birth citizeznship only.

Collect 140 years of both parties not sinking as low to work with Mexican military to illegal immigrate to allow them to take over.

Collect laws against genocidal grid warfare.

Collect demographics on the genocide and illegal work that is happening and how easy it is to see that mexican officials are peperuting this invasion of spoken about for 140 years in US law prior to 1960's. Where we did not migrate from Mexico except for the world war II issue as our citizens went to war and we gave more worker permits to come to the USA for the first time since manifesto destiny.

Speak about military tribunal laws and political military tribunal laws against the allowances of one party to conspire to destroy the other or use foreign military to destroy the other analogize this Mexican work with the Democrats to those laws.

Propose a legal way to push back the 140 years of power of equality through the point of a gun in military tribunals and or civilian tribunals where legal or illegal migrants that one side chose as their own means the other side gets to chose to migrate their own choices.

Collect schools of thought in equality law, schools of thought in unrestricted warfare and Mexican intel. Schools of thought in socio gridding to prove Mexican intel genocide  Criminal analysts to prove that the old Racist foreign espionage of Britain and Germany UK and Clans are analogized exactly to genocide grids of the Mexican espionage grids warfare that we see the Democrats sinking this low to try and win and destroy Republican party values and voter fairness.

Collect all funders of the Mexican KKK style grid genocide. Collect all politicians funded by Mexican espionage through laundering mats or specific business.

Collect proof that every single Dream act and other Mexican illegal immigration movement has ties directly back to Mexican consulates and Mexican embassies to prove espionage.

Show how the Mexican government even though it is less than a few hours in a buss away from the boarder has more consulates than any other nation in the world here.

Proverbs 16:11

"A just balance and scales are the Lord's; all the weights in the bag are his work"

Collect a Historical educational on issues of the era of imperialism being taught in grammer schools and the battle to take limperalism out of schools and implement nationalism to the Mexican school systems with regards to US lands and country. need a specialist.

That whole area around President Truman when the world was going from Imperialism teachings and cultural influence to Nationalism. Collect on that with regards to the world educational institution reform against imperialist teachings to nationalist teachings. Issue proving that Mexico imperialist teachings are the primary reason for its illegal invasion. Just like during the imperialist years when countries taught their children in schools specific ways to invade foreign lands the leaders of the country wanted to invade. So they would do it on their own acting without government help or with government help as their patriotic duty.

International Laws Against Teaching Imperialism areas of schools to attack this root and prosecute the root as the Truman light sources did during that time of reform. The idea of teaching to genocide in schools laws on it. How to apply this to genocidal or imperialist professors like we did during the truman doctrine around the world and in the USA.