This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at
US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Wruckers room

A Country a People a Culture Stays great cause it does not allow itself to be attacked or oppressed. The USA is currently run by a grid of losers to the Communist Chinese oppression. Racist Latin's leaders more worried about allowing Mexico to invade our grids to take over. African Racist Progressive more worried about taken over US European heritage muscle influence and base closures. European American's more worried about the Communist Chinese Proxy Warriors instead of the root of the matter like we did during the Cold War against the Russian Puppetted state of China's Bolshevist proxy warriors. A grid of losers and not one can figure out a simple plan to get us out of deficit to compete against the Communist State Owned Enterprise's. A country and culture does not stay great cause of some kind of ideological perspective that their theory will win. Even if they are massively being destroyed by a foreign state. Free Trade does not work in a neo-mercantilism world. The US alone has lost 3,000 Export Business over the last 18 years. Accumulative to 55,000 just to the Communist State Owned Enterprises of a mono fascist party state. This then would have been around currently with our civil needs, we would be in $34 trillion dollars of surplus if we would have fought the Communist like we did during the Cold War. As during the cold war we where spending around 15 trillion a year just on space race. These days thanks to oppressed weak leaders we are cutting everything and running scared from grid speech and grid maneuvers.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

DFEH case of possible Due Process Violation of Calendering Law.

Matthew 10:34
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

So I filed my case. It went to mediation as per interview or meeting with DFEH representative. Both sides agreed to mediation. I waited some time my soul began hurting. I called in said more time they are tight lipped. I wrote in that I was militarized and had a tight fist and will sue after 30 days if not calendered on time. Then I waited for a week. I then called the Representative had a bad attitude towards me the victim for being upset and stating my legal rights to sue and law. Then I was told that I was going to be retaliated against for my statements of being able to sue after 30 days of no calendering. By having my case re-investigated then possible not heard at all. So then I sent in a letter of how that is illegal and retaliation will cost the agency over $200,000 in punitive damages if proven. Then I was told I would be hearing from the Representative in a week. That did not happen. So I called them on the Monday afterwords and I was told very nicely after making a big fit with the war department council of engagement and research and refer of the warriors guilds. Then I was told that the case has been reset for mediation and they will hear it very nicely. I said ok I will wait another month for good character. Even though I told him everyday I am not able to get into gain justice it hurts me as the victim. I did not tell him but my heritage was genocided and had to flee a land where Communist mono fascist genociders killed everybody that did not believe in tabula rosa and the one way of their life. As my grandma was Russian Christian heritage and as per the very few who made it out mainly being the royal court. It is fabled she was the prince of Russia. And my girlfriend for five years who I almost married was Vietnamese Conservative heritage who her family was genocided out of Vietnam too. Plus i live in a major area of genocided people by Communist political discriminative governance.

So I went to work and today was a slow day so I am a good worker I am not going to force my boss to pay me for not being productive. So I went home and went to the law library. The conclusion I came up with is to give them 60 days from first interview to set the date time and place as per law. California Code of Regulations Title 1 Division 2 Chapter 3 Article 2 Sec 1220 Date Time and Place of Mediation "60 days" was the ammo I was looking for.

Its my belief that their Office Of Compliance does not have a policy manual or proper court style calendering or due process book like court clerks and calendering clerks are supposed to have. So I went to the law library and pulled up some cases. As I have the police manual cause of action, injuctive order, threat of retalation, violation of due process and those are good causes of action that can draw blood of over $300,000 in damages or in case damages just to hur their treasury over $500,000 just in attorney fees.

Other words and books and other areas of issues I might need to refresh on if I am violated again.

Books so far not opened just on the shelf:

California Code of Regulations

California Legal Filing Director

California Administrative Hearing Practice

Due Process of Law; a history of and analytical treaties of the principle and methods followed by the courts in application of the concept of law.

Judicial Efficiency and Improvement

Proposed case processing time standard for California Superior Court

Mediation Arbitration Laws

Mediation; law, policy, practice

Due Process, Due Diligence

Due Process Advocacy

DFEH Office of Compliance Programs
1201 I Street, Suite 211,
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 323-4547

Due Process Challenge tests needed

Time Standards

Case of Management

Uncomplicated which means simple mediation calender date

Statutory Requirements

Sanctions Gov. C. Sec 68608(b)

Mediation Department Date Time Place

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Government Code

and that is all I found before I found a soft spot in the law I had to appeal to to help the judge rule in my favor. So I have to wait for next violation date

I worked for the labor department as a paralegal for 3 years in a private firm for police military and high tech scientists. This is obviously way over the calendering date. Usually took about 3 days to a week. I had my car broken into cities try and ban me folks threaten me the whole 9 yards when folks mess with military police or high tech scientist they are big meanies. And the first step in war is the courts and I did the first step for them.

3 hours at $125 bill rate as per last work and my ability to strategize and collect knowledge in a timely manner.

Spent another hour on the case

Case law above is the main issue of soft law. Must find the Federal law I had when i worked as a paralegal.

Compliance with Due Process Calendering laws
Failure to follow assements and procedures

Due process hearing medaition arbitration

Office of Adminstration Hearings

CA Office of Adminstration of Law

Research Adminstration Law Manual

I am surpised somebod has not already done a complete treatise on Due Process and Calendering laws of the court. I am just not keying into this to find its pool source.

Federal Adminstration law

Violation of this letter from the Office of Adminstration to create calendering laws

DFEH is not on this list of adminstrative law calendering dates for 2012 so DFEH can place blame on Adminstrative law executives. So they might not be to blame and the Admin of California itself might be for leaving her and the admin out.

This admin provided the above calendering laws

Laws that govern the DFEH under the CA Admin laws

Chapter 3. Agency Alternatives to Formal Hearings--Alternative Dispute Resolution
Article 1. General Provisions

§1208. Standards of Conduct for Neutrals.

adminstrative procedure act governing government employees

Federal Code of Regulations

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