This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

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Wruckers room

A Country a People a Culture Stays great cause it does not allow itself to be attacked or oppressed. The USA is currently run by a grid of losers to the Communist Chinese oppression. Racist Latin's leaders more worried about allowing Mexico to invade our grids to take over. African Racist Progressive more worried about taken over US European heritage muscle influence and base closures. European American's more worried about the Communist Chinese Proxy Warriors instead of the root of the matter like we did during the Cold War against the Russian Puppetted state of China's Bolshevist proxy warriors. A grid of losers and not one can figure out a simple plan to get us out of deficit to compete against the Communist State Owned Enterprise's. A country and culture does not stay great cause of some kind of ideological perspective that their theory will win. Even if they are massively being destroyed by a foreign state. Free Trade does not work in a neo-mercantilism world. The US alone has lost 3,000 Export Business over the last 18 years. Accumulative to 55,000 just to the Communist State Owned Enterprises of a mono fascist party state. This then would have been around currently with our civil needs, we would be in $34 trillion dollars of surplus if we would have fought the Communist like we did during the Cold War. As during the cold war we where spending around 15 trillion a year just on space race. These days thanks to oppressed weak leaders we are cutting everything and running scared from grid speech and grid maneuvers.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Republicans really need to take a hard look at the votes they alienated.

"Legitimate rape? Anti-gay marriage? No to immigration reform?"

"by its extreme right."

If these are the issues my cute footed woman sees then I will speak on them.
First and foremost alienation is not the issue. As those who feel alienated vote for the opposition. The real issue is getting Republicans to vote. In California alone we have over 30% loyalty while Democrats have 40%. However, the Republic over the last 18 years or so has lost 30% of its party members. This is not because of issues of alienation. It is because of issues of enablity to lead for wealth and economics and proper defense of our countries economy. If you look at the majority of folks who do not vote in California it is not latino woman or gay's or the moderates. It is just your regular Republican who thinks the Republic is a losing party and does not even go to vote. That is my issue. I can see your issue. But the reality is that the Latino Woman so long as their families are in Mexico will never vote for a party that is against open boarders. As for the gay thing the reality is that the legislation is voted for in California and Florida against gay marriage. So that is not a real issue of political votes. Even though some of my best friends have been gay. As I see it as a church matter and not a state matter. As the law should not force the Church to violate its ancient teachings. However, a law can be created for a different church to allow it. But forcing Churches is the main issue everybody is not seeing. As other states have seen.

Extreme right usually do not vote either. They usually are the ones who believe that there is no chance of getting a real Republican leader. So in reality the people you are talking to are moderate republicans. As extremist rightist do not come out of their caves.

That is my thoughts, I think we need to go for the voters that do not vote not the ones we are so called alienation.

By the way babe why are you mad at me for not calling you modern. I like you the way you are.

Could you unblock me please I promise I will not suggly uckems in public no more.

I do agree with you on the one Republican Senator who was speaking horrible about the female voters in the USA. However, again like I stated in Politics there is espionage and that man could have been what is known as a stick man. Where favors are done, or bullying, or evidential holds or payments. That at one time or another you have to say something. Which during that moment is no big deal. The Democrats especially Mayor Killer Biatch herself Dianne Feinstein are good at it.

The reality is looking into Republican defense of Chinese Espionage that works with the left to create major light pockets. For example the 2 million we lost in California was a simple light show of a movie set schedule and a couple songs mass cognition ed. We did not move our own herd enough to vote. As the cool people like JZ where singing songs against Mitt while Kid Rock would not sing out against Obama in his cognitional tracks that can be changed with ease and are famous. Also our main ORCA Program once again was attacked and hacked by leftist hackers more likely than not the Chinese Communist with help from local Huwaei research companies that are based here for no reason as they are not allowed to sell here. If ORCA would have been up and running we could have sent in the busses we had planned for areas that where done on voting and needed to go up. For example ORCA in Florida alone was out by 74,000 that is four busses all day. That we had no clue where our own voters where not voting. While in Ohio it was the same thing due to a military attack on our programs that the Democrats had up and running and ours was attacked by military espionage and sabotaged.

What is next for us. Training better cyber espionage trackers. As the Republican party has no Rightist cyber companies in the US that are not both funding Democrats and Republicans like Oracle to defend them during high times of battle. But the Democrats have the Huwaei research bases in the US that are extremist leftist to attack for them.

Babe we could have won if we could have used our ORCA program to find where Republicans where not light up to vote. The Democrats had a similar program and run buses all day. But the Republicans had no clue and where attacked unfairly. Changing babe is not always the reality of things. Sometimes you just have to see things are they are. The Republic light show was destroyed by the Communist Chinese Huwaei research company and we are looking to prove it to get assassination death warrants if we can pin point the bases. 

As for the third state we needed that was not gridded down by ORAC attacks. California is just a left state. Where Republicans do not preempt movies for the debate. Unlike Democrats who work closely with scripters to make big named movies famous with specific key speeches to use for the marketing of grid work light shows like Cable Tv shows and other areas of marketing that can easily grid into California cosmopolitan areas. Cosmopolitan Magazine is probable looking at you to make your trend a Republican issue. As you have to see the leftist media grid points and how the Republic always fails in California to bring out the best in the Republic. For example in one of my dirt bike riding cruises 30,000 Republicans did not vote and where so drunk at the track had no clue it was voting day. Nor did they care as they have that mentality that the female sexy models place in them that California is a leftist state. It is not. It is actually a Republican state by voter registration polls.

Which is another area the Republicans fail in. We do not have any major magazine female trends that help set trends. As the Democrats are Sassanian about the female trend industry. As woman lead the majority of male dominate thought in their trends and who is allowed in and coach or not.

What ORAC was was a online program of specific collection of voters watching our herd's. Making sure they voted. As per registration alone Meghan we are a Republican nation. However, trying to get folks to vote is very difficult in a leftist media run world. So if we had ORAC running and we had more than 15 buses in those areas just sitting nothing going on. We could have won by using 4 buses alone if we could have pin pointed pockets of our heard that where not voting. As the Democrats ran the same program Meghan and barely one and theirs did not fail..

Along with that if you look at the Northeast you will see that not one state voted Red even though Red registration out does the blue. This is another media issue. Where President Obama's media cabinet allowed the Communist Chinese State owned company Dalian Wanda run by a PLA retired military personnel to buy up our biggest media outlet AMC. Where we have stolen video feed as per agents proving that scating is being done. Which is color coding in different area's, and sounds and pitches that work with the local Democratic marketing schemes to enhance the features of the leftist media. Illegally as brain washing is illegally. We are working on seeing how to prosecute AMC For that maneuver in the North East.

Theres are my beliefs and opinions on what the Republic needs to do to get our voters to come out and actually vote. One is start a pure Republican cyber company, or get rid of the pure extremist leftist Huwaei research bases, the other is to look into AMC, and the make sure we watch leftist Democrat party leaders working with entertainment and hollywood to create prempted light shows.

you watch the fight club it teaches you how to scat for sexy. Where he would place in pictures of porn and the such then watch folks make out and have sex in the movie theaters. That is scatting. With Communist China running film in the USA they are running military scat.

Correlating ideas the majority of AMC's theaters of optogenics and hearing genecis are in the North East. Also where the Republic needs to be is where it has always been the higher moral party of you go that way down a dark deficit path of we never get out or we cut from ours. We down the path of light and say we expand a few business and we get taxes from their trade and we get out of the deficit for everyone. it is very simple. Reagan did it Clinton did it. Over the last 18 year Communist China has been allowed to take with its state owned big government grid work 3,000 export business a year. So the US can in one year make at least 2,000 that will get us out of deficit. If not folks are just mean and should die.

Meghan in reality we need to stop with all this BS legislation and start to get to the root of the issue our deficit. I mean if we are in a sir plus Woman do well, latins do well, everybody is happy. So long as we stay on these issues of racism, sexism, and idocracies we will never get out of the deficit. We all need to come together to create 2,000 export business so we can get out of deficit in 1-2 years with fresh treasury that would pay off our deficit.

Correlating ideas the majority of AMC's theaters of optogenics and hearing genecis are in the North East. Also where the Republic needs to be is where it has always been the higher moral party of you go that way down a dark deficit path of we never get out or we cut from ours. We down the path of light and say we expand a few business and we get taxes from their trade and we get out of the deficit for everyone. it is very simple. Reagan did it Clinton did it. Over the last 18 year Communist China has been allowed to take with its state owned big government grid work 3,000 export business a year. So the US can in one year make at least 2,000 that will get us out of deficit. If not folks are just mean and should die.

babe in one state out of around 5 million not even a fraction voted.

and you know why my sweet lady of my dreams is because all we are doing is going to the extremist sexist, racist, or leftist or rights. The most people do not care about illegal immigrants that CISEN herds here as its not fair to their kids to give Mexican nationals schooling when their kids can't get in or get a job or find cheap housing cause of them, while also the gay thing is really cool and all but less than .4% of the populace is gay. The real issue folks want to hear in our leaders is deficit to sirplus not reduction and scare tactics of whose getting harmed by who and whose getting cut.

It upsets so many people sweety that the majority of US citizens do not even vote or even try and how upsetting it is that 10,000 students in every single college across the us can't get accepted each semester. Yet we are debating given our neighbors kids our school seats. When Mexico has tons of open seats and 4% unemployment while we have 8% and a loss in housing of affordable for our children cause of CISEN herding.

Reagan landslided sweet you know why it was pure American economic dominance. Something that every parent man woman or child could appreciate a leader who says no to sexist or racist legislation no to extremist socialist or extremist rightist cuts. Just doing pure economics hear sir plus with no cuts. That is when folks come out to vote and say yes this is my leader.

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