This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

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US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Wruckers room

A Country a People a Culture Stays great cause it does not allow itself to be attacked or oppressed. The USA is currently run by a grid of losers to the Communist Chinese oppression. Racist Latin's leaders more worried about allowing Mexico to invade our grids to take over. African Racist Progressive more worried about taken over US European heritage muscle influence and base closures. European American's more worried about the Communist Chinese Proxy Warriors instead of the root of the matter like we did during the Cold War against the Russian Puppetted state of China's Bolshevist proxy warriors. A grid of losers and not one can figure out a simple plan to get us out of deficit to compete against the Communist State Owned Enterprise's. A country and culture does not stay great cause of some kind of ideological perspective that their theory will win. Even if they are massively being destroyed by a foreign state. Free Trade does not work in a neo-mercantilism world. The US alone has lost 3,000 Export Business over the last 18 years. Accumulative to 55,000 just to the Communist State Owned Enterprises of a mono fascist party state. This then would have been around currently with our civil needs, we would be in $34 trillion dollars of surplus if we would have fought the Communist like we did during the Cold War. As during the cold war we where spending around 15 trillion a year just on space race. These days thanks to oppressed weak leaders we are cutting everything and running scared from grid speech and grid maneuvers.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

My Review of Sense Making a Structure for Intelligence Revolution

Notes on my thoughts prior to book report on areas of my opinions.

This books already buys into the idea that things are without foresight or knowledge of action on page x the autor speaks about threats. Where he has set a tone priorly of the institution not knowing what to look for in satellite imagery.. The basic concept that comes to my mind is the twain affect. This affect is the marking of water. When this is analogized to that of the issue at hand we see it is not as much a mystery. The twain affect is where intelligence marks the depth of certain areas of social issues. Such as Muslim extremist areas or churches that bread extremism. This is done by taking cultural samples of how indpeth the water molecule of that element is. This then allows the necessary element of foresight. Where one can predict with some very close relative action what to look for and what will happen. I call this the twang affect. This is where you twang a sound or pitch and thus it breaks a glass. The sound twang is predictable to shatter the glass and cause shards to move in a specific manner.

The twang affect is similar to that of a scienist who is bored with his nano second camera trying to figure out if sound waves from from a specific twang element or harmonic instrument. Will that sound wave cause a predictable shatter of the glass in motion of the fragments in each time. Of course taken into affects the glass will shatter. But how does it shatter and can one predict the shatter based on structure of the glass and the specific areas of sound production and where it embrasses the glass.

Now if you have ever sat down with a sound machine and a system of very expensive machine made glasses to the exact element nature. You can see that shattering is predictable to almost an exact cracking structure. If we where to analize this to society and thus take areas of possible harm gathering. While taken elements of preachers, politician's, major movies, songs, or other things that create light shows. We could almost exactly analogize the exact areas of society that may be cracking. The first premise that our satellite data does not know what to look for. Then the conclusion that todays wories are messy or somehow unclear. Can be seen in a sort of untrue scientifict nature here. As if one where to apply the twain affect of collection of glasses, then the sound affect of collection of sound productions. Then apply the two to the twang affect. We could see we could almost 80% of the time produce an exact replicale of a cracking structure in the social glass.

That is just page x. I will move on. My comptuer is dying. So I will read my masters of insurgency book before bed to sleepy eyes away.

ok onto the next readings:

tangent reading of the agent who wrote the book:

Interesting study here,mod=1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

See in ancient times when books where written a person did not just take the citation as it is. They had to read the works cited to understand the theories. Today we just say oh citation that sounds good ceditable yes degree ok.
The citations he uses is worked based on loosely coupled systems. Thus he has a loser version of

"h ose characteristics describe many transnational targets, like terrorists—small groups
forming and reforming, seeking to i nd vulnerabilities, thus adapting constantly, and interacting in ways that may be new." this is something I hope he takes into account for our revoltionary intellegence program. As history shows that strategic militarized arms without proper guerilla formations does not always work in miitary strategy not to sure about intel. hopeing he speaks on that as this is a revoltuonary syatement

"the process of separating something into its constituent
elements.”" this is another term I have learned alot over studying intel and military operations. I basically like to analogize chemistry to events in human nature as the basic break down of any event can be broken down into proton's neutrons and to what chemistry it is ionized too.

As Democracy is basically a guerilla's form of government. As both sides have a belief in guerilla governance. Where one side allows the other to create revolitions and then take over and then the opposing side revotes and takes over. To see this happening in a guerilla intel matter would be nice to read about. Then again with agencies we need some to stick to their core beliefs or the revolt will never happen if the complete grid of agencies go to form one way then the other. So they are more like a light grid system that help change the lights. to me.

"nformation foraging,
harvesting and marshalling into understanding" I like that statement too. however I see storms and lighting not marshmellows. I see events that can still be affected by diversity in the atmosphere of intellegence even after collection and most stable vacum elements are thought of in a real world it is more like lighting. Metal objects draw the lighting to certain conclusions. Much like characters in our society can with trends or leads. Oh wait hold on tit is marshalling that is great. I thought it said marshmellow Marshalling is what I read into the communit ideas over the yeras. The idea of a group of men much like lighting out after an issue but some even can come up that pays as you are on the big deal hunt. I like that I see that. Very lonely right now I have pictures of this blonde woman and her stinky butt and blanket named Meghan with a fire and marshmellows and music and cuddles while we watch holiday movies and smell tree and christmas stuff in the air. sorry not marshemellow:) but no I am a loser with no meghan just sitting here on Friday night with no after bar music time cuddles near a fire. Just me and this cold room pitcher of water and this great new book.

"h e new paradigm makes the use of machines and method
imperative, letting machines do what they do best—searching large amounts
of data, remembering old patterns, and the like—while letting humans use
the judgment they alone can apply."
remebering old patterns. This might not work. In criminal justice school they basically taught us if you become a police officer death squad make sure to kill randomly they did not say that but it was perceived by me and a few other guys we where being taught to kill like cereal killers and get away with it. As the pattern of old issues are good but also predicting new patterns of possible issues would be good to. Possible study areas I might want to outline in my book reivew. While its hot here for example the Mexican terrorist issue. Currently they do not want the US full armor divisions to tear them up. However, if we start to look at them more as terrorist. What predictable patterns of they current patterns can we predict they may try to use for machine data pattern gathering. I am thinking dynamite as those CISEN guys buy a lot of it like they are mad at all the US western movies where Mexicans never get to actually win when they use Dynamite against John Wayne.

He is gunning for David Moore here to advance his theory. this should be good

this is a gold mine new reads,mod=1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

"what “gets the shield to
the right place at the right time” and what “stands ready to guide the sword" that sticks out

“majoritarianism" I think in Democracy is hard pressed. I think the leaders of the most good. Then the most good is based on majoritarianism. However, from what I have learned it is really those men who are willing to place their lives on the line for what they believe in that really affects the policy. If the majority believes in something but the ones in the line of fire do not. Then it can really matter. So majoritianrism that is an interesting que here. I write foreign policy whehter Republicans are in the majority or not. Then again in a Democracy who is in majority. When you have a President one side Senate one side, then Congress one side and Mayors one side opposing the other. I think nationalism has the leading hand in policy of foreign matters. For example all through out history militaries have defected and so have the ones on the front lines to the enemies. As the enemies have kept them more informed than their leaders have. Soviets big example. They would never tell their miltiary anything intel and military where a complet eseperate entity. KGB was practically hated for scaring them all the time into nuclear war which the CIA used very well. There is a tv series about a nuclear submarine that was not willing to nuclearize Pakistan. But all they had was orders. They had no intel on the matter. For example Pakistan could have been preparing a unstoppable biological or nuclear attack as a statellite state to the COmmunist Chinese. But the ship did not know. So I believe policy is based on who will die for it and nationalism.

For example a year ago I made a big deal about that in the middle east. As the troops where losing moral and did not have a clue why they where there. So I wrote and stormed up legislation for a proper educational issue for our soldiers of diplomacy as diplomacy has won wars and created peace with the men with guns who are gentelmen and scholars and undesrtand as compared to the bruts who lose wars as per hostile intentions and are upset at the loss of connection from intel to fist. As a matter of fact the loss of policy creation to is fist willing. Was so bad in the Soviet times. The CIA and US DOD where able to create a full revolution the Russian Military supported as they hated the KGB for leaving them in the dark. While every US soldier had tons of cartoons, reading manuals and knowledge in the field of Communism versus Democracy. Which we do not see today. For example pamphlets for our boys in the filed of why they are there and what they are fighting for that ties into US nationalism.

sensemaking. I would like to hear about analogies of the senses of the human being that can be compared to the intellegence world around them. Smell, taste, touch, cite, hearing, these senses are something that the intel world can use to figure things out. smell could be close encounters, taste full engourgement, touch etc.

The whole premise of that show is they spent the whole time trying to find out how the foreign policy of blowing up pakistan was a national issue. The whole show is based around them using counter intel staying alive to see why they where ordered to do something. Which iwhat the CIA used against the KGB and Kremlin. For example if in our intel world during the cold war. The US had a policy that every ship knew why it was doing what it was doing. For example majority where the Soviets had released nuclear missiles or we needed to react to attack. So no captain was left out as they knew. Today we have small wars with Communist China. But the US does not make it known that Communist China is puppeting and is the economic and military enemey of the US just like the Soviets where during the first war. This can be considerd a possible weakness in miltiary strategy. As our soldiers do not understand. We are in the middle east to try and create counter Democracy soldiers against the Communist proxy warriors like they create in Pakistan. During the cold war every soldier knew they where in latin American or Africa to stop the Soviet creation of proxy warriors. Today our soldiers have no clue but 911 why they are in the middle east. The higher intel like me do and so do the officers but we act more today like the Soviet with our real issues than we do like the US of 1950's where we where very open about the Soviet proxy creation threat. Today its th same thing with Communist China. But we take the Soviet hide it from our troops point of view. Which is very bad and can cause major problems.

left off at page xvii. Time to read my master in insurgency book before bed.

stiucking with that idea that Saddam's WMD's where a mistake. Yet SVR reports the US found them In Iraq and moved them to secret miltiary bases. Where a plane was moving them to a study place and leaked it over a whole area of the USA and killed hundreds of animals and birds before we could fix the air leak. good stick with cloak theory.

I am still getting that idea that sense making is tryingn to destroy guerilla warfare random wars. As the idea of forgetting that random acts is the best way to go but the random acts can still be made sense of. but it is those things you do not think about that are the sense that needs to be made. So how to make sense of random acts is what I am hoping also here comes out. cause random acts have no sense and how to make the most random sense is the real way to win.

how to make no sense to the enemy would be a great counter intel study on this. I would like that.
for example cold war was complete secret proxy wars. So the US had no clue how to deal with the Unrestricted Warfare manual that told them they where going to be attacked exactly like this and thus the US had no unsensical idea of how to deal with a open source espionage attack which was 911 drain wars.

now this is horrible total lamen to the real life theory "studies examining the rise and
impact of non-state actors." there is no non state actor it is just the best state actor or what used to be called during the cold war statecraftsmen who could make the less sense to his enemey when he operated. That is what the Communist PLA and MSS desire you to think. But all of the Muslim fascist proxy agents are directed by the PLA as state in their manual they would do. Which is create a world of directed proxy agents that the world could not tell it was them directing them. Which is basically just the cold war all over again Secret proxy wars for Democracy and Communism. This author either buys into it or acts like he does. This is horrible. As during the cold war the US was obvious that every single terrorist out there was a Soviet directed proxy warrior thus create centralized world efforst. As compared to this idea of countries going I have no terrorist here. That is because they are not done proxying this country first.

I like this mindfulness thing I think the same way. I am preparing same kind of war with Communist China as they did to us just in US fashion style ancient rhetoric minute man two minutes game over. As comapred to Communsit China's wear down the west over time with econ implosion and state militarized take over. However, I have to be clear of peripheral vision. Which is of course Muslim's, so I creatd Libya and then some other pockets of pro Democracy Muslim desires to share in the Muslim culture of diversity of beliefs in the book not just one fashist view point. Thus allowing my perephial to tie into Uyru. Then I have to worry about Mexico supremecist as they are very threatening to the US community. So I have prepared terrorist definitions so we can oppress them with less civil rights much faster easier. Then also I have to look at my enemies friends and try and use them as my buddies. As the world is based on characters one nice gesture to an enemies friend can make you their friend. If they think that the enemies friends works then prepherial will work. that is common sense out of the hundreds of intel books I have read.

left off at  xxvi

The "Manly Solution" Night Cap Drink

Take one whiskey glass
One Crisp jalepeno crack it place either one side or both sides in
Take mint leafs fresh krinkle it place it in
Take a spoonfull of natural honey with honeycomb chewy was in it place that in there
Take the whiskey poor that in too
Take a crusher crush it a tid bit to get flavors out

garnish it with
add lemon or lime or cherry depending on your flavor buds.

Important part this is not a one shot drink its a two minum for the flavor shot drink, prefer four shots, its a sipper and a nice leather seat and to speak lectures on things for a while. The important part is the bee wax from the hive naturally. As it has to be left in the drink so as to be able to be drank while the other elements in the drink cause each other not to bother the sipper. So its a one sided mix with the other side with a dap of bee wax for manly chewing while looking around or talking and lecturing. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"Street Terrorism" the New Weapon Against Foreign Espionage

need to read and collect articles of law and application of theories on street terrorism and see how the word terrorist applies to the military interaction between the core civil arrestors and core head hunters. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Presido Wars CISEN's invasion of the United States of America

Today in the United States of America the threat of terrorism does not come from abroad. It comes form our neighborhoods that have been invaded by a local content espionage agency. Mexico has always been known as a fascist country. One party lead for 70 years. Then it took a major character to get involved when they overstepped and the espionage agency tried to monopolize US dark operations of what is known world wide of chronic sativa. Which the even helped lead to a balanced Mexican Espionage agency. As it allowed an opposing Mexican culture to finally win the Chief of Arms position and grid a little more for their culture in Mexico. Even then so they stayed in for 12 years. Which is three terms I believe. That is close to fascist. This  is because the CISEN espionage agency is still run by old German Socialist, Soviet built up mono party grid systems and intelligence based idea structures.

If one was to do the history of the USA and Mexico. It would be a history built on drug subversion and human smuggling. Where the US started the issue with invasion of US citizens into Spanish areas. Then helped Mexico with drug subversion of Sativa. As the US was then the biggest cultivated of Sativa during that world timeline. Then helped Mexico take over the Spanish areas in Mexico and the American North territories. However, doing so the US had created major smuggling rings of Human beings through the sativa networks that where used to take over the Spanish lands. The issue during those times was what was called Presido's. Mexicans and US generals and intel a like considered the Presido's or Spanish bases to be a threat to Democracy and to freedom. Thus the two worked together. Where the USA was able during that time to preempt a further take over of the lands for the manifest destiny doctrine of Mexican soldiers that where actually pro USA and where considered as per top sec historical documents stick men of the Mexican military.

During the years after that Mexican Military stick men sold out the Lands to the US intel directors. The Mexicans did not really worry about the land take over of the USA. As they had their own worries with Mexican dictators that did not want to allow Liberty or Democracy. Which has not really changed since then. However, during the world wars. The German Socialist say an avenue to weaken the US and create major havok. As during that time the USA had pretty much just gone through a dry spell of alcohol and sativa. And the world considered it a haven for very conservative beings. Thus the German socialist during that time saw a way to create subversion. This was to help Mexico create major smuggling rings of humans and sativa. As the Germans where trying to get Mexico to go to war with the USA. But the Mexicans would not go to a full out physical war with a stronger intelligence force than their own. However, they where willing to to through a very long espionage war that would counter the one that was played against them. During history you can see the German Socialist helping them with this issue. However, the Mexicans where unwilling to use major weapons or allow invasion by foreign forces. As it would cause a major draw back and most likely as per US dominance a complete take over of Mexico. So they kept it to old Presido war's that the US had taught them how to do against the Spanish. Over the decades US officers and Generals have lost the presido war historical outlines. While Mexico still holds on dearly to that idea that someday the US presido's in these lands will be taken out by drug and human smuggling and create a similar resistance to the one Mexicans saw so many years ago against them.

We then see the Soviets furthering this weakness in the US defense grids. Where as during the world lucid wars of psychological brain terrorism and brain chemicals to try and see what human souls really wanted of Democracy or Fascist mono party communism. Using a complete grid wash of LSD which is a truth serum still used today for the soul. Thus during the 1960's we saw the Soviets help the CISEN agents gain literal power in the US political grids. As the Mexicans where the best quiet enemies of the US system. Through major grid build ups of presido's through human smuggling and brain chemical subversion. In doing this the CISEN agents took over major elements in the Democrat party. Thus creating a complete weakness in our boarder area. As the US for over 140 years had military encampments along the boarder that considered any illegal migration a military invasion and used force to place fear and stop it from happening. Until 1960's when the political sphere shut down the funding for US observation camps along the boarder and in Mexico of militarized dark operations. This has echoed through the history of the USA. Where the majority of crime since 1960 has come from brain chemical subversion of the open boarder and its elements of presido building. Thus causing a havoc inside of the USA of crime and lost lineages due to drug networking and economic seat-warfare.

Today we see that Mexico through cabbage patch literal legislation funds muti billion dollar brain chemical subversion grows. That are meant to help build Mexican Presido's in the USA. Where the US spends very little on observation of these elements anymore. We see the Mexican military through those same cabbage patch legislation, spending billions on US observations for presido building. Today we see the lineage of America the Africans, Asians that ran from Communist facism genocide, and Europeans are at a very normalized grow and retract populace. However, the Mexican populace is at a 80% growth without stop since 1960. Where the majority of lands are pure 100% Mexican and are seen as 100% fascist voters like their heritage of Mexican fascist. Who struggle to understand Democracy or care about an opposing culture to allow semester hard ball to semester nice ball. Also this has caused a major monopolization of US dark matters just to CISEN. Where as during the 1950's on up to around the 1990's. The US had a virutal competitive drug and human smuggling market for many diverse countries and mainly just small islands. As we did not fear small islands espionage agencies. As they knew we could move in and take over the grid or control it easily if they allowed for fascist or racist take over of our grids. Today, however, no matter how much folks try and say it is Colombia. The majority of narcotics getting through are controlled by CISEN Mexican agents and the corrupted military they create to puppet for their dark matters take over.

How did the Mexican's take a competitive dark matter industry in the USA. To the basic utopia of CISEN desires for Presido to a 80% of all US migrants are Mexican, and a very high even Colombia dark espionage matters are now hardly without control of the CISEN agents. During the cold war the US worked heavily with Italian Espionage units against the Communist Russians. As the majority of world religions where oppressed or though of as a sickness and thus ghouls as todays laws of brain tech warfare document. For puppeting. During the 1990's the US was taken over in our intel sectors by CISEN. As they had moved up the grid substantially. The main espionage family the what was known as the Italian Mafia as US dark operations biggest controllers was a direct target of CISEN to take down. As they opposed Mexican or what they called spic's running the US dark matters. As they where very into taken over the USA. As Italians where more loving the Idea of living here and being part of Democracy. Thus the CISEN agents that moved up the latter place emphases on elements we would not need anymore once the Soviet's had become a Democracy and communist "somehow" was no longer a threat. During those times not a single dark matter element could get into the USA without the Italiano families directing good moral elements on the issue and stopping what was then known as Mexican presido building.  Thus the CISEN agents where as today their racist elements are in our Judges positions, intel positions, high command of military while openly LA RAZA admits to desiring to destroy the USA for Mexico. Therefore, during that time as they where building internal organs take over grids. They where able to place a well known loud mouth Italian into the leadership of the local US national dark matters operators core. Which John Gody was what is called in dark matters a burn man. Somebody that would draw attention and thus burn the program so it no longer existed. During this time the Italian's started getting heavily into Mexican drug networks. Where Mexicans are great at making people think they are their masters when in reality you are being drawn right into the quarters of the Mexican espionage to be taken over. Which is what happened to the Italians. They started messing with drugs which burned their Military ties, and they started allowing John to be loud mouthed about his espionage work. Where a once proud muscle family that took care of business then laid waste to a drug epidemic subversion culture that allowed Mexico's proxy warriors to take over as the US's main dark matters watchers.

Mexican Presido's are everywhere in the USA. They are not like other cultures here as they are militarized and act like a military operation. Where as other cultures like Asian's, Europeans, other Latins come here to be free and of course stick together. But they are not hard core Presido based elements in our culture of Democracy. This then is a problem. If we look at the collections grids we see a major issue with CISEN. Today over 60,000 terrorist deaths a year happen in Mexico. Cause CISEN is such a fascist entity as not to care about Democracy or peaceful warfare and just kills those who go against their dictatorships. Where in the USA we see each year about 10,000 US terrorist deaths by Mexican nationals that are in CISEN proxy war and presido building girds. Now if we look at our current weight of policy in force and fist. We see in the middle east there is only around 712 terrorist deaths a year. Where as in the USA there is around 10 or so middle east national or lets be honest foreign Muslim espionage proxy attacks on our US citizens a year. This is a major problem. Today in our US schools we see the affect of this war. A nation built by European Democracies. Is become a nation take over by Mexican fascist culture. This is a threat to bio diversity balance in our heritage of European Democracy beliefs. As in Mexico they have less than 1% of European migrants living there. While even lower grids of illegal immigration, except for Chinese illegal migrants today.

Thus we need to take a look at the Presido grid building of the Mexican Espionage Units and take a serious indpeth analysts of this allowed policy of so called CISEN control of our dark matters. Where we need to retake that idea of small islands who we can trust and not worry about racist take over or constant terrorist deaths with no respect for morality. Via this presido's that are very big threats to US Democracy. As they are not a a balanced family of dark matters. They are all one sided belief in Democratic illegal migrant take over through amnesty ever 5-7 years where 5 million Mexicans get amnesty. As compared to in that same time legal and illegal amnesty for other cultures is around 200,000 human beings and cultures. The US needs to look at its local enforcement against proxy warriors and CISEN. Today most police think that they are dealing with that they call a syndicate. However, that is just a shortened term for sin dictation. Which if one was to study statecraft is just a set of government officials that allow for sin to happen. However, in the US with the boarders 30 seconds from house cover. The US does not get to have its own sin dictation  CISEN has taken upon itself to take over the US sin dictations. I will leave this article with that idea of where do our morals and beliefs and force direction lay. In a foreign land, where folks only kill us cause we are there. With very low terrorist deaths, cause of some Catholic CIA agents who are miss directed for Catholic church building of ranks in the USA through illegal migration. Or do we look at  leadership, where Mike has taken the helm and economic warfare and Presido wars are the biggest CIA direction we should have today?

Rider I
I think the Trust we showed in Libyan Muslims to build a Democracy. While allowing more of the world to play a game of watch Democracy grow instead of force it with bullets. Should be our direction with the Middle East. They seem to respond well to that strategy.

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Rape of Iceland by Communist China's Propaganda Chief

Iceland is a very old Democracy. As a matter of fact a lot of Knights Templar and Mason's see Iceland as the founding place of world Democracy and Druids. That once rule the earth with the symbol of pyramids. Today it is a very small culture as it is considered by many Europeans and Native Americans as the place where the American multicultural Democracy values where raised between two cultures the Native Americans or and Viking cultures. It is a land that many countries once they have gained some clout in Democracy have tried to take over. To basically take over the roots of the culture of European heritage pride and culture and island lore. When Japan became part of the world Democracy, it tried to take over the countries industry of tourism and fishing. When Saudi Arabia became a power of OPEC it also tried to take over the islands culture of tourism and fishing. Now that Communist China is a big country and even though not allowing Democracy like Japan's Monarchy and Saudi Arabia's monarchy. They are allowed into Democracy.

Today we have seen a US Secretary of Science Chu commit multiple acts of treason. Where he destroyed US green tech industry. Then he funded a well known world leftist or basically communist brain tech company that creates brain tech on the leftist black markets. Which he did illegally to not draw notice to Communist China by bid rigging a US science competition. As somehow a Chinese American who committed treason by destroying 80% of US green tech industry stimulus was a great way to also hide the funneling of weapons to Communist China's 400 Embassy agents in Iceland. Where the next biggest embassy there is 70. Then we see that a reason why the brain tech weapons set up and so many espionage agents at their local espionage base in Iceland where such. A Communist Chinese Propaganda Chief desires to destroy the Icelandic tourist industry to funnel all of his citizens funds back to China and take that fresh treasury from Iceland. By building a Chinese resort on Iceland. As somehow Chinese folks want to go to Iceland to be in China. This Propaganda Chief plans to do the same exact thing that the Japanese, and Saudi Arabians tried to do. Which is take over the tourism industry and then create an import fishing company to destroy their local industries of fishing and tourism. Which is their main individual ownership there for their people that brings in foreign fresh treasury.

If this is allowed to happen. We will see Iceland lose its local fresh treasury of taxes. Which will create stagflation. As the Icelandic people lose their competitive abilities against foreign Communist state subsidies from the Propaganda Department. This will then force them to be more reliant on deficit loans and most likely implode from the inability to create fresh treasury from their two main tax fresh sources. Which are exports of fish and tourism. Without these two trades being owned wholly by them. They lose their fresh treasury that helps them pay of their local stagflation and civil issues needs. This is a basic economic warfare implosion attack on Iceland. The island grids are very small and it is easy to see what damage would be done to the local economy. If the full extent of the grid is allowed to be taken. The Icelandic economy as a light show will be destroyed and a dark cloud of deficit and implosion will overcome it. As the Communist Chinese agents come in to buy it up as it goes through deficit and loans that will most likely come after the fish import company and tourist industry is non competitive to the local populace.
The Icelandic people have said no. They are trying to be nice and say please send something again. However, in reality somebody like usually needs to stick up for them and say. Hey buddy this is rap they said no, ok. You will seriously hurt them by doing what you wish to do here. They are a small independent nation. That needs their fishing economy and tourist economy to be owned by them. Please do not take that from them.

Rider I

Secretary Chu's $10 Million dollar Fiasco

Royal Phillips Eletronics

Royal Philips Electronics, commonly known as Philips
"It was founded in Eindhoven in 1891 by Gerard Philips and his father Frederik"

Gerlard Philips
"was a first cousin of Karl Marx"

Renewable energy money still going abroad, despite criticism from Congress
"Foreign Grants 1.7 Billion" If you research exactly where it was all Communist Party owned businesses. That are very closely lead by the Communist Chinese in the international Communist Party.
"Domestic Grants 500 million"
Congress and the President set out very strict laws to stop this from happening. Secretary Chu knew as they he worked with Commerce Secretary Locke and a Federal Contracts Chinese person. Who where all told many times as per books on the matter. That there are laws against what you are doing.

Afective television monitoring and control

Dale C. Wiggins, M.S. (Vice President of Technology for Philips Healthcare Patient Care and Clinical Informatics Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.)
Applications and opportunities for wearable technology in physiological monitoring

20120065458 - Implantable device with communication means: The invention relates to an implantable device, e.g. a Deep Brain Stimulation device (10), and to a method for communicating information from such an implantable device (10) to its carrier. The communication is achieved by the emission of sound from a transmitter (16) into the body material surrounding the implantable... Agent: Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.v.

Neurolosurgical Guiding Tool

Conscious Monitoring

Chinese Billionaire Won’t Give Up on Iceland Plan After Snub

The Central Propaganda Department as Department Chief

Plans of the Central Propaganda Department Chief are to take over the islands tourism industry. Then to create a Chinese fishing import business to destroy their local main two industries of fishing and tourism.

Prose on Secretaries Chu's Treason against the US through Science

Rider I

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Space Insurgency the Guerrilla Satellite Strategies. An Example of Human Smuggling Counter Insurgency.

I have bought the Book Insurgents, Raiders, and Bandits How Masters of Irregular Warfare Have Shaped our World I have had this book for a while and started to read it kind of read it speed read it. However, I had no mindset for it so it was lost in the memory banks to nothing. So I am going to re read it and have the mindset to apply this knowledge of irregular warfare to space insurgency. As I go along I will post ideas about Space Insurgency and the new guerrilla warfare.

For example today I have asked Senator Lady Cindy McCain and then asked First Lady Laura Bush to create a satellite guerrilla program against the world's human smuggling rings. As currently the majority of their funds and economic seat grid work goes for Democrats. Where less than 5% of the humans smuggled each amnesty cyclical actually vote for the Republic. Even when the Republic actually votes to give them amnesty. So the key to this issue. Would be creating a counter insurgency to stop the Democrats terrorist of human smuggling by creating terrorism of counter insurgency strategy. First of all affordable guerrilla satellites today can cost anywhere from $1,000 for a cheap one that last a few years all the way to $8,000 that can last for decades. Where the applications for the guerrilla necessity of legal criminal justice investigation as per international treaties that allow news papers to own satellites to watch their journalist and to create news and find places to send folks to present the news. The cost of a camera system can range from $150 for a simple black and white map view system where you can see houses and get a still picture, all the way to $500 where you can get live feeds with pin point and infer read technology The only cost is the projection units for the systems to receive data feeds. Which today  you can use a simple hand held satellite that costs under a $100 to create them.

The launch costs to lost a satellite is about just as cheap today. You can launch a satellite with other pay load going in for a very few dollars, around a $1,000 or so for a camera set 5 foot satellite or even smaller for good ones with just camera systems that are around one foot in diameter. For those who want to start their own phone companies you can buy satellites and launch them with internet feed and all for around $3,500. Marketing companies today have their own collection satellites. Where they collect whole native anthropology of systems and how they work to figure out best fit markets.

So lets take my example of the Republican satellite insurgency in space against the Democrats and leftist world wide human smuggling operations. The Solution to stop world human smuggling or Democrats biggest party building and funding through launder mats funding is a good way to create  a major feminism insurgency in space. The issue is the Republic can't refute fast enough the Democrats lines of seat warfare that destroy their own parties lines of seats and economics with foreign immigrant oppression of economic growth and seat for their own conservative most of the time native populace. This then creates an illegal insurgency that only the Democrats have access to and can wield in their intelligence grids and operations for voting rights. This is very unfair to the Republic. Not to mention the majority of people who do that for the Democrats. Also run sex, slave, pedophile rings, drug rings and are the worlds underworld of terrorist roads and black markets. So the idea is that the Republic needs to create a legal counter insurgency that can slow the traffic of unfair Democratic principles of illegal marketing through human seat warfare for votes and party building.

To do this the Republic has to find the cause of the root. This root that protects the element that is an insurgency is human trafficking. Without the human trafficking part the Democrats would not look the other way or use the lines of communication for their own military war games to force Generals and police, and Republicans to stay out of the game. However, the Republic does not have a similar game that is a counter affect as human smuggling for votes, treasury or political push or beliefs, or terrorist insurgency if the Democrats became undemocratic. So then the Republic most look to space and criminal investigations to do this. Today the humans smuggling research companies are without satellites and are blind to the specific hot spots of where this most happens. Thus first we must create a collection of the hot spots. So that the funders and donars will know that it will work and they are not throwing money to the wind or to some female power force that could be used for anything. Without a direct intel directive for the world agencies to know what they will be working on and the bounds and limits of the project. So as not to be used as an invasion force but a network of female conservative military units in the world to stop bad guy smuggling of human traffic for Democrats and the side affects of pedophilia, sex slaves, and WMD trafficking.

How to figure out the worlds human trafficking hot spots and collect a report on where the satellites can be places to project Conservative Laura and Cindy power pyramids at to stop Democrats Michelle and other Democratic female human smuggling for their grid works. So lets start with Michelle. Her contacts to the black panther as a teenager and as a college girl are a perfect place to start. Then we tie in Obama's ties to Kenya and his family in Kenya. Then we tie in his personal guard and the African racist in the US intel and Military that are most likely willing to racial grid and smuggle based on that false fallacy that we need terrorist grids to stay open for defense networks. When you grid these ties together we can find a specific point on the world GPS map where their funds, military, housing, connections and then we can see the exact spot where the satellites of the world conservative female coalition can place them to watch. This can be done with other areas like Russia. Where Diane Feinstein has contacts and her grid work can be done to triangulate the exact location of the housing units, power, and corrupted officials that are smuggling. Even though her smuggling of Russians is very little compared to the Kenyas. Also we can then look at Xexrra and Sanchez and Dayleon. This characters are Latin racist leaders who pride themselves on the illegal immigrant building that creates their main stay of their voting populace and power in the leadership of the USA. If we where to triangulate their social, funds, military, cognitional speeches, and other issues that have ties to locate positioning of human smuggling rings we could do the same thing. Now a good counter insurgency program of collection by lights. As something has to be gleamed as per the Fitch paradigm if it is it is known and thus there is light you just have to look.

Once the triangulation of the Democrats positioning and programs are created. We can create a counter insurgency map. That looks similar to a light grid. Thus then we can predict movements as they move their ports and bank and teller systems. Port is a place where the human genomic material is staged to leave the area and began the travel to where it is needed for the Democrats intelligence grid work for voting maps and voter party building in lineage and voting sympathetic issues. Once we have predicted movements and had a few ties between Cindy and Laura Pyramids with foreign female military conservative muscles to counter insurge the human trafficking insurgency. Then they can begin go to seek funds for their own insurgency operations with satellites.

The collection methods will then need international cooperation for proper legal matters. The issue then is counter intelligence to make sure no Democrat or human smuggler gets into the activist insurgency against the leftist surge of seat warfare and voter seat warfare insurgency. This can be done legally through laws that allow Republicans to only hire Republicans in a political non profit institution. The laws for this discrimination against the left as they are the ones who illegally build parties through this horrible network. Should be done after the collection of the triangulation system is perfected to find the insurgency that we need to insurge against.

So we have an outline for triangulation of insurgency. We have a legal preparedness for counter intelligence against any insurgents in the world Female Conservative Republic insurgency. Next we need to look at funding the program to get proper funds for female conservative woman to work the satellites, gird the intel, and nexus with the world female military that will be most likely running the muscle of the operations. Shadow outline we will need to present the US DOD with mediation tactics so that the Democrats do not try and get high tech and provide terrorist with capabilities to block our insurgency. Which means DOD hawk satellites watching out for criminal operation satellites. The main goal here is for the Republic to create a counter insurgency in case the Democrats every due use their terrorist human smuggling ties to take over completely. As we are seeing them today use racist latin human smuggling issues to take over the vote through monopolies of ideas.

So the funding needs to tie into current human smuggling operations. Currently Democrat females and conservatives are funding and operating their own operations. As not all Democrat females are in on the human smuggling. However, still the Republics needs to create its own to create a proper counter insurgency.  So this would mean going to churches that currently fund anti human smuggling against the catholic church. For example, the Baptist Church, Church of Christ and other churches that are pro Conservative churches that do not believe in human smuggling to build their churches or their political leader that back their corrupt actions of human smuggling. Once the funding starts to roll in the program only needs around $1 million to get the satellites up and running. The two woman by that time should have used their own pocket change money to create ties with their girls and foreign military conservative girls. So those should have been their donation besides their own work product. Then the cost of the location for a secure Republican base. Is probable going to cost around $5.6 million a year. But with the connections of female international conservative outreach it should be no problem to create that amount of money. As per the need for around 117 employees at $50,000 a year. Of course it can start much smaller with a two female system watching the satellite grids over the highest Democrat area of smuggling. Which today is Mexico and Kenya. As per Democratic iniatives for party monopolization of voter sympathy and grid work being done by ex US Democrat intelligence agents and racist parts of the Democratic party.

In conclusion the space guerrilla satellite insurgency program needs to be looked at like this. In all reality, a man or lets say ancient family. Could take 500,000 satellites for around $2 million and create the worlds biggest angel program for Democracy to watch balance issues and to grid out. Or a female conservative party could counter the threat of monopolized seat, economic and voter threats by Democrats insurgency operations with their own legal insurgency operation and thus get great affects for the conservative people of the world. While stopping major billions of dollars for the Democrat intel grid workers. This is juts part of my first thoughts as I read the Master of Irregular warfare books. I have found a whole set and will apply them to todays satellite programs. In reality the core issue can go very much deeper. For example, simple satellite camera systems can have projection hacks that can project a picture that is no there to block that. Then the pack of satellites would need a guard satellite that watches for EMT projections toward their packs. But for today this should be sufficient. As the DOD mediation affects should work. As there is no way any Republican with nay amount of decadency would ever bow down to a Democrat intel or military operations. To allow 5 million just Mexicans every 5-7 years obtain amnesty while since 1980 those cyclical racist pack only vote in each pack 5% for Republicans. Even when Republicans vote for it and even state amnesty should be done to try out the affects.  This would be a Democratic solution to the current imbalance of the US political system. Where one party has an insurgency and the other has no counter insurgency to the obvious facts of monopolized voter sympathy, seat economic and voter insurgency.

Rider I
Blog cite
one of the reasons China gave up the majority of its underground bases. As the US created satellites along with Russia to see its mountain operations during the 1990's. We can see the core of the earth with scanner tech.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Solution to the World School Children Killings.

Dear World Leaders

Since the tragedy of Connecticut we see a world trend in school killings without regards to gun control. As in foreign countries like Communist China they murder tens of people harm even more with hammers, and knifes and chairs. As such, there is a basic root cause of this issue. In a world where armed guards make less than $30,000 a year and police officers can make $10 an hour. While a Principle makes $90,000 to $120,000 and teachers make $25,000 through $35,000. While teachers are forced to have medical emergency training. We could see a reality of rootology where the Principles in every instance of school shootings is not prepared to defend his school. Just like the ability to manage a school takes time. So does the art of hand to hand combat and commercial security. Where one can actually take on a gun toting man without any weapon with proper training and instincts. It is the Republics view point that the US should look into regulating a better Principle training system that can allow the Principle to have hands on training with his Vice Principle as co-partner to secure any possible threats from radical elements that might try and kill or hurt the populace of the school. I think the root of the issue is the knowledge base of the Principle issues. If any of these world school killings, that used knives, chairs, hammers or guns. Had a principle that was trained in self defense and commercial security. The assailant most assuredly would not have been able to obtain such high statistical kill rates. I believe a research into this legislative matter should be dealt with.

Thank you
Rider I

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Treatise on Political Discrimination In the Hiring Process

"I am not an attorney"
Treatise on Political Discrimination In the Hiring Process
Issue: political line of questioning lead to majority of political conservation in the interview. Then reason given for not hiring the Plaintiff was that the Plaintiff did not fit in.
On REDACTED I was asked to go into an interview. The Manger of REDACTED asked me a little bit about myself. In one of my statements I stated one of my hobbies was politics. The manager then decided to break the law and ask me my political affiliation. The “outrageous” “illegitimate criterion” of an employment question based on California Labor Code Section 98.6 and Section 1101pg 20  and Labor and Employment Law Political Discrimination Treatise  and State of California Government Code section 19703 prohibits the asking of any questions relating to political or religious affiliations of any state employee or employment candidate. gave me a “gut reaction” that made me very scared, and I asked if it mattered.  After that I began talking about my political beliefs. That then directed the majority of the interview towards politics and not my skills. As he then asked me about how I felt about the Presidential Election. This then gave me less than one quarter of the interview on my skills. Thus showing a “substantial negative reliance on an illegitimate criterion.” As the line of question was a “non bona fide business necessity” hiring question. That was designed to create a possible discrimination against me. The "EEOC has defined the act to include intentional discrimination bust also acts that have discriminatory impact"  pg 435 Law of Business 9th edition Barnes Dworkin and Richards. Thus the political questioning had nothing to do with my abilities to sell a product "Court rulings and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") guidelines prohibit the use of all pre-employment inquiries that […]that are a not valid predictors of successful job performance or which cannot be justified by "business necessity." See Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971)" As my political beliefs have no “disparate impact against the business” and if they eliminated the line of questioning it would have no impact on the business as per business necessity standards of Government Code Section 12900-12996 Cal Fair Employment and Housing Act Ardy v Stumpf (1978) 21 C3d 1, 145 CR 176.  I then went back to find out why I was not hired. And a man with a bald head and white hair was standing there. As the manager told me I just “did not fit in.” This then gave me a preponderance of evidence that the line of illegal question was the in part a reason for my not being hired. The FEHC has a “test for determining whether a preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that an adverse employment decision was caused at least in part by a discriminatory motive” DFEH v Church’s Fried Chicken, Inc. (1987) FEHC Dec. No 87-18. As the political line of questioning has to show his  concept of hiring questions is more than merely convenient but something less than absolutely necessary for survival of the enterprise Albernarle Paper Co. V Moody (1975) 422 US 405, 45 L Ed 2d 280

There are many laws making the identity of a political person a protected class under the discrimination clause of employment. As the EEOC has stated that "we must vigilantly prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation, parental status, marital status, political affiliation, military service, or any other non-merit based factor."
 The California State Discrimination Complaint has a place for political affiliation USDA Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights  Selective Service System .  State of California DMV . California Department of Corrections County of Orange County Equal Employment Opportunity Access Office The California Supreme Court has read its Political Discrimination statute as covering discrimination in hiring, even though the statutory text refers just to actions with regard to “employee Gay Law Students Ass’n v. Pac. Tel.  & Tel. Co., 595 P.2d 592, 610 n.16 (Cal. 1979).   BARCLAYS CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS “Executive Order No. B-54-79 (1979). In addition, "[w]ithin 30 days after receipt of notice of termination of a career executive assignment, the affected employee may appeal to the State Personnel Board upon the grounds that the termination was effected for reasons of age, sex, sexual preference as prohibited by Governor's Executive Order B-54-79 (4/4/79), marital status, race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability as defined in Government Code section 19231(a)(1), religion, or religious opinions and affiliations, political affiliation, or political opinions. After hearing the appeal, the board may affirm the action of the appointing power, or restore the affected employee to the career executive assignment." (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2, § 548.13.) Article 15 Termination of Assignment §548.136. Appeal from Termination.  Within 30 days after receipt of notice of termination of a career executive assignment, the affected employee may appeal to the State Personnel Board upon the grounds that the termination was effected for reasons of  age, sex, sexual preference as prohibited by Governor's Executive Order B-54-79 (4/4/79), marital status, race, color, national origin, ancestry,  disability as defined in Government Code Section 1923 1(a)(1), religion, or religious opinions and affiliations, political affiliation, or political opinions. After hearing the appeal, the board may affirm the action of the appointing power, or restore the affected employee to the career executive assignment.
The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA) contains a number of prohibitions, known as prohibited personnel practices, which are designed to promote overall fairness in federal personnel actions 5 U.S.C. 2302. The CSRA prohibits any employee who has authority to take certain personnel actions from discriminating for or against employees or applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or disability. It also provides that certain personnel actions cannot be based on attributes or conduct that do not adversely affect employee performance, such as marital status and political affiliation.  Education Code section 45293 provides that no question may be asked of a candidate for a classified services position of any public school system regarding his or her political or religious opinions or affiliations, race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or marital status, nor may any candidate be discriminated against on any of these bases.  Labor Code sections 1101 and 1102 prohibit employers from adopting or enforcing any rule, regulation, or policy preventing employers from participating in politics or controlling the political activities or affiliations of employees.  Race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability (including HIV and AIDS), mental disability, medical condition (cancer and genetic characteristics), genetic information, marital status (including domestic partnershiop), sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), age (40+), sexual orientation, gender (including gender-identity or the perception that the person has any of these characteristics); denial of family and medical care leave; alcohol and drug abuse, political affiliation. CAL.GOV'T CODE §§ 12926, 12940, 12949; CAL.LAB.CODE §§ 1025, 1101 et seq.  Section 188 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) prohibits discrimination against applicants, employees and participants in WIA Title I-financially assisted programs and activities, and programs that are part of the One-Stop system, on the ground of age. In addition, WIA prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, political affiliation or belief, and for beneficiaries only, citizenship or participation in a WIA Title I-financially assisted program or activity. According to the Department of California Social Services: The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) in accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as California Government Code sections 19700 through 19706, prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political beliefs, disability, marital status, ancestry, sexual orientation, age and retaliation. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you have the right to file a complaint directly with CDSS Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office. Examples of areas it is illegal to ask you about as an applicant/candidate include: Political Beliefs  California Labor Code Sections 1101 and 1102 prohibit employers from preventing or punishing an employee’s political activity. The Labor Commissioner of California Enforces Discrimination Prohibition based on Political views
  Convention Concerning Discrimination In Respect of Employment and occupation requires the international treaty states (which the US is a partner to) to enact legislation to stop political discrimination in the work place.,_1958
If this complaint is dismissed by the EEOC or DFEH it violates the above international treaty the US has ratified with. Thus creating a Federal relief for a bigger case and even more media and possible attorney fees for the Defendant as a unique case. As the above treaty is currently pending in the Senate and has not seen the proper case work to see it through to full ratification Thus making this case an even bigger media case to show the issue to the people due to the firms actions. Ratification cases are very powerful and cause very in depth media analysts and polling and bringing out the defendant that has allowed the Plaintiff to seek its justice in name.  says revolution. 

Loan to Lennar Gives China Firm a U.S. Role
El Dutche

In conclusion  it is my belief that there is no refutation for the business necessity just without advantage to an alternative selection method that would have compared business utility with a less adverse impact Calds v County of Los Angeles (9th Cir 1985) 770 F2d 1421. As the the discrimination test shows a prima facia case under the disparate treatment treatise. As the Plaintiff in this case was a member of a 1. protected class as per the laws of the above stated nature and the California Supreme Court case treatise on the matter of political discrimination in the hiring process. Also the Plaintiff did 2. apply for the job and was very available  and very qualified. While 3. Despite the Plaintiff’s qualifications he was rejected because of the line of questioning gave a in part possibility of discriminatory intent and holding by the manager. The 4. Employer kept seeking applications for the position as per many craigslist positing after words. McDonell Douglas Corp v Green, 411 U.S. 792, 93 S. Ct 1817 Even though the disparate impact theory concern’s employment practices that exclude entire groups of people, an individual Plaintiff may bring complaints under the theory. In such circumstances the plaintiff is simply claiming that he or she was particularly impacted by an employer practice which has an adverse impact on the group or groups to which the plaintiff belongs. Connecticut v Teal, 457 U.S. 440, 102 S. Ct. 2525 The purpose of this case is to prove arguable case that could be taken to court. Thus showing ability where the Plaintiff can seek an injunctive relief order to cause all management practices to teach nondiscrimination in the hiring process. As this cited ABA manual does  and the International Finance Corporation Good Practices Note Non Discrimination and Equal Employment While also the International Labor Organization Eliminating Discrimination in the Workplace Manual
    Where the court case will cost the defendant upwards of $150,000. Because “ an employer, labor organization, employment agency apprenticeship, training program or any training program leading to employment, to fail to take reasonable steps necessary to prevent discrimination and harassment from occurring. Government Code Section 12940 subdivision k. Is illegal and an actionable injunctive order in court. Which can be done by both the EEOC, DFEH and then also a proper Civil Court can rule on the matter. With multiple awards for injunction.  As “The shifting burdens of proof set forth in McDonnell Douglas are designed to assure that the "plaintiff [has] his day in court despite the unavailability of direct evidence." Loeb v. Textron, Inc., 600 F.2d 1003, 1014 (CA1 1979)” The Plaintiff is a paralegal and can work his own case and also receive attorney’s fees if the plaintiff is granted the injunctive order for relief. Where the plaintiff’s going rate as per his last employment was $125 an hour. Thus a normal paralegal work case is about $85,000 for one case. REDACTED. REDACTED Plaintiff is willing to settle the case for $50,000 in the FEHA. Or will, as proven above, show cause for a court order and case in the public view.  Also the Plaintiff is unemployed, indigent and possible having to go on welfare. The Plaintiff can seek relief from having to pay any attorney’s fees if the Judge finds against the Plaintiffs argument.  Over the years, the legislation would be broadened further. In 1975, discrimination based on sex, marital status, sexual orientation, and political ideology were outlawed. In 1979, parental status was added; in 1986, creed and disability; and in 1999 gender identity The original meaning of the Fair Housing and Employment was not just to protect housing regulations for political freedom of speech but also employment as a protected form of civil rights. That an employer has no rights without a business necessity to ask about. Fair housing and employment go hand and hand. This is an arguable case and can cost Defendants big sums of money and also very big grid work issues. Thus I can take it to the higher courts for more exposure.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Letter to Maricopa County requesting a legal manual.

Dear Maricopa County, 

I understand that you all are at the front of the economic seat warfare with CISEN. That kills upwards of 3 million US citizens a year due to inability to gain employment. Which causes a myraid of deaths as per a yale report on mortality . Thus in reality every time another seat economic warfare agent from CISEN herd's cross the US they kill another US citizens ability to gain a job and have a family. When a picker and a maid can have 6 kids and live under a roof. I think that a US citizen would love to have those jobs and have maybe one or two kids which is even a better life. But they can't CISEN uses English style opiate wars to drug up the unemployment populace that are not orthodox Mexican nationals. Then they die off or get to insane or to hurt by unemployment to gain a job. For example, I have been unemployed for more than 2 years now. I can't find a job. So I basically have found every single employer who employees illegal immigrants and the CISEN drug networks that is used to grid out US citizen and pro American belief in the USA. With Mexican consulates, military and politicians and professors all saying it is a genomic invasion to kill the US citizen take their jobs and then take over the USA for Mexico. I think there is a Problem. 

Thus the solution I have found is that the IRS pays folks up to 30% of the catch of employers that are turned in for hiring illegal immigrants. So if an employer hires illegal immigrants and makes around $150k a year that is $45k a year. Thus I was wondering if Maricopa county had a manual for its US citizens on how to legally go about obtaining the necessary proof and intel on that matter. So those of us that are displaced because of the CISEN herd economic seat warfare can still live and have a family. The manual would be really simple. It would show the legal places to turn in the employer. The needed mindset for the IRS to investigate. The ability to use major criteria to place your investigative journalist at the front of the line. While a myraid of other criteria the IRS uses to prosecute employers who help CISEN destroy US citizen lives by hiring Mexican Nationals over the US citizens that are unemployed and in a good majority dying or become so depressed and out of it that they may never be able to obtain a job again. Other areas are of course the liability for the individual hunter for any laws they can try and attack the investigator on. Like things that they need to worry about and make sure they do not do and do do for the turn in. As currently I am going to have to start hunting illegal immigrant employers. As my own community which all know I need a job. Will not hire me as this city is so corrupt that I will have no choice but to make money by turning folks in to survive. Which is not my fault that they do not want to hire me. I am a hard worker able smart and very legal and very trustworthy. 

Issue: Legal Manual on how to turn in illegal immigrant employers to the IRS without getting in trouble by the law.

Rider I

Monday, December 3, 2012

Son Of The Hollywood Reporter’s Founder Apologizes For Father’s Role In Hollywood Blacklist

My thoughts on this article and the conversation on the article.
Defending the US from cognitional optogenics and hearing genics brain warfare like how Avatar was made. To stop fascist mono party system from monopolizing our biggest optogenics bases is not something to apologize for. Currently today the worlds biggest oppressor of freedom of speech, religion, culture and political affiliation Dalia Wanda owns the US's biggest optogenics base AMC.
Rider I

The Communist Party still today comes out each year out of its national committee and states it is militarized to destroy democracy and free markets. Just like it was during the first cold war. They are a economic terrorist organization that kills the US with economic grid warfare and specific economic implosion tactics.
Rider I
Conversation piece by another:
"The Zionists are obviously responsible for this. It's amazing the power that they wield. And who started communism to begin with?"
my thoughts:
Communism was started by the Chinese Emperor who Paid Engeles to create a Tabula Rosa against the ancient west culture of Democracy and freedom of Religion. This is proven through trade documents with Engels and the Chinese Emperor. Then also the meeting with Engels at the same time the trade documents show an increase in trade. Then after 1842 war when Engels was paid by the Chinese Emperor due to the West taken over Hong Kong. The Chinese Emperor prepared the manual for use against the Western Democracy Monarch of Russia. Which the Chinese Emperor had major trade ties to a small party of bolsheviks who did not like the King. Which then the Chinese military invaded massive forces into Russia while the small Bolshevikian party genocided the king and all of the Democracy political parties in Congress and Senate. Thus leaving the Chinese military in Russia up to about the world wars and even longer as per some dug in bases the US and Russian forces have found recently. I am an Illumanitus all that means is a higher degree than the Scotish Rite. We did not create the Communist. it was a Tabula Rosa cognitional battle by the Chinese Emperor.
Rider I

Also if you read the Unrestricted Warfare manual. Which is a tabula Rosa Economic manual on how to destroy the US military with economic warfare as compared to cognitional thought warfare of the Communist Manifesto Tabula Rosa. You will see the worlds 2008 economic collapse was the same thing as the 1917 war of Russia against China with proxy agents Bolsheviks. Except with the Communist Chinese using economic grid-warfare that was similar to the 1920's German Socialist stock attacks and cyclical bubble grid creation by driving service cycle directions of savings and loans, .com and mortgage by stripping US export business out so each time we bubble and burst we go deeper into deficit with no export business to get us out via needed fresh treasury. So the book explains how it would and did destroy the US military and economy without using politics. Which is a tabual rosa manual for militarized economics like communist manifesto is a tabula rosa manual for religion democracy and free market destruction.

Rider I

Letter for settlement for bad interview.

I am not an attorney
Dear such and such

During my interviews with first and second I told both of them i was political active. Neither of them asked what political party I was in. As it is illegal as per employment law in an interview to ask political affiliation. As it will draw out conflicting political ideas that have nothing to do with work or employment. However, manager in his interview. When I was asked a little about me, I said the same thing I always say. Which is who I am I am very political. However, they are not supposed to ask and when manager asked I was very scared and felt like I would discriminated against and asked if it would matter. He said no. However, today when I went in to find out why i was not hired he did not say it was because I did not meet the work quality or abilities. It was because i was not a good fit. This is the case law for Republican Prop 32 Supreme Court issues with employment discrimination and political issues. Also please see the below cited law on my filing of my EEOC claim.

If manager wishes to keep his record clean I am more than willing to settle outside of the corporate structure with a legal written document that I will not bring suit.
Or else I am going to scar his record in his career for scaring me when he asked the illegal question.

Above letter has not yet been responded too. Thus I move for next step in war.

Two violations

"He asked me my political affiliation Then he asked me my feelings on the Presidential Campaign. Then I was told that i was not hired as I did not fit in. The reason was nothing to do with my skills. My claim"

For me it is no big deal. I am very educated and worked cases against military employment, nuclear science, city employment mass clients, and whole countries with strategies. So this is easy, also I had many personal EEOC settlements to teach managers lessons on law and proper etiquette. So tomorrow I begin attack this man. As I heard his hiring practices could be based around his parting practices of possible relations to drugs and narcotics as he hires illegal immigrants. In a place that hangs my Great Uncle Westmorelands picture in a Jeep as a US General.

In all reality it makes my legal resume look great, one expunged, one repealed, couple EEOC battles, and then a possible battle for cognitional political fight if the current under my case review firm does not settle in courts. For Prop 32 cognition.

It was a perfect job, the guys where really cool, really liked me, nice environment great perks, 2 minutes on motorcycle from my house about 10 minutes on bus. So perfect. Then this bungwhole who probable has never read FLSA management laws in his life violates my employment rights as a Republican man.

"Religious beliefs include theistic beliefs (i.e. those that include a belief in God) as well as non-theistic “moral or ethical beliefs as to what is right and wrong which are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views.” Although courts generally resolve doubts about particular beliefs in favor of finding that they are religious, beliefs are not protected merely because they are strongly held. Rather, religion typically concerns “ultimate ideas” about “life, purpose, and death.” Social, political, or economic philosophies, as well as mere personal preferences, are not “religious” beliefs protected by Title VII."

Case falls under religious affiliation laws.

"Religion based illegal interview questions in US arise, when an employer makes religion oriented queries not related to the concerned job profile."

going to ask for $15,000 as the case alone to open will cause the staff on hand to take up around that amount for a month worth of research and time. Not to mention the length of any employment case is worth at least $150,000 a case. So then I will settle for $10,000. Now I just need to crack my FLSA management books on political questioning in the interview and its illegal nature to create biased discrimination in the mind of the manager for the hiring practice.

Let me work up my document so the attorney does not think I am a dip poo and low ball me as if I do not know it is free to file cases in the court for unemployed and plus it just makes my law school and paralegal resume look better if I have cases of my own battled by me. Like the repealed congressional law, the expunged record and the two cases I helped my friends out with EEOC managers, one a sex battery employment case, the other a same thing that I am going through.

I think I might just go buy a book on religious discrimination in the work place. As the EEOC and California and Supreme Court define politics as religion. I think it is worth the loan. I would like to see full detail on this. Maybe push it $20 if the case law is strong on it. As I ran cases with thousands of clients. Working on case of my own is nothing. I can take this trail and crucify the business and then place it on news per my grid work and intel friends in conservative media. I will look for the supreme court case too that I remeber having the exact words of you just do not fit in it.

I still have my litigation by numbers book. I just used that thing by the book to run cases. Plus I have my calendering key too so I do not get sanctions for missing responses. I think I will shoot higher. The entity is a corporate major national firm. They do not want my poor european face in the news with the current massive issue of jobs and economy.

lets call my candy store the law book store see if they have any sweets for me on my cognitional appetite to chop heads.

I can feel the quickening now when that check walks in the door of the mediation room or they say we will fight it. yaaaaa, roll the heads

This one is a good cite "EEOC has defined the act to include intentional discrimination bust also acts that have discriminatory impact" pg 435 law of business 9th edition Barnes Dworkin and Richards

I also have a professional professor working up a nice piece for me too. that should be good tonight or tomorrow I should receive it out of his memory banks for free. As he loves to see folks get their heads ripped off by poor folks like me especially folks that really help the community with their volunteer work like I did with regards to military and economic warfare.

"Court rulings and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") guidelines
prohibit the use of all pre-employment inquiries that disproportionately screen out
members of minority groups or members of one sex and are not valid predictors of
successful job performance or which cannot be justified by "business necessity." See
Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971)"

oh I can't stand this I must go to the library and see the manual on religious (political under defined terms) premployment discrimination due to asking question. I must it is a quest, I must open the book of power and tool to cut heads.

There is a nice nut shell I love nut shells.

This is almost better than thinking I am seeing Meghan McCain yesss oh yesss off I go again to the public alaw library to look through mounds of books on good stuff for my claim.

I need to buy this article. above stated I am really upset I did not get the job and even more so I seriously feel like I was discriminated on by the illegal political questions. However, if I win this case I can get back into school with the money so that is great too. So I need to work hard on it and find the experts and treatise to make sure I can win if I need to take it to court.

"we must vigilantly prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation, parental status, marital status, political affiliation, military service, or any other non-merit based factor."

how to file in case I forgot

I need to find the state one too. I will go state first
go to local one

ok I think I have a solid case. I worked tends of thousands of clients cases in my last firm. I know when there is a good case based on claim when I find enough to write a demand letter. Through the EEOC for mediation. As I will seek justice through the courts and pray for proper management training and laws implement through court order if settlement is not reached.

ok everything is online.

-Griggs v Duke Power co (1971) 401 US 424, 28 L Ed 2d 158, 91 S. Ct. 849
Business necessity test burden shifts to employer to show standard of question being job related.
-Concept is that it is more than merely convenient but something less than absolutely necessary for survival of the enterprise Albernarle Paper Co. V Moody (1975) 422 US 405, 45 L Ed 2d 280
-Concept of business necessity and bona fide occupational qualification are closed related and my overlap Gunther v Iowa State Men’s Reformatory 8th Cir. 1980 612 Fd 1079
-Government Code Section Section 12900-12996 Cal Fair Employment and Housing Act
1. Disparate impact against business
2. If elimination of question had bad impact on the business
Hardy v Stumpf (1978) 21 C3d 1, 145 CR 176
- Plaintiff cannot refute business necessity just without advantage an altern selection method that would have compared business utility with a less adverse impact Calds v County of Los Angeles (9th Cir 1985) 770 F2d 1421
-Outrageious legal word eregiounsnes of the employers conduct
- Confidentiality of the employer
“gut reaction of act”
Fact patterns
Religion or Creed
-Disparate treatment intent discrimination because of membership in prohibited class
McDonell Douglas Corp v Green, 411 U.S. 792, 93 S. Ct 1817

-Preponderance of evidence
Transword Airlines, Inc. v Thurston, 469 U.S. 111, 105 S. Ct. 613
-Discriminate test, prima facia case under disparate treatment id cited Mcdonell Douglas Corp case
1. The Plaintiff is member of protected class
2. applied for job was available for and qualified for
3. despite qualifications was rejected
4 employer continued to seek applications “went other way”
-  Saint Mary’s Honor Center v Hicks 509 U.S. 502, 113 S. Ct. 2742
“The Plaintiff must still carry his or her ultimate burden of persuasion that the employers real reason wsa discriminatory”
Jeff admitted to the end reason was I did not fit in. Thus the Political questions where to fit his end reason of fitting in and not for the proper reason of skill level.
-id cited “where plaintiff can establish a prima facia case of discrimination, a triable issue of fact always remains whether the employers proffered reason for termination was the real reason for termination or whether the termination decision was infected with discrimination intent”
-The FEHC “test for determining whether a preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that an adverse employment decision was caused at least in part by a discriminatory motive” DFEH v Church’s Fried Chicken, Inc. (1987) FEHC Dec. No 87-18
-Proof of discriminatory intent in a disparate treatment action may be directly circumstantial, or inferred from statistical evidence. Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C.A. Sec 2000e to 200e-17; Mary v University of Southern California, 87 F. Supp. 2d 1021
-Substantial negative reliance on an illegitimate criterion
- Concept of unintentional discriminative is illogical – Discriminatory impact, not need attempt , is required to challge Title VII claims Boyd v Ozark Air lines, Inc. 419 F. Supp. 1061, 13 Fair Emple Pract Cus. (BNA) 529
-Even though the disparate impact theory concern’s employment practices that exclude entire groups of people, individual Plaintiff may bring complaints under the theory. In such circumstances the plaintiff is simply claiming that he or she was particularly impacted by an employer practice which has an adverse impact on the group or groups to which the plaintiff belongs. Connecticut v Teal, 457 U.S. 440, 102 S. Ct. 2525
-Use statements of Republicans take up majority of welfare statistics
- Injunctive relief order is what I will be seeking if they do not settle to stop trail. That will force a court order for the firm to change its management practices and properly educated their managers.
- Religion or creed
1. You  cannot be asked if you have a religion or creed. Government Code Section 17704, 12940
2. You cannot be asked your Religious group creed Gov Code Sec 19704, 12940
3. You cant be asked about religious or creed days you observe Government Code Section 19704, 12940

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA) contains a number of prohibitions, known as prohibited personnel practices, which are designed to promote overall fairness in federal personnel actions. 5 U.S.C. 2302. The CSRA prohibits any employee who has authority to take certain personnel actions from discriminating for or against employees or applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or disability. It also provides that certain personnel actions can not be based on attributes or conduct that do not adversely affect employee performance, such as marital status and political affiliation.

From what I have read it is a very arguable triable offense in the court systems as differences of opinions on political discrimination allowed or not allowed. Thus that is what I am planning on the fact I can take it to court and have it heard before the people. Is all I want as that is the settlement push.

Education Code section 45293 provides that no question may be asked of a candidate for a classified services position of any public school system regarding his or her political or religious opinions or affiliations, race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or marital status, nor may any candidate be discriminated against on any of these bases.

Government Code section 19703 prohibits the asking of any questions relating to political or religious affiliations of any state employee or employment candidate.

Labor Code sections 1101 and 1102 prohibit employers from adopting or enforcing any rule, regulation, or policy preventing employers from participating in politics or controlling the political activities or affiliations of employees.

government code defines Religions as Political in california
Executive Order No. B-54-79 (1979). In addition, "[w]ithin 30 days after receipt of notice of termination of a career executive assignment, the affected employee may appeal to the State Personnel Board upon the grounds that the termination was effected for reasons of age, sex, sexual preference as prohibited by Governor's Executive Order B-54-79 (4/4/79), marital status, race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability as defined in Government Code section 19231(a)(1), religion, or religious opinions and affiliations, political affiliation, or political opinions. After hearing the appeal, the board may affirm the action of the appointing power, or restore the affected employee to the career executive assignment." (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2, § 548.13.)

Race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability (including HIV and AIDS), mental disability, medical condition (cancer and genetic characteristics), genetic information, marital status (including domestic partnershiop), sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), age (40+), sexual orientation, gender (including gender-identity or the perception that the person has any of these characteristics); denial of family and medical care leave; alcohol and drug abuse, political affiliation.
CAL.GOV'T CODE §§ 12926, 12940, 12949; CAL.LAB.CODE §§ 1025, 1101 et seq.

There are many other laws dealing with employment that also follow the suit. 

Section 188 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) prohibits discrimination against applicants, employees and participants in WIA Title I-financially assisted programs and activities, and programs that are part of the One-Stop system, on the ground of age. In addition, WIA prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, political affiliation or belief, and for beneficiaries only, citizenship or participation in a WIA Title I-financially assisted program or activity. Section 188 of WIA is enforced by the

California Labor Code Sections 1101 and 1102 prohibit employers from preventing or punishing an employee’s political activity.

Race, religious creed, color, national
origin, ancestry, physical disability
(including HIV and AIDS), mental
disability, medical condition (cancer
and genetic characteristics), marital
status (including domestic
partnershiop), sex (including
pregnancy, childbirth or related
medical conditions), age (40+),
sexual orientation, gender (including
gender-identity or the perception that
the person has any of these
characteristics); denial of family and
medical care leave; alcohol and drug
abuse, political affiliation.
CAL.GOV’T CODE §§ 12926, 12940,
12949; CAL.LAB.CODE §§ 1025,
1101 et seq.

California Supreme Court has read its statute as covering discrimination in hiring, even though the statutory text refers just to actions with regard to “employee

Gay Law Students Ass’n v. Pac. Tel.  & Tel. Co., 595 P.2d 592, 610 n.16 (Cal. 

Jury Splits on Political Discrimination Case against Iowa

According to the Department of California Social Services:
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) in accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as California Government Code sections 19700 through 19706, prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political beliefs, disability, marital status, ancestry, sexual orientation, age and retaliation. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you have the right to file a complaint directly with CDSS Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office.

Examples of areas it is illegal to ask you about as an applicant/candidate include:
·         Political Beliefs

The California State Discrimination Complaint has a place for political Affilation

In case he lies there was a man with a bald head and white hair that day that heard him and also the other two that let me through and did not violate any manager interview laws also know about it.

I do not really worry about that as my Three Uncles in the DOD's as Generals base off my word the deaths of human beings. And if I say this guy is lying they will find something on him legally to gain me my justice.