Zuckeberg Committee,
This is the ancient MacDonald family member committee. I want you to think about what you said today. The US is a country of immigrants. That is true however we did it legally and where properly regulated under law. Elis ile was a Democracy immigration. The two big parties at that time would legally go out and seak boats of people in their own ideological perspective. Then when they got off those boats they would properly sign in and obtain legal citizenship through the law.
Zuckeberg starts his family committee out with a prempted paradigm our immigration policy is wrong for a migrant country. This means in my mind that the committee is for criminals and for illegal immigration. As our policy was set during all of the years for the USA. So your paradigm that we where a migrant country yet our legal migrant laws of structured of migration that have been forever Today are wrong. This is a criminal paradigm.
I want you to take a look at my paradigm. The USA has legal migrant laws. We allow in a set number of world citizens to come here. So our markets economy and security are properly regulated. Like we have done for 200 years. There was never a time once this country had a constitution. That we had illegal migrants coming here. IF you read the constitutional laws the main issue was Mexico and before them Spain The idea they could just walk here and take over our nation from our citizens.
Today the Mexican military does the majority of our migration. 80% of all illegal migrants are Mexicans. Where the Mexican military has pys opts bases. Where they sell billions of dollars in drugs to help them take over the USA. If you have read any of the Mexican migrant leaders ideas or quotes. They are about not migrating here legally. But about genocide and racist take over of the USA. You have joined them in this war to take over our nation. You thus will be seen by the war families as a Mexican military sympathetic institution and most likely have ties to drugs and human smuggling families. Today over 300,000 US citizens die because of illegal migration patterns that our laws are not structured for. That suffocate out our citizens jobs and or fall pre to Mexican military suffocation attacks. Where they use drugs low income forced jobs due to grid take over. As the Mexican miltiary takes over street corners and local angry youth to scare the populace into defeat and racist take over.
Again I would like to tell you the US has never been an illegal immigration country. Obviously you have not read one law or constitutional provision or history on migration patterns and legalities. I want you to know when Apple began to help the Mexican military take us over with their pro CISEN operations helping. I took out their years worth of financing and told them I would legally through hostile take take over their business. I have over 10 trillion world wide at my finger tips as a centuries old family committee. I letting you know you start helping Mexican military with their grid warfare. I will do the same to you legally. And your technology and your mind and intellectual property will deemed a threat to the USA.
I do not care what you think you are unread and unstudied on migrant patterns and laws. And you are most likely taken knowledge from a Mexican military espionage agency or militant unit.
Before you move forward do a full report on laws and US migrations. You said the US has always been a migrant nation. True every nation is. However, we have always been a legal migrant nation to stop folks like the Mexican grids from suffocating out the US citizens and also violating major economic macro grid issues of grid warfare and espionage through drug epidemics and major warfare of instability issues. I will be watching you and as you are a young family committee welcome but beware if my family finds you guilty of working with Mexican military to take over the USA. The families that work against illegal migration will be legally voted for to obtain rights to take you over in war.
Thank you.