This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at
US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Wruckers room

A Country a People a Culture Stays great cause it does not allow itself to be attacked or oppressed. The USA is currently run by a grid of losers to the Communist Chinese oppression. Racist Latin's leaders more worried about allowing Mexico to invade our grids to take over. African Racist Progressive more worried about taken over US European heritage muscle influence and base closures. European American's more worried about the Communist Chinese Proxy Warriors instead of the root of the matter like we did during the Cold War against the Russian Puppetted state of China's Bolshevist proxy warriors. A grid of losers and not one can figure out a simple plan to get us out of deficit to compete against the Communist State Owned Enterprise's. A country and culture does not stay great cause of some kind of ideological perspective that their theory will win. Even if they are massively being destroyed by a foreign state. Free Trade does not work in a neo-mercantilism world. The US alone has lost 3,000 Export Business over the last 18 years. Accumulative to 55,000 just to the Communist State Owned Enterprises of a mono fascist party state. This then would have been around currently with our civil needs, we would be in $34 trillion dollars of surplus if we would have fought the Communist like we did during the Cold War. As during the cold war we where spending around 15 trillion a year just on space race. These days thanks to oppressed weak leaders we are cutting everything and running scared from grid speech and grid maneuvers.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ok so I have two months to come up with $550

This is the amount I need to get into my next education courses. Currently I barely have enough to pay for my motorcycle. As I am taken out loans each month to do that. So I will have to try and find a bigger loan to do that. I am currently already in debt $300 on the personal loan shark issue. Plus next month $150 for motorcycle and $200 for food, then the same for December. Then I need $550 plus the $150 and $200 for food. This really sucks not having a good job.

Rider I
oh well issh happens.

I have always been very poor but been able to control the very powerful. How I think it is because I will not bow and I will not become some slave or allow anyone no matter how powerful dominate me.

So I am poor but very powerful lol oh well.

Alright schedule is set out I have a grip on my future and not is time to scheme how to get the money to do it. eh? how to get $550 for school mmmmmm. lol trouble making time minium wage job maybe poor man smarter than business owners'.

It is hilarious to me how I have set major policies of defense in this country. Yet have still to receive any real good stable job or employment opportunity except for skull and bones employments. $10 $12 yet my everybody else my age is getting jobs without any experience at $20 an hour and the such. Yet me the guy who has saved billions in damages, and death tolls and physical warfare, having to go to work for $8 an hour. Lovely.

Rider I

The Control of US Labor Unions by the Communist Chinese.

The biggest worry during the cold war was that the Soviet Atheist where going to take control of the US labor Unions and use them to destroy the US. So the US used the US labor Unions to destroy the Soviet Union. As the labor unions where used to stop tens of thousands of good manufacturing jobs from going to the Soviet Communist State Enterprises. Which could easily be manipulated to look like they where a cheaper source of goods in the short run. However, the military knew that in the long run we would economically implode if we lost major amounts of US exports that bring in foreign treasury. Today we see that since 1993 over 18 years ago from this article date. That the US has lost over 55,000 manufacturing business to the Communist Chinese State Owned Enterprise's. This is mainly due to the destruction of the cold war labor Union power structures.

The old labor Unions during the 1950's through 1992. Where run by the Catholic Church and the Italian family. During those times the Italian family did not use drugs. As they saw it as what they called a spick or Mexican form of warfare against the people of the United States of America. The Italian family would kill anyone one of their own labor Union bosses or construction yard men who had anything to do with drugs or communism during those cold war days. During those days not one US labor union person was allowed to state anything about Communism as it was atheist viewpoint and the Italians ran a very strict religious ship. According the Secret War documentaries on Discovery Channel. The Italians so long as not dealing in Drugs as the US military saw it and see's drugs as a Mexican genomic warfare analogious to English Opium wars against China. Where given complete Licenses to Kill who they felt was a threat to the US Democracy or the US freedom of religion. This is one of the main reason's the US labor Unions where so strong and the US economy was also so strong. Due to heavy US exports to foreign lands instead of heavy outsourcing of jobs. As exports bring in fresh treasury that pay off taxes and deficits. While outsourcing just enriches the CEO's. As in almost all cases the idea that products are cheaper is never true. As the products that where produced here and exported to other places are still the same prices as if they are created in a Communist State Owned land. That has forced the business to be joint owned with the Communist State and forced to give over its intellectual property rights to the Communist State. So in all reality the Business is no longer the free markets or individuals. Thus economic warfare as per the theories of the old cold war Labor Unions LTK's granted.

What happened to the Labor Union's was that the government figured that they did not need them anymore. As the Soviet Union had given up and decided to become a Democracy. So the state owned enterprise grid that was the big worry of our economic implosion as the military number one doctrine during the first cold war; was no longer an issue. Therefore, the doctrine of economic warfare or secret war changed. Where the Mexican government saw it again a place where it could take power from the US prides and give it to the Mexican's. So they could further their genomicide of narcotics destroying US families and child birthing. While implementing the same English versus Chinese Emperor opium war of removal of people via addiction gridding. Where areas of current high illegal immigration can be seen with specific areas preempting the illegal immigration invasion of high narcotics impacts in every area that then has high illegal immigration. Thus implementing a specific set of people in the area via church programs. As the prior addiction gridding causes major instability of family and stable economics in the local populace. Where American families have higher fostering of children and much lower birth rates prior to the CISEN genomic material invasion. As today we see that the Mexican CISEN addiction grids have destroyed whole areas of Americans and have removed them from competitive abilities for jobs through drugs. Then implement a heavy policy of high illegal immigration into the area to thus take over the economic seats.

CISEN which is the Mexican espionage saw that the US was slacking on its economic warfare grids. During the 1990's. It also saw that the help that was there for the Italian families that did not due drugs or allow atheist into the labor Unions was also slacking. As the Italians where no longer killing their own for doing drugs. While a major obvious burn man came in as John Gody. As nobody before had ever been allowed to be so outright and not proper about things. Which is theorized in the economic warfare secret societies that either it was brain manipulation by the wood pecker program. Which is the programmed the US named the Soviets brain manipulation programs. As it would leave studders in their victims. Or the US military decided it no longer desired to produce a high level of labor union protection for its country. Through protecting the evidence of the Italian families muscle. As currently in Mexico any American forensic analysts can walk into any crime lab and solve about 40,000 murders in less than one week. As per an audit by a defector of the CISEN intel forensics grid. These major events in the 1990's. The end of the cold war, the military backing off its LTK promises, and the CISEN seeing weakness. Moved to almost a complete destruction of Italian families running the good shepard programs of the labor Unions. As today the majority of Italian militarized culture families. Are heavy into drugs and the lap dogs of CISEN and North Korea.

Since the end of the Italian reign over the labor Unions. We have seen the Communist Chines step in hard into the gridwork of the labor Unions. After the Italians where booted out. We saw the labor unions heavily just start funding one side. Instead of the cold war forced by the Italians to fund Republicans and Democrats. Today we see the Democrats just funding one side. Which is attributed to heavy Communist Chinese influence in the labor Union sectors in major areas that the Italians used to hold territories of good shepardizing. So the Labor Unions will lose weight and balance in their legislation to stop economic implosion of local manufacturing. Because as per the Italian Labor Union manifesto if we just fund one sided we will never be able to protect our workers good quality of life. As it allows the opposing non side to attack us for no other reason besides we are not showing them any love. Which is exactly what has happened. Any time a major manufacturing implosion of our jobs has happened. The Labor Unions where not able to muster support on both sides to stop the Communist Chinese big government owned enterprises from taken our jobs. This one sided funding also allowed the Labor Unions to be used as economic implosion weapons themselves. By having very unbalanced legislation like forced labor union's, and policies that are drifting at imploding businesses and working with communist parties to create espionage. Instead of the old cold war balanced labor unions that worked against the Communist State Owned Enterprises. Which is due to primarily the fact that labor unions are only funding the leftist. Another major example's of Communist Chinese controlling our unions is, the current imbalance of the service union muscle to the actual labor union muscle. This is shown through Communist Chinese heavy close working with US service Union in funding, using them with regards to US local business of services that the Chinese own and build in the US. While also major fancy vacations for the Service members from Communist Chinese tied into the PLA members. Where as the US Labor unions that work for exporting businesses, can't even get the time of day from the Communist Chinese. While also the Communist Chinese are known to fund those Republicans through subsidiaries of the PLA and MSS shadow business that try and destroy the local labor unions that create high amounts of exports. This is because the stronger the service Union the more likely things like Service industry like mmmm Insurance legislation or other service matters will be concentrated on as per funding and major research and developing of their issues. Where as because of the service unions power. The US has spent the last four years just concentrating on a service industry legislation. That in the long run will create the prior banks and loans, .com, mortgage cyclical deficit attack strategy that the Communist Chinese have used for the last 18 years through that institution. Which has allowed the Communist Chinese to strip the US of its export industries. As each time we go into another service industry lead economic bell curve as per legislation created through the service industry union to lead our economy. We have seen a steady bubble and then each time it burst. We went further into debt as we lost more root economic export jobs that bring in foreign treasury. While the weaker labor unions that create exports that bring in fresh treasury will have no abilities to concentrate legislation on what this country really needs. Which is combating communist chinese state owned destruction of US economies. Through proper labor issues of outsourcing. This then allows the Communist Chinese to create a high resolve for services which create a deficit inflow via no major exports to gain foreign treasury. While the labor unions are oppressed and exports that create major inflows of treasury that the US needs to stop its deficit implosion can't get any legislation passed.

As such in solution to these issue that has been created by a lack of discourse, research, and knowledge in our current military structure of economic implosion. An area I would say that is should be studied is the secret wars to control the US labor Unions. Where today it would seem the lack of US military overight of a major economic grid point. Has caused the US its basic loss in economic implosion. As today our shepards have become the dogs of our second biggest enemy. Which is the genomic opiate and economic seat invasion by our neighbors. Where the basic idea of the loss of those shepards has allowed our once very proud best weapon against Communism and the Soviet union. To turn into our worst tool and weapon that works for the Communist Chinese. As per the service union's overpowering and creation of deficit concentration of bank and loans, .com, mortage industry and now insurance industry. All of which have left the US over the last 18 years without a single export dominated semester of economic legislation or leadership. Which has lead the US to go into a cyclical bubble burst deeper and deeper into deficit. As the Communist Chinese strip the US of its manufacturing and export capabilities.

Rider I

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Set date for my travels to the Non Profit help center

My new plan is to actually have my new non profit license by the time the Presidential election is over. So I can catch some of that Republican gusto afterwords. Where I will be able to find a good campaigner for donations and a team to help me gather the funds I need for my anti Communist studio's, research company, and library. So I can start to work on my dream of owning a 187 cultural Economic Warfare Research and Educational school. That is my dream for this week.

Two days in the non profit help center. Get the forms fill them out, figure it all out. Call the John Birch Society to see if they can help me. Even though they are a for profit institution. Which I know owns many shadow companies. As when I would send things in they would make products based on what I was saying to them. Which is good as the 10,000 of them all together pay in about ~500 to 200 billion in taxes among them. So if I can get the legal limit from their taxes directed to me at 30% as most of them do not donate to anything but Bircher issues. That would mean I could get 150 billion. I only need one to get my dream 187 cultural school going. Like the old Congress for Cultural Freedoms was. That is the sell for me. The idea that the majority of folks in this land do not know that up to 30% of your yearly taxes if you pay in and never get anything back can be directed by your personal wishes and desires to a non profit of your educational desires. And there is no anti communist pure non profit anymore like there used to be. So that will be me and again I am not against all labor Unions. As the Republic is a political union, the US is a state Union, and my family is old cold war unions and fought for their own individual businesses as Republican Union men.

The non profit will be space economics and anti economic warfare or anti communist economics studies and educational institute. So when I finally knock out the last commy party off this planet. We can purely study space economics and competition and advance theories of individual business ownership in space.If worse comes to worse I will just ask the folks in my over 100 family and friends network that pay taxes and get nothing back to just direct 30% of that my way. Which from 10 of them I know could be at least a cool $100,000 in directed taxes.

Rider I

Then when ever my wife cycles I will write the bloody sunday research papers. 

Response to my Cultural Agitation for Genocide case against the Communist Party of China.

"Dear Sir, Madam,

Thank you for your message. Please note that the International Criminal Court has a very limited jurisdiction. The Court may only address the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes as defined by Articles 6 to 8 of the Rome Statute that have occurred after 2002, and can only exercise jurisdiction in the countries that have ratified it. For more information on the Court’s jurisdiction and the full text of the Rome Statute, please refer to page 2 of the attached document and our website, We encourage you to carefully review this information.

If, after your careful review, you believe this is the correct place for your case and would like to submit a claim to the Court, you will find directions for how to do so on page 1 of the attached document.

Kind regards,

OTP Information Desk
International Criminal Court"

This means I have to look to see if there is jurisdiction I guess then as per I already looked and they ratified it. I guess I have jurisdiction. So I will have to email them back. 

Chrysler Jeep Shutting Down Plants in US to move them to China.

This is true President Obama's camp is lieing. The business model plan now being used by Jeep is the same that was allowed to be used by GM, and GE. Which are both partial State Owned Enterprise. This are the fact that they would rather take American current jobs and future jobs of exports. That bring in fresh treasury that is needed to pay taxes as per the income tax, ripple affect of jobs based around the good jobs and just outsource the jobs to China. Where once there the Communist state will force Jeep to give over its 4x4 technology as per innovation laws, while also forcing it to be owned by the Communist Chinese State. So this is a lie, the us is losing massive amounts of jobs due to Jeeps new business model. Which in the long run will do like what is happening with GM and GE. GM and GE said the same thing three years ago. Where now we have more imports from Communist China on our own state owned enterprises than we do exports to Communist China from those enterprises. So the Jeep model is exactly like Romney said it is we are losing jobs and major economic riple affects. Which in the long run will do like the 55,000 manufacturing jobs we have lost to the Communist Chinese state. Destroy our industries.

If you have every walked around Detroit you will see a place that used to look like the car manufacturer of the world. Where everything was done locally and exported to other countries. So fresh treasury poured into the USA. Today other countries do that. As major countries engine industries import into the US the majority of their vehicles. While today as per Detroits ugly condition. The US barely makes enough cars for its own local consumption. As a high percentage of vehicles are imported from foreign lands now. Which means instead of building a new industrial power house. The CEO's are moving the engine industries to places like the above stated business model of Communist China. Which then they do not sell the cars for cheaper there or hear. They just pocket more money for the CEO's as it costs them less in labor to produce it there.

So instead of the old 1950's auto industry. Where we exported the cars and the CEO's did not get more money by off shoring expenses via labor. The US Auto industry over the last four years has started a new business policy that the last 18 years has been used in the US manufacturing industry. Which is to off shore labor expenses keep CEO pay and high executive and completely in less than two years from starting the off shoring of labor costs. Shutting down facilities. So instead of the US Jeep American Made exporting cars to the 1.3 billion populace of China. Which could drastically rebuild millions of jobs here at home. They are just going to build them there, sell them for the same price and pocket the money into the rich and wealth Democrats who now run and own the three major US engines SOE companies, GM, GE, and Jeep.

Rider I
Most Knowlwedgable Lister
Rider I Anti Economic Warfare Blog Post. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Chinese Emperor's Networks.

As per the documents that show Engels was paid by the Chinese Emperor to Create the destruction manifesto of the Western Religious Democracies. And as per the Invasion of the Russian Monarchy Democracy and the tiny Bolshevikian raid of the Russian Government Democracy offices and the genocide of the Russian Heritage. Which then allowed millions of Chinese soldiers to invade Russia. Which up to about 10 years ago where still housed in underground bases and still living in Russia trying to control the Russian Communist Party. These are the networks the Chinese Emperor's wishes have created:

The destruction of different religions as compared to the basic Communist Religion with in all Communist Pa-rites is Confucius. And the destruction of different cultures of political parties is well doctrinated in the Chinese history:

Yet there is not one anti communist league in the world anymore. As there was during the cold war.

Rider I

I will be off my wruckus cite from 10/29/12 - 11/05/12

I will be however, still keeping up with my daily reading of Communist Chinese economic warfare and its old trying to take over Soviet satellite states or dictators or creating new areas of fascist economic take over.
I am working on a volunteer report to help advance the current mass cognition of US Economic Crisis Management. Which will take me about one week to do this volunteer project. However, I have not wrote an MLA style paper for a while. So it will take me a while to proof read and cite properly. Usually I write in drunken paralegmil. Which is part law, part military, part drunken just pure man of Democracy not letting anything hold me back on my pure Democracy american thoughts to Congress and military. This is not communism or some kind of racist divide. It is Democracy as it stands constitutionally.

I will be keeping a volunteer hourly bases and the cost of my volunteered time. As per going rate of my research hours. As I used to bill at $75, $95, or $125 an hour depending on the necessary issue of secrets I had to store in my head and remember not to talk about during my social life. However, I only made $13 dollar's an hour due to a very improperly managed firm financially due to illness of videot, but all the clients and attorneys knew this as he would play video games while with General's, City attorneys, business etc. The worst part was having to sit there watching him be a videoet I would tell him he needs to seek help with regards to video game addiction. As per my cousin who did the same thing and ruined his great life. Then he would yell at the firm for not doing well. When he was the owner and instead of going to social functions and taken me the head paralegal. Which was never treated like that or paid like that. He would sit and play video games and never go to places to get more major clients like social's or volunteer events. It is one thing if you are an employee to go home and play video games. It is another thing if you have 15 employees and over $10,000 a month on your shoulders to be a videot. I waited until the second time he did not pay a very good employee and we had gone through 8 employees that could not stand working for him. Due to his constant last minute ordering when he pulled his head out of the video games.I went to a video game addiction cliniqu got paper work, talked to his wife who was a complete inabler and who should have also been billing for the firm too but hardly did, and I went to his son who just kept asking for more money from his dad even though is pap's was going down and losing in flames and he had a major addiction. I remeber one even we where supposed to go meet with judges at a sponsorship for our industrial law program. I had it calendered and was happy to go meeting with folks showed up to drive his fancy car. And he said no not today I am resting, and he was playing video games for the last two days. It sucked, I as the personal head of the paralegal's, never got to go to the great law firm socials where networking was bountiful due to the videot in the chair over there. Which I once called him to a General as I got yelled at for him not going to a social due to his video game playing. Which I yelled back and was completely honest about. Then we would have staff meetings where I got every single attorney and legal staffer on it due to my videoing his video game habit in front of very important US personnel for our cases. And when the staff and attorneys saw it they said oh my god. But that did not matter as he would sleep through meetings due to playing video games all night. And it was my fault some how the firm was not working out or gaining money. yaaaa my fault, sure. Then I was like after the 4th employee we did not pay for months on end that was a great employee and the 15th personnel we could not keep on board. I said this firm is dying cause of your addiction and you are ruing my life with my girlfriend as you call me up in the middle of the night or when I am on dates because you play video games all day long when I am at work. All the above happened, my x hates me, his firm went under and I am unemployable because I do not have my three years as needed at working in an industry. So I am stuck in the terrible two's. So I am not entry, and I am not experienced. So wrucker u, I write volunteer stuff. ha.

I am guessing that at 40 hours or so. I will have donated $3,000 of my time to this report and research idea; at the lowest cost as per I am leaving it on my open public source cite; with no cost for secret keeping. It will answer the questions of the Economic Crisis manager worker. Plus it will give me something to put on my resume. If the Economic Crisis manager says it is good work or provides light to an unknown area.

Thesis of the paper is:
Issues on Advancing Economic Crisis Management.

Rider I

Mexico's War with Azkaban (Azerbaijan)

Brain Storming Redirecting old Soviet Communist Programming in CISEN.

It all starts with the removal of a statute in Mexico of a Fascist Dictator that helped the Soviets try and destroy the Catholic church. This fascist Dictator was allowed in the area as the Soviets had high relations with the Mexican government. However, the Soviet Government and that old Mexican government are all now gone. Azkaban threatens full city upheavil if the statute is removed by CISEN or by Government force. Yet Azkaban has no clue how powerful the CISEN army of guerrillas eye's are on the ability to kill anyone they want with cowboy style fashion. Mexico has never really seen a real foe and has never really had a chance to show that it is an active part of Democracy building. Azkaban is in need of a serious show of Democracy Guerrilla force. Mexican Planes will land in Iraq, thousands of Mexican soldiers will pull in for the Azkabany but whooping of a Mexican lifetime. Whole CISEN spectrum cabbage patch fields will pull together against a common foe. The country will become a great builder in Democracy. Which will be the first step in Mexico's ability to help the US build Democracy in Latin America. Instead of being the old cold war puppet of just invading the US on the economic warfare grid implosion war.

Then we can work together with Mexico to help invade Venezuela in the comming years after the Azkabani Mexican Democracy building war. To build Democracy in Venezuela and create a Mexican Latin American table rule instead of Venezuelian backed by Commy China table rule.

Then we use the Mexican base in Azkaban after the Government succeed's to Democracy. Then we will become friend with Iran and Inavde Commy China. And no more atheist world rule.

First we must create a church evasion to Fascist Dictator of Azkaban. Then afterwords the educational systems must start producing elements of mass cognition of how the Soviets used Azkaban to create fascist systems for a mono world Russian Rule. Then we must show how today not even Russian is a fascist system any more and they also believe in Democracy. Afterwords, we must connect the CISEN connection to areas of Azkaban, as Mexicans and European Americans look just like Azkabani's.

Then we must grid out the statute area like we did to Iran to force Iran to get better security for their area if they are going to build nuclear issues. As we stole their statute with a simple first year gridder critter class doing it. Sorry bunch of Iranian security guards. Then once we have the statute gridded out. We must start vandalizing it. So as to create friction in the air. So we can see who Azkabani's has at their best positions and local networks. Preferable a stencil of my face the King of the Illumaniti the Democracy fascist. would be good. Then hang a dead goat's head on it. Then after we let it sink in and grid out each players areas of connection and we predict and precise. then we set up the glowing eye program of CISEN does so well. That Mac taught Delgado during the war against the Spanish King. Then after my face is stenciled onto the fascist dictator for the Communist statute, and the head of the goat is removed. Then we have the networks out and we start to slowly invade Azkaban with Mexican Middle Eastern burrito stands.

Thus then by that time. Azkaban must feel a local fire under their butts. Which will have to come from some kind of political errantance. Which will cause them to look for an outlet. Which they will see an easy far away centralize the people to hate this issue of Mexican's defacing the statute of Azkaban's greatest Soviet Fascist Dictator. At that time it will climax and the statute will dissapear. All that will be left is a simple slogan, Freedom. At this time the networks we have gridded out will start to energize. We will have to make Sure Italy  Russia and the others are on board and we are watching their networks too. Italy has not been in a good war for a while and Russia loves a good shadowing. Then this will piss off the cowboys. As they start to hear Azkaban trying to blow them up and trying to invade them with Muslim temple's and other areas of Azkabani hate. At this time CISEN as a cowboy tribe will react and most likely like a pot of tary coffee on a cold morning. Very harshly. Azkbana will get even more mad. At this time Mexico will speak to Italy and Russia and decided that it is necessary to invade Azkaban for its mouthing off. There and thus the Mexican's will have their war to help start to build Democracy. Thus allowing them to befriend the US as a neighbor of Democracy building. Instead of a neighbor of fascist invasion as per the old CISEN strategy that the Russian Soviets placed in that is still being used. Thus redirecting the roots of CISEN away from US economic implosion invasion and towards Latin America dominance for Democracy.

Thus Azkaban will give the Mexican Generals the war they have always wanted to have. While also allowing Mexico to work much closer with the US Generals on Democracy building. So as to create a stronger relationship. Which will in theory cause a major relationship between the two. So as to help build a proper Latin Continent invasion for Democracy. So we then start to remove the last stick men of the Communist atheist world in Latin America.

The end game is to erase the old Soviet CISEN programming and implement it with the new Russian American style working together against Communist Chinese proxy agents near Russia's boarders for Democracy. While also working with the Muslim world new Democracy building instead of just being Communist Parties stick men like they where during the cold war, or US Democracy guerilla forces that never gained a country for Democracy. Therefore, we will need to work with the forces inside of Russia that are pro Democracy and stay away from the old Communist Party militarized part of the Russian forces. So we can start to reprogram Mexico to be a Democracy builder. Instead of the USA fascist Democracy economic imploder as per opiate wars and genomic invasion of economic seat warfare.

In conclusion the idea is to re establish a new core direction for CISEN. Which has been set by the Soviet guard to economically implode the US to stop Democracy building and our power house economics. Through English v China opiate style warfare. While also US v Spanish Royalty illegal immigrant warfare during the Mexican Spanish war. Where Mexico and Spain where so busy going to war with each other over Mexico that the US just massively invaded the US territories with illegal immigrants  Therefore, if the US can centralize Mexican forces together on a point of small warfare in a foreign land. Which will forcefully bring them together as a Democracy force. Then we can start to delete the old Soviet core principle direction of imploding the US Democracy. And reprogram a core CISEN Democracy building. Which after they have become a strong central core of Democracy building in Azkaban working closely with US and Russian forces in the middle east. As per Russian Democracy congressional militarizes (as opposed to the left over Communist Party militaries). Which we can then after they come home from victory and feel like a good Democracy force as they built a Democracy. Can redirect them to Latin Continent working against the last Communist Party dictators in Latin America. To Implement the world of Democracy with no dictator stick men but just Democracy for the countries people. That can use two sides to stop foreign fascist political parties like the Communist Party of China or possible a future mono party system from weakening them against Democracy. The idea is to delete the old programming of the Soviet Implode the US and reprogram work with the US and world Democracy forces to build Democracies.

Other end games is to strengthen Russian Democracy militarizes and destrengthen the Communist Party of Russia that is still today ran by the Chinese state like it was when China invaded Russia and set it up as a stick country as per the Chinese Emperors invasion of mass Chinese military forces and a very small force of the Bolshevikian party that was trading heavily with the Chinese Emperor. That took over the government offices of the Democracy and the heritage of Russian Monarchy.

Iam reproggraming the world like no ish really though I am
all I reprogram is Democracy he he lol lol oh darn this is scary.
Now only if I had employees we could do a really good report of how to redirect CISEN's Soviet programming and recreate Mexican Democracy programming to help the world as a civilized world with major military forces that are bad arse cowboys that pull the trigger for any thing they think is invading it.
Eventually before I die every country will be lead by a Religious Democracy. Where Religions all get along and there are no atheist proxy warriors trying to mono fascistualy take over cultures or genocide lands. Then the world can step together a left step then a right step we dance together instead of this atheist coming in and going no you all may not dance we take you all over for Commy China. Then we invade the universe and start to colonize planets. yaaaa

To the SVR it is only fair that we have worked so hard with SVR to remove Chinese very dug in bases in Russia. For their world take over through the old Soviet Union puppet state. So SVR should be able to work with the US to reprogram for Democracy.

I am sure a small war that can allow the Mexican's to feel strong will not be bothered.

File:Istiqlak beyanmesi.JPG

Sovietization of Azerbaijan, April 1920

the last part of Democracy was written for the Soviet's. Now we shall re write it as a free Democracy for the people.

Mexicans need to fill like they have won something before they can go for the bigger wars against the left over Communist dictators in Latin America.

The Current Party is an old Communist Chinese Soviet puppet state party

Gremlin must deal with it. Out with the Commy Sovy China puppet state in with the Nouvelle Vague Democracy party.

This means we must now get the Russian Democracy congress to see their enemy the Communist Russians who are still run by the Chinese since the Bolshevikian puppet state was created by the Chinese Emperor military. To see that he is a threat to the Democracy of Russia. As it still allows the Russian Communist Party to have dictators for its illegal operations. Which will eventually out fund the Democracy parties of Russia.

lets see what other stick men from the Chinese Emperor's ancient plan to destroy world of Democracy that used the Puppet state of small Bolshevekian party lead with massive Chinese Emperor troop lead. If you read history all of the Russian gulag's where run by Chinese soldiers and the Bolshevikians sent their own citizens to be killed or brain washed by the Chinese soldiers.

Italy, Russian, USA, Mexico Religious Democracy anti communist forces going to Azkabani landers. To stop the Commy Chinese hold they have over the land. Go Catholic, Muslim, Christian, Budhist, Pagan, Druids forces. Big Mexico anti communist forces going to get a big win here. I think my main Nico might be there too with is dirt bike and his eye patch, or maybe Arthur O' Connor, mmmm wonder what hat I should put on for this one.

Can't wait to work with Dimitrii' on this one like we did on the Libya one. Little does everybody know the Russian Democracy factions are very pro Democracy building. I think I will be Nico Machian, in this one. Folks like that one when going against the Communist. i say my family named me after Aristotle's Nico Machine articles of how to battle fascism to create Democracy and a balanced spectrum of light.

Rider I

Helping a Current Economic Crisis Manager

I was at a social function. Where I began talking to a person. He interesting enough was in part of the economic warfare grid board. Which is where a company is laying off individuals or taken impacts for an area. While he has to try and slow the pain and suffering by the lay offs of the company, or try to stop them before they start. Here is what we spoke off and he kind of let me dominate the conversation. As I told him I had over 4 years of economic warfare research under my belt. So he asked me questions and I answered. Here is my advice and simple report to help him further his career and industry.

This week I will prepare a short three paper research program for the issues we spoke about at the wedding.
The first issue will be the matter of the Market Basket research books and probable new further steps. Which could help with helping companies before they have to lay off anyone. As these books and outlines help create a program that can find out where they can further their market approach.
The second issue will be Socio Economic Graphing. This is a research program that can help you with the economic rapid response issues. Where as currently from our conversations your job is to prepare the employee for being laid off. Such as showing them how to file for unemployment, how to find jobs and areas of needed welfare help if needed. Socio Economic Graphing takes it one step further. Where in the case study we spoke off of the 20,000 employees being laid off in a city. Which was the cities main key source of treasury. The idea of just helping them with the basics, will not cut it. As they will never find a job in an area that has laid off that many people or has a higher than 6% unemployment rate. Thus, the needed approach is to take the skill set of the laid off and apply it to a similar approach to the welfare EDD, food stamps, job search cites, but use it to an advanced strategy of showing them how to find the Small Business Association, loans, a new business leader in their community for their skills, while also using the above market basket approach to find a place that the laid off skilled workers might be able to trade with. This is to find the key socio economic person to start a new business or to shepardize the laid off employees for a new enterprise in such a heavy hit economic laid off area.
Lastly I will be going over methodology approaches that one learns in their Bachelor's Degree program then is advanced in in a Masters Degree Program. This will allow you to find specific natural arguments of research to the root of the issues. So as to stop the time wasting of reading massive amounts of information. As a proper methodology can show you the two major or three major arguments that where created in the root books of the ones being used for the whole spectrum of study.

Rider I
Two years ago I wrote a strategized military and congressional report on how we need more economic crisis managers. As currently today we have lost over 55,000 manufacturing business to the Communist Chinese government state owned enterprise. Which less than 3% of those have been rebuilt here in the USA. While those areas are now either highly impoverished, massively living in US SOE buildings, or have very high drug epidemics where CISEN goes in and hooks American's on drugs and kills their economic seats and wipes out futures of the area to be internationally competitive. So maybe my reports will help a little as this man actually works in a crisis management fascitly. Which he stated we do not help the unemployed find business loans or market shares to help them restart their area's laid off employees. For example, take a machine shop lays off 100 employees. Then we could take a local business school, or the manager that might have been laid off then, use socio economic graphing to skill up the area. So as to allow the unemployed to rebuild the area. Instead of CISEN bringing in illegal immigrants to further drain the area of economic seat's that they might transfer too. Such like simple easy non needed education high paying jobs like labor or construction, which machinist can do if CISEn was not pouring in illegal immigrants to take the jobs. Another issue would be labor scraping the area when US citizens are laid off to find them jobs that the illegals have taken that should be their's or the 50% of the US's youth that are unemployed, for example me in my local city I have found 14 different construction companies that pay illegal immigrants starting wages of $16 an hour for simple construction cause they do not pay taxes while I can't find a job that is over 16,000 illegal immigrants I have tracked through local companies in my city I have sat on trying to get a job just watching them in my area alone we go from 14% unemployment to 10% unemployment depends on the season when the illegal's are literally going back to their ranches in Mexico, Or Communist China coming in an buying up the labor to create a treasury holding to the Communist State instead of an American Citizen, or corporation.

market basket report should also contain international competitive areas of justice. For example if a local business is shutting down because a foreign state owned enterprise is getting lots of subsidies. They need to take that to the proper economic warfare board tool, like the trade representative  So as to slow the lay offs by international loss of market place and non competition.

Economic Crisis:

List of sovereign states by current account balance

192 United States-473.9002011

In my area it is easy to follow folks to work that are in areas of high probable cause of non natural migration and economic warfare attacks. They usually live in a small apartment with up to ten people in it. As on the street's there is no room to park even though the zoned areas's are for two car's each per each one room apartment. So a proper socio economic graph could easily remove CISEN's economic warfare attacks and genocidal implications. So as to lower the 10-14% unemployment down to a normal 4% as per the local populace. As i have collected the male illegal immigrants at around 16,000 construction workers. While the female's ranging most likely in the same range at local sweat shops ran by the Democratic leaders in this area I have found to run sweet shops. Are probable the other 10% of the 300,000 local populace. While in Mexico the highest area unemployment they have is 5%. Most from my own personal investigations of working in Democrat party sweet shops as an old stoner teen. Worked hear 6 month out of the year and went home the other 6 months. While the other's lived here did and sold major drugs as if they got caught the worst that is going to happen to them is deportation. Which their family owns major ranches with their elder kids living on so it does not matter. While folks like me can barely move out of their families apartments.

So what is going to happen is you are going to see the major amount of European and African as per the population density in the Armed forces coming home to seeing their kids with no jobs and being on base 24 7 so the CISEN is going to be the direct target of a lot of military operations based on genomic genocide as per opiate wars and economic seat taken. As per after Desert storm a huge amount of CISEN agents where found dead in the USA, along with a number of major CISEN illegal economic seat warfare taken areas where having major missing illegal immigrants. Because our soldiers are just like CISEN when it comes to their own people's economic well being.

As a matter of fact I think CISEN is going to be redirected to war with Azkaban as per a missing statute issue here coming up soon. So that CISEN has to actually stop looking at invasion of the USA as the Muslim's start to look to invade Mexico. Redirection warfare.

Now I just have to propogate that they do not like Azkaban through my Jesus Green Bad network. Then next thing you know the statute is gone Azkaban is freaking out and Mexico is at war needing every single illegal immigrant in their military at home. Where you going come here. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012


When one is flat broke and does not have a car nor a check coming in. One must find other things to do. So instead of buying alcohol and books like I have been doing just book worming up. I must now work out and become firm again so some female HR will want to hire me cause she thinks I look sexy. So it is time to start working out daily. As I have nothing else to do until I find a job.

Next week I go to the Non profit center for professional beggars of intellect. To figure out how to properly create a non profit. Then I start begging for gas money to go to places and present ideas to gain donations for my new professional non profit banister against the Communist Chinese.

I shall be ok I have a very strong family and friendship network. So this means I am going to go dry again. So to the weights, the sexy firm feelings, the non profit library and again hitting rock bottom to restart and reshape the landscape of my life.

Last time this happened. I lost over 40 pounds, gained five degree's became a senator of an education institute, and then met the wrong woman that did not meet my profile of likes and dislikes. She ruined me a good man must have a good woman behind him and she was not it. Five years later broke again lets do it again. ha ha

The DT's from reading non stop and drinking and doing what I want is going to be pretty bad. But the working out counters it and the massive fast loss of weight will do it too. I will probable drop 40 pounds in less than three months. As it gets very bad the first month, after a crash. Rock bottom no more doe, this means working out to firm up appearances and preparing for my non profit professional begging license.

Its ok though I have a a motorcyclical where there is a motor there is a way. lol

Rider I

Friday, October 26, 2012

CISEN's Genomic Warfare Against American Citizens

I do not hate CISEN nor Mexican migrants. I just dislike the community of illegal non natural migrations, of invasion and what their espionage agency is willing to do to help them take over areas.
Just because a man is against illegal matters. Does not make him a hating man. When he watches his babies march in millions cause they have no jobs. While a foreign country invades and tries to get them addicted to drugs to destroy their families for their countries families. The pain I feel, watching over 2 million OWL's kids and adults marching with no jobs. While I watch 23 million illegal Mexican's live in communities that proliferate proxy warriors against US citizens through addiction grids. Cause me pain and thus I write freely under military protection and already over 40,000 human herding of my own. While also having to watch my governance complete be taken over by CISEN desires to ease and give prize and pillows for illegal actions of addictiong gridding and genomic warfare against the USA. Through legislation that states that 10,000 US students are not accepted each semester for our colleges. But today to bow to CISEN and their massive bullying of our immigration industry. We will allow their illegals to take up over 15 million of our College seats. Which then not only boots out the 10,000 students already not being accepted via non seat. It now allows 15 million more to be booted out what an American Dream. So uncool I have 50% of US youth with no jobs. And I have to watch my two leaders Democratic civil or Republican militarized Democracy both spending more time on illegal immigration oh its ok to non naturally invade the US. While the US children and people go further into deficit and have no jobs. So uncool. I find both leaders panzies. We are not in a trade war with Communist China, no they just block us and use major State Owned Enterprise to force our business into communist owned joint ventures while bullying all of US intellectual property. We are not at a war with CISEN, nooo it is a drug war. So lets let the community that sympathies with CISEN genomic warfare have more priority than US citizens. Again it is one thing for countries in civil war or genocide. It is another thing where CISEN kills to herd direct to invade. While US American citiens sit on their welfare and just smoke it into their lungs. While their children die off are heavy pyschologically warfare to go through the same genomic warfare. And millions upon millions of US citizens are dieing off and not birthing. While Mexican Catholics birth 4-10 and get US welfare of up to $4,000 a month even though they are illegals. And it is like America is some better place. When Mexico home ownership to wages is much higher, quality of life in schools and poverty is much higher, and the land square footage to family ownership is much higher. Majority of families have major farms and city homes in Mexico. In the US the majority of families barely own an apartment.

An analogy of the English Opium Wars against the Chinese:
During the war of 1842 the world was at war with the Chinese. The Spanish, American's, English, German's, and especially the Russians, everybody had banded together to free a part of the Chinese Empire to create Democracy, like each of the above named countries had done for their citizens. During this war one of the world's most deadliest books was produced through funds by the Chinese Emperor that paid Engels to find a long term way to destroy the Western Democracy cultures for attacking his imperialist country. This was Karl's Marx's Communist Manifesto. Which is the still today the best economic warfare to attack any economic infrastructure or country. During this time the English had to herd specific Chinese that believed in Democracy out of China into a specific coastal land. So they could create the Democracy area. They did this using Religion and addiction grids. The addiction grids where used to attack specific lines of communication of natural intelligence in the Chinese Emperor, like police, education, politics, etc. They used heavy amounts of opium in China to create major lines of immigration for the religious Democracy non addicted personnel. They then used major addiction grids in the coastal area to get the pro Chinese Emperor citizens to stop creating babies and to mess up their economic futures and lives, as they where addicted to opium. This allowed the English to create Hong Kong with pure addiction grid watchers and pure Democracy citizens. Which was not a racial genomic or cultural war. It was a many diverse cultural that wanted to be divers with other cultures war. Thus Hong Kong. One of the brightest economies in the world thanks to Democracy building.

CISEN's addiction gridding:
Addiction gridding is a very old military tactic. It has been used in ancient wars of Babylonian to create slave's. All the way to Roman times to popiate as it was called whole countries for easy invasion. After they became so heavy opiated that they gave up fighting and just worked and got high. Today the only major countries still using that tactic is Mexico and Venezuela. Mexico is pro Democracy however, its own intelligence agency are so controlled by the Spanish Royalty and Catholic Church. That all they care about is invading the US for Mexican take over. So the Spanish Royal Family and Catholic Church can run the USA. Like the English Royal Family and Protestant Church runs Canada. Which as a Republican in the long run as a rightist if I was pure spiritual and had no patriotic soul. Would not be so bad. As both of those institutions are pro Republican pro rightist. However, today they use the leftist for their invasion. But I am a patriot and thus more a very ancient family to SKA. Therefore, I have spent a life of investigation into CISEN's ties to the Royal family and Catholic church and have 100% accuracy on gridding their portals of entry and the network grids of proxy warriors for the institutions that desire take over of the US. I can go down any street and see any CISEN grid I want. Even home's that they use as different parts of their grids is easily seen to me. However, so long as they stop the leftist which is in their own personal good. As per their belief's in individual spirituality and ownership of heritage. Then I have not attacked. However, today is a different day. The US is no longer in a surplus and can no longer keep the boat a float for their conspiracy or the US conspiracy of world Democracy. Thus trimming has to be done. The main goal of each area's addiction gridder can easily be seen by who meets with the Queen of Spain or her concubine and is allowed to drive the G4. Which is Hitler's personal prized position, and is stated in conspiracy Hitler married into the Spanish family after the war and faked his own death. No man burns himself alive and the person who said he saw it happen. Lived out his days in Spain. With over 6 billion Catholics world wide. It easy to see. It is also a conspiracy to say that the current King and Queen of Spain is Hitler's son and the Spanish Dutche's Daughter. Which is a contradiction that the leftist protect them and help them invade the USA. If you study history and the Amazing appearance of a major core of what looks to be Germans in the hundreds of thousands showing up in Spain then a Duke of that area poping up all of a sudden. Its a conspiracy.

Thus to the addiction gridding. The gridding is very simple. What happens is CISEN's economic watchers see families that are have basic symptoms, one mother one father, children that are very poor, rich kids that just rebel against being rich, or children who listen to heavy brain washing by the narcotics industry icons. Then once this happens a simple networking que. Which can be as easy as speaking something to get the child to walk a different way into a pack of already gridded. All the way to complex use of politics to place an elder rich man into a position that allows the child to throw party through a CISEN proxy warrior grid peer pressure. Then once this is done each character has a lifetime feeding rate for their specific desire on the addiction grid chart. For example a rich kid would be worth more than a poor kid. As they could use them to create bigger grids of addiction than a poor kid could be used to do. Then poor kids can be used to do what they call put in dirt. Which means kill or send messages as they have no value if they are the type of kids who will do anything for a dollar and have no religion or soul. While religious families kids are kept for the illegal immigration invasion issue. Where the majority of helpers of Mexican's genomic invasion have major ties to addiction grids. Thus we can see a simple light into the addiction grid warfare that has been used since ancient times. It is like a computer mother board appears to be. Once you have a complete track of it and can see where things happen. Each one having a source of energy directly from CISEN.

These addiction grids are held by the CISEN operators inside of Mexico deep in areas of high militarized units. These addiction grids are heavy guarded by proxy warriors of CISEN that use force to stop anyone that works to stop the grids except for proper personnel or opposing Royal blue bloods. As pure the Royal international court system. That is still existing to stop the Chinese Emperor take over of the world. Which I am creating a document to take to the Royal International Court based on my nexus to the Scottish King's Ancestor. Therefore to due like Reagan's MacDonald lineage did. Which was to force the Spanish Royal family to look at Venezuela and other heavy leftist areas in Latin America instead of concentrating on the USA invasion. As the tables still considers these the colonies. I will not seek death as it is not a historical lineage land like the Saudi Arabian Prince invade with genomic warfare in Scotland with Heroin.

CISEN's Economic Seat Replacement Grids:
So with the understanding of the Roots of CISEN's genomic opiate war. From the roots to the specific addiction gridding of genomic warfare. We must they look at the economic seat Replacement Grids. This is also another grid system that is stored in CISEN's militarized system of networks deep in Mexico. I know right where they are stored. These grids show predicted addiction grid's families possible seats of economics. Which can be replaced with illegal Mexican immigrant USA born children. In specific areas of high CISEN networking of opiate genomic warfare. Take a single mother with two white males. Where her skill is specific real estate and stocks. The two boys are heavy addicted into the CISEN addiction grid. These boys have a specific grid of possible economic seat outcomes: College, graduate, school, local city jobs, government jobs, political leadership etc. Once the boys are gridded heavily into the addiction grids. Then their possible seats are over gridded with other area network of genomic gridding to show open seats that are more competitive for Mexican illegal immigrant children to take over. Thus creating a power system of sympathy for CISEN genomic warfare invasion. In reality which is just the Spanish Royal family and Catholic churches invasion.

This system of what is known as power enrichment. Looks similar to a nerve ending system. Which has specific areas of the grid that need to happen to specifically open up for CISEN sympathetic war power enrichment. Once the grids are energized the specific computer program can create areas of high open and or non competitive areas that CISEN can gain seats for a position that without the addiction gridding would have been open for the American children. Sometimes the addiction grid does not work the way it is supposed to do CISEN will actually call in busts to attack the specific gridded entity. So that the necessary thinning for the economic seat can happen. Thus opening the power grid for the CISEN sympathetic illegal immigrant child to take power over the pro American. This happens a lot to Democratic party children. As their own sympathetic cause and weak beliefs in illegal immigration allows the majority of Democratic children to become heavily taken into the addiction grid. Thus taken them out of possible future Democratic party enrichment grids. While CISEN replaces then with a stronger formula of entity sympathy. Alot of Democratic Party members actually sacrifice their own children to the CISEN Economic Seat gridding warfare.

Solution Reaganables:
Reagan had over 100,000 Retired American Military move into Mexico during the 1980's to create a community invasion of Mexico to stop the then CISEN warfare against the US via addiction genomic warfare grids and economic seat replacements. Also declaring it an espionage warfare. So our Espionage agents can show community force to bullies like CISEN does in America with their local proxy agents. Thus like Reagan did, having the American espionage agency take over the US again from Mexican espionage. This means like CISEN kills in the USA easily and interrogates or follows specific American families they want to grid into addiction grids that are weak or down and out. After the US declares an espionage war the American espionage agency does the same to their proxy warriors. During this period of time of Reagonomics. Home invasion, illegal immigrants, death from gang warfare everything goes down. As CISEN agitators and protectors are not hear to make the Mexican proxy warriors feel big and bad via major million dollar proxy networks or getting away with use of ghost non printed illegal immigrants in their crews. Areas where CISEN proxy warriors of pro Mexican nationals doing dirt that have high home invasions, high bullying or high market attacks. Then should be countered with US military seek and destroy like we do with Communist Chinese MSS proxy agents in the middle east. This does two fold. It allows the US to regain strength from attacks. While also forces CISEN to concentrate on its own Democracy building of Latin America, like Venezuela, Colombia and other areas that CISEN has completely forgot about as they are purely concentrating on the US invasion instead of Democracy building. Because of CISEN's such greed. They kill their own in mass groves, to take over the USA. While latin American is being taken over again my a Communist foreign threat of this time the Chinese. As Reagan had do to this for not only Mexico's Democracy but for the US's Democracy. It forces CISEN forces to redirect to find funding to latin American thus forcing their cultures into the non Democracy countries of latin American. Also stop saying it is a war on drugs and just state it like we stated it during the cold war. It is a war on espionage agencies that use narcotics for genomic warfare and economic seat gridding.

Again I am not genocidal. However, the current 23 million illegal immigrants working in the USA. That do not have taxes paid and send the majority of their funds back to Mexican major farm's where they own two homes and have more kids and family. Alone could solve the US deficit if our children where not on welfare and actually working legally. As per the 30 million unemployed that would drop the US down to a proper 4% unemployment actually around 3%. However, again not genocidal to the good folks in the communities. Micro impact, alone in my city the total deficit accounts for 100% of the cost to feed illegal immigrants children in our public schools. Which their families do not pay one cent of tax for. And their children as per the issue of tax loss through their parents stealing of economic seats of American unemployed, and their probable outcome of tax payment. Will not catch up for two generations of tax payer. Thus creating the simple deficit of my city alone. But my city is run by illegal personnel who have family that die in mafia style accident with regards to boat accidents running into a big barge in the middle of an open ocean with tons of illegal drugs in their system and found on their boat but none in major packages as the boat was pretty torn up. That is just one impact that does not even account for the genocidal impact of death of American families children and future families due to high genomic opiate wars. My best bet from the photo's I seen of the areas of hall. Was that it was some kind of espionage warfare that went on and took the narcotics from the hull that from the size could have been billions. Most likely cause CISEN was funding the political spectrum hear illeglly. As the to close ties to family and politics. Cause around that same time somebody had broken a treaty in this area that says no body goes around shooting guns.  If you have a problem you go face to face and you get permission. I am guessing the root cause was the I am a Senators Brother and CISEN works with me type issue. Cause there was a lot of drive buys. Then a lot of home invasion of gangsters found dead then the boat accident. Treaty is a treaty I guess. I do not know. I just studied it. That is my guess. A total blood fest of CISEN proxy warriors, a total counter reaction of dead proxy warriors. Pin point a calm to the area. Then a specific high profile accident. I personally did not make fuss out of the issue. As I was like I do not like thinking I am going to be out and about with my kids. I do nothing wrong no illegal actions here. Then all of a sudden some dude rolls by and somebody goes I do not like you I shoot you. Then my kid gets shot like the old white dude and latin dude that where sitting at a park and where very good church leaders that started the treaty that had their kids murdered like that. I am not going to lie kids get guns. It is up to the elders of their families to let them know there is a treaty. I do not live in a ghetto, no offense to that community but we are very churchy hear. But I am sure I pin pointed who did it. But you know sometimes medieval is necessary. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Question for Harvard Russian History.

Chinese Emperor Pays Industrialist to create destruction manifesto against West.

I was wondering you all have looked into the facts surrounding the invasion of Russia by the Chinese Emperors military. From findings I have found. I see that Engel's and Marx's got together around the same time the Chinese Emperor was at war with the West over Hong Kong 1842. As the Hong Kong people wanted to be a Democracy and the Chinese Emperor did not want them to be. Thus then I am finding evidence that the Chinese Emperor had business with Engel's and it seems a lot of trade 1840-1841. Which Engel's had spent time with the Chinese Emperor before he met with Karl's Marx to start the Communist manifesto 1848. Then a short time afterwords I see that in 1917 the Chinese Emperor moved the most military forces it has ever done in its history prior to the Tibetan conflict into the Russian Empire. Where again the same industries of the Chinese Emperor that where trading with Engel's where trading with the Bolshevist party leaders. As Russia had a Democracy under a monarch then. Which afterwords Russia had major Chinese forces in it for a very long time. With Chinese Generals and heads of state running major portions of Russia. 

I was wondering if you have run over any books or theories of these evidential findings? This would fundamentally change the value of European or White beliefs in Communism. If they knew that it was funded to destroy their ancestral heritage of Democracy. Please contact me back. The Chinese Emperor ran Russia for a very long time after the Monarchy of Democracy was destroyed. 

Rider I
I would like to make a movie about this. And thus show how fascism is easily controlled by a single shadow puppet. While Democracy is much more difficult and much more for the people. Thus showing the Chinese Emperor secret as they are still the best kept secret in the world still living in the Chinese Emperor's castle. Yet publically being unseen. As per many years of blocked off from society to create the perfect drawn out puppet show. Much like North korea. 

Cultural Agitation Case against the Communist Party et. al.

Democracy v. Communism et. al.
An applied theory through the Falun Gong trials.

Currently a group of paralegals is working on a case to present in front of the Finland Genocide court against the Communist party and its desire and expression to destroy all political parties to force a fascist genocidal rule over the state. Where there would be no rule except for the governance of communist rule. Which is a fascist genocidal one government one political party rule. This should go well. As it is true and they admit to it. As the cultures of religion, or those cultures that do not believe in communal sharing with other families but their own, will all be forced to be genocided and forced into one communal party. Then I am creating the applicable conservative enforcement based on EU countries resolve to enforce their own genocidal court rulings on the communist party internationally through all Conservative and Democracy political parties.

Rules of international engagement.

Actual case collection cite

Rider I

Trying to Muster a Non Profit License.

I currently hold a myriad of professional licenses under the law. So if I can obtain another one for this cite it would be great. I have supreme court cases on non profit allowances to use scholarly research articles for education purposes under a non profit. So this cite falls under that. However, if I get the Non profit I will use this as a backbone and a drop place. While starting a professional unit and cite. My first take at getting help with by the John Birch Society. As they are literally a society named after a US intelligence officer that was killed by the Communist Chinese. My hopes are to get my own place, produce a professional research and education cite, while being able to build a professional repoir with Democrats moderates Republicans to get a bipartisan movement against the Communist Chinese economic warfare. Plus I have to get back into church so I can start my desire to shadow Professor Swartz's old rebuilding of major California bible study movement. That once had California as a Republican state and as a proper economic balanced and surplus state.

 My hope and desire is I get a full 100% vote of confidence by the society with $10 donation each. So I can afford to obtain a nice small place of my own near the beach. While also being able to sustain my life for four years on the left over $60,000. While I go to school write research educational products and present them. Thus moving into the next stage of my life. Which is the graduate student stage of my life. The Non profit license is a tax free issue. That is meant for scholars like me to be able to get funding without paying taxes to educate the populace on matters of major civil issues. For example the cold war the Communist Party proposes against Democracy. I know of over 200 international anti communist museums  But barely around 5 in the USA. While the Communist Party has over 200 halls alone in the USA. The light spectrum is very imbalanced these days.

The actual society that an American man helped Chinese Christians come to the USA. Who was killed for saving Christian Chinese from Communist enslavement in gulag's.
As a savior of Democracy against the atheist and materialistic joner's  who jones for what others have of society. I must make a stance even if I am alone like I am now. While if the Communist forces in the US threaten me or attack me or mine. They will find that as per the Communist Chinese espionage agents that where sent home in body bags. That my life is defensible under the constitution of Democracy. As matter of fact as one of my papers states. My goal is to get the Communist to attack me. As it is easier to arrest and kill than try and get them to admit that they are hear to Destroy Democracy for a foreign director of the Communist party. Which has been the Chinese Emperor since the day he paid Engels to create a manifesto to Destroy Religious Democracies that the West stands for.

As a matter of fact I desire to bring up ever communist as a cultural agitator for Genocide. As under Communist Party desires and expressions no other culture or political party can exist. However, under Democracy all parties can exist so long as not threatening fascist take over of the Democracy. Thus in Finland I have a fellow international paralegal working on a case to bring before the Genocidal court against the Communist Party et al.

Speaking of which I have to go meet my Finish contact a sexy young blonde she is. Still trying to get me to make the baby with her. But I say no I must try Meghan First. So off I go on my scoot scoot to see her. This is like some spy novel.
so sexy maybe she will give me nookie again. She likes it.
The funny thing is we meet up as I can't afford to call the Finish writer for the genocide court. So I go to her she makes me give her goo then she calls them. Then I get a call. It is weird totally like some spy novel. I wonder what it is about guys who are trying to save the world from evil. That makes them so sexy. mmmmm

Darn sure totally like some spy novel. Never read one but I bet woman are so horny cause they think that the man is going to die. Yet the man is like I am just writing things in freedom of speech here. Whats so dangerous about this.

Mr Ma gooo.

Rider I
sexy time eh, oh yaaa?

motorcyclical vroom vroom and a way. 

Economic Implosion of the US Science Department.

1. The Racist Chinese organization and the three involved in it Chu, Locke and the Federal Contracts person.
2. How Chu states he wants to raise gas prices but then all of his policies destroy green tech engine industries. can't do both, destroy our combustion engines to prempt green tech engines is fine. But destroying combustion and green tech is treason. Analyse ford and the destruction of the hoarse industry for the car industry.
3. Policy towards his own heritage the Communist Chinese and the innovation laws of China where they steal IP and force all businesses to be owned by the Communist Party state. His non desire for military action compared to past scientist with a strong resolve for US science dominance.
4. The complete lack of following in US science chief's historical belief in future industrial cornering, like we did with nuclear and microwave. With regards to Lithium.
5. Analogizing the Venona study with regards to the KGB defectors. To the current day mono fascist bully party system of the world the Communist Chinese. With regards to the microwave and nuclear science industry. How the current MSS defectors state that yes they are trying to economically implode our industries with regards to high powered position of leaderships. Just like the KGB admitted to.
6. Parts of the trio history of racism towards the Communist Party, Locke's dealings with major SOE's and then destruction of a Tibetian issue in Washington.
7. The lack of Chu's desire to make the US the worlds biggest agricultural producer during the time of very high Communist Chinese concentration on agricultural dominace. Chu's lose of free market agriculture science in New Zealand and Africa. Along with the analogized to the German Socialist that was in a simimlar seat to his with power over the silver nitrate program. Which is an over 1400 year old program that helps make it rain and is good for over plant fooding in the air carbon destruction, pollution destruction. Can't have the idea that the ozone layer is killing us but our ancient method of gathering carbons to cleans the ozone is not allowed.
8. Secretaries chu weak policy towards stopping US allowance of our biggest enemy to have our most top prized industrial building, our jet microchips and guided missile micro chips.
9. First time since the 1920's that a heritage to our current biggest adversary. Has allowed the science department to fail due to specific direction and policy with regards to drain style economic implosion issues.
11. A request that everything with regards to Secretary Chu's policy be audited for review for specific economic drain or implosion direction. As compared to pro US science dominace.
12. Conclude with the science department graphs of industry I have collected. Showing for the first time ever, the US is last place in every single new technology industry and leadership in the world. Thanks to Secretary Chu the literal worst science department head since the German Socialist sympatherizer of the 1920's. Who also did not use silver nitrate, and also allowed our biggest sciences at that time again jet's and engines to be taken over by the German's who had no vehicle engines until somebody from his department defected to Germany with our ford's secret engines and jets issues.
13. Secretary Chu's use of illegal federal contracts through his connection and a federal competition conneciton to a chinese racist organized person. To give a $10 million dollar grant to a business in the Netherlands a typical historical rightist area. To a company that is owned by a historical communist family that is Karl's marx's family. Illegal, destroyed US competition the product that was granted funds was already being produced and better and on shelves, plus the company has brain tech manipulation patents.
14. Chu's constant desire to cooperate with Communist China even though all of the above apply instead of compete against. So much so that Chu actually took contracts from NASA and gave them to the Communist Chinese state.

ok time to get back to sleep. I just can't stop thinking about how stupid it is that the US security oversight of sciences did not stop him after the first implosion act of the 80% green tech stimulus being given away to destroy our root industries. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I am going to actually study how to make a collegiate lecture.

So when I prepare my Masters in Economics application. I can state that I can also lecture on my thesis as I produce my book. Which would be really cool. I mean I could pick out a proxy war books, a competitive intelligence book, and a specific economic warfare book and espionage book and tie in chapters that would make for a real great economic exciting lecture. On the last four years of my life's study. I think I might do that as I am collecting books for the California Media Investigative reporters association. That would be a really good plus to get funds, get accepted and show something that not one school in the West has. And only a University in France ran by two Maoist has. Then I could use the students ideas along with my own to better prepare a full study of the course in my book. With permission from the students, as co authors as I have done with some of my professors. As per my own research. As my homework will not be simply answer questions. My homework will be write a script. As that is how economic warfare works. First week, script writing, second week, proxy wars, third week, economic warfare, fourth week, laws, fifth week tieing them all into applicable historical applications, then defending or derooting.

Assistant professors that have their own lecture make up to $40,000 a year. With summers off. So I could earn my masters maybe teach part time earn $20,000 or so and do what I love.

1.Script writing passages chapters articles from simple english old play style Macbeth scrip writing.
2. Overview of scripts that the PLA Colonials wrought in public against Democracy, Unrestricted Warfare Book. Specific chapters. Along with Charlie Wilson's Afghanistan Script. Parts of the Movie and his book.
2. How to get your script energized, collections for specific industrial grids, gird working, grid creation industrial mapping.
Proxy Wars
1. How all wars that are not fought with major economy versus major economy have been proxy wars for some kind of economic implosion theory.
2. How to create, and master proxies I read a great book on masters of proxy wars are masters of the world. Definetly use bunches of ideas out that for this.
3. There are no such things as terrorist. Brain manipulation puppeting and how to track possible symptoms of brain manipulation for proxy warrior creation, drug network's, technology, major legislation issues, areas of foreign enemy needs to deal with to overpower, etc thinking on this.
Economic Warfare
1. Not your grandpa's simple blockaid and tarriff anymore. New wave economic warfare, networking cyber, proxy, espionage, currency manipulation, centralized efforts, military attacks, media light shows, etc. take me a couple days on my tobacco pipe for this one.
1. Making sure that one stays in the bounds of laws is important. As one has to always have a get away and a get out strategy. International, local, tribal feuds, Democracy, fascism etc basically leveraging in economics and warfare.
Historical Applications
1. Using the above weeks to show application to historical issues that tie into today's news and todays worlds economic issues. Using the teachings to pin point actual economic warfare attack grids.
Defending or Derooting
1. The idea of all force must be defense in law as per civility. Thus one must use leverage to once found the grid to deroot the gridder critter or defend the issue of tracked attacks.
How to fine tune and sharpen the Class for the future
1. Class participation for the teach and his assistant. What does everybody think would make this study better that might have overlapped, lagged in new wave issues, did not tie in strong enough from personal students researchers into the material.

Extra credit write a chapter for the US Economic Warfare Manual, Democracy versus fascist governance. If you get placed into the book get extra credit. If your theory for the manual is not geniune then no extra credit. Manual will be left in class for reading's and of course late nights at the campus pub and frat house speeches.

Rider I

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

future articled needed for proper lecturing the California biggest journalist investigators.

Today the US is in a cold war. During the Soviet v the US governance building and development in the world. We did not call that a terrorist war. It was a cold war. As the Soviets where funding the extremist fascist that gave them cheap resources and allowed them to have their state owned enterprise. While the US was countering with massive Democracy proxy wars and those who wanted to build Democracies. We see that again in the world today against Communist China. I have a set of books for you to read that proves evidence that we are not fighting radicals ghosts out of no where as terrorism proceeds they are. We are fighting a cold war. I have some things to do but I will put the list together of factual evidence of this new war is Cold War II Proxy wars again freedom v state ownership by mono party. I have some things to do. But I will send over the list of books that state your thesis on your investigation blog cite is incorrect. It is not a war on ghosts radicals. But yet a strategic economic implosion war. 

Rider I

BOOK REVIEW: 'Subversives: The FBI's War on Student Radicals and Reagan's Rise to Power'

My Comment to this article:

I appreciate the work on this matter. As this allows young conservatives to grid out today's areas of communist party infiltration based on sympathetic and old style KGB hate direction. Now hate direction is political parties use to create either sympathy or power for a vote or legislation. Thus the KGB where using these children and college students whether you like it or not as hate direction. However, General Westmoreland who's strategy it was against the Communist Chinese to go to the boarder of Vietnam and actual fight the real enemy of the Vietnam war the Communist Chinese soldiers and supplies. As just like the Invasion of Russia had majority of Chinese soldiers when the Czar was killed. So did Vietnam. However, the leftist in the country would not allow Westmoreland to drop zone at the boarder of China and Vietnam with massive artillery and major air bombardments. So we had to create a massive hate direction in our own world against Democracy as per leftist leaders against Democracy though a horrible strategy in Vietnam. I know I have read my Great Great Uncle's personal diary on the exact leftist characters he thought where working with the KGB to stop a real win of Vietnam. By not allowing the General of the war to stop it before it started then win it by cutting off the real invaders of Vietnam the Communist Chinese.

The counter to this book is Venona. It actually has proof and evidence of Communist party doing as he states till to this day. As each year the US and International Communist party come out after each committee meeting yearly and state they are militarized to destroy democracy and free markets for the communist feudalistic style governance. This is still such a threat as the Venona Book explains. As the KGB defectors in that book admitted to trying to get US communist party sympathizers in the Democratic party into the Science department so as to destroy the US sciences of then nuclear and microwave by draining our funding in a sympathetic oh so lets help the world with our funds, and counter direction of forced cooperation instead of competition against the Soviet Communist Party. If you look at the realty world implications of this today. We see that the Communist Chinese Party has been able to succeed where the Soviets failed. Secretary Chu, and Commerce Secretary Locke working with a Federeal Contract's person . Where able to give away 80% of our green tech stimulus. Which is analyzable to ammo boys given away 80% of our ammo before a war. Then saying go. We where complete destroyed in our science department and so weakened we are not even in competition for the new world sciences. Thus then also Chu and Locke gave to our utmost enemy the Communist Chinese, as per their funding of all of the terrorist as laymens call them but reality just communist party proxy agents funding and arms. As proven and admitted to by the PLA Colonials Unrestricted warfare book. That stated they where going to use Al Queada to attack the US and draw us into an economic drain war like Charlie Wilson did to the Soviet Union.

I am very glad this book was written as it can now highlight for the anti communist or as in reality the pro Democracy person. That does not believe in mono party rule like the communist does. The ability to create grids of how the US is actually being economically imploded through very weak spots the Communist Chinese can use to weaken our economy so to allow foreign state ownership take over of the US grids. As per my collection cite the Rider I Anti Economic Warfare Blog Post proves with volumes of evidence of high treason and economic terrorist actions by the International Communist Party and the lead of the Communist Parties the Communist Chinese.

Rider i

Finlands Laws Against Genocide Mean it can't work with Communist China.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Economic Genocide of Americans.

Today the current US intelligence agencies is so worried about a small little tiny place in a sand box. That it does not even care about its own countries health or national security of economic issues. This is completely backwards from the cold war era policy. Which was economic implosion was the number 1 worry in the US and threat by Soviet Economic warfare and unrestricted warfare along with nuclear missiles, kept the US in a hustle and bustle as a intel and muscle to keep the country economic strong with jobs and good wealth spread for homes and babies. Today however, the US intel and muscle is more worried about simple sand people and their desire to blow up the US as directed by MSS Communist Party members hate machine. This is so much so true that the US has opened up new agencies that are purely just directed to stop proxy warriors from being able to attack the USA. However, not one of them has the reality of the issue of proxy wars which is economic implosion as their primary task of worry.

During the cold war the intel and muscle where very complex and very in depth with strategies of proxy wars and networking of economic implosion issues. Today however, they worry more about the hate machine and just a tiny part of the implosion warfare that the US once worried about during the cold war over 18 years ago. This has allowed our basic roots to go undefended in the economic implosion war. While only the muscle part is worried about it. So much so Homeland security does not even have one volume in their library of economic implosion and the real reason for what they call terrorism. Which in reality is just the muscle part of economic implosion that attacks things to drive herds and political issues the way that the director of the economic warfare desires.

These undefended roots of the real economic implosion war. As so badly not defended the US has lost 55,000 manufacturing plants and almost all of its abilities to ever again produce a come back like the US did during the world war's or the cold war. This has all happened over the last 18 years. Where for ten years the US was in a Surplus with President Clinton leading us there as the Soviet's imploded. Which after 911 the whole economic implosion board changed and the Communist Chinese where able to direct the US as it sees fit without anybody every remembering about the real game of economic implosion to force selling out or imploding of a civilized country. As today warfare with nuclear missiles is very hard to do. So the reality is that the threat is and has been since the 1950's once the US nuked a fascist force. Is that the game is economic implosion, not worry about proxy muscles or terrorism. As if you can worry about the economic implosion board you can predict where the proxy will hit. With of course a fee brain manipulated puppets as per the old CIA and KGB unrestricted warfare play book hitting out of strategy to draw brain power away from the real area that is desired to be taken over with economic militarization.

This then has allowed the US to go through all of the natural impacts of economic implosion. Which includes the most important one to me which is family creation. Today more children and young men and woman than ever are having to live at home until they are in their 30's. With over 50% of all youth from 18-30 unemployed. This then leaves the impact of an older heritage in a land. That one can't afford to produce a family so one does not produce a family. While in a society where girls wear pretty dirt on their faces and see fancy things on tv all the time. More and more young woman only want a man who can afford to have his own place to date or make relations with for possible marriage. Then if you find a woman who is willing to deal with the family living at home issues. She is very likely to want to watch you succeed in the market place and gain employment and grow a steady income. However, 50% are unable to do that. While also being lucky to get jobs that barely pay enough for both of them to share a room in a house with some other humans. Which is also very hard to produce babies for those in the economic implosion impacts grid.

This then is one of the impacts of the economic implosion rootology that is not going defended against like the US muscle and intel did during the cold war. During the cold war with Russia it was about who could get more developmental trade in the world thus using muscle primarily in small batches to create areas of trade and export for the US treasury inflow. So the US could stay flush with cash and treasury. This allowed Generals to worry about smaller wars for Democracy to gain more trade. Where as today we are seeing more and more worry just about muscle proxy warrior agents. Instead of the whole board game of the economic implosion. One of the reason's for this is that the US defense schools no longer teach orchestration of proxy wars to generals or graduating students in West Point or even in the Defense Colleges. As orchestration is an old cold war study that kept the US from imploding and also helped the US economy stay flush with cash. So that young families had a very low unemployment rate and climbing the ladder was allowable as the competition of economic seats was not that competitive. To where today if you make a few mistakes at work they can just fire you and hire somebody with more experience. Unlike the old 50's and cold war days. Where a career was like a family and work was work. Today it is a cut throat market place where folks have to walk on air to keep their jobs. Which has cut the throats of many young families and possible fathers and mothers. Who just give up on having a family and go out for themselves as they can't find the funds to afford it anyways.

Rider I