I am infatutated with Meghan McCain. I think she is a perfect balance to my hard counter weight of a man. She is femine, yet cultura and has her own ideas and is nice to the small folks. I was pushing the party for a while to place her on tv so she could have her own show like Opra I just hope she does the world it includes with it. Which means getting out there and marketing and working on every second to make her followers grow. I am jealous Levitt and her as it is her first big show on tv. And more likely than not the affection will show. As the cameras do that to human beings and that is normal. Nothing I can do, except hope that some star provides me the needed funds to heal and obtain my power grid. So I can obtain her friendship and see if she likes me before some man settles her for him.
Rider I
Rider I
Now my People of the USA. If you reall think about what the Democrats are doing they are forcing the gay pyramid to worry about a word issue of civil union or marriage. The Republican party has always championed that cause of the heart of gay pyramid lands. Which is STD's. The majority of gay people are dying from Aids. Which is a serious issue. The idea that a word battle over a cultural desire not to have its cultural tabula Rosa. Shows the Democrats leadership in this issue is way off and the Republicans are the true champions of the gay people here.
The reality is the Democrats do not care about the gay people. Or else a word game of civil union and marriage would be the US political grid champion battles here. It would be the real heart of the issue of the gay people. Which President Reagan Championed, President Bush Sr Championed and Cody A Fitch is championing here for the gay people. What is the real gay culture issue. Is it destroying the last Christian idea of sexual christian culture a word of female to male. Which majority of gays are not even christian and civil union is fine with them. Or is the political champion grid the idea of STD's and solutions to these as the past Republican presidents have championed. I think the Democrats due not understand the gay people at all. And they just want to push things that upset both cultures seriously. Instead of working on something that is in the heart of the gay community and also affects the straight community and bi community too.
Look at the political grid cultural genocide war mongers trying to force the christian culture to destroy itself. When Civil Unions are Federally already legl and tax issues. The Democrats due not care about the real gay community. They just care about stocking a fire of cultural war and hate for the real people who care about the gay community the Republican STD champions.