This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

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US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Wruckers room

A Country a People a Culture Stays great cause it does not allow itself to be attacked or oppressed. The USA is currently run by a grid of losers to the Communist Chinese oppression. Racist Latin's leaders more worried about allowing Mexico to invade our grids to take over. African Racist Progressive more worried about taken over US European heritage muscle influence and base closures. European American's more worried about the Communist Chinese Proxy Warriors instead of the root of the matter like we did during the Cold War against the Russian Puppetted state of China's Bolshevist proxy warriors. A grid of losers and not one can figure out a simple plan to get us out of deficit to compete against the Communist State Owned Enterprise's. A country and culture does not stay great cause of some kind of ideological perspective that their theory will win. Even if they are massively being destroyed by a foreign state. Free Trade does not work in a neo-mercantilism world. The US alone has lost 3,000 Export Business over the last 18 years. Accumulative to 55,000 just to the Communist State Owned Enterprises of a mono fascist party state. This then would have been around currently with our civil needs, we would be in $34 trillion dollars of surplus if we would have fought the Communist like we did during the Cold War. As during the cold war we where spending around 15 trillion a year just on space race. These days thanks to oppressed weak leaders we are cutting everything and running scared from grid speech and grid maneuvers.

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Rape of Iceland by Communist China's Propaganda Chief

Iceland is a very old Democracy. As a matter of fact a lot of Knights Templar and Mason's see Iceland as the founding place of world Democracy and Druids. That once rule the earth with the symbol of pyramids. Today it is a very small culture as it is considered by many Europeans and Native Americans as the place where the American multicultural Democracy values where raised between two cultures the Native Americans or and Viking cultures. It is a land that many countries once they have gained some clout in Democracy have tried to take over. To basically take over the roots of the culture of European heritage pride and culture and island lore. When Japan became part of the world Democracy, it tried to take over the countries industry of tourism and fishing. When Saudi Arabia became a power of OPEC it also tried to take over the islands culture of tourism and fishing. Now that Communist China is a big country and even though not allowing Democracy like Japan's Monarchy and Saudi Arabia's monarchy. They are allowed into Democracy.

Today we have seen a US Secretary of Science Chu commit multiple acts of treason. Where he destroyed US green tech industry. Then he funded a well known world leftist or basically communist brain tech company that creates brain tech on the leftist black markets. Which he did illegally to not draw notice to Communist China by bid rigging a US science competition. As somehow a Chinese American who committed treason by destroying 80% of US green tech industry stimulus was a great way to also hide the funneling of weapons to Communist China's 400 Embassy agents in Iceland. Where the next biggest embassy there is 70. Then we see that a reason why the brain tech weapons set up and so many espionage agents at their local espionage base in Iceland where such. A Communist Chinese Propaganda Chief desires to destroy the Icelandic tourist industry to funnel all of his citizens funds back to China and take that fresh treasury from Iceland. By building a Chinese resort on Iceland. As somehow Chinese folks want to go to Iceland to be in China. This Propaganda Chief plans to do the same exact thing that the Japanese, and Saudi Arabians tried to do. Which is take over the tourism industry and then create an import fishing company to destroy their local industries of fishing and tourism. Which is their main individual ownership there for their people that brings in foreign fresh treasury.

If this is allowed to happen. We will see Iceland lose its local fresh treasury of taxes. Which will create stagflation. As the Icelandic people lose their competitive abilities against foreign Communist state subsidies from the Propaganda Department. This will then force them to be more reliant on deficit loans and most likely implode from the inability to create fresh treasury from their two main tax fresh sources. Which are exports of fish and tourism. Without these two trades being owned wholly by them. They lose their fresh treasury that helps them pay of their local stagflation and civil issues needs. This is a basic economic warfare implosion attack on Iceland. The island grids are very small and it is easy to see what damage would be done to the local economy. If the full extent of the grid is allowed to be taken. The Icelandic economy as a light show will be destroyed and a dark cloud of deficit and implosion will overcome it. As the Communist Chinese agents come in to buy it up as it goes through deficit and loans that will most likely come after the fish import company and tourist industry is non competitive to the local populace.
The Icelandic people have said no. They are trying to be nice and say please send something again. However, in reality somebody like usually needs to stick up for them and say. Hey buddy this is rap they said no, ok. You will seriously hurt them by doing what you wish to do here. They are a small independent nation. That needs their fishing economy and tourist economy to be owned by them. Please do not take that from them.

Rider I

Secretary Chu's $10 Million dollar Fiasco

Royal Phillips Eletronics

Royal Philips Electronics, commonly known as Philips
"It was founded in Eindhoven in 1891 by Gerard Philips and his father Frederik"

Gerlard Philips
"was a first cousin of Karl Marx"

Renewable energy money still going abroad, despite criticism from Congress
"Foreign Grants 1.7 Billion" If you research exactly where it was all Communist Party owned businesses. That are very closely lead by the Communist Chinese in the international Communist Party.
"Domestic Grants 500 million"
Congress and the President set out very strict laws to stop this from happening. Secretary Chu knew as they he worked with Commerce Secretary Locke and a Federal Contracts Chinese person. Who where all told many times as per books on the matter. That there are laws against what you are doing.

Afective television monitoring and control

Dale C. Wiggins, M.S. (Vice President of Technology for Philips Healthcare Patient Care and Clinical Informatics Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.)
Applications and opportunities for wearable technology in physiological monitoring

20120065458 - Implantable device with communication means: The invention relates to an implantable device, e.g. a Deep Brain Stimulation device (10), and to a method for communicating information from such an implantable device (10) to its carrier. The communication is achieved by the emission of sound from a transmitter (16) into the body material surrounding the implantable... Agent: Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.v.

Neurolosurgical Guiding Tool

Conscious Monitoring

Chinese Billionaire Won’t Give Up on Iceland Plan After Snub

The Central Propaganda Department as Department Chief

Plans of the Central Propaganda Department Chief are to take over the islands tourism industry. Then to create a Chinese fishing import business to destroy their local main two industries of fishing and tourism.

Prose on Secretaries Chu's Treason against the US through Science

Rider I

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