Rough Draft of Victimization of my seconds and heart beats on this planet earth.
Matthew 10:34
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Facts and Circumstances:
I filed my case in the DFEH system on this date ........ It was sent to mediation as per interview or meeting with DFEH representative via email on this date ........ SEE ATTACHED Exhibit (A). Then both sides agreed to mediation. I waited some time my soul began hurting as per mounds of due process law and calendering law states the human soul does when it does not know its calender date reason behind due process and calendering laws here ........... I called to ask what was going on about the calender date. Philip Nigel said it will take more time they are tight lipped. I asked him the law of the calender date he had have a clue or a binder or set of protocols to turn to as he said it could take up to a year. I then again felt oppressed as per Due Process law and research shows the soul will. So I wrote in that I was militarized and had a tight fist and will sue after 30 days if not calendered on time. Then I waited for a week. I then called the Philip Nigel the mediation representative. He had a bad attitude towards me and used the word legalise like it was a bad thing I was using legalities to fight instead of a war campaign and an energy bubble of silence in the battleground. As I am the victim for being upset and stating my legal rights to sue and law. Then I was told that I was going to be retaliated against for my statements of being able to sue after 30 days of no calendering. That is illegal as per the Law of cause of action for Retaliation for stating legal right to sue here .............................. The retaliation statements stated by Philip Nigel where the DFEH would have my case re-investigated then possible not heard at all. So then I sent in a letter of how that is illegal and retaliation will cost the agency over $200,000 in punitive damages if proven. Then a day later I was told I would be hearing from the Philip Nigel in a week; he never called or emailed. So I called them on the Monday after the week extension past the 30 day Federal mediation calendering date. I was told very nicely after making a big fit with the war department council of engagement and research and referring my case warriors guilds. That the case has been reset for mediation and they will hear it very nicely. I said ok, I will wait another month for good character. Even though I told him, everyday I am not able to get into gain justice it hurts me as the victim. As per mounds of due process law and calendering law states the punitive damages for not calendering a due process hearing per mediation is ............................ because injustices to the citizen. Along with that the victimization was a political discrimination in highering process. I did not tell Philip Nigel as it should not matter, but my heritage was genocided and had to flee a land where communist mono fascist genociders killed everybody that did believe in the Christian Democracy heritage. As my grandma was Russian Christian heritage. There where very few who made it out. Also my girlfriend for five years who I almost married was Vietnamese Conservative heritage. Her family was genocided out of Vietnam by the same scourge of communist genocidal fascist political discriminators. Plus, I live in a major area of genocided people by communist political discriminative governance. Where Koreans, Cambodians, Chinese, Russians, Iranians and Syrians all live and the majority of our cultures where genocided by foreign communist regimes that discriminated against our political viewpoints of democracy and conservative culture heritages.
I have now waited the full 60 days from January 8th 2013. When I met with the mediation representative and my case was sent to mediation. As per the California Code of Regulations Title 1 Division 2 Chapter 3 Article 2 Sec 1220 Date Time and Place of Mediation citation ..... the agency has violated my rights to due process. As the date is more than 30 days past the evidential meeting of when my case was sent to mediation.
After the case and both sides had agreed to mediation as it was sent to mediation as per meeting. Herbt Yabrough called me on March 13, 2013 and said that he had called such and such and the no longer wish the case to be mediated. Thus now the action of discrimination, retaliation and obstruction of justice are in play. The action took over 90 days so such and such changed its mind about having the lawsuit mediated as per the letter sent by Philip Nigel on January 8th, 2013 when I was told both parties wanted to go to mediation.
Herbert Yabrough a District Manager of San Francisco corrupted the case. Not even LA or Socal District Manager.
Just called me and stated that after the obstruction of justice charges are being brought up and the calender date has been violated and 90 days has passed in this process. He called the Firm under review and of course after 90 days of the statute law they no longer wish to have the case heard in mediation. I received a letter stating that both parties desired mediation and it was being sent to mediation. So the obstruction of justice has completely obstructed my case now.
Herbert Yabrough's statements to me have to just nailed the obstruction case against Philip Nigel and Manager Maria. They told me via email both parties agreed to mediation and then after obstruction my justice due to me saying I would sue cause it was not calendered in the 30 day grace period allowed by Federal Administration law of mediation agencies. I was told they would now re investigated the case and possible not here it. Now that I am pressing penal charges I have 90 days later finally heard from the legal department. Which is now stating to me the actions taken by Philip Nigel and Manager Maria to obstruct my justice has caused the justice process to crumble and the defending party no longer wants to mediate.
Come Next Tuesday March 20, 2013 if I do not received a letter like Philip Nigel told me with my calender date and a check for $10,000 I am pressing federal and state felony charges and will sue the police officers if they do not arrest both of them. I worked for police officers in law for 3 years and am very family with office felonies like obstruction of justice.
Table of Contents
I.Law of Calendering Due Process Dates in Mediation: CCR Sec 1220 X
II. Evidence of first meeting with mediation representative and sent to mediation: January 8th, 2013 X
III. Evidence of Violation date: January 8th, 2008 was sent a meeting with the Mediation Representative it was being sent to mediation. Today is past that date. X
IV. Administrative Sanction Laws
V Trial Cost for state:
VI Due Process laws for Punitive Damages
VII Retaliation Remarks case was reinvestivated and then reset for mediation in case state re something then
VIII Criminal Penal Code Obstruction of Justice Through Retaliation.
IX Forced Settlement Laws:
X State must except how much of total cost to the state for settlement?
XI Status Quo Injustice: I worked as a Paralegal for 3 years filed cases in the DFEH usually took 2 weeks to calender case during that time clients would be very mad and upset and feel oppressed.
XII Injunctive orders for solutions:
A. Intern laws:
B. Donations to update calendering program so as soon as CCR Sec 1220 kicks in a date is kicked out:
C. Administrative laws on best practices:
D. Manual/Binder Employment Law For State Employees
E. Letter law Waiving Due Process rights after calendering date
XIII. Defense against the poor me we have no law. San Fran took in ten development loans from Communist China that stipulated forced buying from their market to take our fresh treasury and foreign reserves. California could easily create enough development loans stipulated to its own markets to get itself out of debt and there would be no inflation as we would be building foreign grids to trade with.
XIV.Administrative Filing and Compliance office demand letter locations
XV Conclusive Demand and compliance to immediately force calendering date
I. Law of Calendering Due Process Dates in Mediation:
California Code of Regulations Title 1 Division 2 Chapter 3 Article 2 Sec 1220 Date Time and Place of Mediation "60 days" was the ammo I was looking for.
"1 CCR § 1220
Cal. Admin. Code tit. 1, § 1220
Barclays Official California Code of Regulations Currentness
Title 1. General Provisions
Division 2. Office of Administrative Hearings
Chapter 3. Agency Alternatives to Formal Hearings -Alternative Dispute Resolution
Article 2. Mediation
§ 1220. Date, Time and Place of Mediation.
In consultation with the parties, the mediator shall fix the date, time and place of each mediation session. The mediation shall be held at any convenient location agreeable to the parties and the mediator. Mediation shall be completed within 60 days of the appointment of the mediator. Statutory, regulatory, and other timelines related to the dispute itself will not be affected unless by stipulation of the parties.
Note: Authority cited: Section 11420.20, Government Code. Reference: Section 11420.20, Government Code.
Matthew 10:34
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Facts and Circumstances:
I filed my case in the DFEH system on this date ........ It was sent to mediation as per interview or meeting with DFEH representative via email on this date ........ SEE ATTACHED Exhibit (A). Then both sides agreed to mediation. I waited some time my soul began hurting as per mounds of due process law and calendering law states the human soul does when it does not know its calender date reason behind due process and calendering laws here ........... I called to ask what was going on about the calender date. Philip Nigel said it will take more time they are tight lipped. I asked him the law of the calender date he had have a clue or a binder or set of protocols to turn to as he said it could take up to a year. I then again felt oppressed as per Due Process law and research shows the soul will. So I wrote in that I was militarized and had a tight fist and will sue after 30 days if not calendered on time. Then I waited for a week. I then called the Philip Nigel the mediation representative. He had a bad attitude towards me and used the word legalise like it was a bad thing I was using legalities to fight instead of a war campaign and an energy bubble of silence in the battleground. As I am the victim for being upset and stating my legal rights to sue and law. Then I was told that I was going to be retaliated against for my statements of being able to sue after 30 days of no calendering. That is illegal as per the Law of cause of action for Retaliation for stating legal right to sue here .............................. The retaliation statements stated by Philip Nigel where the DFEH would have my case re-investigated then possible not heard at all. So then I sent in a letter of how that is illegal and retaliation will cost the agency over $200,000 in punitive damages if proven. Then a day later I was told I would be hearing from the Philip Nigel in a week; he never called or emailed. So I called them on the Monday after the week extension past the 30 day Federal mediation calendering date. I was told very nicely after making a big fit with the war department council of engagement and research and referring my case warriors guilds. That the case has been reset for mediation and they will hear it very nicely. I said ok, I will wait another month for good character. Even though I told him, everyday I am not able to get into gain justice it hurts me as the victim. As per mounds of due process law and calendering law states the punitive damages for not calendering a due process hearing per mediation is ............................ because injustices to the citizen. Along with that the victimization was a political discrimination in highering process. I did not tell Philip Nigel as it should not matter, but my heritage was genocided and had to flee a land where communist mono fascist genociders killed everybody that did believe in the Christian Democracy heritage. As my grandma was Russian Christian heritage. There where very few who made it out. Also my girlfriend for five years who I almost married was Vietnamese Conservative heritage. Her family was genocided out of Vietnam by the same scourge of communist genocidal fascist political discriminators. Plus, I live in a major area of genocided people by communist political discriminative governance. Where Koreans, Cambodians, Chinese, Russians, Iranians and Syrians all live and the majority of our cultures where genocided by foreign communist regimes that discriminated against our political viewpoints of democracy and conservative culture heritages.
I have now waited the full 60 days from January 8th 2013. When I met with the mediation representative and my case was sent to mediation. As per the California Code of Regulations Title 1 Division 2 Chapter 3 Article 2 Sec 1220 Date Time and Place of Mediation citation ..... the agency has violated my rights to due process. As the date is more than 30 days past the evidential meeting of when my case was sent to mediation.
After the case and both sides had agreed to mediation as it was sent to mediation as per meeting. Herbt Yabrough called me on March 13, 2013 and said that he had called such and such and the no longer wish the case to be mediated. Thus now the action of discrimination, retaliation and obstruction of justice are in play. The action took over 90 days so such and such changed its mind about having the lawsuit mediated as per the letter sent by Philip Nigel on January 8th, 2013 when I was told both parties wanted to go to mediation.
Herbert Yabrough a District Manager of San Francisco corrupted the case. Not even LA or Socal District Manager.
Just called me and stated that after the obstruction of justice charges are being brought up and the calender date has been violated and 90 days has passed in this process. He called the Firm under review and of course after 90 days of the statute law they no longer wish to have the case heard in mediation. I received a letter stating that both parties desired mediation and it was being sent to mediation. So the obstruction of justice has completely obstructed my case now.
Herbert Yabrough's statements to me have to just nailed the obstruction case against Philip Nigel and Manager Maria. They told me via email both parties agreed to mediation and then after obstruction my justice due to me saying I would sue cause it was not calendered in the 30 day grace period allowed by Federal Administration law of mediation agencies. I was told they would now re investigated the case and possible not here it. Now that I am pressing penal charges I have 90 days later finally heard from the legal department. Which is now stating to me the actions taken by Philip Nigel and Manager Maria to obstruct my justice has caused the justice process to crumble and the defending party no longer wants to mediate.
Come Next Tuesday March 20, 2013 if I do not received a letter like Philip Nigel told me with my calender date and a check for $10,000 I am pressing federal and state felony charges and will sue the police officers if they do not arrest both of them. I worked for police officers in law for 3 years and am very family with office felonies like obstruction of justice.
Table of Contents
I.Law of Calendering Due Process Dates in Mediation: CCR Sec 1220 X
II. Evidence of first meeting with mediation representative and sent to mediation: January 8th, 2013 X
III. Evidence of Violation date: January 8th, 2008 was sent a meeting with the Mediation Representative it was being sent to mediation. Today is past that date. X
IV. Administrative Sanction Laws
V Trial Cost for state:
VI Due Process laws for Punitive Damages
VII Retaliation Remarks case was reinvestivated and then reset for mediation in case state re something then
VIII Criminal Penal Code Obstruction of Justice Through Retaliation.
IX Forced Settlement Laws:
X State must except how much of total cost to the state for settlement?
XI Status Quo Injustice: I worked as a Paralegal for 3 years filed cases in the DFEH usually took 2 weeks to calender case during that time clients would be very mad and upset and feel oppressed.
XII Injunctive orders for solutions:
A. Intern laws:
B. Donations to update calendering program so as soon as CCR Sec 1220 kicks in a date is kicked out:
C. Administrative laws on best practices:
D. Manual/Binder Employment Law For State Employees
E. Letter law Waiving Due Process rights after calendering date
XIII. Defense against the poor me we have no law. San Fran took in ten development loans from Communist China that stipulated forced buying from their market to take our fresh treasury and foreign reserves. California could easily create enough development loans stipulated to its own markets to get itself out of debt and there would be no inflation as we would be building foreign grids to trade with.
XIV.Administrative Filing and Compliance office demand letter locations
XV Conclusive Demand and compliance to immediately force calendering date
I. Law of Calendering Due Process Dates in Mediation:
California Code of Regulations Title 1 Division 2 Chapter 3 Article 2 Sec 1220 Date Time and Place of Mediation "60 days" was the ammo I was looking for.
"1 CCR § 1220
Cal. Admin. Code tit. 1, § 1220
Barclays Official California Code of Regulations Currentness
Title 1. General Provisions
Division 2. Office of Administrative Hearings
Chapter 3. Agency Alternatives to Formal Hearings -Alternative Dispute Resolution
In consultation with the parties, the mediator shall fix the date, time and place of each mediation session. The mediation shall be held at any convenient location agreeable to the parties and the mediator. Mediation shall be completed within 60 days of the appointment of the mediator. Statutory, regulatory, and other timelines related to the dispute itself will not be affected unless by stipulation of the parties.
Note: Authority cited: Section 11420.20, Government Code. Reference: Section 11420.20, Government Code.
1. New section filed 6-20-97; operative 7-1-97 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(d) (Register 97, No. 25).
1 CCR § 1220, 1 CA ADC § 1220"
CCR Title 1 Division 2 Ch 1 Sec 1002 "(3) "Day" means a calendar day, unless otherwise specified."
Calender Day means includes weekends
The agency affords itself a calendering date of due process of 21 days from the time it files with the investigations.
SECTION 825-825.6,%201870,%201871,%201875.htm
42 USC § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights
1. New section filed 6-20-97; operative 7-1-97 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(d) (Register 97, No. 25).
1 CCR § 1220, 1 CA ADC § 1220"
CCR Title 1 Division 2 Ch 1 Sec 1002 "(3) "Day" means a calendar day, unless otherwise specified."
Calender Day means includes weekends
The agency affords itself a calendering date of due process of 21 days from the time it files with the investigations.
§ 10057. DFEH Mediation Division Services
"(b) While a pre-investigation complaint is with the mediation division,
the requirement to submit a response to the complaint is temporarily suspended.
However, if mediation is declined or is unsuccessful, a response shall be
provided to the department no later than twenty-one (21) days after the date the
department notifies the respondent that a response is due because mediation
was declined or was unsuccessful. After the complaint is returned for
investigation, the enforcement division shall in writing notify the respondent or, if
the respondent is represented, the respondent’s attorney, of the exact date the
response is due"
II. Evidence of first meeting with mediation representative and sent to mediation:

redacted Jan 8

to me
Dear Mr. ME
Your complaint has been served. Your case has also been sent to mediation.
-- On or before 01/07/2013, redacted wrote
"(b) While a pre-investigation complaint is with the mediation division,
the requirement to submit a response to the complaint is temporarily suspended.
However, if mediation is declined or is unsuccessful, a response shall be
provided to the department no later than twenty-one (21) days after the date the
department notifies the respondent that a response is due because mediation
was declined or was unsuccessful. After the complaint is returned for
investigation, the enforcement division shall in writing notify the respondent or, if
the respondent is represented, the respondent’s attorney, of the exact date the
response is due"
II. Evidence of first meeting with mediation representative and sent to mediation:

redacted Jan 8

to me
Dear Mr. ME
Your complaint has been served. Your case has also been sent to mediation.
-- On or before 01/07/2013, redacted wrote
January 8th, 2013
III. Evidence of Violation date:
It is Today March 9, 2013. Which is 60 calender days from the date I might with the mediation representative and it was sent to mediation.
IV. Administrative Sanction Laws:
California Code of Civil Procedures Section 128.7. All requirements where met. I submitted mutiple requests to the mediation court to calender my date before the calender law was violated.
CCCP Sec 128.7 2. D states:
"imposed on motion and warranted for effective deterrence, an order directing payment to the movant of some or all of the reasonable attorney's fees and other expenses incurred as a direct result of the violation."
Awards and Expenses
V Trial Cost for state:
Total cost for a State Attorney is around $50,000 a year. So if the case goes into courts for due process law. Due Process court cases could last up to 3-5 years. That means the court case could be worth just in trial costs $80,000 worth of estimated time on the case.
VI. Due Process laws for Punitive Damages
By not affording me my fundamental rights under the CCR Sec 1220.
I have had my substantive due process rights violated. "Substantive due process (SDP) is one of the theories of law through which courts enforce limits on legislative and executive powers and authority. Under American jurisprudence, the avenues for use of this theory by courts are the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, which prohibit the federal and state governments, respectively, from depriving any person of "life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."
"CAL. CIV. CODE § 3294
(a)In an action for the breach of an obligation not arising from contract, where it is proven by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant has been guilty of oppression, fraud, or malice, the plaintiff, in addition to the actual damages, may recover damages for the sake of example and by way of punishing the defendant." The 60 days where violated even though I constantly said that the Federal Law states 30 days.
"(1)"Malice" means conduct which is intended by the defendant to cause injury to the plaintiff or despicable conduct which is carried on by the defendant with a willful and conscious disregard of the rights or safety of others."
III. Evidence of Violation date:
It is Today March 9, 2013. Which is 60 calender days from the date I might with the mediation representative and it was sent to mediation.
IV. Administrative Sanction Laws:
California Code of Civil Procedures Section 128.7. All requirements where met. I submitted mutiple requests to the mediation court to calender my date before the calender law was violated.
CCCP Sec 128.7 2. D states:
"imposed on motion and warranted for effective deterrence, an order directing payment to the movant of some or all of the reasonable attorney's fees and other expenses incurred as a direct result of the violation."
Awards and Expenses
V Trial Cost for state:
Total cost for a State Attorney is around $50,000 a year. So if the case goes into courts for due process law. Due Process court cases could last up to 3-5 years. That means the court case could be worth just in trial costs $80,000 worth of estimated time on the case.
VI. Due Process laws for Punitive Damages
By not affording me my fundamental rights under the CCR Sec 1220.
I have had my substantive due process rights violated. "Substantive due process (SDP) is one of the theories of law through which courts enforce limits on legislative and executive powers and authority. Under American jurisprudence, the avenues for use of this theory by courts are the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, which prohibit the federal and state governments, respectively, from depriving any person of "life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."
"CAL. CIV. CODE § 3294
(a)In an action for the breach of an obligation not arising from contract, where it is proven by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant has been guilty of oppression, fraud, or malice, the plaintiff, in addition to the actual damages, may recover damages for the sake of example and by way of punishing the defendant." The 60 days where violated even though I constantly said that the Federal Law states 30 days.
"(1)"Malice" means conduct which is intended by the defendant to cause injury to the plaintiff or despicable conduct which is carried on by the defendant with a willful and conscious disregard of the rights or safety of others."
SECTION 825-825.6
(b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a) or any other provision of law, a public entity is authorized to pay that part of a judgment that is for punitive or exemplary damages if the governing body of that public entity, acting in its sole discretion except in cases involving an entity of the state government, finds all of the following:
(1) The judgment is based on an act or omission of an employee or former employee acting within the course and scope of his or her employment as an employee of the public entity. [Philip Nigel was an employee of the DFEH and would not calender my date in the proper time allowed]
(2) At the time of the act giving rise to the liability, the employee or former employee acted, or failed to act, in good faith, without actual malice and in the apparent best interests of the public entity.[Malice as he failed to act in good faith without malice towards the law. As I was never sent a letter of waiver of due process rights.]
(3) Payment of the claim or judgment would be in the best interests of the public entity. [The payment of the punitives would show force to stop the current policy of not calendering the proper mediation dates within the time alloted. Thus forcing them to find a way to fix it. By using interns a updated legal calender law or other means of faster Due Process rights of knowledge of calendered date]"
Substantive Due Process Limits on Punitive Damage Awards:
I think $1 million Punitive damages would be a great award. As the total cost to all victims of this injustice of no calender date and violation of substantial
procedural due process rights is a big deal.
Punitive Damages for Deterence: When and How Much
VII. Retaliation Remarks
This is in case they try and say they get more time as they reinvestigated it. The reason they did that was cause of retaliation.
Human Rights have a lot of international treaties on this matter. The right to use the law to force a law to properly be is a world citizen right. It is either that or go to war and kill to get ones justice.
"Retaliation for Engaging in Protected Activity
A Federal agency cannot retaliate against an employee or applicant because that individual exercises his or her rights under any of the Federal antidiscrimination or whistleblower protection laws listed above. If you believe that you are the victim of retaliation for engaging in protected activity, you must follow, as appropriate, the procedures described in the Antidiscrimination Laws and Whistleblower Protection Laws sections or, if applicable, the administrative or negotiated grievance procedures in order to pursue any legal remedy."
(b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a) or any other provision of law, a public entity is authorized to pay that part of a judgment that is for punitive or exemplary damages if the governing body of that public entity, acting in its sole discretion except in cases involving an entity of the state government, finds all of the following:
(1) The judgment is based on an act or omission of an employee or former employee acting within the course and scope of his or her employment as an employee of the public entity. [Philip Nigel was an employee of the DFEH and would not calender my date in the proper time allowed]
(2) At the time of the act giving rise to the liability, the employee or former employee acted, or failed to act, in good faith, without actual malice and in the apparent best interests of the public entity.[Malice as he failed to act in good faith without malice towards the law. As I was never sent a letter of waiver of due process rights.]
(3) Payment of the claim or judgment would be in the best interests of the public entity. [The payment of the punitives would show force to stop the current policy of not calendering the proper mediation dates within the time alloted. Thus forcing them to find a way to fix it. By using interns a updated legal calender law or other means of faster Due Process rights of knowledge of calendered date]"
Substantive Due Process Limits on Punitive Damage Awards:
I think $1 million Punitive damages would be a great award. As the total cost to all victims of this injustice of no calender date and violation of substantial
procedural due process rights is a big deal.
Punitive Damages for Deterence: When and How Much
VII. Retaliation Remarks
This is in case they try and say they get more time as they reinvestigated it. The reason they did that was cause of retaliation.
Human Rights have a lot of international treaties on this matter. The right to use the law to force a law to properly be is a world citizen right. It is either that or go to war and kill to get ones justice.
"Retaliation for Engaging in Protected Activity
A Federal agency cannot retaliate against an employee or applicant because that individual exercises his or her rights under any of the Federal antidiscrimination or whistleblower protection laws listed above. If you believe that you are the victim of retaliation for engaging in protected activity, you must follow, as appropriate, the procedures described in the Antidiscrimination Laws and Whistleblower Protection Laws sections or, if applicable, the administrative or negotiated grievance procedures in order to pursue any legal remedy."
"42 USC § 12203 - Prohibition against retaliation and coercion
(a) Retaliation
No person shall discriminate against any individual because such individual has opposed any act or practice made unlawful by this chapter or because such individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this chapter."
"42 USC § 12203 - Prohibition against retaliation and coercion
(a) Retaliation
No person shall discriminate against any individual because such individual has opposed any act or practice made unlawful by this chapter or because such individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this chapter."
I charged Philip Nigel with violation of Obstruction of Justice if my date was not calendered in time as per CCR Sec 1220 60 day calendering date. Then he stated he was going to re-investigate the case and maybe not hear it at all.
This has great case law on how a citizen of the USA can state if you violate a law I will sue you. And not be retalated against for that and then if they are retalated for then sue for punitive damages.
VIII. Criminal Penal Code Obstruction of Justice Through Retaliation.
18 USC § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committeesThis has great case law on how a citizen of the USA can state if you violate a law I will sue you. And not be retalated against for that and then if they are retalated for then sue for punitive damages.
VIII. Criminal Penal Code Obstruction of Justice Through Retaliation.
18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiring Against Civil Rights
"depriving any person or any class of persons of the equal protection of the laws, or of equal privileges or immunities under the laws, or for the purpose of preventing or hindering the constituted authorities of any State from giving or securing to all persons within such State the equal protection of the laws, or shall conspire together for the purpose of in any manner impeding, hindering, obstructing, or defeating the due course of justice in any State or Territory, with intent to deny to any citizen of the United States the due and equal protection of the laws, ..... shall be punished by a fine not less than five hundred nor more than five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment, with or without hard labor, as the court may determine, for a period of not less than six months nor more than six years, as the court may determine, or by both such fine and imprisonment as the court shall determine...."18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiring Against Civil Rights
impeding justice in civil rights process.
Civil Rights Act of 1871, 17 Stat. 13 (1871).,%201870,%201871,%201875.htm
Obstruction of Proceedings
18 USC section § 241. Conspiracy against rights
Obstruction of Proceedings
18 USC section § 241. Conspiracy against rights
18 USC section § 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law
18 USC section § 1091. Genocide
Obstruction of Justice Treaties
Traditional Obstruction of Justice Statutes.
This one lays out the exact nature of Philip Nigel using threatening voice to tell me my case is now being reinvcestigated and might not be heard at all. After I stated I was going to sue under the law if it was not calendered in time. Thus placing a conspiracy between him and his manager and lawful arrest. Philip Nigel and his manager as he stated had conspired to upstruct justice cause I stated I was going to sue under my constitutional due right to enforce the law of calendering dates.
Protection of Government Process Ominbus Act.
Penal Code Section 182
(5) "(a) If two or more persons conspire:" "(5) To commit any act injurious to the public health, to publicmorals, or to pervert or obstruct justice, or the due administration of the laws."
Obstruction of Justice Treaties
Traditional Obstruction of Justice Statutes.
This one lays out the exact nature of Philip Nigel using threatening voice to tell me my case is now being reinvcestigated and might not be heard at all. After I stated I was going to sue under the law if it was not calendered in time. Thus placing a conspiracy between him and his manager and lawful arrest. Philip Nigel and his manager as he stated had conspired to upstruct justice cause I stated I was going to sue under my constitutional due right to enforce the law of calendering dates.
Protection of Government Process Ominbus Act.
Penal Code Section 182
(5) "(a) If two or more persons conspire:" "(5) To commit any act injurious to the public health, to publicmorals, or to pervert or obstruct justice, or the due administration of the laws."
Federal Felony
73 of United States Code, Title 18
"section 1505 (felony to obstruct proceedings before departments, agencies, committees)"
Obstruction of adminstration of justice. Justice $10,000
Obstruction definition:
"A thing that impedes or prevents passage or progress; an obstacle or blockage: "the tractor hit an obstruction""
Elk Grove PD
began working the case for penal crime
FBI White Collar Crimes Division
Letters to Philip Nigel
March 9th, 2013
Violation law, proper battle grounds.
Federal Felony
73 of United States Code, Title 18
"section 1505 (felony to obstruct proceedings before departments, agencies, committees)"
Obstruction of adminstration of justice. Justice $10,000
Obstruction definition:
"A thing that impedes or prevents passage or progress; an obstacle or blockage: "the tractor hit an obstruction""
Elk Grove PD
began working the case for penal crime
FBI White Collar Crimes Division
IX. Forced Settlement Laws:
X. State must except how much of total cost to the state for settlement?
XI. Status Quo Injustice: I worked as a Paralegal for 3 years filed cases in the DFEH usually took 2 weeks to calender case during that time clients would be very mad and upset and feel oppressed.
XII. Injunctive orders for solutions:
A. Intern laws:
B. Donations to update calendering program so as soon as CCR Sec 1220 kicks in a date is kicked out:
C. Administrative laws on best practices:
D. Manual/Binder Employment Law For State Employees
E. Letter law Waiving Due Process rights after calendering date
They did not send me a letter or ask me to waive my rights to the Sec 1220 calendering date law
which violates due process. As the agency is part of the government justice system and has to do
so. As per ......
XIII. Defense against the poor me we have no law. San Fran took in ten development loans from Communist China that stipulated forced buying from their market to take our fresh treasury and foreign reserves. California could easily create enough development loans stipulated to its own markets to get itself out of debt and there would be no inflation as we would be building foreign grids to trade with.
XIV.Administrative Filing and Compliance office demand letter locations
XV. Conclusive Demand and compliance to immediately force calendering date
Its my belief that their Office Of Compliance does not have a policy manual or proper court style calendering or due process book like court clerks and calendering clerks are supposed to have. So I went to the law library and pulled up some cases. As I have the police manual cause of action, injuctive order, threat of retaliation, violation of due process and those are good causes of action that can draw blood of over $300,000 in damages or in case damages just to hurt their treasury over $500,000 just in attorney fees.
Other words and books and other areas of issues I might need to refresh on if I am violated again.
Books so far not opened just on the shelf:
California Code of Regulations
California Legal Filing Director
California Administrative Hearing Practice
Due Process of Law; a history of and analytical treaties of the principle and methods followed by the courts in application of the concept of law.
Judicial Efficiency and Improvement
Proposed case processing time standard for California Superior Court
Mediation Arbitration Laws
Mediation; law, policy, practice
Due Process, Due Diligence
Due Process Advocacy
DFEH Office of Compliance Programs
1201 I Street, Suite 211,
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 323-4547
Due Process Challenge tests needed
Time Standards
Case of Management
Uncomplicated which means simple mediation calender date
Statutory Requirements
Sanctions Gov. C. Sec 68608(b)
Mediation Department Date Time Place
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Government Code
and that is all I found before I found a soft spot in the law I had to appeal to to help the judge rule in my favor. So I have to wait for next violation date
I worked for the labor department as a paralegal for 3 years in a private firm for police military and high tech scientists. This is obviously way over the calendering date. Usually took about 3 days to a week. I had my car broken into cities try and ban me folks threaten me the whole 9 yards when folks mess with military police or high tech scientist they are big meanies. And the first step in war is the courts and I did the first step for them.
3 hours at $125 bill rate as per last work and my ability to strategize and collect knowledge in a timely manner.
1 our research Friday 3/8/2013 $125
7 hours Saturday 3/9/2013 $125
Spent another hour on the case
Case law above is the main issue of soft law. Must find the Federal law I had when i worked as a paralegal.
Compliance with Due Process Calendering laws
Failure to follow assements and procedures
Due process hearing medaition arbitration
Office of Adminstration Hearings
CA Office of Adminstration of Law
Research Adminstration Law Manual
I am surpised somebod has not already done a complete treatise on Due Process and Calendering laws of the court. I am just not keying into this to find its pool source.
Federal Adminstration law
Violation of this letter from the Office of Adminstration to create calendering laws
DFEH is not on this list of adminstrative law calendering dates for 2012 so DFEH can place blame on Adminstrative law executives. So they might not be to blame and the Admin of California itself might be for leaving her and the admin out.
This admin provided the above calendering laws
Laws that govern the DFEH under the CA Admin laws
Chapter 3. Agency Alternatives to Formal Hearings--Alternative Dispute Resolution
Article 1. General Provisions
§1208. Standards of Conduct for Neutrals.
adminstrative procedure act governing government employees
Federal Code of Regulations
Standards of Conduct for Mediators
SECTION 1775-1775.15
The reason for mediation is to make the time faster. Court dates once petition is filed are done as per calendering laws. This is a violation of the purpose of the mediation agency
Key Term Procedural Due Process.
Key term model standards for mediators.
Model Standards for Mediators
A. A mediator shall conduct a mediation in accordance with these Standards and in a manner that promotes diligence, timeliness,"
Filing areas
Numbers of California Adminstrations
State Mediation services
X. State must except how much of total cost to the state for settlement?
XI. Status Quo Injustice: I worked as a Paralegal for 3 years filed cases in the DFEH usually took 2 weeks to calender case during that time clients would be very mad and upset and feel oppressed.
XII. Injunctive orders for solutions:
A. Intern laws:
B. Donations to update calendering program so as soon as CCR Sec 1220 kicks in a date is kicked out:
C. Administrative laws on best practices:
D. Manual/Binder Employment Law For State Employees
E. Letter law Waiving Due Process rights after calendering date
They did not send me a letter or ask me to waive my rights to the Sec 1220 calendering date law
which violates due process. As the agency is part of the government justice system and has to do
so. As per ......
XIII. Defense against the poor me we have no law. San Fran took in ten development loans from Communist China that stipulated forced buying from their market to take our fresh treasury and foreign reserves. California could easily create enough development loans stipulated to its own markets to get itself out of debt and there would be no inflation as we would be building foreign grids to trade with.
XIV.Administrative Filing and Compliance office demand letter locations
XV. Conclusive Demand and compliance to immediately force calendering date
Its my belief that their Office Of Compliance does not have a policy manual or proper court style calendering or due process book like court clerks and calendering clerks are supposed to have. So I went to the law library and pulled up some cases. As I have the police manual cause of action, injuctive order, threat of retaliation, violation of due process and those are good causes of action that can draw blood of over $300,000 in damages or in case damages just to hurt their treasury over $500,000 just in attorney fees.
Other words and books and other areas of issues I might need to refresh on if I am violated again.
Books so far not opened just on the shelf:
California Code of Regulations
California Legal Filing Director
California Administrative Hearing Practice
Due Process of Law; a history of and analytical treaties of the principle and methods followed by the courts in application of the concept of law.
Judicial Efficiency and Improvement
Proposed case processing time standard for California Superior Court
Mediation Arbitration Laws
Mediation; law, policy, practice
Due Process, Due Diligence
Due Process Advocacy
DFEH Office of Compliance Programs
1201 I Street, Suite 211,
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 323-4547
Due Process Challenge tests needed
Time Standards
Case of Management
Uncomplicated which means simple mediation calender date
Statutory Requirements
Sanctions Gov. C. Sec 68608(b)
Mediation Department Date Time Place
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Government Code
and that is all I found before I found a soft spot in the law I had to appeal to to help the judge rule in my favor. So I have to wait for next violation date
I worked for the labor department as a paralegal for 3 years in a private firm for police military and high tech scientists. This is obviously way over the calendering date. Usually took about 3 days to a week. I had my car broken into cities try and ban me folks threaten me the whole 9 yards when folks mess with military police or high tech scientist they are big meanies. And the first step in war is the courts and I did the first step for them.
3 hours at $125 bill rate as per last work and my ability to strategize and collect knowledge in a timely manner.
1 our research Friday 3/8/2013 $125
7 hours Saturday 3/9/2013 $125
Spent another hour on the case
Case law above is the main issue of soft law. Must find the Federal law I had when i worked as a paralegal.
Compliance with Due Process Calendering laws
Failure to follow assements and procedures
Due process hearing medaition arbitration
Office of Adminstration Hearings
CA Office of Adminstration of Law
Research Adminstration Law Manual
I am surpised somebod has not already done a complete treatise on Due Process and Calendering laws of the court. I am just not keying into this to find its pool source.
Federal Adminstration law
Violation of this letter from the Office of Adminstration to create calendering laws
DFEH is not on this list of adminstrative law calendering dates for 2012 so DFEH can place blame on Adminstrative law executives. So they might not be to blame and the Admin of California itself might be for leaving her and the admin out.
This admin provided the above calendering laws
Laws that govern the DFEH under the CA Admin laws
Chapter 3. Agency Alternatives to Formal Hearings--Alternative Dispute Resolution
Article 1. General Provisions
§1208. Standards of Conduct for Neutrals.
adminstrative procedure act governing government employees
Federal Code of Regulations
Standards of Conduct for Mediators
SECTION 1775-1775.15
The reason for mediation is to make the time faster. Court dates once petition is filed are done as per calendering laws. This is a violation of the purpose of the mediation agency
Key Term Procedural Due Process.
Key term model standards for mediators.
Model Standards for Mediators
A. A mediator shall conduct a mediation in accordance with these Standards and in a manner that promotes diligence, timeliness,"
Filing areas
Numbers of California Adminstrations
State Mediation services
Letters to Philip Nigel
March 9th, 2013
Violation law, proper battle grounds.
I had an eletronic meeting stating my case was being sent to mediation on Janaury the 8th 2013. It is past 60 days tomorrow. Thus this law is violated:
Current matter in this case. Pending felony charges of obstructio
Letter from Elk Grove Police Department:
STATE OF CALIFORNIA | State and Consumer Services Agency
2218 Kausen Drive, Suite 100, Elk Grove, CA 95758
March 13, 2013
RE: DFEH: 71872-33631
EEOC: 37A-2013-16283-C
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email correspondence wherein you express concerns
about the handling of your complaint. The following information explains the Department’s role
and the status of your matter.
The Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) is responsible for investigating action
or harms that can be established to be motivated by either totally or in part, an individual’s
protected basis as defined by the Fair Employment and Housing Act. Identified as a protected
basis are race, color, sex (pregnancy and sexual harassment are considered forms of sex
discrimination), religion, national origin, ancestry, age (40 and above), physical or mental
disability, marital status, medical condition (cancer or related to cancer), denial of family care
leave and retaliation for engaging in a protected activity.
The DFEH is a neutral fact finding agency. We do not represent you or the respondent or the
person(s) you wish to complain about. The complaining party has the burden of proving their
allegations. The DFEH will gather evidence, documentary or witness information, from both the
respondent and you to assist in determining the merits of your complaint.
Your case was referred to the Dispute Resolution Division; however, the respondent decline
to participate in mediation. Your complaint has been served to the respondent and a request
for information was made. Once this information is received, I will contact you to review the
respondent’s response to your allegations.
Mr. ME, I hope the information herein is helpful.
Philip Niggle
Consultant II
(661) 395-2562
Here is my response:
Thank you Philip Nigel I will be pushing felony charges on Tuesday of Next week like I stated against you for obstruction of justice. I was told by you that the party had already agreed to mediation and sent a letter of the case being sent to mediation. So you will be arrested come Tuesday so will Maria.
Letter to Yabrough:
This letter was sent to me. January 8th I was told my case was being sent to mediation and that both parties agreed to mediation by Philip Nigel. Then 30 days after that on or around February I had not yet received my mediation date. Even though both had stated as per Philip that we where going to mediation both sides agreed. At this time I contacted the FBI and requested under the patriot act full tapping on all suspects in the possible cultural discrimination of a Protestant warrior. As by then they probable found out who I was. So then during that time I was told my case since I was going to sue would be re investigated and possible not heard at all. Then after I said that is retaliation and a huge lawsuit for civil rights. I was told the case was set back for mediation. Then I was told to wait wait wait then after violating the state law of 60 days of mediation calendering. I stated now I am going to push penal code obstruction of due administration of justice Felony Federal and State Laws. Then after being asked to wait. I was contacted finally after 90 days by a legal man. Who stated the opposing council no longer desires to seek mediation. That is per padium obstruction of due process and administration of justice case law in supreme court and district court analyse.
My council to you as the victim in a retaliation case and obstruction case against Philip Nigel and Manager Maria.
Let me tell you who I am. I am a man who works for $8 an hour with a lot of power in this world as I am a protestant iconic warrior leader. Folks listen to me. Wars legally, cases billion dollar stock markets etc. I live in a small room with my grandma, the place is run down and old as she is dying and nobody will give me a break as they are afraid to higher me due to political discrimination and most likely religious discrimination in Southern California by Democratic Catholics. Who in countries like Argentina are so genocidal they force the state to pay for the Catholic churches out of every bodies taxes. I live in an area that was once 70% protestant and a bright vibrant multicultural area. Today I live in an area where 9% are protestant and the rest are Mexican Catholics. Due to genocide crime and oppression the church looks the other way on. I can prove this as the churchs admit to smuggling Mexicans to the USA on some kind of great genocidal job suffocating seat warfare crusade against the USA. That is who I am. Deeper history my grandmother was a Russian Protestant who the Communist genocided out of her own lands.
The case was accepted and then investigated I was told both sides would seek mediation. Then 30 days Federal violation of due administration of law was violated, no calender date. I called in threatened to sue to enforce the law. Instead of a nice Philip Nigel and Manager Maria I encountered more genocidal thoughts of power and obstruction. I was told the case now cause I was threatening my legal right to enforce the law with paper battles instead of guns and warriors and bombers and military tribunals. Was going to be re investigated then probable not heard at all. I sent the letter of retaliation laws and I would sue. Civil rights retaliation cases sue for punitive damages in the millions. At this time I was not even thinking obstruction as that is a penal charge and if you go civil with it you have to go penal with it. So I was told to wait. I did another 30 days this time local state law soft law of 60 days calendering of due administration of justice was violated. Called back in and stated now I am bringing charges of obstruction of justice of due administration of justice. I was then retalatiated against again and told the same thing again. That the case would be re investigated and most likely no heard. I then waited as I was told to to wait for a letter. Did not receive a letter. I got a call from a man who I believe in Jewish as per paternal last name. Who acted like he had no clue about the case at all and had just gotten a hold of it like it was not a big deal and muti million dollar causes of actions have not been placed on the line. He stated that now the opposing side does not wish to mediate the case.
I have sent mutiple letters to Philip Nigel on what we spoke about. As per stipulation laws of facts in a legal process. He had one week to get back to me on those facts or the court will see them as facts. If that is not good enough to prove the broken laws and attacks against me. I believe the FBI has me tapped for everything I do. As I go to international areas and fight wars with my protestant people for foreign genocide by Catholics, Muslims, and Communist. Thus as the law allows I believe I can subpoena these tapes. Which will cost the case most likely over $200,000 in subpoena charges as the FBI has to charge for the work if it goes into civil case.
At this time, I was told by Philip Nigel that in one week I would receive a letter. I received a very shallow letter. I will give the DFEH Philip Nigel and Manager Maria till Tuesday of Next week. Before I strike and strike hard legally. My strike now will be at their lives. As now the case might have to go into trial as the opposing side strategically might have a whole lot of defensive strategies that will allow them to fight thus destroying the purpose of mediation which is timely and effective. I suggest the DFEH gets on the phone with the State attorneys office. Who I sent a comment to yesterday about this case and get both me and such and such back into the mediation room. Which now will cost you on my side $10,000 as per one charge of obstruction. However, I am being nice as there is two Philip and Maria if brought into court at least charge will have to pay $10,000. If we are both brought back into mediation I will drop the charges and the muti million dollar cases thus saving Philip Maria and the DFEH from very hard attacks by a very real Protestant warrior.
Thank you
If you need more time I please send me a letter and I will grant one week to figure this out for settlement purposes to get us both back in there to fight in the mediation room.
Battlegrounds of justice for war against my person are
Adminstrative Law Courts
Office of Compliance
OCP 1201 I Street
Prepare your tally wacker to get its arses whooped by me a. Legalities. ha
war tomorrow begins
Hello Philip here is my case update on my current issue with the DFEH.
So far I am thinking about having the co conspirators of obstruction of due process arrested for violating my rights to have my case calendered within 60 days as per law. I hope the agency settles with me on this one. As my family again is military FBI CIA and Police officers and they will work cases for me on violations of federal felonies like obstruction of justice. I am willing to settle the case now for $10,000 and have my case calendered as per law. If not then I expect I will be further obstructed from justice and further felonous crimes attacked upon my person in my due process of justice.
Here is a working attack for violating my rights. Of course if I hear about the calender date before my letter is done. I will have nothing to be mad at.
If not here is the fist rough draft:
As the prior email shows. I was not joking about the timeline of the calendering date. I live in an area where nobody speaks my language I work in a factory for $8 an hour now and nobody speaks my language I have no money. And the only thing I have in this world is that mediation date. Everyday I get more and more upset and look more and more towards my weapons. Where i should be looking towards a day in court to mediate a wrong against me. So I mean business I want $10,000 and my case calendered. Or the agency can find itself in court where I am asking for $1 million in punitive damages as per other obstruction of government process cases have been granted around that much for punitive damages. And also if I have to take this to court I am going to push the arrest of the two conspirators who retaliated against me and told me that my case now would not be heard as I was using my civil rights to say I can sue if you violate the calendering law.
Sorry Officer Kent this did not go to Philip the First time. Charges After Next Tuesday if non compliance
As the prior email shows. I was not joking about the timeline of the calendering date. I live in an area where nobody speaks my language I work in a factory for $8 an hour now and nobody speaks my language I have no money. And the only thing I have in this world is that mediation date. Everyday I get more and more upset and look more and more towards my weapons. Where i should be looking towards a day in court to mediate a wrong against me. So I mean business I want $10,000 and my case calendered. Or the agency can find itself in court where I am asking for $1 million in punitive damages as per other obstruction of government process cases have been granted around that much for punitive damages. And also if I have to take this to court I am going to push the arrest of the two conspirators who retaliated against me and told me that my case now would not be heard as I was using my civil rights to say I can sue if you violate the calendering law.
Sorry Officer Kent this did not go to Philip the First time. Charges After Next Tuesday if non compliance .
Dear Philip Nigel,
Today I was told by you that after many times contacting you to try and enforce the law of Code of Regulations Title 1 Division 2 Chapter 3 Article 2 Sec 1220 Date Time and Place of Mediation citation.
"California Code of Regulations Title 1 Division 2 Chapter 3 Article 2 Sec 1220 Date Time and Place of Mediation "60 days" was the ammo I was looking for.
Article 2. Mediation
"1 CCR § 1220
Cal. Admin. Code tit. 1, § 1220
Barclays Official California Code of Regulations Currentness
Title 1. General Provisions
Division 2. Office of Administrative Hearings
Chapter 3. Agency Alternatives to Formal Hearings -Alternative Dispute Resolution
In consultation with the parties, the mediator shall fix the date, time and place of each mediation session. The mediation shall be held at any convenient location agreeable to the parties and the mediator. Mediation shall be completed within 60 days of the appointment of the mediator. Statutory, regulatory, and other timelines related to the dispute itself will not be affected unless by stipulation of the parties.
Note: Authority cited: Section 11420.20, Government Code. Reference: Section 11420.20, Government Code.
1. New section filed 6-20-97; operative 7-1-97 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(d) (Register 97, No. 25).
1 CCR § 1220, 1 CA ADC § 1220" ccr.htm"
At this time if the letter comes back to me with anything else than a proper response of your sorry hopefully a settlement and a calender date I am going to push Penal Code as I feel in my body I am being oppressed. As I have felt since I was victimized in the first place to bring me here. So I will wait a week till next Tuesday. Before I start threatening to sue the local law enforcement to arrest people for conspiracy to obstruct my due administration of justice. Every agency in the state is regulated by Code of Regulations if it is funded by the state.
Which every single California and US state agency is governed under. In conclusion, I came to the DFEH hoping I would find a place to obtain mediation and also provide a new venue. I was met at first with great appreciation. Then the second time I called in I no longer felt like I was the victim but the person who had committed the crime. If my calender date would have been calendered in time. There would be no problem. However, now I have a Federal Felony obstruction of justice charge and a California Felony with conspiracy to obstruct due administration of justice. Which as per the obstruction of committee or agency law the DFEH falls under.
I am willing to conclude this victimization of my person with a simple $10,000 sanction as the courts will give Philip Nigel and Manager Maria, and a calender date. As the mediation center is a room with one neutral person and two parties. I will be doing the majority of the talking and as per figurements they will settle with me. As I showed them what I can do with corporate mergers and acquisitions with a proper public show of force. So they will just settle with my amount.
Come Tuesday if this another week one more month at the end of the week does not produce a calender date and a settlement request. I am charging penal conspiracies with white collar crime division FBI and local police enforcement. Which as I worked for PORAC for many years know exactly how attorneys use lawsuits to force Police to enforce penal codes to cause major settlements. Which means for Elk Grove if I create a charging complaint and you do not properly adhere to it as my own legal counsel in this case. I can sue the police station for the cases I worked in PORAC over $100,000 for injustices.
Come Tuesday we will see what happens. I have played with Muslim extremist, Radical Catholics, Communist and gangs and corrupt police officers. A simple office felony is game to me.
1. New section filed 6-20-97; operative 7-1-97 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(d) (Register 97, No. 25).
1 CCR § 1220, 1 CA ADC § 1220"
I am going to have a letter with regards to this case. As per the evidential email sent January 8th, 2013 stating the DFEH mediation department had an electronic meeting of the minds with me about sending my case to mediation. And has violated my rights under the Code of Regulations. This is after I was told my rights where going to be obstructed for stating after 30 days federal law I was going to sue to force the case to be calendered. The obstruction of the law is a violation of
Penal Code Section 182
(5) "(a) If two or more persons conspire:" "(5) To commit any act injurious to the public health, to public morals, or to pervert or obstruct justice, or the due administration of the laws." bin/displaycode?section=pen& group=00001-01000&file=182-185
It is my belief in my heart that I feel like I am purposely having my justice of administration obstructed from me possible cause of my due rights in the USA to state I would investigate and sue over a crime.
"42 USC § 12203 - Prohibition against retaliation and coercion
(a) Retaliation
No person shall discriminate against any individual because such individual has opposed any act or practice made unlawful by this chapter or because such individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this chapter." uscode/text/42/12203
Federal Felony
73 of United States Code, Title 18
"section 1505 (felony to obstruct proceedings before departments, agencies, committees)"
It is my belief in my heart that I feel like I am purposely having my justice of administration obstructed from me possible cause of my due rights in the USA to state I would investigate and sue over a crime.
"42 USC § 12203 - Prohibition against retaliation and coercion
(a) Retaliation
No person shall discriminate against any individual because such individual has opposed any act or practice made unlawful by this chapter or because such individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this chapter."
At this time if the letter comes back to me with anything else than a proper response of your sorry hopefully a settlement and a calender date I am going to push Penal Code as I feel in my body I am being oppressed. As I have felt since I was victimized in the first place to bring me here. So I will wait a week till next Tuesday. Before I start threatening to sue the local law enforcement to arrest people for conspiracy to obstruct my due administration of justice. Every agency in the state is regulated by Code of Regulations if it is funded by the state.
Which every single California and US state agency is governed under. In conclusion, I came to the DFEH hoping I would find a place to obtain mediation and also provide a new venue. I was met at first with great appreciation. Then the second time I called in I no longer felt like I was the victim but the person who had committed the crime. If my calender date would have been calendered in time. There would be no problem. However, now I have a Federal Felony obstruction of justice charge and a California Felony with conspiracy to obstruct due administration of justice. Which as per the obstruction of committee or agency law the DFEH falls under.
I am willing to conclude this victimization of my person with a simple $10,000 sanction as the courts will give Philip Nigel and Manager Maria, and a calender date. As the mediation center is a room with one neutral person and two parties. I will be doing the majority of the talking and as per figurements they will settle with me. As I showed them what I can do with corporate mergers and acquisitions with a proper public show of force. So they will just settle with my amount.
Come Tuesday if this another week one more month at the end of the week does not produce a calender date and a settlement request. I am charging penal conspiracies with white collar crime division FBI and local police enforcement. Which as I worked for PORAC for many years know exactly how attorneys use lawsuits to force Police to enforce penal codes to cause major settlements. Which means for Elk Grove if I create a charging complaint and you do not properly adhere to it as my own legal counsel in this case. I can sue the police station for the cases I worked in PORAC over $100,000 for injustices.
Come Tuesday we will see what happens. I have played with Muslim extremist, Radical Catholics, Communist and gangs and corrupt police officers. A simple office felony is game to me.
Letters to Herbert Yabrough
Current matter in this case. Pending felony charges of obstructio n of justice Penal Code 182 (a) (5)
DFEH Demand Letter to Comply With CCR Sec 1220
Come Next Tuesday I will be pushing charges to arrest Philip Nigel and Manager Maria for conspiracy to obstruct the due adminstration of justice. I recieved a letter saying this case was being sent to mediation and both sides agreed with it. Thus now the obstruction of justice has fully obstructed the mediation process due to lack of following the law in the DFEH.
Rough Draft of Victimization of my seconds and heart beats on this planet earth.
Matthew 10:34
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Facts and Circumstances:
I filed my case in the DFEH system on this date ........ It was sent to mediation as per interview or meeting with DFEH representative via email on this date ........ SEE ATTACHED Exhibit (A). Then both sides agreed to mediation. I waited some time my soul began hurting as per mounds of due process law and calendering law states the human soul does when it does not know its calender date reason behind due process and calendering laws here ........... I called to ask what was going on about the calender date. Philip Nigel said it will take more time they are tight lipped. I asked him the law of the calender date he had have a clue or a binder or set of protocols to turn to as he said it could take up to a year. I then again felt oppressed as per Due Process law and research shows the soul will. So I wrote in that I was militarized and had a tight fist and will sue after 30 days if not calendered on time. Then I waited for a week. I then called the Philip Nigel the mediation representative. He had a bad attitude towards me and used the word legalise like it was a bad thing I was using legalities to fight instead of a war campaign and an energy bubble of silence in the battleground. As I am the victim for being upset and stating my legal rights to sue and law. Then I was told that I was going to be retaliated against for my statements of being able to sue after 30 days of no calendering. That is illegal as per the Law of cause of action for Retaliation for stating legal right to sue here .............................. The retaliation statements stated by Philip Nigel where the DFEH would have my case re-investigated then possible not heard at all. So then I sent in a letter of how that is illegal and retaliation will cost the agency over $200,000 in punitive damages if proven. Then a day later I was told I would be hearing from the Philip Nigel in a week; he never called or emailed. So I called them on the Monday after the week extension past the 30 day Federal mediation calendering date. I was told very nicely after making a big fit with the war department council of engagement and research and referring my case warriors guilds. That the case has been reset for mediation and they will hear it very nicely. I said ok, I will wait another month for good character. Even though I told him, everyday I am not able to get into gain justice it hurts me as the victim. As per mounds of due process law and calendering law states the punitive damages for not calendering a due process hearing per mediation is ............................ because injustices to the citizen. Along with that the victimization was a political discrimination in highering process. I did not tell Philip Nigel as it should not matter, but my heritage was genocided and had to flee a land where communist mono fascist genociders killed everybody that did believe in the Christian Democracy heritage. As my grandma was Russian Christian heritage. There where very few who made it out. Also my girlfriend for five years who I almost married was Vietnamese Conservative heritage. Her family was genocided out of Vietnam by the same scourge of communist genocidal fascist political discriminators. Plus, I live in a major area of genocided people by communist political discriminative governance. Where Koreans, Cambodians, Chinese, Russians, Iranians and Syrians all live and the majority of our cultures where genocided by foreign communist regimes that discriminated against our political viewpoints of democracy and conservative culture heritages.
I have now waited the full 60 days from January 8th 2013. When I met with the mediation representative and my case was sent to mediation. As per the California Code of Regulations Title 1 Division 2 Chapter 3 Article 2 Sec 1220 Date Time and Place of Mediation citation ..... the agency has violated my rights to due process. As the date is more than 30 days past the evidential meeting of when my case was sent to mediation.
After the case and both sides had agreed to mediation as it was sent to mediation as per meeting. Herbt Yabrough called me on March 13, 2013 and said that he had called such and such and the no longer wish the case to be mediated. Thus now the action of discrimination, retaliation and obstruction of justice are in play. The action took over 90 days so such such changed its mind about having the lawsuit mediated as per the letter sent by Philip Nigel on January 8th, 2013 when I was told both parties wanted to go to mediation.\
[Charging Document]
Further intel on case.
Your statements to me have to just nailed the obstruction case against Philip Nigel and Manager Maria. They told me via email both parties agreed to mediation and then after obstruction my justice due to me saying I would sue cause it was not calendered in the 30 day grace period allowed by Federal Adminstration law of mediation agencies. I was told they would now re investigated the case and possible not here it. Now that I am pressing penal charges I have 90 days later finally heard from the legal department. Which is now stating to me the actions taken by Philip Nigel and Manager Maria to obstruct my justice has caused the justice process to crumble and the defending party no longer wants to mediate.
Thank you
Come Next Tuesday if I do not received a letter like Philip Nigel told me with my calender date and a check for $10,000 I am pressing federal and state felony charges and will sue the police officers if they do not arrest both of them. I worked for police officers in law for 3 years and am very family with office felonies like obstruction of justice.
Patriotic law release.
Yerbert you have possible just conspired to commit a felony. If the person you called at such and such was a Jewish person and was not the person that Philip Nigel had spoken to that stated they do want to go to mediation. I will be pressing charges on you. However, I do not have that inform at this time. However, I am governed under the Patriotic act as a protestant christian warrior much like my fellow Defense Secretary Hagel who is the head of the Protestant churches defense arms and now the USA defense arm. Your statements where recorded under the patriotic act and can be brought to trial. So where your phone calls. As per the patriot act after the federal felony of obstruction was committed the DFEH was tapped to stop war between the Protestant warriors and the DFEH. As obstructing of justice as per history of the law causes mayhem and war between cultures. I will also be talking to Secretary of Defense Hagel who is my Chief in the Protestant warriors guilds.
Thank you
Also further actions against you.
f the Patriotic act shows that you discriminated in your calling and did not call the such and such contact Philip Nigel spoke to that stated they would go to mediation and it was a religious discrimination call. I will be seeking to take your license for disturbing the peace between cultures. Which is a heavy international legal issue as things like this cause major civil wars to break out. As a Ltg I of the Protestant nation. I can only hope you call back the person Philip Nigel spoke to and get the case back into mediation's. Or I will make sure you live like I do when I am done. Which is working for $8 an hour living in a community so poor they do not even speak your name for religious war actions against me.
Letter from Elk Grove Police Department:
Mr. Me
I have received your emails. Based upon my investigation, the Fair Housing office located here in Elk Grove, Ca is for Northern California complaints. Our records indicate you reside in Southern California. The individuals you have listed, in your email, work out of an office in the Southern California area and they are not affiliated with the Elk Grove office. It appears you have an understanding of law enforcement, so I am sure you are well versed regarding jurisdictional boundaries and what local law enforcement can enforce. The location in question does not pertain to our city and those in question do not work here, so there is no incident occurring in our city (jurisdiction). Per our legal staff, these allegations fall under civil doctrines and federal laws that local law enforcement does not enforce. A California Penal code violation has to be investigated by the agency where the crime is occurring. In this case, this is not the City of Elk Grove.
This will terminate our part in investigating or handling any part of your allegations since the office in question and parties in question do not work in the City of Elk Grove and the complaint falls under other statues of law and jurisdictional investigations.
Sergeant Kent
This letter came after I was told the both parties have agreed to mediation and the case was being sent
mediation. After violating multiple laws of retaliation and then obstructing justice the firm in question now after 90 days of this going back and forth. Now the firm no longer desires to mediate it and instead and now will cost me years of my life in trial to obtain justice. Due to the DFEH violating the calendering law and obmitting to obstructing of justice. Now they have had more than enough time to create a defense and do enough research.
STATE OF CALIFORNIA | State and Consumer Services Agency
2218 Kausen Drive, Suite 100, Elk Grove, CA 95758
March 13, 2013
RE: DFEH: 71872-33631
EEOC: 37A-2013-16283-C
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email correspondence wherein you express concerns
about the handling of your complaint. The following information explains the Department’s role
and the status of your matter.
The Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) is responsible for investigating action
or harms that can be established to be motivated by either totally or in part, an individual’s
protected basis as defined by the Fair Employment and Housing Act. Identified as a protected
basis are race, color, sex (pregnancy and sexual harassment are considered forms of sex
discrimination), religion, national origin, ancestry, age (40 and above), physical or mental
disability, marital status, medical condition (cancer or related to cancer), denial of family care
leave and retaliation for engaging in a protected activity.
The DFEH is a neutral fact finding agency. We do not represent you or the respondent or the
person(s) you wish to complain about. The complaining party has the burden of proving their
allegations. The DFEH will gather evidence, documentary or witness information, from both the
respondent and you to assist in determining the merits of your complaint.
Your case was referred to the Dispute Resolution Division; however, the respondent decline
to participate in mediation. Your complaint has been served to the respondent and a request
for information was made. Once this information is received, I will contact you to review the
respondent’s response to your allegations.
Mr. ME, I hope the information herein is helpful.
Philip Niggle
Consultant II
(661) 395-2562
Here is my response:
Thank you Philip Nigel I will be pushing felony charges on Tuesday of Next week like I stated against you for obstruction of justice. I was told by you that the party had already agreed to mediation and sent a letter of the case being sent to mediation. So you will be arrested come Tuesday so will Maria.
Letter to Yabrough:
Just for good measure I suggest you settle with such and such andJust for good measure I suggest you settle with such and such get them in that room and me. get them in that room and me.
This letter was sent to me. January 8th I was told my case was being sent to mediation and that both parties agreed to mediation by Philip Nigel. Then 30 days after that on or around February I had not yet received my mediation date. Even though both had stated as per Philip that we where going to mediation both sides agreed. At this time I contacted the FBI and requested under the patriot act full tapping on all suspects in the possible cultural discrimination of a Protestant warrior. As by then they probable found out who I was. So then during that time I was told my case since I was going to sue would be re investigated and possible not heard at all. Then after I said that is retaliation and a huge lawsuit for civil rights. I was told the case was set back for mediation. Then I was told to wait wait wait then after violating the state law of 60 days of mediation calendering. I stated now I am going to push penal code obstruction of due administration of justice Felony Federal and State Laws. Then after being asked to wait. I was contacted finally after 90 days by a legal man. Who stated the opposing council no longer desires to seek mediation. That is per padium obstruction of due process and administration of justice case law in supreme court and district court analyse.
I will be subpoening the Federal Bureau taps on this case for proof of Philips Conversations with me and also making sure the co conspirators Philip Nigel and Maria will never ever be able to do this again to another protestant peaceful legal warrior in this nation. The DFEH could have asked for donations to get the program updated to calender faster, they could have asked for interns from schools to help out or they could have asked me to waive my rights under the CCR Sec 1220.
Again I will not press charges if the DFEH or Philip and Maria settle with me for $10,000 and get the such and such agency to go to mediation again by settling with them. As per my belief with multiple friends and family in such and such agency they are preparing to sue the DFEH for multiple lawsuits issues with regards to this obstruction of justice too. I believe they will settle with you and then have the case calendered. I will call my friends and family in such and such agency to see what is going on. As they feel bad they wronged me and now for some reason no longer want to go to mediation. My suggestion the DFEH settles with me and such and such agency before Tuesday and get both of us a calender date with settlement funds to bring us to the table.
defense to speech that might have upset the clerical workers that caused the retaliation:
right to state I can sue to enforce law and also
anti slapp
My council to you as the victim in a retaliation case and obstruction case against Philip Nigel and Manager Maria.
Let me tell you who I am. I am a man who works for $8 an hour with a lot of power in this world as I am a protestant iconic warrior leader. Folks listen to me. Wars legally, cases billion dollar stock markets etc. I live in a small room with my grandma, the place is run down and old as she is dying and nobody will give me a break as they are afraid to higher me due to political discrimination and most likely religious discrimination in Southern California by Democratic Catholics. Who in countries like Argentina are so genocidal they force the state to pay for the Catholic churches out of every bodies taxes. I live in an area that was once 70% protestant and a bright vibrant multicultural area. Today I live in an area where 9% are protestant and the rest are Mexican Catholics. Due to genocide crime and oppression the church looks the other way on. I can prove this as the churchs admit to smuggling Mexicans to the USA on some kind of great genocidal job suffocating seat warfare crusade against the USA. That is who I am. Deeper history my grandmother was a Russian Protestant who the Communist genocided out of her own lands.
The case was accepted and then investigated I was told both sides would seek mediation. Then 30 days Federal violation of due administration of law was violated, no calender date. I called in threatened to sue to enforce the law. Instead of a nice Philip Nigel and Manager Maria I encountered more genocidal thoughts of power and obstruction. I was told the case now cause I was threatening my legal right to enforce the law with paper battles instead of guns and warriors and bombers and military tribunals. Was going to be re investigated then probable not heard at all. I sent the letter of retaliation laws and I would sue. Civil rights retaliation cases sue for punitive damages in the millions. At this time I was not even thinking obstruction as that is a penal charge and if you go civil with it you have to go penal with it. So I was told to wait. I did another 30 days this time local state law soft law of 60 days calendering of due administration of justice was violated. Called back in and stated now I am bringing charges of obstruction of justice of due administration of justice. I was then retalatiated against again and told the same thing again. That the case would be re investigated and most likely no heard. I then waited as I was told to to wait for a letter. Did not receive a letter. I got a call from a man who I believe in Jewish as per paternal last name. Who acted like he had no clue about the case at all and had just gotten a hold of it like it was not a big deal and muti million dollar causes of actions have not been placed on the line. He stated that now the opposing side does not wish to mediate the case.
I have sent mutiple letters to Philip Nigel on what we spoke about. As per stipulation laws of facts in a legal process. He had one week to get back to me on those facts or the court will see them as facts. If that is not good enough to prove the broken laws and attacks against me. I believe the FBI has me tapped for everything I do. As I go to international areas and fight wars with my protestant people for foreign genocide by Catholics, Muslims, and Communist. Thus as the law allows I believe I can subpoena these tapes. Which will cost the case most likely over $200,000 in subpoena charges as the FBI has to charge for the work if it goes into civil case.
At this time, I was told by Philip Nigel that in one week I would receive a letter. I received a very shallow letter. I will give the DFEH Philip Nigel and Manager Maria till Tuesday of Next week. Before I strike and strike hard legally. My strike now will be at their lives. As now the case might have to go into trial as the opposing side strategically might have a whole lot of defensive strategies that will allow them to fight thus destroying the purpose of mediation which is timely and effective. I suggest the DFEH gets on the phone with the State attorneys office. Who I sent a comment to yesterday about this case and get both me and such and such back into the mediation room. Which now will cost you on my side $10,000 as per one charge of obstruction. However, I am being nice as there is two Philip and Maria if brought into court at least charge will have to pay $10,000. If we are both brought back into mediation I will drop the charges and the muti million dollar cases thus saving Philip Maria and the DFEH from very hard attacks by a very real Protestant warrior.
Thank you
If you need more time I please send me a letter and I will grant one week to figure this out for settlement purposes to get us both back in there to fight in the mediation room.
Dear Philip Nigel letter received.
The letter I received is a complete lie and will be proven in the courts. I have multiple letters sent to you stipulating facts in a legal process. Not one of them was denied or stated no. As per stipulation of facts in a case when two legal parties a court or opposition speak. If one side does not state or denie the stipulation or letter of what was spoken off the courts and legal process grant it as fact. On January 8th, 2013 I was told that both sides agreed to mediation and the case was being sent to mediation. That was stipulated in a letter sent to Philip Nigel via this communication channel. Now I have a letter sent March 13, 2013 in violation of multiple calender laws of the Federal Administration acts and State Administration acts. Which states that the opposition does not wish to have the case mediated. That is true that is why obstruction of justice is an issue. After 60 days the opposition has enough time to create enough defenses and the mediation part of settling for money is no longer good as they spent that time and money already defending the case. So again come Tuesday if the DFEH does not send me a settlement letter for retaliation, obstruction of due administration of justice and get such and such back into the mediation room most likely with a obstruction of justice settlement with them too. I will be arresting you and Manager Maria for obstruction of due administration of justice as per the violation of CCR Sec 1220. Which according to the law sent to you multiple times is a Federal Felony and State Felony too.
Thank you
In response to mailed letter to me by the DFEH.
Article 2. Mediation
If Nigel and Mara each come up with $5,000 each I will not press charges in the LAPD and FBI White Collar Crimes. I am more than willing to meet in the open area near your business during lunch hours to sign three settlement papers for Nigel Maria and me and receive a check for $10,000 or $5,000 each. As penal charges can be settled civily. This will then drop the obstruction charges. However, the retaliation charges will still be there. As those are civil charges. That will cost to settle another $10,000. So if both of you come up with $10,000 each I will walk away with no charges and leave your careers intake. If you two do not get us both back in those offices, or settle with me on these terms. I begin attacking legally for what I deem is obstruction. The case was held for 90 days. If I would have taken this to court. We would have already had almost 3 court preceding in this legal process done and calendered.
Your choices but mistakes are mistakes. I have been arrested for stupid mistakes too and also had to pay settlements for mistakes and made many folks as a paralegal due the same. I am sure both of you can get credit cards on your salaries.
Legally and Properly.
Day 1 of 3 to settle
I am no longer going to be nice to the DFEH. I have again and again brought up laws legally under the rights of humans to enforce laws to have proper treatment. I have asked the DFEH to settle with such and such and me to get us back into the mediation room. You have obstructed due administration of law upon both of us with your error. Again I have been to jail for my errors and also had to pay many settlements too. I am asking for $10,000 and bring us both into the mediation room. Or from Philip Nigel and Maria $20,000 for the retaliation and obstruction civil and penal charges to go away. If I do not receive correspondence with regards to these errors against me. I will use the LAPD to arrest those who have victimized me in a major way. As the majority of wars in this world are fought due to obstruction of justice.
Thank you
2 days Remaining
Wednesday is shot call day.
Day 2 of 3 in the Penal Code battle.
I am so sorry that you all feel this way against me in there. I was told by Philip Nigel on January 8th, 2013 that both sides agreed with mediation and it was being sent to mediation. I received a letter and sent stipulated facts that nobody denied. Thus in court those are facts. Then after the violation date of CCR sec 1220 I was told that it could take up to a year and due process laws of mediation do not exist in the DFEH. That is not true they do, also so do penal charges. I have arrested other clerks for not filing my cases in time cause they felt like they could discriminate against me cause I am a Protestant Knights Templar and they where a Catholic Mexican racist as per proven court documents. So tomorrow if I do not have a letter with the settlement requests in my email. I will be pressing full federal felony obstruction of due administration charges. And doing a full research into the backgrounds of the workers who discriminated against me.
Your honor it has been 4 months in this case. In a court case we would have had 3 process of due process already in court.
Hello all,
Hello Officer Kent,
Willing to settle with Philip Nigel and Manager Maria on the Penal Charges.
There is a mass load of legalities in this case. One of them which is dear to me as I have done this before to other state clerks that act mean or like they can obstruct a case cause I am aggressive for my client. Are charges of:
18 USC § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees
18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiring Against Civil Rights
42 USC § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights
18 USC section § 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law
Penal Code Section 182
(5) "(a) If two or more persons conspire:" "(5) To commit any act injurious to the public health, to publicmorals, or to pervert or obstruct justice, or the due administration of the laws."
(5) "(a) If two or more persons conspire:" "(5) To commit any act injurious to the public health, to publicmorals, or to pervert or obstruct justice, or the due administration of the laws."
Federal Felony
73 of United States Code, Title 18
"section 1505 (felony to obstruct proceedings before departments, agencies, committees)"
Obstruction of adminstration of justice. Justice $10,000
These are your penal charges for violating:
"California Code of Regulations Title 1 Division 2 Chapter 3 Article 2 Sec 1220 Date Time and Place of Mediation "60 days" was the ammo I was looking for.
"1 CCR § 1220
Cal. Admin. Code tit. 1, § 1220
Barclays Official California Code of Regulations Currentness
Title 1. General Provisions
Division 2. Office of Administrative Hearings
Chapter 3. Agency Alternatives to Formal Hearings -Alternative Dispute Resolution
In consultation with the parties, the mediator shall fix the date, time and place of each mediation session. The mediation shall be held at any convenient location agreeable to the parties and the mediator. Mediation shall be completed within 60 days of the appointment of the mediator. Statutory, regulatory, and other timelines related to the dispute itself will not be affected unless by stipulation of the parties.
Note: Authority cited: Section 11420.20, Government Code. Reference: Section 11420.20, Government Code.
1. New section filed 6-20-97; operative 7-1-97 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(d) (Register 97, No. 25).
1 CCR § 1220, 1 CA ADC § 1220"
CCR Title 1 Division 2 Ch 1 Sec 1002 "(3) "Day" means a calendar day, unless otherwise specified."
Calender Day means includes weekends
The agency affords itself a calendering date of due process of 21 days from the time it files with the investigations.
§ 10057. DFEH Mediation Division Services
"(b) While a pre-investigation complaint is with the mediation division,
the requirement to submit a response to the complaint is temporarily suspended.
However, if mediation is declined or is unsuccessful, a response shall be
provided to the department no later than twenty-one (21) days after the date the
department notifies the respondent that a response is due because mediation
was declined or was unsuccessful. After the complaint is returned for
investigation, the enforcement division shall in writing notify the respondent or, if
the respondent is represented, the respondent’s attorney, of the exact date the
response is due"
As per the meeting I had with the mediation representative Philip Nigel on January 8th, 2013. Where I was told both parties wanted to go to mediation and that it was being sent there and awaiting the calendering date. These facts have been stipulated as per court laws as per correspondence that Philip Nigel and Manager Maria did not deny.
The minimum penal charge you two will receive is $10,000 fine each and an obstruction of due admin on your records. As I have done before to other state clerks who thought they could not calender my case documents as a paralegal in time due to me being mad for my clients. This could be devastating. I know I have paralegal experience and legal admin experience and there is no jobs out here at all.
If Nigel and Mara each come up with $5,000 each I will not press charges in the LAPD and FBI White Collar Crimes. I am more than willing to meet in the open area near your business during lunch hours to sign three settlement papers for Nigel Maria and me and receive a check for $10,000 or $5,000 each. As penal charges can be settled civily. This will then drop the obstruction charges. However, the retaliation charges will still be there. As those are civil charges. That will cost to settle another $10,000. So if both of you come up with $10,000 each I will walk away with no charges and leave your careers intake. If you two do not get us both back in those offices, or settle with me on these terms. I begin attacking legally for what I deem is obstruction. The case was held for 90 days. If I would have taken this to court. We would have already had almost 3 court preceding in this legal process done and calendered.
Your choices but mistakes are mistakes. I have been arrested for stupid mistakes too and also had to pay settlements for mistakes and made many folks as a paralegal due the same. I am sure both of you can get credit cards on your salaries.
Legally and Properly.
Some easy listening music for the newbies to the legal war on errors game.
From your state's Knights Templar Head.
Lovely darlings.
Maybe another one while you drink your coffee and go darn.
just in case you did not know when folks error against me I feel like this:
Dear such and such
As per the claims that you stipulated too as per not responding to denying the claim that you asked me to very political questions in my highering interview. The case was sent to DFEH. I was told January 8th 2013 that both sides agreed to mediation and that it was going to be sent to be calendered. The DFEH then broke a federal administration calendering law and then a state one by not calendering it during the time period allowed. This is obstruction of due administration of justice. I am not an attorney but I am involved in this case so I can practice my own case. I am very upset as this matter. As they held this case for over 90 days. Where if it would have went to court, the injunctive matter and conspiracy charges could have already began in the courts with three calender dates of research. I do not personally want to go to court. As I am sure by now the firm has found out I am a very big economic warfare analysts for the Republican and Pentagon. Where if I go to legal war I also go to grid war. Plus I did see the commercials made during the time period we where corresponding. And I am sure you saw the Apple firm drop its whole years intake cause the CEO said she was going to fund illegal Mexican espionage invasion of our seats and jobs to suffocate us by helping illegal immigrants. Which was proven via my twitter cite calling shots to the Knights Templar bureau of research to take action legally in a hostile take over. Apple CEO bowed to my demands. We did not take her over. We have spoken commercial. I am sure that the three involved in this case will have no problem granting me my settlement of $100,000 for the whole case to go away. While having one of Americas best top econ warfare analyst step away from the grid direction.
The issue today is the DFEH has now made a mistake in error against me. I have made mistakes and gone to jail for them and paid multiple settlements cause of my own error. As I play the legal law game as a carrier. I have asked them multiple times to settle with me and you and get us back into the mediation office. However, they sent me a shallow disrespectful letter to my abilities as if I am some no name legal warrior out here. I may live like a poor christian knight as I am not on this planet to chop heads. But when an error occurs against me or my protestant culture. I do take it seriously. So come Wednesday if the two who conspired to error against me do not settle with me. I am pressing full charges of obstruction of due administration of justice. Where they will go to jail or I will sue the LAPD. As I have sued them multiple times for officers that had employment law issues.
I hope that commercial speech of you guys enjoying a Knights Templar love of Democracy and vowing for the two headed beast as a way of life. Is still good. I am sorry the DFEH did not properly adhere to the calendering law and get us into the mediation room to get this done with faster.
Thank you for being kind during this war with a poor christian knight.
Day 1 of 3 to settle
I am no longer going to be nice to the DFEH. I have again and again brought up laws legally under the rights of humans to enforce laws to have proper treatment. I have asked the DFEH to settle with such and such and me to get us back into the mediation room. You have obstructed due administration of law upon both of us with your error. Again I have been to jail for my errors and also had to pay many settlements too. I am asking for $10,000 and bring us both into the mediation room. Or from Philip Nigel and Maria $20,000 for the retaliation and obstruction civil and penal charges to go away. If I do not receive correspondence with regards to these errors against me. I will use the LAPD to arrest those who have victimized me in a major way. As the majority of wars in this world are fought due to obstruction of justice.
Thank you
2 days Remaining
Wednesday is shot call day.
Day 2 of 3 in the Penal Code battle.
I am so sorry that you all feel this way against me in there. I was told by Philip Nigel on January 8th, 2013 that both sides agreed with mediation and it was being sent to mediation. I received a letter and sent stipulated facts that nobody denied. Thus in court those are facts. Then after the violation date of CCR sec 1220 I was told that it could take up to a year and due process laws of mediation do not exist in the DFEH. That is not true they do, also so do penal charges. I have arrested other clerks for not filing my cases in time cause they felt like they could discriminate against me cause I am a Protestant Knights Templar and they where a Catholic Mexican racist as per proven court documents. So tomorrow if I do not have a letter with the settlement requests in my email. I will be pressing full federal felony obstruction of due administration charges. And doing a full research into the backgrounds of the workers who discriminated against me.
Your honor it has been 4 months in this case. In a court case we would have had 3 process of due process already in court.
Hello all,
Today is the last day of ability to hold back on my anger and upsetting The law and code of laws as per ancient theories and English common law was created to stop folks from having to go to the sword all the time to fight for their justice or what they thought was right. I have lost 4 months out of my life on this one and it became obvious to me once I was told I would be retaliated against that the DFEH operators thought they where more powerful than me and could do that. That is fine I am a poor christian knight involved in one of the worlds biggest religious organized militias in the world, Knights Templar. A lot of people do that to poor folks. That is why we ban together. January 8th, 2013 I was told both sides agreed to mediation and it was sent to mediation. February 8th, 2013 I got upset and started saying as per if you have ever worked a case with victims upsetting things. However, unlike a normal victim I used the law to say what I had to say. Which was I would sue as per my rights under the law if it was not calendered by 30 days. Then I was told the case would be re investigated and possibly not heard. As if the DFEH command had some kind of in with the opposing firm that could stop them from hearing my case all together. Then I sent the laws on retaliation civil claims and how much money it would cost the DFEH for even saying that. Then I sent stipulated facts that still today nobody denied so the court will take them as facts.Then I was told it was re sent back to mediation. As if they called the opposing firm again and they said still yes we would like to go to mediation. Then after the state soft law of CCR Sec 1220 which states that all mediation in the state of California has to calender dates of hearing after 60 days from being told it will be sent to mediation. Then I stated now I will be taking this to penal code violations. Which are federal felonies. I have done this before to state clerks who feel powerful as if they can't be removed from their seats and have their caries taken for trying to take justice from a poor christian knight. So today is the last day for me. Today I go to swords, and as per my code of ethics and code of conduct. I must take it to the courts and local legal muscle. So I will be filing charges on Mara and Philip for Obstruction of Due Administration of Justice. I have spent time in jail for violation of laws as per mistakes and had to settle. Your honor for a very long time I was willing to settle this case and walk away. Both of the two stated make enough money to take out a credit card and pay a settlement. As I have had to do before. Which took me three years to pay off the credit card but I did not have to go to civil and penal courts. This is their choice to go to jail not mine.
Thank you
Ltg I Knights Templar Grand Encampment Protestant Democracy warrior.
Begin working the Penal Charge Complaint in LAPD
Transferred to desk
2nd Floor Rampart Division
1401 W 6th Street, Los Angeles 90057
Have to go down there and speak with them to file the report at 7 am in the morning.
Begin working the Penal Charge Complaint in LAPD
Transferred to desk
2nd Floor Rampart Division
1401 W 6th Street, Los Angeles 90057
Have to go down there and speak with them to file the report at 7 am in the morning.
Hello Officer Kent,
After waiting a number of days. I have noticed that I have not recieved anything from the LAPD investigation buerua. I have just called them to start an investigation. The first thing they did was ask if you had proper taken care of the case and transferred it to the proper division in LAPD. Then as the LAPD does to do scare tactics to not have to deal with cases. After I got off the phone the called me back to say something about a missing son and my grandma. As I worked for LAPD and I know their tactics to lessen case loads. So please respond and let me know the LAPD officer that you sent the case too.
Area of LAPD jurisdiction.
Transferred to desk
2nd Floor Rampart Division
1401 W 6th Street, Los Angeles 90057
2nd Floor Rampart Division
1401 W 6th Street, Los Angeles 90057
As of now if I find out you have not properly transferred the case and you mishandled the case Elk Grove is responsible for multiple civil. Please let me know that you did transfer the case and to whom. So I do not have to go through the LAPD brass bull of trying to kick cases. As this case has already begun. Or I will have to file charges on Elk Grove for mishandling of a case. Which could net me around $50,000 in punitive damages if I take it to trial.
At this point Philip Nigel has so conspired to discriminate against me. That somehow when I filed the case with the DFEH. That he also obtained a case file number from EEOC. Which is also illegal. As I never filed it in their offices yet. As both parties which shows further discrimination and conspiracy. So now I have to call the EEOC and ask why I have a EEOC number when I have not yet filed it with the Federal Agency.
Question regarding criminal case filing against obstructio
Question regarding criminal case filing against obstructio n of due admin and also agency proceeding s tampering.
Hello Officer Kent,
Thank you
Friday 2:20 3/22/2013
Number left:
This is money in the bag. Now that they tried to file charges against me as I wanted them to do by leaving striking room on words. So they would the cases are not muti combat legally.
Investigation for terrorist threats:
I will be pressing penal charges of malicious prosecution.
Could not work today hoped that the CHP Police Officer Cabrera was supposed to email me today. I was so excited about his contact. I took off work in a police emergency. I called and left him a message stating that after I sent emails saying I was going to use the DOD, FBI, POlice, NSA and CIA for prosecution as a disclaimer email. Then the idea I said call the shot and I will arrest you. Then the email I sent with regards to me calling theshot and legally trying to arrest them. The disclaimer email was not properly sent in the terrorist threat investigation that would have cleared me of any thought of terrorism. After many emails fo legal laws and police emails. Terrorist threat no, this is a malicious prosecution charge case now.
Letter to Such and Such:
Through out this case you will notice weird things like the power force in the case are people who have no jurisdiction over the Case. Herbert Yabrough the corrupting influence who called after both sides agreed to emdation is San Fran DFEH, Officer Cabrera is Bakers Field. Which is not Southern Division jurisdiction.
Letter to CHP officer Cabrera through Officer Kent's Elk Grove Communication device.
At this time. I am seeking maliciouise prosecution charges on the CHP or who ever told it to violate my rights to freedom of speech in the context of my communication.
This is a Tuesday note. If Officer Cabrera proceeds on this path of obstruction.
I filed a case with you of a federal and state crime of obstruction of due administration of justice. After you investigated it at their headquarters you found out that it was in a different jurisdiction. I never received the case file number or the contact in the proper jurisdiction. As per police officer criminal investigation laws that state an officer has to transfer the case to the proper jurisdiction. Could you please send me your LAPD contact.
Thank you
The conspiracy has gone so far as to now Philip Nigel has illegal conspired with other agencies to block my justice in another agency.
First case:
"1 Division 2 Chapter 3 Article 2 Sec 1220 Date Time and Place of Mediation citation.
"California Code of Regulations Title 1 Division 2 Chapter 3 Article 2 Sec 1220 Date Time and Place of Mediation "60 days" was the ammo I was looking for.
Article 2. Mediation
"1 CCR § 1220
Cal. Admin. Code tit. 1, § 1220
Barclays Official California Code of Regulations Currentness
Title 1. General Provisions
Division 2. Office of Administrative Hearings
Chapter 3. Agency Alternatives to Formal Hearings -Alternative Dispute Resolution
In consultation with the parties, the mediator shall fix the date, time and place of each mediation session. The mediation shall be held at any convenient location agreeable to the parties and the mediator. Mediation shall be completed within 60 days of the appointment of the mediator. Statutory, regulatory, and other timelines related to the dispute itself will not be affected unless by stipulation of the parties.
Note: Authority cited: Section 11420.20, Government Code. Reference: Section 11420.20, Government Code.
1. New section filed 6-20-97; operative 7-1-97 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(d) (Register 97, No. 25).
1 CCR § 1220, 1 CA ADC § 1220" ccr.htm"
1. New section filed 6-20-97; operative 7-1-97 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(d) (Register 97, No. 25).
1 CCR § 1220, 1 CA ADC § 1220"
I am going to have a letter with regards to this case. As per the evidential email sent January 8th, 2013 stating the DFEH mediation department had an electronic meeting of the minds with me about sending my case to mediation. And has violated my rights under the Code of Regulations. This is after I was told my rights where going to be obstructed for stating after 30 days federal law I was going to sue to force the case to be calendered. The obstruction of the law is a violation of
Penal Code Section 182
(5) "(a) If two or more persons conspire:" "(5) To commit any act injurious to the public health, to public morals, or to pervert or obstruct justice, or the due administration of the laws." bin/displaycode?section=pen& group=00001-01000&file=182-185
It is my belief in my heart that I feel like I am purposely having my justice of administration obstructed from me possible cause of my due rights in the USA to state I would investigate and sue over a crime.
"42 USC § 12203 - Prohibition against retaliation and coercion
(a) Retaliation
No person shall discriminate against any individual because such individual has opposed any act or practice made unlawful by this chapter or because such individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this chapter." uscode/text/42/12203"
Second Case
For illegally filing the case in the EEOC. Without my consent or having me filed it. Philip Nigel went and created a conspiracy to have my case not heard in the EEOC mediation department. Which as per the obstruciton in the DFEH. Both parties might want to have the case mediated elsewhere.
Federal Felony
73 of United States Code, Title 18
"section 1505 (felony to obstruct proceedings before departments, agencies, committees)"
It is my belief in my heart that I feel like I am purposely having my justice of administration obstructed from me possible cause of my due rights in the USA to state I would investigate and sue over a crime.
"42 USC § 12203 - Prohibition against retaliation and coercion
(a) Retaliation
No person shall discriminate against any individual because such individual has opposed any act or practice made unlawful by this chapter or because such individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this chapter."
Second Case
For illegally filing the case in the EEOC. Without my consent or having me filed it. Philip Nigel went and created a conspiracy to have my case not heard in the EEOC mediation department. Which as per the obstruciton in the DFEH. Both parties might want to have the case mediated elsewhere.
Obstruction of Proceedings
18 USC section § 241. Conspiracy against rights"
"If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same"
Philip Nigel oppressed my constitutional rights. As both parties wanted to have the case mediated. Then he kept threatening to call back and have the case re heard and not mediated. As if he had a conspiracy with the firm to stop my rights to mediation.
In conclusion Officer Kent. I would hope that you would properly send the file number of the criminal charges against Philip Nigel and his Manager named Maria. As I do not have that file number at the Elk Grove or the file number at the LAPD.
Thank you
Case numbers please?
That is 15 years for both of them and their any other party that allowed it.
This is a very serious crime Police Officer Kent. The Republic, Knights Templar and Judicial Judges will see any attack as a major issue.
Please respond within a weeks time. Or I prepare teams to sue Elk Grove for improper policing actions.
You may not file my case for me in a federal agency. When you discriminated against me in your own agency.
Friday 2:20 3/22/2013
Five Police officers and a CHP officer came to my house. To specifically clarify comments I made that did not have legally and properly or proper meanings after them with anger speech. But it was all meant legally as per my filing of charges on March 13, 2013. So they had to clarify my speech. Which is all legal.
Number left:
Contact Ofc. Cabrera 13228 661-864-4444
This is money in the bag. Now that they tried to file charges against me as I wanted them to do by leaving striking room on words. So they would the cases are not muti combat legally.
Investigation for terrorist threats:
For using the words shot call
I will arrest you
and each time stating I was going to press penal charges.
So now this is on my record as an investigation Charge.
I will now be sueing the investigating officers for saying terrorist threats mean shot call and arrest you when I specifically in all of my correspondence said legalities and penal charges and police.
I will be pressing penal charges of malicious prosecution.
I sent them the email with the proper arresting agency Elk Grove.
The officer did not have the email with the Elk Grove contact so the malicious prosecution unit that sent it over left it out.
Where was the email to the proper police officer agency. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Could not work today hoped that the CHP Police Officer Cabrera was supposed to email me today. I was so excited about his contact. I took off work in a police emergency. I called and left him a message stating that after I sent emails saying I was going to use the DOD, FBI, POlice, NSA and CIA for prosecution as a disclaimer email. Then the idea I said call the shot and I will arrest you. Then the email I sent with regards to me calling theshot and legally trying to arrest them. The disclaimer email was not properly sent in the terrorist threat investigation that would have cleared me of any thought of terrorism. After many emails fo legal laws and police emails. Terrorist threat no, this is a malicious prosecution charge case now.
Letter to Officer Kent
Request intel to Officer Cabrera
CHP Contact Ofc Cabrera #13228 at 661-864-4444
The offending parties to the obstruction of due administration of justice, retaliation and violation of tampering with agency proceedings. Now have committed a malicious prosecution act. By stating that my statements of "I will call the shots", and we will "see what happens on Tuesday" and I will have you arrested. The offending parties did not include the emails I sent to you and Philip that I did call the shot and Tuesday was the day i tried to get them arrested. And the Elk Grove Police department did commit an act of muscle of legal law for my case. If those emails would have been involved in the CHP investigation the case would have never been allowed to be on my investigation Federal Jacket of terrorist threats.
Please call Cabrera and let him know that I did do like I said I would and called Elk Grove to call the shot of arrest them. Also many other emails are missing where I many times made it very clear the wording was to be used in the idea of legal muscle. In no way did I ever say I would use illegal muscle. As this is over 1 million in damages to me. And also I am a Religious person who follows the law and am legally educated and was a Senator. I even stated on twitter I was bring in my own private investigators to investigate any possible crime in the grid of LA as it is very criminal Mexican oriented and involved a Mexican female. Which I believe they never corresponded back with me on that. After I thought they where here.
Ok sent a bunch of emails to Officer Kent for Officer Cabrera. With regards to the case and my profile. Relationship tone. As I am guessing he will be the officer working the cases against the DFEH now that he has had contact with me.
Since the conspiracy has illegally already gotten me a EEOC number. I am guessing there is no way I can file it in the EEOC to have it mediated there. So I have to now prepare a proper cause of action pleading to file it in the OC Superior Court. To then see if the opposition wishes to go to mediation in the courts. Then I have to file a fee waiver too. So that will take some time. So tomorrow off to the law library.
Letter to Such and Such:
This has been a very hard 4 months for me. I have had my case happily sent to mediation with both sides agreeing. As per Philip Nigel in the DFEH and stipulated facts in my letters. That where never denied. To now having to file penal charges to create a civil violation case against the DFEH for multiple charges. Also today I had 6 police officers come to my house as the DFEH filed terrorist threats against me for saying I will arrest you I will call the shot and see what happens on Tuesday. Which where words just chosen out of a over 15 emails. In which is malicious prosecution. So I am now filing charges of malicious prosecution. So I am preparing now to go to court and prepare the proper pleadings to file in the court system. This is because the EEOC somehow got a hold of my case illegally and already created a number for it. In which, I am believing they will not call you and ask for mediation. As after three times of them saying they will retaliated against me and have the case re head and not hear it. I believe they got you and Farmers to say you do not want to mediate it. So I will go to the proper courts of law. And file the case there. If we go to mediation in the Superior Courts. I will not do the legal strategies of corporate law. Which I will due in justice to the idea that I was wronged this should be settled before court.
Again if we settle this out of court. I am willing to take a lot less.
Through out this case you will notice weird things like the power force in the case are people who have no jurisdiction over the Case. Herbert Yabrough the corrupting influence who called after both sides agreed to emdation is San Fran DFEH, Officer Cabrera is Bakers Field. Which is not Southern Division jurisdiction.
Letter to CHP officer Cabrera through Officer Kent's Elk Grove Communication device.
At this time. I am seeking maliciouise prosecution charges on the CHP or who ever told it to violate my rights to freedom of speech in the context of my communication.
The elements of a malicious prosecution cause of action are commonly defined as:
(a) Favorable and final termination. I was told by the investigating officer it was a waste of his time and that there was no charges.
; (b) Lack of probable cause: the investigation was based on specific elements of a communication. In which so much so literally one of the investigative comments was right under the predisclaimer speech of where I would call. Which was law enforcement.
; (c) Malice: pretty easy to prove I filed charges in Elk Grove for around 15 years on Democrats and a Mexican. Officer Cabrera is most likely a Mexican Democrat. Also the idea that they had nothing else to defend their own charges to attack me with for standing up for my rights but to say my contextual legal speech was a terrorist threat.
The punitive damages I will seek will be over a million dollars in charges. As I constantly ask for Federal and Military support and work cases worth billions of dollars for the USA. So now when I call for support on my federal investigation jacket will be a terrorist threat to a state office investigation. Which could cause operators of the Federal military that do not know me to think twice before helping me or even listening to my research.
Thus I am willing to settle now for a proper removal of all investigation and destruction of the case and $300,000.
You will be hear by made a witness to a crime on Tuesday.
On or about March 9th -12 Cody Fitch sent to Elk Grove PD, State Administration Board, a letter with civil and penal charging documents. I then waited and began to figure out how to get that filed in the LAPD. Which I asked Elk Grove Officer Kent to file the charges for me. As that was his duty. I then waited for police contact in my case. I still have not had any police contact on my penal charges. Instead I received a false report of terrorist threats and a malicious prosecution team at my front door. Which furthered the first charge of obstruction of my rights as a citizen further. After that time I received the charging complain number with Officer Cabrera's name on it. I called the Officer did not speak to me about my charges of real federal felony with evidence on the complaint and leads to more evidence of stipulated business evidence codes. At this point since the time of contact with Officer Cabrera. I have been sending emails to Officer kent in the Elk Grove PD. As I believed that the false charge and malicious prosecution investigation team was a further obstruction of my rights. Thus I have convey my legal authority in the USA as a military asset with abilities to use military investigation and force for my own person and research. Which is the highest NSA level of research with regards to the sirplus national economic security plan. I am now waiting for officer cabrera to respond to a line of questioning and settle with me for the false charges and malicious prosecution team being sent to my house. At this time I have more than enough belief. That again my FBI friends that I have stumbled on a nest of corruption. Like I have many times before in my life and without fear of my life or limb knowing 100% in my heart my military and asset life building I have done for myself has secured me. I will once again prosecute with filing penal charges not a violation complaint a corrupt officer. I will look this officer make it better and send it in on Tuesday as a crime. I will desire the use of the FBI and military like I always due to stop the corrupt obstruction of the lives of the USA citizens by such state actors. Come Tuesday, I request the aquistion of the DFEH seats with penal crimes to remove them and the CHP seat with penal crimes to remove them. Where my Republican teams are working on political bartering to get proper balance inside of the DFEH for future Republicans to obtain civil rights.
Officer Cabrera case
142. (a) Any peace officer who has the authority to receive or arrest a person charged with a criminal offense and willfully refuses to receive or arrest that person shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
Penal Code 679.02. (a)(10) To an expeditious disposition of the criminal action.
Penal Code 679.02. (12)
(B) The victim may be notified by any reasonable means available.
Rough draft of Penal Charges against Officer Cabrera.
I am still sticking with the possible hate crime, genocide if any of the DFEH, or Officer Cabrera are part of a racist, fascist or communist society. As this is a Democracy and I am part of the ancient Democracy society. 18 USC section § 1091. Genocide
So far against Officer Cabrera. I am going to charge the same obstruction as I did the DFEH agents.
18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiring Against Civil Rights Most likely with the state actors who first conspired against my rights.
18 USC section § 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law
Penal Code Section 182
(5) "(a) If two or more persons conspire:" "(5) To commit any act injurious to the public health, to publicmorals, or to pervert or obstruct justice, or the due administration of the laws."
Federal Felony
73 of United States Code, Title 18
"section 1505 (felony to obstruct proceedings before departments, agencies, committees)"
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