Notes on my thoughts prior to book report on areas of my opinions.
This books already buys into the idea that things are without foresight or knowledge of action on page x the autor speaks about threats. Where he has set a tone priorly of the institution not knowing what to look for in satellite imagery.. The basic concept that comes to my mind is the twain affect. This affect is the marking of water. When this is analogized to that of the issue at hand we see it is not as much a mystery. The twain affect is where intelligence marks the depth of certain areas of social issues. Such as Muslim extremist areas or churches that bread extremism. This is done by taking cultural samples of how indpeth the water molecule of that element is. This then allows the necessary element of foresight. Where one can predict with some very close relative action what to look for and what will happen. I call this the twang affect. This is where you twang a sound or pitch and thus it breaks a glass. The sound twang is predictable to shatter the glass and cause shards to move in a specific manner.
The twang affect is similar to that of a scienist who is bored with his nano second camera trying to figure out if sound waves from from a specific twang element or harmonic instrument. Will that sound wave cause a predictable shatter of the glass in motion of the fragments in each time. Of course taken into affects the glass will shatter. But how does it shatter and can one predict the shatter based on structure of the glass and the specific areas of sound production and where it embrasses the glass.
Now if you have ever sat down with a sound machine and a system of very expensive machine made glasses to the exact element nature. You can see that shattering is predictable to almost an exact cracking structure. If we where to analize this to society and thus take areas of possible harm gathering. While taken elements of preachers, politician's, major movies, songs, or other things that create light shows. We could almost exactly analogize the exact areas of society that may be cracking. The first premise that our satellite data does not know what to look for. Then the conclusion that todays wories are messy or somehow unclear. Can be seen in a sort of untrue scientifict nature here. As if one where to apply the twain affect of collection of glasses, then the sound affect of collection of sound productions. Then apply the two to the twang affect. We could see we could almost 80% of the time produce an exact replicale of a cracking structure in the social glass.
That is just page x. I will move on. My comptuer is dying. So I will read my masters of insurgency book before bed to sleepy eyes away.
ok onto the next readings:
tangent reading of the agent who wrote the book:
Interesting study here,mod=1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
See in ancient times when books where written a person did not just take the citation as it is. They had to read the works cited to understand the theories. Today we just say oh citation that sounds good ceditable yes degree ok.
The citations he uses is worked based on loosely coupled systems. Thus he has a loser version of
"h ose characteristics describe many transnational targets, like terrorists—small groups
forming and reforming, seeking to i nd vulnerabilities, thus adapting constantly, and interacting in ways that may be new." this is something I hope he takes into account for our revoltionary intellegence program. As history shows that strategic militarized arms without proper guerilla formations does not always work in miitary strategy not to sure about intel. hopeing he speaks on that as this is a revoltuonary syatement
"the process of separating something into its constituent
elements.”" this is another term I have learned alot over studying intel and military operations. I basically like to analogize chemistry to events in human nature as the basic break down of any event can be broken down into proton's neutrons and to what chemistry it is ionized too.
As Democracy is basically a guerilla's form of government. As both sides have a belief in guerilla governance. Where one side allows the other to create revolitions and then take over and then the opposing side revotes and takes over. To see this happening in a guerilla intel matter would be nice to read about. Then again with agencies we need some to stick to their core beliefs or the revolt will never happen if the complete grid of agencies go to form one way then the other. So they are more like a light grid system that help change the lights. to me.
"nformation foraging,
harvesting and marshalling into understanding" I like that statement too. however I see storms and lighting not marshmellows. I see events that can still be affected by diversity in the atmosphere of intellegence even after collection and most stable vacum elements are thought of in a real world it is more like lighting. Metal objects draw the lighting to certain conclusions. Much like characters in our society can with trends or leads. Oh wait hold on tit is marshalling that is great. I thought it said marshmellow Marshalling is what I read into the communit ideas over the yeras. The idea of a group of men much like lighting out after an issue but some even can come up that pays as you are on the big deal hunt. I like that I see that. Very lonely right now I have pictures of this blonde woman and her stinky butt and blanket named Meghan with a fire and marshmellows and music and cuddles while we watch holiday movies and smell tree and christmas stuff in the air. sorry not marshemellow:) but no I am a loser with no meghan just sitting here on Friday night with no after bar music time cuddles near a fire. Just me and this cold room pitcher of water and this great new book.
"h e new paradigm makes the use of machines and method
imperative, letting machines do what they do best—searching large amounts
of data, remembering old patterns, and the like—while letting humans use
the judgment they alone can apply."
remebering old patterns. This might not work. In criminal justice school they basically taught us if you become a police officer death squad make sure to kill randomly they did not say that but it was perceived by me and a few other guys we where being taught to kill like cereal killers and get away with it. As the pattern of old issues are good but also predicting new patterns of possible issues would be good to. Possible study areas I might want to outline in my book reivew. While its hot here for example the Mexican terrorist issue. Currently they do not want the US full armor divisions to tear them up. However, if we start to look at them more as terrorist. What predictable patterns of they current patterns can we predict they may try to use for machine data pattern gathering. I am thinking dynamite as those CISEN guys buy a lot of it like they are mad at all the US western movies where Mexicans never get to actually win when they use Dynamite against John Wayne.
He is gunning for David Moore here to advance his theory. this should be good
this is a gold mine new reads,mod=1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
"what “gets the shield to
the right place at the right time” and what “stands ready to guide the sword" that sticks out
“majoritarianism" I think in Democracy is hard pressed. I think the leaders of the most good. Then the most good is based on majoritarianism. However, from what I have learned it is really those men who are willing to place their lives on the line for what they believe in that really affects the policy. If the majority believes in something but the ones in the line of fire do not. Then it can really matter. So majoritianrism that is an interesting que here. I write foreign policy whehter Republicans are in the majority or not. Then again in a Democracy who is in majority. When you have a President one side Senate one side, then Congress one side and Mayors one side opposing the other. I think nationalism has the leading hand in policy of foreign matters. For example all through out history militaries have defected and so have the ones on the front lines to the enemies. As the enemies have kept them more informed than their leaders have. Soviets big example. They would never tell their miltiary anything intel and military where a complet eseperate entity. KGB was practically hated for scaring them all the time into nuclear war which the CIA used very well. There is a tv series about a nuclear submarine that was not willing to nuclearize Pakistan. But all they had was orders. They had no intel on the matter. For example Pakistan could have been preparing a unstoppable biological or nuclear attack as a statellite state to the COmmunist Chinese. But the ship did not know. So I believe policy is based on who will die for it and nationalism.
For example a year ago I made a big deal about that in the middle east. As the troops where losing moral and did not have a clue why they where there. So I wrote and stormed up legislation for a proper educational issue for our soldiers of diplomacy as diplomacy has won wars and created peace with the men with guns who are gentelmen and scholars and undesrtand as compared to the bruts who lose wars as per hostile intentions and are upset at the loss of connection from intel to fist. As a matter of fact the loss of policy creation to is fist willing. Was so bad in the Soviet times. The CIA and US DOD where able to create a full revolution the Russian Military supported as they hated the KGB for leaving them in the dark. While every US soldier had tons of cartoons, reading manuals and knowledge in the field of Communism versus Democracy. Which we do not see today. For example pamphlets for our boys in the filed of why they are there and what they are fighting for that ties into US nationalism.
sensemaking. I would like to hear about analogies of the senses of the human being that can be compared to the intellegence world around them. Smell, taste, touch, cite, hearing, these senses are something that the intel world can use to figure things out. smell could be close encounters, taste full engourgement, touch etc.
The whole premise of that show is they spent the whole time trying to find out how the foreign policy of blowing up pakistan was a national issue. The whole show is based around them using counter intel staying alive to see why they where ordered to do something. Which iwhat the CIA used against the KGB and Kremlin. For example if in our intel world during the cold war. The US had a policy that every ship knew why it was doing what it was doing. For example majority where the Soviets had released nuclear missiles or we needed to react to attack. So no captain was left out as they knew. Today we have small wars with Communist China. But the US does not make it known that Communist China is puppeting and is the economic and military enemey of the US just like the Soviets where during the first war. This can be considerd a possible weakness in miltiary strategy. As our soldiers do not understand. We are in the middle east to try and create counter Democracy soldiers against the Communist proxy warriors like they create in Pakistan. During the cold war every soldier knew they where in latin American or Africa to stop the Soviet creation of proxy warriors. Today our soldiers have no clue but 911 why they are in the middle east. The higher intel like me do and so do the officers but we act more today like the Soviet with our real issues than we do like the US of 1950's where we where very open about the Soviet proxy creation threat. Today its th same thing with Communist China. But we take the Soviet hide it from our troops point of view. Which is very bad and can cause major problems.
left off at page xvii. Time to read my master in insurgency book before bed.
stiucking with that idea that Saddam's WMD's where a mistake. Yet SVR reports the US found them In Iraq and moved them to secret miltiary bases. Where a plane was moving them to a study place and leaked it over a whole area of the USA and killed hundreds of animals and birds before we could fix the air leak. good stick with cloak theory.
I am still getting that idea that sense making is tryingn to destroy guerilla warfare random wars. As the idea of forgetting that random acts is the best way to go but the random acts can still be made sense of. but it is those things you do not think about that are the sense that needs to be made. So how to make sense of random acts is what I am hoping also here comes out. cause random acts have no sense and how to make the most random sense is the real way to win.
how to make no sense to the enemy would be a great counter intel study on this. I would like that.
for example cold war was complete secret proxy wars. So the US had no clue how to deal with the Unrestricted Warfare manual that told them they where going to be attacked exactly like this and thus the US had no unsensical idea of how to deal with a open source espionage attack which was 911 drain wars.
now this is horrible total lamen to the real life theory "studies examining the rise and
impact of non-state actors." there is no non state actor it is just the best state actor or what used to be called during the cold war statecraftsmen who could make the less sense to his enemey when he operated. That is what the Communist PLA and MSS desire you to think. But all of the Muslim fascist proxy agents are directed by the PLA as state in their manual they would do. Which is create a world of directed proxy agents that the world could not tell it was them directing them. Which is basically just the cold war all over again Secret proxy wars for Democracy and Communism. This author either buys into it or acts like he does. This is horrible. As during the cold war the US was obvious that every single terrorist out there was a Soviet directed proxy warrior thus create centralized world efforst. As compared to this idea of countries going I have no terrorist here. That is because they are not done proxying this country first.
I like this mindfulness thing I think the same way. I am preparing same kind of war with Communist China as they did to us just in US fashion style ancient rhetoric minute man two minutes game over. As comapred to Communsit China's wear down the west over time with econ implosion and state militarized take over. However, I have to be clear of peripheral vision. Which is of course Muslim's, so I creatd Libya and then some other pockets of pro Democracy Muslim desires to share in the Muslim culture of diversity of beliefs in the book not just one fashist view point. Thus allowing my perephial to tie into Uyru. Then I have to worry about Mexico supremecist as they are very threatening to the US community. So I have prepared terrorist definitions so we can oppress them with less civil rights much faster easier. Then also I have to look at my enemies friends and try and use them as my buddies. As the world is based on characters one nice gesture to an enemies friend can make you their friend. If they think that the enemies friends works then prepherial will work. that is common sense out of the hundreds of intel books I have read.
left off at xxvi
Notes on my thoughts prior to book report on areas of my opinions.
This books already buys into the idea that things are without foresight or knowledge of action on page x the autor speaks about threats. Where he has set a tone priorly of the institution not knowing what to look for in satellite imagery.. The basic concept that comes to my mind is the twain affect. This affect is the marking of water. When this is analogized to that of the issue at hand we see it is not as much a mystery. The twain affect is where intelligence marks the depth of certain areas of social issues. Such as Muslim extremist areas or churches that bread extremism. This is done by taking cultural samples of how indpeth the water molecule of that element is. This then allows the necessary element of foresight. Where one can predict with some very close relative action what to look for and what will happen. I call this the twang affect. This is where you twang a sound or pitch and thus it breaks a glass. The sound twang is predictable to shatter the glass and cause shards to move in a specific manner.
The twang affect is similar to that of a scienist who is bored with his nano second camera trying to figure out if sound waves from from a specific twang element or harmonic instrument. Will that sound wave cause a predictable shatter of the glass in motion of the fragments in each time. Of course taken into affects the glass will shatter. But how does it shatter and can one predict the shatter based on structure of the glass and the specific areas of sound production and where it embrasses the glass.
Now if you have ever sat down with a sound machine and a system of very expensive machine made glasses to the exact element nature. You can see that shattering is predictable to almost an exact cracking structure. If we where to analize this to society and thus take areas of possible harm gathering. While taken elements of preachers, politician's, major movies, songs, or other things that create light shows. We could almost exactly analogize the exact areas of society that may be cracking. The first premise that our satellite data does not know what to look for. Then the conclusion that todays wories are messy or somehow unclear. Can be seen in a sort of untrue scientifict nature here. As if one where to apply the twain affect of collection of glasses, then the sound affect of collection of sound productions. Then apply the two to the twang affect. We could see we could almost 80% of the time produce an exact replicale of a cracking structure in the social glass.
That is just page x. I will move on. My comptuer is dying. So I will read my masters of insurgency book before bed to sleepy eyes away.
ok onto the next readings:
tangent reading of the agent who wrote the book:
Interesting study here,mod=1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
See in ancient times when books where written a person did not just take the citation as it is. They had to read the works cited to understand the theories. Today we just say oh citation that sounds good ceditable yes degree ok.
The citations he uses is worked based on loosely coupled systems. Thus he has a loser version of
"h ose characteristics describe many transnational targets, like terrorists—small groups
forming and reforming, seeking to i nd vulnerabilities, thus adapting constantly, and interacting in ways that may be new." this is something I hope he takes into account for our revoltionary intellegence program. As history shows that strategic militarized arms without proper guerilla formations does not always work in miitary strategy not to sure about intel. hopeing he speaks on that as this is a revoltuonary syatement
"the process of separating something into its constituent
elements.”" this is another term I have learned alot over studying intel and military operations. I basically like to analogize chemistry to events in human nature as the basic break down of any event can be broken down into proton's neutrons and to what chemistry it is ionized too.
As Democracy is basically a guerilla's form of government. As both sides have a belief in guerilla governance. Where one side allows the other to create revolitions and then take over and then the opposing side revotes and takes over. To see this happening in a guerilla intel matter would be nice to read about. Then again with agencies we need some to stick to their core beliefs or the revolt will never happen if the complete grid of agencies go to form one way then the other. So they are more like a light grid system that help change the lights. to me.
"nformation foraging,
harvesting and marshalling into understanding" I like that statement too. however I see storms and lighting not marshmellows. I see events that can still be affected by diversity in the atmosphere of intellegence even after collection and most stable vacum elements are thought of in a real world it is more like lighting. Metal objects draw the lighting to certain conclusions. Much like characters in our society can with trends or leads. Oh wait hold on tit is marshalling that is great. I thought it said marshmellow Marshalling is what I read into the communit ideas over the yeras. The idea of a group of men much like lighting out after an issue but some even can come up that pays as you are on the big deal hunt. I like that I see that. Very lonely right now I have pictures of this blonde woman and her stinky butt and blanket named Meghan with a fire and marshmellows and music and cuddles while we watch holiday movies and smell tree and christmas stuff in the air. sorry not marshemellow:) but no I am a loser with no meghan just sitting here on Friday night with no after bar music time cuddles near a fire. Just me and this cold room pitcher of water and this great new book.
"h e new paradigm makes the use of machines and method
imperative, letting machines do what they do best—searching large amounts
of data, remembering old patterns, and the like—while letting humans use
the judgment they alone can apply."
remebering old patterns. This might not work. In criminal justice school they basically taught us if you become a police officer death squad make sure to kill randomly they did not say that but it was perceived by me and a few other guys we where being taught to kill like cereal killers and get away with it. As the pattern of old issues are good but also predicting new patterns of possible issues would be good to. Possible study areas I might want to outline in my book reivew. While its hot here for example the Mexican terrorist issue. Currently they do not want the US full armor divisions to tear them up. However, if we start to look at them more as terrorist. What predictable patterns of they current patterns can we predict they may try to use for machine data pattern gathering. I am thinking dynamite as those CISEN guys buy a lot of it like they are mad at all the US western movies where Mexicans never get to actually win when they use Dynamite against John Wayne.
He is gunning for David Moore here to advance his theory. this should be good
this is a gold mine new reads,mod=1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
"what “gets the shield to
the right place at the right time” and what “stands ready to guide the sword" that sticks out
“majoritarianism" I think in Democracy is hard pressed. I think the leaders of the most good. Then the most good is based on majoritarianism. However, from what I have learned it is really those men who are willing to place their lives on the line for what they believe in that really affects the policy. If the majority believes in something but the ones in the line of fire do not. Then it can really matter. So majoritianrism that is an interesting que here. I write foreign policy whehter Republicans are in the majority or not. Then again in a Democracy who is in majority. When you have a President one side Senate one side, then Congress one side and Mayors one side opposing the other. I think nationalism has the leading hand in policy of foreign matters. For example all through out history militaries have defected and so have the ones on the front lines to the enemies. As the enemies have kept them more informed than their leaders have. Soviets big example. They would never tell their miltiary anything intel and military where a complet eseperate entity. KGB was practically hated for scaring them all the time into nuclear war which the CIA used very well. There is a tv series about a nuclear submarine that was not willing to nuclearize Pakistan. But all they had was orders. They had no intel on the matter. For example Pakistan could have been preparing a unstoppable biological or nuclear attack as a statellite state to the COmmunist Chinese. But the ship did not know. So I believe policy is based on who will die for it and nationalism.
For example a year ago I made a big deal about that in the middle east. As the troops where losing moral and did not have a clue why they where there. So I wrote and stormed up legislation for a proper educational issue for our soldiers of diplomacy as diplomacy has won wars and created peace with the men with guns who are gentelmen and scholars and undesrtand as compared to the bruts who lose wars as per hostile intentions and are upset at the loss of connection from intel to fist. As a matter of fact the loss of policy creation to is fist willing. Was so bad in the Soviet times. The CIA and US DOD where able to create a full revolution the Russian Military supported as they hated the KGB for leaving them in the dark. While every US soldier had tons of cartoons, reading manuals and knowledge in the field of Communism versus Democracy. Which we do not see today. For example pamphlets for our boys in the filed of why they are there and what they are fighting for that ties into US nationalism.
sensemaking. I would like to hear about analogies of the senses of the human being that can be compared to the intellegence world around them. Smell, taste, touch, cite, hearing, these senses are something that the intel world can use to figure things out. smell could be close encounters, taste full engourgement, touch etc.
The whole premise of that show is they spent the whole time trying to find out how the foreign policy of blowing up pakistan was a national issue. The whole show is based around them using counter intel staying alive to see why they where ordered to do something. Which iwhat the CIA used against the KGB and Kremlin. For example if in our intel world during the cold war. The US had a policy that every ship knew why it was doing what it was doing. For example majority where the Soviets had released nuclear missiles or we needed to react to attack. So no captain was left out as they knew. Today we have small wars with Communist China. But the US does not make it known that Communist China is puppeting and is the economic and military enemey of the US just like the Soviets where during the first war. This can be considerd a possible weakness in miltiary strategy. As our soldiers do not understand. We are in the middle east to try and create counter Democracy soldiers against the Communist proxy warriors like they create in Pakistan. During the cold war every soldier knew they where in latin American or Africa to stop the Soviet creation of proxy warriors. Today our soldiers have no clue but 911 why they are in the middle east. The higher intel like me do and so do the officers but we act more today like the Soviet with our real issues than we do like the US of 1950's where we where very open about the Soviet proxy creation threat. Today its th same thing with Communist China. But we take the Soviet hide it from our troops point of view. Which is very bad and can cause major problems.
left off at page xvii. Time to read my master in insurgency book before bed.
stiucking with that idea that Saddam's WMD's where a mistake. Yet SVR reports the US found them In Iraq and moved them to secret miltiary bases. Where a plane was moving them to a study place and leaked it over a whole area of the USA and killed hundreds of animals and birds before we could fix the air leak. good stick with cloak theory.
I am still getting that idea that sense making is tryingn to destroy guerilla warfare random wars. As the idea of forgetting that random acts is the best way to go but the random acts can still be made sense of. but it is those things you do not think about that are the sense that needs to be made. So how to make sense of random acts is what I am hoping also here comes out. cause random acts have no sense and how to make the most random sense is the real way to win.
how to make no sense to the enemy would be a great counter intel study on this. I would like that.
for example cold war was complete secret proxy wars. So the US had no clue how to deal with the Unrestricted Warfare manual that told them they where going to be attacked exactly like this and thus the US had no unsensical idea of how to deal with a open source espionage attack which was 911 drain wars.
now this is horrible total lamen to the real life theory "studies examining the rise and
impact of non-state actors." there is no non state actor it is just the best state actor or what used to be called during the cold war statecraftsmen who could make the less sense to his enemey when he operated. That is what the Communist PLA and MSS desire you to think. But all of the Muslim fascist proxy agents are directed by the PLA as state in their manual they would do. Which is create a world of directed proxy agents that the world could not tell it was them directing them. Which is basically just the cold war all over again Secret proxy wars for Democracy and Communism. This author either buys into it or acts like he does. This is horrible. As during the cold war the US was obvious that every single terrorist out there was a Soviet directed proxy warrior thus create centralized world efforst. As compared to this idea of countries going I have no terrorist here. That is because they are not done proxying this country first.
I like this mindfulness thing I think the same way. I am preparing same kind of war with Communist China as they did to us just in US fashion style ancient rhetoric minute man two minutes game over. As comapred to Communsit China's wear down the west over time with econ implosion and state militarized take over. However, I have to be clear of peripheral vision. Which is of course Muslim's, so I creatd Libya and then some other pockets of pro Democracy Muslim desires to share in the Muslim culture of diversity of beliefs in the book not just one fashist view point. Thus allowing my perephial to tie into Uyru. Then I have to worry about Mexico supremecist as they are very threatening to the US community. So I have prepared terrorist definitions so we can oppress them with less civil rights much faster easier. Then also I have to look at my enemies friends and try and use them as my buddies. As the world is based on characters one nice gesture to an enemies friend can make you their friend. If they think that the enemies friends works then prepherial will work. that is common sense out of the hundreds of intel books I have read.
left off at xxvi