Rider • a second agoRemove
my thoughts at first manly desire.
tabula rosa came from the Roman empire's intelligence warfare. Where it had strategies according the ancient monks manuscripts that have kept every single empire since man could write. That they would go in and heat the culture to hate itself then use that to clean slate it let it simmer then move in Roman culture. the major tabula rosa of our time is Democracy and Communism. Us Europeans are ancient Democracy Communism is mid 18th century Chinese Empore desire.Reply
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this goes for all my family out there I will be hell bound before I let some dug in Chinese Emperor with a secret not even his own people know of take over our cultural heritage cause of some weak man not willing to lead in every area intel, military, family, church and of course science.Reply
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tabula rosa is that idea for which something is taken from its normal slate and then turned into a blank slate so the manipulator or controller can scrip on it.Reply
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" heating the wax and then smoothing it to give a tabula rasa" through social graces is what the Chinese Emperor does with Communism. They make the culture very hot and upset so they can come in and destroy their own and say their is the best once the area is calmed and they have come in to save it with their economic state agents.Reply
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any time I have felt I could not stand my female partner even though she did not have my children I practiced bringing light to an area where my enemy sit wishing to destroy Democracy. As then it felt like it was the first time I saw her after each battle.Reply
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Communism is the ultimate cultural economics and military wash for any area that becomes dark from the attacks of the Chinese Emperor's dark heart's as we call them. as per their meetings in the underground Chinese Emperor's chambers.Reply
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and if you do not believe me I have sent over to other heritage proof of the Chinese Emperor's secret war against the other world heritages.Reply
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the reason why Nepal was lost was due to the darkness of not allowing Democracy and seeing the issues of the people as the utmost. So the darkness of the Chinese Emperor the idea of cultural wash of tabula rosa for the area so the Chinese can use their ancient idea of take over through emptying cultural and soul and then refilling it with the lead Communist or people's empty soul leader as per the Chinese Emperor's work with Engels during the war of 1842. Can then come in and implement their cultural take over. like we see in nepal today. Where because of the dark King and his queen not allowing Democracy of many parties. So one could stop the other from war via votes and proper balance. He was destroyed by the darkness for not being educated at the forefront of his people. So today he is not even allowed his own Heritage estates of his family to care take the ancient culture of Nepalese heritage. That is nobodies fault but a false king. As he was not the highest educated or not the best Representative of his heritage of iconic family culture.Reply
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it is that idea for which kings and queens are supposed to be the best protectors, leaders and smartest of their people. Which means studying things that are at the fore front of their citizens culture and heritage, leading in the face of danger, knowing when a wife or child becomes less sparkly how to recreate the appreciation of gods blessings by being a man and going out and dealing with one's enemies of Democracy. Not to sit around and look through the dark shadow's looking for something you will never find and will bring harm to your soul and your whole structure. Prime example is the Scoty and Britian boys Harry and his brother. They go to war and understand each day they have on this planet is a blessing. So when they come home whether married and iconic or young and bullish they enjoy it and are bright and positive.Reply
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if you lose the sparkly in the eye once life has been created. You do not look to recreate it through darkness you go forth and bring light and leave then when home feel good about yours moral duties and not bad about what you have done to cast a dark spell over the light.Reply
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if a man in the light structure loses his love for his wife than before he strives for another to hurt his babies or iconic family first structure. He should go to war and strengthen his resolve for home and see the battle so his wife looks beautiful when he returns not to hurt his family.Reply
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do noto hurt the scholar in any shape or from and actual place shadows on him to protect him so as to not make the heritage of culture of our lineage make look bad by a set up. And please ask him to prepare a proper legal case without attack just proof of the matter. To uphold the good name of the heritage families.
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It is church welfare, defense, culture, family, icon, good living and if any darkness I step in before the Communist Chinese due. You will sit before the court of Royalty and explain this issue before the guilded cloaks of our heritage and culture.Reply
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we will not have folks leading our heritage of Democracy and culture if they are dark and have easy espionage hate direction against them to abdicate like the Communist Chinese did to the Russian's and Nepalese and are preparing to do to the Britannia and Netherlands. So the Chinese Emperor could be the only one left standing at the end of his secret desires and his utmost secret to not wish to hang out with the rest of us.Reply
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Britain has allowed telecom take over the Netherlands have let island take over and next you too. mmmm can't have this world communist take over of the heritage Democracy world to abdicate away from our current heritage Democracy world heritage. So strengthen the families up I am tired of seeing puny little princes and princesses who can barely hack a computer better start making some harries out there front liners in the intel battles of reading and writing and helping with Democracy against Communist.
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especially since the crowned have let the Communist take over the balance of espionage on Iceland I am not so happy with 400 Communist Chinese on the island with just 70 US espys and all together 420 Democracy espionage on the island. so you let me know if you can't keep the old boy in your panths and you are allowing espionage to take over your heart and pride through your vice and evils and you have fallen to darkness.
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just kidding old boy but if she is looking like a daisy in the flower bed of roses you know she can get thorny if you want her too.
mind your manners and be a man. Sometimes that means going to battle to bring back love and blessing of life feelings.
for example I like the Britians forced teaching of their children to live in poverty and without due care of lineage for a time. To show them not to be snoody like. You can't lead your people if you are rich greedy type as not all folks are rich in education or thrive to be enlightened through education. Some are just fine being poor and not searching out knowledge or battles or their own so one has to know how to lead them. Other's just get oppressed by other major cultures and one needs to know how to show them the light source ladder of knowledge so they can get out of oppression.
some folks spend their ever personal minute not making their roof and food in leisure. Ohters spend every single moment of work or leisure striving to be enlightened and knowledgeable in something at all times. Other's find a perfect balance. But what ever it is a king or leader or owner has to try to strive to be the brightest in his kingship whether culture, business, building food, selling houses, taken care of elderly what every you crown yourself as. Ancient heritage and the feeling of watching a structure and old family magic that brightens the heart is the Royalty area.
this goes the same way for a woman in a structure. If she loses her sparkle for her family that is because she has no battle in the motherly or warrior area. So she can go out and find children or welfare as is more femine an issue and thus mother the area that is hard and battled. that will bring a sparkle to her eye to her family no matter that kid did not pick up the milk stain or decided to get a Aminus.
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Rider • a second agoRemove
some people it takes complete lock down to help them realize their blessings and complete fall to darkness and rock bottom. Until they realize that what you learn in life is your choice every second is your choice, to learn, to work, to leisure or to fallow the dark path. THat is free will. Other's it takes a loss of their whole countries appreciation of such grand design of great family iconic structuring like Nepal. He was not willing to go with the Democracy structure so the people forced him to the Communist structure. Which is part muti party Democracy but still close to Communism.
if you confront the scholar like a father or mother of the people carrying for you made a mistake or you argued and was mad instead of being mad at the scholar. Then that scholar is nice and sincere and says here is what I have and of course he has it backed up. Then he is genuine and we have a dark area of the soul that needs to be dealt with. If not if he throws a tempera tantrum and lies about the king is cutting off my head oh my god. Then track his roots as he is a dark heart most likely of the Chinese emperors.
For me it is like this show of the Maricopa Female officer's show. As they have some very attractive Milf's on there that are cool and bad arse. Sexy woman's. So I watch it. There was this one woman who was a sober perfectly sane latin woman trying to draw conflict with the ladies. I tracked her as she reports the officers as constantly harrasing her. She is a major Mexican espionage CISEN dark heart. She has ties to local proxy warriors, racist organizations and also the leftist Democrat's who own business with illegal immigrants working at them according to my field knights that watch over our watchers. She is a dark heart. As soon as I saw her and her actions I was like obviously this lady is trying to hurt the officers for no reason. She had a stick was in disorderly conduct for stopping traffic and then went into a complete obvious dark heart scenario to try and draw officer aggression.
According to my pysdo name research for Dr Arapio a fellow Native American lineage man. there are a lot of dark hearts in that area. As per Arizona police officers legal pursuit of any infraction or thought of wrong pursuit of daily lawful life is legal to stop and see who they are. The Eric Holder and Lorreta King case against him was malicious prosecution for political hate speech against a very good proud sheriff that the comminty loves as their children do not recidivate.
If it was me after she tried to stop the first car in traffic just to bother them then walk on the side walk. I would have given her a volunteer ticket to force her negative daily activities to go and bring light to somebody who could use her for good like shelters, children areas, places like that. Instead of the CISEN network of draw attention and try to create political hate towards a very hard worked area of the country for officers. In the front line of the opiate war against CISEN.
it is one thing for the cabbage patch wars to stay street. It is another thing when a high ranking DOJ secretary and lead get involved to attack police officers fighting the front lines. Then the structure of light gets involved.
In my area the Democrats know illegal immigration is illegal immigration and they do not harm or make political the idea of CISEN opiate and economic seat taken wars. As LA and Maricopa County did. WHich is a problem. So those areas go light gridded my area stays dark and can get non extra issues. Cause they are nice about it you know a party is a party good times folks want to be free cool But political militarized shove it in our faces causes pery and advance on the opposing side.
Cause of it I have two counter revolutions in mexico and Spain cause of the two major counties threatening US front line warriors with some kind of prosecution for pulling folks over for violating laws and finding out if they are CISEN economic seat gridders or addiction networks.
Rider I
and I have 80% of all African American Churches and Euoprean Churches in LA ready to preach to boot Mayor Villagosa and the Democrats have no choice but to reign in another or prepare for a Republican ticket take over. because he blockaided a group of sheriffs with families and good church and muticultural background because of some racist latin hate so Latins can invade illegaly but Africans or Europeans can't even get a single digit number of immigrants of their fellow families to their areas.
I have 5,000 MacDonald Irish Men and Scotsmen young lads's wanting off the ire as woman numbers are down and jobs are nothing. They have tried fishing boats, planes anything they can do to get to the USA to immigrate. Can't get here. But every year millions of Mexicans just come on in and get sanctuary for CISEN's enighsh analogized opiate wars against China.
Then I have 500,000 EU men and woman that want to come to the USA and are willing as per my knights questionair to move to high areas of CISEN illegal immigration to counter balance out the immigration warfare. To create counter culture pockets of life to stop invasion by military of Mexico through ease. And are aware of the drug addiction gridding and have recieved my pamphelt on newly EU immigration immigrants to high Mexican illegal immigration areas to counter balance out this idea that a county can blockaid a State for a single county that is strying to stop drugs and sex slave grids.
Then I have 20,000 Jamaican's ready to be used too to live here.
because of Villagoris strong racist leadership for a very unfair to the world and Democracy illegal immigration.We prepared a crisis management of LA of more than enough voter's that will get felonies that will vote him out if he does not step down legally and properly for what he did is very unfair to every other culture in the USA.
cause guess why we now have over 300,000 US troops sitting at home like Mexico does. So the US observer program is being restarted like Mexico has its troops and families do. Where military goes out and just sits and observer possible threats.
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