This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

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US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Wruckers room

A Country a People a Culture Stays great cause it does not allow itself to be attacked or oppressed. The USA is currently run by a grid of losers to the Communist Chinese oppression. Racist Latin's leaders more worried about allowing Mexico to invade our grids to take over. African Racist Progressive more worried about taken over US European heritage muscle influence and base closures. European American's more worried about the Communist Chinese Proxy Warriors instead of the root of the matter like we did during the Cold War against the Russian Puppetted state of China's Bolshevist proxy warriors. A grid of losers and not one can figure out a simple plan to get us out of deficit to compete against the Communist State Owned Enterprise's. A country and culture does not stay great cause of some kind of ideological perspective that their theory will win. Even if they are massively being destroyed by a foreign state. Free Trade does not work in a neo-mercantilism world. The US alone has lost 3,000 Export Business over the last 18 years. Accumulative to 55,000 just to the Communist State Owned Enterprises of a mono fascist party state. This then would have been around currently with our civil needs, we would be in $34 trillion dollars of surplus if we would have fought the Communist like we did during the Cold War. As during the cold war we where spending around 15 trillion a year just on space race. These days thanks to oppressed weak leaders we are cutting everything and running scared from grid speech and grid maneuvers.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Strategic Culture The John Brown Approach to KKK and Today's Mecha and LA Razza Amnesty for Racist Migration Criminal Networks

In the USA the US has fought very hard to destroy racial harmony on the lines of political spheres. So much so that at one point in time the USA was in a major threat of becoming fascist due to a racist group of Europeans who committed crimes for racial networks and grid work, illegal migration of only Europeans migrant majorities, and a myraid of other issues based on the racial harmony of taken over the USA just for their votes to be supreme. This racist organization used many tactics to gain an upper edge in the voting. One of the main ones I wish to show is the illegal migrant racist voter push for amnesty for those Europeans coming here to help build their grids. The main area I want to study is the area of how President Lyndon B Johnson. Was able to tie in the main racist voter and cultural group that was being mono party sided for their migrant racist grid take over. I would like to study how he connected the dots of the crimes, racial migration voter pushes for amnesty, and how he projected the organization as a threat to the US and its culture of Democracy As today I find that the worst racist issue resides with the Mexican populace heritage and Mexican country neighbors.

I have books on President Lyndon B Johnson and his attacks on racist groups of voters and criminals on grid networking. Basically his approach to destroy the KKK supremacy of criminal network grids tied to voting and racial migration. So I should read that then do this.

It is my belief that this basic issue is rooted in the Mexican inability to Democratic their intelligence as CISEN pushes in their light grids and educational projection units of soul knowledge imperialist invasion of the USA to take over the lands for racist ideas. Which would allow the closets racial nation Mexico to take it over.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wrongful Prosecution by Dianne Feinstein as a Public Official

I am not an attorney

I am being Malicious Prosecuted by Diane Feinstein for my civil rights to bear an Auto Rifle in my business, vehicle or home. Purely based on law of statistics as per the way justice is supposed to be Weighing out the facts of the civil right compared to the malicious Prosecution. More people die from tubs each year than guns, should we not take baths. Its so malicious I am willing to prove the main prosecution team of the Brady Campaign has taken council from KGB espionage brain terrorists agents on how to brain manipulate and fight conservative mind sets. It would be one thing if the statistics of the day did weight out the facts. That gun ownership protects the US from Mexican invasion and criminals who today can build guns in a machine built by a

Collection of demand letter for settlement of $80,000 the cost of the case for her side if she loses.

Theory behind case she uses a foreign directive of Government to take over our grids with illegal criminals. To build her party and voting basis for the party she is in. Then she tries to take our guns in auto rifle. So we can defind our families and business and homes from the criminal invaison. As per admitted Mexican officials. Thus the prosecution of our civil rights to bear these arms to defend from Mexican invasion is a legitamte threat and she is wrongfully prosecuting the legal citizens. As the majority of gun crimes are committed by folks who are already criminals and should not have guns.

My law experience is in attacking governments, officials and fighting groups of people and their grids.

It is my personal belief the reason why Democracy has spread world wide is because the US citizens are armed and no one wishes to invade us as our system is based off of guerilla warfare systems of every individual has a right to self defense and their own power sources and kingdoms.

Corruption Prosecution of official (theory Mexican take over of the USA she uses for voter grid building through one sided amnesty. Then with her taken our guns away will allow the Mexican government admitted to conspiracy to take over the US lands to happen)

Prosecution of local governments

over 200 years the US has had the right to bear arms and the constant trying to prosecute our basic root necessary guerilla defense system is malicious.

When statistics rule against the ones prosecuting the legal civil right. And they just do it to be malicious the case is solid. The stats show that gun rights are good for macro, local and individual self defense. In countries where guns are forced to be owned by everyone there is almost no crime at all.

Over 200 years the US military and local police forces base their muscle on the fact that we have guns with good people behind every tree. When statistics in a blind justice case weigh out the facts, or in a open cite justice case of what is going on. We see that 1.7 rapes per minute beat out the idea of the tiny fraction of legal citizens that kill wontonly with guns. Compared to the majority of gun stats show criminals who should not have guns do the most damage.

Malicious intent is based on amnesty of just Mexican one sided voters and the fact that she is working with the Mexican government that admits to illegally and criminally inavding the US to take it over in the long run. Malicious intent

For over 200 years the US has had the rights to bear arms against their enemies of the country or individual. This is obvious a malicious prosecution.

Public officials are not protected from Malicious prosecution law



Case of defense against Malicous prosecution

Abuse of Civil Rights

Need to prove not Frivilous. Mexican govenrment speech and actions are a real threat and so are criminals to our populace and our way of idealogical defense of guerilla system's.

Desire the case to be weighed out on statistics and blind justice or the bright line of open eyed justice. Heller v DC says we have a right to them. But leaves the Auto rifle still up for argumentation on necessity of defense against Mexican invasion as per government speech and as per whole world leaders agreeing that the US is the only coutnry with the most civililzed guerilla units as per individual gun owners.

Defense hurdles so far Government immunity, frivilous claim, social uprising, pitty, dead children compared to raped woman. Statistically more woman are victimized due to not bearing arms than children die each year.

I am begging my pursuit to argue the case left open in DC v Heller of compelling interest of auto rifles.

My case will be based on reality of Mexican government stating they will invade and using criminals to do it. my collections will be here like the political discrimination case in highering through question. again I appreciate all thse years the elder lights seeing my actions as best for all cultures even when I get supremcist in a military or government world of ideas there are sacrifices of forces. the purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to keep all citizens armed to force us to be a better civilized world

so we do not invoke the hate of the people to march militarized against US. the few that die each year from good citizens with guns do not outweigh the legitamet purpose of defense from

trynical government or defense from literally Mexican government invasion. I can point to the Obama Administration policy of Libay. Where A naval captain was told to stand down forces to save the Embassy. So we could prove a macro policy to Muslims we are not hear to invade which invokved the Libyan people to come to our aid which was a major military isuse to befriend the light source of Muslims

the idea of Libya was based on the same moral principle of the idea of the auto rifle allowance

as the gun rights. As we needed the Muslim world to come to our aid. As we need our individuals to come to our aid. the people have to feel compelled to want to save the US not the government.

the Libyan people themselves destroyed the bad gang that hurt our citizens. they did it themselves and the forces behind the enemy of Democracy where killed and they feel good about us that much it is a sad thing that those people died. However, the war they where fighting and knew was for Democracy everyone know sif you work in a foreign embassy more likely than not civil revolt will kill them.

the light source is now to Muslim people that we are not a imperalist nation as show of actions. If we attack the policy of allowing the citizens to come to our aid with sometimes sacrifces in the gun right theories then the whole US military theory and Obama administration should be attacked too. The military constantly places folks in high areas of death to compell military interests and in harms way the individual citizen is not without war opne their heads from our neighbors the Mexican government as per their grid speech until that time that Mexico is speaking at us like Canada does with its grids. I feel a compelling interest to secure auto rifle arms

he idea behind our foreign policy is that every individual is armed to fight tryanical governments. Why would we stop that here I am coming up on a light package that could make me tyranical if I did not think my people where heavily armed to the teeth I am just a man if my people are not armed and I am more powerful than the US citizen with auto rifles woo is me and in this country the OWS kids have shown that we can still revolt peacefully even though auto rfiles are at every store both the right Tea Party and the left OWS kids should this society can bear its arms peacefully their revolts have led to both of them gaining power seats to fight peacefully through Democracy if you look at facsist countries that take their weapons from them. They find them and revolt in death Mexico, Libya, the idea that a few bad criminals .as the statistics of gun crime is majority folks who should not have them. can take away our auto rifle rights. Is like saying the folks who die in a bathtub can have our bathtub's taken away is it a compelling interest enough to do that. Or is the compelling interest of the Mexican invasion and Tyranical government I believe as per the constitution and the DC v Heller theories that the Mexican invasion and Tyranical government out weigh the sacrifices of military doctrine of guerilla warfare defense of the US lands and living hopefully the Libyian people will raise a momument for the diplomats who died for their Democracy showing a light to the world that the US and West is not imperalist force. the people of the world today have shown that when a people armed to the death with tanks, jets, RPG's, auto rifles full stockades full of ammo in the USA. Can revolve peacefully as their government trusts them too. Then in a world where Tyrants like Libya and Syria take your weapons are will fight with their military against peacefully protests with jets and bombers. I think the compelling interest show the Constitutional right of peopel to take back their governments if it becomes tryanical. I know thousands of citizens with jets that have full armed missiles systems in the USA

I see the taken of auto rifles when we can own tanks, bombers, RPG's, as a a cognitional weapon that is just being used to allow Mexican espionage proxy warriors to bully us cause they have more criminals on the grid and we can't cognitional defeat them in our minds at home in business or other places as we can't own major magas or guns. Thereofre, I find Malicious prosecution. Then they use that cognitional process to allow Feinstein to build her illegal Mexican seat voters every 5-7 years they force the US to give the left party she rules over 5 million or so just leftist voter seats. As the Mexican criminal grids are more powerful than the legal citizens rights to protect against major criminal movements of more than 10-15 members into a house or a cognitional harmful though.

I can usee this to allow me to be heard before a court.

How about taken due process of individuals rights. Then that gets into aggregate Gun rights compared to individual. That is DC v heller issue too. Each individual has its own right to the right. difficult to fight though.

I think I am going to stick with the new issue of Malicious intent and prosecution based on one side political building. Equality laws I will look into too. The idea is that by taken the auto rifles away while we can have nuclear reactors, cell phones that can be programmed to kill folks, RPG's or tanks. That it is just a Mexican criminal cognitional weapon to allow them to keep building through bullying illegal migrant seats that gain amnesty. So that is the link here to the gun right.

I will think about that one. The idea is to stop the inequality of power in the individual grid. And stop this idea of Diane Feinstein and CISEN building one sided grids through criminal seat warfare. And creat ea cognitional allowance and trust of people to allow us to speak out against CISEN proxy agents that take over oru seats illegal and push us out of our country and lineages.

i want to stay away from that idea that foks can't make legislation but also get into that kind of legislation that is just over and over and over again malicious however they can tried with using foreign malicious espionage agency. and statistically through legal courts if we weigh by facts and morality and justice. Its obvious this case is a issue of malicious foreign espionage intent. KGB units working with the main prosecution team Brady Campaign, CISEN working to bully grids just to build the one side that keeps attacking the civil right.

I have not yet pin pointed the direct issue I want to attack. Just feeling this out here. There is a point to be made here. A new one I just have to find this out. I will start spending my nights at the law library after work. Until the night classes start.

Diane Feinstein desire the termination of my civil rights of guns. To allow the Mexican Espionage units to create an illegal grid system that is just voting for her political side. "(1) commenced by or at the direction of the defendant and pursued to a legal termination in the plaintiff’s favor;" The difficult one to fight will be probable cause without it, ya this one is going to take a lot of research. I am running with this one though. The probable cause will take the most research part." (2) brought without probable cause;" "(3) initiated with malice." is easy she knows that taken our gun rights will not stop school killings or the majority of gun crimes as the majority are done by folks who should not have guns or folks who are crazy and would use a knife or hammer as proven in foreign countries. (Crowley v. Katleman (1994) 8 Cal.4th 666, 676; Padres L.P. v. Henderson (2003) 114 Cal.App.4th 495, 513-514.)

Malicious Torts

"A person has probable cause to commence or prosecute a civil (action/proceeding) on a claim of <claim made in underlying action or proceeding as to which defendant allegedly lacked probable cause> when (he/she) has knowledge of facts, actual or apparent, strong enough to justify a reasonable person in the belief that (he/she) has lawful grounds for prosecuting the defendant in the manner complained of."

Councilman sues Kauai prosecutor for allegedly malicious prosecution

"Every person who shall, maliciously and without probable cause therefor, cause or attempt to cause another to be arrested or proceeded against for any crime of which he or she is innocent:

(1) If such crime be a felony, is guilty of a class C felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not more than five years; and

(2) If such crime be a gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor."

Something like this causign the good folks to get arrested for not breaking a law.

I need to look up the key issues of legislative power and malicious prosecution.

Mayberry v Madiso is not necessary yet. Even though it could be if I applied it as a court block to a malicious legislative matter.

Key malicious prosecution teams the Brady campaign and Diane Feinstein entity.

How legislation is created. Which is they just use constituent ideas then send out letters to find out if good idea or not. Thus I can state that a specific legislation by a specific set of prosecution teams can be an issue

Violates Federal policy of guerilla defense as mainstay military issue of the USA.

Take this idea of prosecutors not being able to violate Federal policy of its right to create a policy. The US has been and is a guerrilla defense unit. Our policy is based off of the US being armed to the teeth. Federal being military policy, military doctrine and military actual use of foreign application of that idea.

Prosecution through public opinion laws need those laws too.

need exact data on amnesty voters, death of folks on UEI from mortality of such issues

"Prosecution by Information"

Taylor staffer claims malicious prosecution by tea party advocate

Jackson County Circuit Court Missipi court collection of thoughts

Trying to find that law that states you can't take a person's right because somebody else committed a crime.

and the tests for that as a social issue.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=f6bd8b83f9427bdd&biw=1280&bih=677

The Torts of Malicious Prosecution and Abuse of Process

Read more at Suite101: The Torts of Malicious Prosecution and Abuse of Process | Suite101
Follow us: @suite101 on Twitter | Suite101 on Facebook

California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI)

A Look at the Misuse of Legal Procedure

13-1636. Malicious abuse of process defined; general statement of elements

How to Tell if You are Being "Maliciously Prosecuted" in Wisconsin

light word Wrongful Civil Proceedings

California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI)

1501. Wrongful Use of Civil Proceedings

Abuse of Process and Wrongful Use of Civil


man there are no manuals on this stuff at all. Just books about it no proper court laid out foundation manual.

Torts Wrongful Institution of Legal Proceedings - MBE

Light word

Torts Wrongful Institution of Legal Proceedings

my right to have a auto rifle is being arrested



Facts backs

A statistics during has been erased

"Among nonviolent Federal offenders, those involved

with firearms had more extensive criminal histories

More than 70% of violent Federal offenders had been

sentenced in the past, regardless of firearms involvement.

Excluding minor infractions, 76% of property offenders

and 61% of drug offenders with firearms involvement ¾

compared to 38% and 48%, respectively, without such involvement

¾ had been previously sentenced as an adult.

70% of offenders whose current case involved firearms

and 45% of offenders whose offense involved no firearm

had been sentenced in the past for at least one offense."

HIghest gun crime rates are in those that have the hardest gun control issues.

A culture of brain washing criminal music creates the most of gun crimes

The Complexion of Crime in America

out of the 12,000 people that die each year 1.5 million are saved

Guess What Kills One Person Every 19 Minutes?

recidivism rate in the US prisons is high. Majority of crime with guns or otherwise is created by people that are already criminals.

67.5% of prisoners released in 1994 were rearrested within 3 years, an increase over the 62.5% found for those released in 1983

Case of Democrat Entity excepting bribery from Mexican government in the form of illegal voter seat one sided political party building. To give our lands away to Mexican government control. work on it conspiracy. I can prove Mexican government desires to take over and that the Democrats desire to use that take over scheme of illegal immigration.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Social Light Grids and What Makes them Glow

Groups have a social mindset. These social mindsets have cues static points and other things that make them do things. It is kind of like herding horses. In some of my articles. I have wrote how mean espionage agencies use death or other oppressive matters to direct herds. However, in a social grid perspective there are other ways of helping make a social grid glow. As today one of my social grid points. As per working with military and police officers what makes me upset is folks being victimized by criminals. Especial Mexican criminals. As I see them as Proxy warriors to Mexico's government grid speech to take over the USA for Mexican land holdings. The idea is to use social marketing. Which  I have studied to light up grids. For example there is marketing based on neuron synapses that folks look at on the Internet. As our ease to many stimuli today make folks skip through many stimuli with colors and ideas and thinks that they like. Then in a social marketing principle everything that you look at is considered marketable. As that is what search engines do. Anything you look at from porn to music is placed on a grid that creates your type of social light grid of things that light you up or not.

Rider I

Friday, January 18, 2013

Why the CDC is getting funds for gun control instead of the ATF, and MSS espionage directives.

Why the CDC is getting funds for gun control instead of the ATF, and MSS espionage directives.


@GaRepublicans 33rd Degree Mason investigator General 112th Light warrior of Illumaniti 6th Degree Public institution.

@GaRepublicans So we can go to battle with Communist China like we did in Chechyna against the PLA funded terrorists.

@GaRepublicans While also it forces the US and Russian special opts teams to go to battle with each other when I am trying to make friends

@GaRepublicans which allows the PLA and MSS to overbuild as our muscle and brain drain goes to fight anger if we invade again.

@GaRepublicans if we go to war with Syra. We get the backlash of terrorism that destroys our economic exports and building

@GaRepublicans and we found a Communist Chinese submarine beached on the shores of where they said it came from

@GaRepublicans it look like Iranian espionage agents where enriching errorists in the USA.

@GaRepublicans where we found a whole pallet full. That before the heads of the men who where handling it said it was meant to make
@GaRepublicans I had to already stop a payload of nuclear material coming from Latin America through Mexico of plutonium

@GaRepublicans the only reason we would break Lt General  outline of small war's would be because of a espionage MSS agent

@GaRepublicans then after you find the roots of that legislation prove Communist ties to MSS espionage agents.

@GaRepublicans when ATF is the proper and real gun control agency.

@GaRepublicans my guess is you need to look at the folks who made the legislation to give a disease center gun control funds.

@GaRepublicans the ATF is the gun control research agency not the CDC.

@GaRepublicans can do that I have not already done to protect this world from Syrian bombs.

@GaRepublicans However, 3 years ago I already funded through legislation antidote bombers pay loauds so there is nothing the CDC

@GaRepublicans they will try and lie to you and say the funds where to go for protection from Syria bombs.

@GaRepublicans Then in 1993 Russia rejoined the Ranks of Democracy and Religious heritage of Europeans way of life.

@GaRepublicans Then the US and Russian special forces went in and dug them out.

@GaRepublicans The Chinese where dug into Russia till up to about 1980's when Reagan got tired of Chinese world puppeting our brotherin

@GaRepublicans would not help the west with the Hong Kong wars nobody helped them. As our game was longer than theirs not helping

@GaRepublicans They do this with trade to their party. Then in 1917 the Chinese Empire invaded Russia. As the Russian Democracy

@GaRepublicans 19oo the Chinese Emperors use the manual to create first tabula rosa in the Russian area the bolshekivs

@GaRepublicans 1842 Engels gets paid by the Chinese emperor to enrich Marxist to full bloom of cultural wipe manuals.
@GaRepublicans to do that. As the root of Communism is the Chinese Emperor tablual Rosa of European culture to tatke them over

@GaRepublicans you can collect open source leftist work of the Communist parties that say they are trying to do that and will terrorise us

@GaRepublicans the Muslims are our kin the Jesuit tripryamids are all the same. Moses Jesus and Mohammad

@GaRepublicans and if we do what the extremist rightist want to do which is just destroy the Muslims for no good reasons same impacts

@GaRepublicans it will be the Communist Chinese.

@GaRepublicans which is to herd drive us to war so we economically implode and SOE's take over it will not be our populace that takes over

@GaRepublicans if the CDC is allowed to do what open source Illumaniti manuals to cause leftist dominace wants to due.

@GaRepublicans why do the Communist Chinese dirty work to destroy our own kin the Religious Democacies of the middle east

@GaRepublicans why go to war with Syria why not create Democracy free markets and mass religions as we are and direct it against the MSS

@GaRepublicans killed the MSS agents of fascism that attack our bases of diplomacy there.

@GaRepublicans in Libya the proof was when the Libyans wanting Democracy and free markets.

@GaRepublicans while we chase around their proxy warriors and their SOE economic enterprises take over the world market place

@GaRepublicans thus creating major terrorists wars that will never end thus allowing the COmmunist Chinese to prosper

@GaRepublicans if we get hit with a bio attack as per the CDC's speciality. we will go full in

@GaRepublicans with the LIbya approach in Syria we create anohter great ally with no terrorist reprecussions as we do not go in

@GaRepublicans as if the USA thins out the rightist religious muscles they will not be there to fight the Communist atheists.

@GaRepublicans as in reality it is the PLA and MSS the Chinese muscle that wants us at war with the rightist in the middle east

@GaRepublicans thus then drawing us into war with Syria. Instead of doing the Libya style warfare that is working just fine in Syria

@GaRepublicans as they could pay the CDC major funds to specific individuals that are leftist spys in there to create a crisis

@GaRepublicans We see that this could be a possible another crisis set up for the left to dominate hte right political sphere

@GaRepublicans So if we look at the CDC being given $10 million to research gun control. When that is the ATF agencies main issue

@GaRepublicans as that is their primary idea of taken over the political sphere with CISEN seat warfare invasion and one sided voters.

@GaRepublicans the reality is that the left do not want the US military here at home. As they will destroy the CISEN invasion of ilellegals

Rider I

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How to Change Social Motors Behind Harmful Events in the USA

1. US Service Cycle Social Motor
   This is a motor that has caused the service cyclical boom bust system in the USA since the US has started allowing the Communist Chinese to use their SOE's to overtake our export businesses that bring in fresh treasury. Savings and loans, .com, mortgage and now insurance. If you where to look at each of these cycles  in a graph mode as some of my articles have, you would see something that looks a roller coaster. This roller coaster goes up then each time deeps deeper and deeper. The main reason I have found for this is each cycle we lose more and more export businesses just to Communist Chinese SOE's. Which causes the US to lose its fresh treasury intake from foreign trade and exports. Thus we become reliant on the service industry think we are doing well. Thus we lower our guard and allow our export business to be taken over through joint ventures and resource monopolies in the Communist mono state. Which then when the bubble cycle bursts we have no root economy to rest on. This then causes us each cycle to go deeper into debt.

The main engine behind this is the service union. Which is behind every single major push for the legislation to direct our economy to a service cycle economy. Where the Communist Chinese have spent hundreds of millions of dollars lobbying with direct light grid support for these actions of the service cycle unions. However, the Communist Chinese in the USA lobby direct light grids right with the political leaders who are against our export and labor union to destroy them. So much so that our labor unions that where a once proud two headed monster of Democracy at 40% of the US populace. Are now just a fascist one sided headed one isle side 7% of the US populace. That could not even stop the SOE take over of our export business. Like the cold war unions did against the Soviet Union.

With the issue seen and the engine seen. How now do we go about changing this social engine to balance out our export businesses with service unions. As the main issue in the USA is that fact we have lost over 3,000 export business a year for 18 years just to Communist Chinese SOE's. Due to strategic SASAC militarized economic boards maneuvers.

2. The USA Racist Cyclical Criminal Amnesty Push.
Today in the USA our biggest enemy is Mexico. They are the only country that teaches heir children in the educational light grid from grammar all the way to college to invade the USA and take it over for their patriotic Mexican duty. Those children then grow up to think the only purpose behind their being no matter or at what costs is to invade the USA and take it over. This is similar to the Klu Klutz Klan. Where their racial patriotic duty was to stop any other racist from being allowed to grow social as strong as the white class. This cycle event has allowed since around 1960 5 million around there just Mexican amnesty voters that just vote fasctly one sided. Where every 5-7 years the Democrats get an influx of immigrants that are just one sided voters. This cyclical event has lead to such racist take over as whole areas of the USA just becoming racial segregated for Mexican's. Who still push for racial patriotic duty to take over the USA for Mexico. The harm behind this is that the racial cyclical amnesty events are destroying Democracy. As the 5 million just Mexican one sided voters every 5-7 years that are given amnesty for their criminals. Causes the US balance of Democracy to be destroyed. As the migrant Democracy laws of equality state that in legal migration each political side of the spectrum gets one to one migrants. But for the last 50 years or so the Democrats have received a grid root of over 20 million leftist voters that all vote for the Mexican government social engine of take over of US lands through political seat invasion. Which the Mexican government in its top down grid speech admits.

The main engine behind this is Mexican military, politics and espionage. The Mexican government really has not done anything except try and slowly invade the USA and create pockets of proxy warriors to take over the US's lands. This engine is a direct grid creation by their espionage agency CISEN. Where they teach in every light quadrant and light tower to soul's that they should tell all racist latin's to invade the USA to take it over for the closest latin country Mexico. The engine then is the Mexican government intelligence light grids and quadrants.

With this issue of unfair democratic racial cyclical criminal amnesty. We see the main issue is that the idea of Democracy is being destroyed in migrants. From the time of Ellis Isle the US had a proper legal migrant quota of going to countries and picking up one ship of more liberal culture and one ship of more religious rightist culture. Which is proven in historical ideas of immigration of Democracy. The Mexicans try and make the US look like some open country that illegals just came here willy nilly. That has never been true. The main issue has always been two political parties watching the ports and legally sending if the left ships went the right ships went. Today that is unfair and the Mexicans are just 95% all leftist. The main engine behind this issue is the Mexican government light grids. With this we see we need to find out how to change this social engine that is destroying the US Democracy balance.

Rider I

Monday, January 14, 2013

La Razza and Mecha as analogized to the Klu Klux Klan President Lyndon B Johnson Grid removal strategy.

A plan that took a movement of millions of voters in racial harmony down to around a few thousand. What a great idea for today Racist Mexican clans. Who only one to vote to give amnesty to their criminals, like the KKK only wanted to vote for their muscle doctrines. My family was part of the green lanterns and still is. A society that doe snot believe in genocide and helps those that are under genocide in foreign lands. Bu when a President like Mexico has states he is invading the USA to take it over then their grid speech says that. The Green Lanters see genocide of their own lands instead of a place to save lives. They desire to destroy it for their racial terrorism. Then after I am done. I am going to get on the horn with all teh Baptist churches to see what I can do to start a pro unity of anti racist latin movement against Mecha and La Razza that work in areas of high racist terrorism to integrate the population. I am a Baptist my grandfather was a Baptist on my Dad's side and he was a half bread Native American European. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Military at loggerheads over carriers

When is an aircraft carrier for Democracy not an issue. In insurgency our insurgents or proxy warriors win when just one aircraft carrier watches the skies and helps with tanks and major wmd bases. Like Libya is the perfect example why the Queen and Harry where asked to receive their own for future proxy war's against communism. They are very necessary. Moral Democracy free speech freedom of religion or fascist communist run world. According to Lt General's I outline in Libya to not create counter terrorist hate from the West. The best way to win a Democracy war is to let them fight their own wars but just bring in shadow warriors or hawks. This then stops the counter terrorism. While it creates allies against the Communist Chinese. Then we see that the issue of the 911 directive of the Communist Chinese as per the Unrestricted warfare manual to draw us into a terror hate war against those we invaded to heavily. Does not exist. As per the proof of Lt General I  outline being shown in Libya where after terrorists attacked the US embassy. The local people who loved the West for helping but not invading killed every last terrorist base in their city that attacked their ally. So the people's war is the way of the big boys just shadowing the little ones for their own freedom battle and seeing our pyramids in the skies proudly pronounce that the Druids have overtake the world communist fascist and are here to help you be free. This strategy then shows that the local area will boot out the Communist fascist. As Libya kicked out 10,000 Communist Chinese. Where then the people in that area took back their minerals. As the Communist Chinese own 97% of the worlds resources. Then we where able to start having Libya work with Italian Catholics to build arms and buddy up again against the Communist. Also the Democracies with Libya have gained a new trade market if we where to exploit our ties to import more from their cheaper labor and export more to them. Instead of importing from a major enemy the Communist Chinese. Which we can then create more friends to finally take back East Turkestan and Uyghur for the Muslim democracy heritage peoples. Great plan it works. Every Democracy should do it. The Communist Chinese owned state has international contracts not to use its SOE's to attack markets and they have violated that policy for 15 years. That is 15 more years than we gave the Soviet SOE's that attacked our grids with state power instead of just free moral liberal markets.

It is my hope the two new shadow ships will join the French in the liberation of the African areas from Communist Chinese state owned enterprises proxy warrior agent build ups. You like it you know you do great plan to stop world Communist take over from Democracy free market holdings. You love it admit it. Lt General I is smart.

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Funny Racist Party Time Apatizer.

First it starts with the Mecheeso Nation in the kitchen making cheesy. Singing we so cheesy nation. Then next comes dancing in the black truffle shuffle nation. Saying what up about us. Come on in, ok, dancing now, they cutting the up the black truffle. Then in comes dancing the Ricer Burner nation. They say hellrooo, they say come on in buddy. They dancing now making the appetizer now. Then after that the Cracker Nation comes in and says hello dudes. Hey dude come on in. Then next thing you now the dance music is going and all of them are smiling dancing with saying the US Nation appetizer foodies. Then in comes the multinational nation. They all say no fair. Smile dance move end of funny appetizier.

Rider I
Then multinational nation starts to eats up all the appetizers and smiles while dancing while the others walk off set.
I think I will leave this here to do it with my family and the Indian can be the video camera guy. It would be funny. We get together and make foods and drinks. We do not talk racist stuff though. My dad does he is funny about it though. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Possibility of Communist International Party illegally Playing a Part in Czech's Political Warfare.

The United State's of America and the West and Democracy parties of the world both left and right spent a lot of money on Czech. Both leftist and rightist did not like the Soviet mono fascist rule or its oppression of liberty and free markets. The US and West have many strong allied forces inside of the community that are used world wide against fascist terrorist cells that the Communist Chinese create to attack Democracy. We have seen the Communist Chinese implode every single European country in the world with strong state owned enterprise militarized grid warfare. Just see the thousands of articles of proof. This then means that their trade and grid building is taken over posts that the US has long since held Democracy allies with. This means that the political party grids that are run by funds to create light grid marketing. Can easily be taken over by the International Communist Party again. To create a one world rule as they desire to have everyone ruled under their culture and mindset of communism.

The Issue then becomes is we need to look at the CCP, PLA and MSS activities that we have openly caught in Africa where they genocide people to gain resources. And thus apply that grid to a suburban outlight of the Czech populace. In all reality codici's secret codicils in the woods, jungle, suburb or city are all the same. This means the West needs to take a strong look at how. A populace of Communist who just recently where under going like last year. Genocidal and major Church destruction criminal attacks by the country. Are now holding such sway in the community to be able to be the leading party of the Presidential nomination. I do not see this as a natural element. As just last year the whole country hated Communist so bad they put two Communist Party members to death for genocidal crimes. This year however, there is a mass cognitional light change of soul and heart. I would say that there is a major issue here and it does not seem like Czech's soul or heart to me at all.

The US military operates every year in politics against hate groups running them or being part of them. As the Communist International and all local parties come out each year and state the same thing since the cold war began. We are militarized and hear to Destroy Democracy for a mono party world. They do not say mono party world they say Communist world. But same idea. They should say I am a European and I believe in the Chinese Emperors tabula Rosa he created with Engels as per trade documents between the Chinese Emperor and Engels and the trade documents between the Chinese Emperor and the Bolshevist party in Russia. All Communism is to me is the Chinese Emperor's attack back on the war that took Hong Kong from the Chinese. Which was a great strategy to use to wipe clean our ancient culture of Democracy and Religion with free markets. Which is tens of thousands of years old than Communism. Which was just started in 1842. Which was the same year the war of the Hong Kong opiate wars between the West and Communist China began. Which then after that book became lit in the grid thanks to Communist Chinese Emperor agents pushing it. In 1917 the Chinese invaded Russia with full mass military force and paid a small party to take over the culture head quarters of Monarchy heritage and the Senate and Congress chambers and genocided every culture but the tabula Rosa culture in Russia. Where the Communist Chinese military stayed in under ground bunkers and bases up to around 1980's when Russia and the US started working together to make the world a Viking world of Democracy and Religion versus the Chinese one world order of Chinese input after tabula rosa.

Rider i
Reason we did not help Russia in the 1917 wars against the Chinese. It was to fast but also the Russians did not help the West in the Hong Kong wars and sided with China its neighbor on invasion of their territories. Even though China had already had multiple raiding parties they paid destroying out-landing areas of Russia. So the West did not help them for a future reality for Russians. If they go with Communist China. We will let them invade you and not help you. If you do not start being part of the whole and stop being part of your own. The Chinese Emperor needed white faces as per secret Codicil's of the Green Red the Chinese Monarchy temples stolen papers state. So he could puppet his game in our cultures and codicils. Today they just use capitalist greedy pigs and SOE sovereign wealth funds.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

How Military bases pay for themselves and the macro grid is a loss of fresh treasury.

Everybody knows that the worlds cities all grew from military bases. Where the cities gained taxes and employment and trade and networks from those bases. The USA is a great nation and the majority of our big nations grew from military bases. As a matter of fact our nations figure and style grew from our military bases and where they where placed. This is well known fact of life. A military bases pays for itself as it draws major amounts of business and taxes. The key issue here is to do this study professional the key resources of market and history around military bases must be studied in depth. The human species as a majority feels safer around militarizes when doing businesses transactions. This is a key study I would love to do if I had my non profit going. To help save major cuts in our USA and western allied forces world wide military. As the key issue to the world western Democracy market place is not military bases. But yet the idea that the Communist Chinese are using state owned enterprises with strategic shut down and take over principles of the Soviet Union and prior to them the German Socialist. The German Socialist where so good at shutting down business with economic warfare. During the 1920's they swiped over what would today be considered around $54 trillion from the US stock market and destroyed it. So they could build their mono facist party. According to Kevin Friedman's secret weapon book. The military bases create patriotism and build great citizens and business leaders that are pro USA. Today the majority of business leaders you see selling out the USA are not ex military but just greedy people with no sense of patriotism to the USA or its people. As over the last 18 years, every single year, the US has lost 3,000 export business just to Communist Chinese state owned enterprise take over, forced joint ventures and resource monopoly bullying.

The issue with the western economies is they are to liberal and nice. The majority of Democracies that are ancient heritage Democracy or Democracy monarchy. Have deficits due to such statistic accounting balance sheets as 70% services and less than 30% exports. Services are something that are not really exportable in a developing world from a stand point of an elder Democracy world. So that leaves that country with only 30% of its grid to export to make up the funds it needs for an every expanding grid that needs every expanding muscle, world connections taxes etc. We then look at the statistic of losses of US export business. At this rate we see that the US is not in trouble cause of its military at all. With any fact you give me the basic idea is comparable to say. If we had those 3,000 export business that we lost for over 18 years. There is no fact in this world that can overcome that fact that our treasury is gone cause we have lost over 55,000 export business just to one country that claims to declare by its President cultural war on the USA. And then creates proxy warriors in the world for our military to expend funds to chase around. Instead of concentrating on cold war military strategies of economic implosion defense and offense. As our military was prior to the major revamp that destroy our main directive of economic implosion. Which terrorism was just a small part of that military doctrine. As compared today we are just puppet chasers as a macro light grid in our directives.

In conclusion I think a study should be done to show how military bases are not the economic grid's issue. It is the loss of US fresh treasury through the economic implosion war of one major foreign Communist State Owned grid and fascist mono party system. Just like the German Socialist did prior to becoming the Nazi's, and just like the Soviet's did.

Rider I

How Military bases pay for themselves and the macro grid is a loss of fresh treasury.

Everybody knows that the majority of cities in this world let alone this great nation of mine the USA. Where built by military bases that the city grew around the trade and taxes. 

Defense of Grid Genocide, Legal Guerrilla Warfare Against Guerrilla Gridfare

Through time the world has seen things as a light grid. Something that things can be light up or illuminated for a leader of person one loves to direct his people to take over things. In the recent times of the USA and other countries like France and Bohemia the grid lights have become more for helping nations stay sovereign and setting up Democracies. For example, France went through a major shadow war to help Libya create Democracy and  never set one foot soldier on the ground. As they just did light grid warfare and worried about nothing but goal posts the guerrillas of Democracy needed to get too. They did not take it over as they are nationalists and not imperialist. However, they do have guerrilla bases there now though to help create Democracy. However, imperialism still reigned supreme up to about 1950's. Today there are still a couple of countries that still base their primary light grid work on imperialist ideas. Today the interest I have is Mexico. As my party has historically been the anti Mexican party and anti immigrant party. When I say anti Mexican I do not mean heritage of the people. I mean nationalism of the people of that country. As sense Mexico has been a country. It has taught the children of its people. It is their patriotic duty to invade the USA and take it back however. they can. Thus today, I have to watch my party be led by very weak leaders in the light wars and start to wane to the gridding of Mexico's imperialist light direction by seat genocide.

As in some of my articles recently about Mexico espionage gridding. I live in a gridded out area. Where my people and US citizens have been genocided. As when my dad was a kid 70% of this area was pure American patriot. Since I was a kid it has gone from that down to about 9% of the local area. The guerrilla agents in my area actually conscript Mexican military militias teach that this is Mexico lands and also use major economic gridding as written about before to genocide out the US population. The people that used to live here have been pushed out by force, terrorism, drugs, gangs and most of all a job market that discriminates and a populace of people that where not considered minorities so could not get big government help with counter intel strategies to keep their seats here.

This issue then becomes what does a person do when they see this happen to their area. A once proud Republic has become a weak few very scared and racist to actually ask the best light grid leader in the world to come and lead the party to victory. As they all believe that only their race can win them a victory or the race of the genocided Asians that are here. Neither is true a good politician can get through work grid work and win anything in cognitional light wars. In my area we have such racist business as business in foreign languages that are not even in English. Which is a federal felony and a state misdemeanor. These business do not higher anybody but their own race. Then if you sue them they use their contacts with the illegal smuggler rings to attack you for fighting for your civil rights. Food and drink is not considered a necessity of language to force discrimination. As food is a simple few words that one can read in a menu as in my instance Spanish and English are the exact same sounds and spellings.

The idea then becomes that a local community leader needs to stand up and create a light grid so their party can regain votes and business seats here. This has to be done with first proving up local minorities as per the law of minorities and government help. As in my area illegal immigrants are the majority and legal citizens are the minority. This then allows for one to get a special opts team to go into a counter intel to start to repocket and strategize out racist foreign espionage operations. Then after one has their defense team set up. The leader then needs to collect a set of voters who are under duress. In this situation the duress is inability to get a job. When I was a kid I was able to find a single job that was left over which was a moving job where folks still actually spoke English and did not discriminate by a guy who knew my dad and grew up with him in this area. The issue then becomes that the leader needs to find an attorney in his party willing to lead the flock around to businesses to create a class action discrimination case against their political party and race to sue them to force the community to change. This is what Dr Martin Luther King had to due. This goes both ways here. As Republicans marched with Dr Martin Luther King and he was a Republican himself against the fascist racist Democrats. His voting records show him voting Republican.

The issue then become is the only job I could find was hours a way in a very patriotic non racist neighborhood where the business highers all kinds of cool cultures and peoples and religions as per walking in you can see it. So the Community either needs to find a leader like me or it needs to create a legal light grid strategy to retake its community from racism and illegal employment and injustices for Democracy and justice for all.

Rider I
Notes brain storm
In my area a once proud Democracy grid of half Republicans half Democrats. Has just become full Democrats as history shows they do based on racial economic issues. So it is no loss to the Republican delegates in this area to prepare a econ seat deroot and reroot.
I am not an attorney.
In the local genocided Asian populaces. We have a nice balance of Democrats and Republicans and they all higher Latinos or Europeans or African heritage unlike my area. And most importantly their electoral issues are very Democratic in balance of Democrats and Republicans. Unlike my area of Latino's which just go by the racist idea of vote one sided to get them to weaken for their patriotic duty to help their race and country invade for seat grid genocide.
In my studies of Martin Luther King they said that strategy helped them make a lot of money and create good laws on the issue of racial diversity in highering that laid the foundation. So when I go into my DFEH settlement hearing. I am going to talk to them about malicious intent. To see if I can just go around and do that. As I can make hundreds of millions as there is over 3,000 business I know in my community that just higher racist and always have historically.
There are also laws that state you can't discriminate against the USA language. For example you have to higher folks who speak enlgish. You can't just higher those who speak one language or both. For me bilingual issues at majority of business that are not indepth services is a legal sueable issue. I mean I can go to Mexico and order food, see a movie, get beer, and speak the simple words. I am going down there in a couple of weeks to talk to some old friends. I do not know any spanish hardly. But I get buy.
We have a community of over 50,000 Europeans down in Mexico. That I have to talk to about grid work defense teams. As I am going to start talking more about pushing the change of the root of their enemy to self. Which is teaching the invasion of the USA and threatening to genocide our populace to take it over. So if anybody threatens me it will be considered war. And our teams can react. Cause I was not the one who teaches my kids to invade them or threatens us to genocide them and make their lands mine. And I am not going to do willy nilly kill the foot soldiers go toe toe. I am going to do take down the light grids take over the treasuries prepare for foot soldier take over push for change of policy in their Education department and culture of hate of the USA and invasion at all costs to their own humanity. Then I will give back the grid and just tell them to tend the garden to make sure it grows to a nice cognitional tree of 100% trust guard boarder like we have with Canada. I am not an imperialist just a fascist. Their children are taught from age 3 as soon as they can listen to their families main stories and drunken speech of macho talk about American invasion and how good a job they are doing. All the way to 10 when cognitional light structure in the human mind is solid and set on how one thinks and its own core values. That the core value of the Mexican light direct is to invade the USA at all costs as a patriotic duty. Like us Americans are taught it is our patriotic duty to make sure all cultures survive and Democracy thrives. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Defense Against Foreign Espionage Relationship Heart Breaking Suicide Attacks

Stability in a relationship is important to a mate. Of course the freedom for a partner is also a necessary element. However there are static points a foreign operator can do to a populace of soldiers to make them either abuse their mate or commit suicide. This study will be a free range idea of brain storm on things I think might be grid light factors to decided on places to create anti espionage movements in the relationships of soldiers in the USA. As today more soldiers die from suicide and commit domestic violence than die in war. I would like to state that this is a solvable issue as is many war issues we have figured out that kill our soldiers. In the movie avatar Hollywood showed how it can use the brain sensory and soul feeling of natural issues. Where they where able to re-due those feelings in the movie with light and sounds. I think if we where able to collect the main issues of the human being having to be able to control the partner in the relationship or the feeling of loss of trust in a partner. That we could teach the soldier during their time at war to deal with it. This is also an issue as we are moving ever faster into a brain warfare field and high tech warfare battle field.

It is my scientific hypothesis that domestic violence is caused cause one partner can't control the other partner and the other likes using that sense of pulling on the oppressive chain to get them to react to them. While I believe that the issue of soldier suicide is because they feel they can't trust their partner or their partner has harmed them and they can never trust another partner. So living becomes unbearable as they do not want to be alone in their private matters. There are thousands of soldiers that commit suicide every year in the USA ranks. So it should not be that hard to find some of them in there to collect on their souls and brain's electronic feelings to find a way to replicate it and find a solution and medic the brain tech warfare issue.

Lets say those issues are true and the underlying factor to the main US military issue of domestic violence and suicide are true to. Then lets say a young man recognize his culture issue as with his piers and figures a way out to stop his soul and brain issues that cause him to be that way. So lets say he figured out he had a problem with woman who where wayward and where cheating on him as he was so trust worthy and did not have a clue how to stop a female from doing it. So he got mad and made mistakes not hurting anyone but himself. Then lets say he experiments on himself and finds a woman he knows will cheat on him as she is that type of woman and admits in the first date that she will probable have to be married three times before she finds the right guy. Already hurting in the relationship. He goes further she lies to him during a major event in his life of achievement does not want to show up to a crowning victory but still wants him to be with her. Pain all kinds. Then he finds out she is cheating on him. Then she does this for five years. At first the normal symptoms of uncontrollable soul depression happen. He does fine everything goes well. He then realizes he wants to stick this out until he finds her lying or cheating and he no longer feels pain. So he creates a callous over the two main issues of how to control or operate with her and not being able to trust her. This operation should be simplified and expedited.

How to simplify and expedite the training process of the soul and heart to stop the soldier from the control issue of most military dominate mindsets and trust issues with their living partners. We can see that repetition with a knowledge of one's issues can be good. However, to learn about one's issues they might have to to go through a drastic event in their life to realize it.

I have already wrote on this one I do not remember  Maybe same line of logic or maybe more to it. So my belief is we take the Avatar style entertainment collection method to recreate the same feeling in pictures of work outs or tests and then train them to get over the trust and control issue. This type of study should also go along with other types of things we need to advance our military training in on simple brain tech warfare issues that a simple cell phone could be used to place a soldiers mind under. So their soul can realize how to operate. During the 1960's soldiers and Generals would take LSD to learn to operate when completely under all kinds of brain tech warfare and possible satellite inversion of their perception of the field. In some ranks you have to be able to take a small amount of men and take on a full force while fully enveloped under the brain opening substance. This practice is still done in the US military on a few select people so if we go under heavy brain tech warfare we can still have operators that can operate and move forward.

So if where to take a practically today's more conservative military approach to that issue. We could probable figure out the exact chemical and electronic imbalance that a partner in a relationship violates the trust issue or is uncontrollable or uses the soldiers control issues to get them to react to things or what is called press their buttons. Military men are taught route life and are taught to love it.

I do not think I really expanded on the issue. But it is a guide stone for those who find my cite interesting. I have my brain tech military warfare manual and book. So after I read them I will get back into it. Its open source issues.

Rider I

Monday, January 7, 2013

Proxy Grid Workers the CISEN Mexican Espionage Sympathetic Americans to Illegal Immigrants.

A Proxy is a system that you use as something that is not a direct attack upon an issue from the direct source of desire. Usually it comes in the from of analogized vial computer communications. If you have ever watched a virus communicate to grid systems on a mother board. It is a system that is programmed to take over specific areas of the light grid to start given programmed orders for the direct sources programmed proxy desired outcome. A grid is a system of areas that is specifically outlined as an area of operations. In the USA we try to go for the most secured and free or liberty grids as we can. The problem is we have entities like CISEN a Mexican foreign espionage grid. Using militarized proxy agents to take over it with systematic control areas they desire to build to create a proxy forces inside of the USA for a future war they call Presido wars. The Mexican Espionage agency is the worlds biggest threat. Currently today their proxy and dark opts groups kill around 60,000 Mexicans through terrorism each year. Then on the boarder of the USA and Mexico they kill around 24,000 US citizens and then invade with illegal immigrants to take over their grid seats. Then the Mexican espionage agency lies to the Vatican about being good Christians and then takes ANC Communist Africans to Italy high on drugs as they have no spirit and just believe in communism and that the Italian people there should communally take care of them and their drug habits. Which CISEN does through selling drugs to Guinea I believe and then exporting the human genomic material like they do in the USA to Italy to destroy the Vatican and Christian capital. The same way they destroy the US Democracy. As CISEN saw Italian's as the worlds biggest criminal order and they had it in their hearts and brains to make sure they would be the worlds biggest criminal order and oppress Italians by using what both groups call monkey sin their own house to keep them so busy they could never again expand world wide like the prior to 1960's Italian moral family of good non drug using criminals. It was CISEN that got the Italians to start dealing drugs as they knew they could take them over in the long run and place this dominate game in their own lands. Thus we must find the root of CISEN's main war game they play. Which is the sympathy or civil rights issue push for their grid building of sympathetic causes to Mexican espionage dominate grid building.

So we must analyze the grid system they would need to take over and then apply basic computer tasks of anti virus codes to a human social factor to thus then provide a better light to see the Proxy Grid workers as the main cause of the issue. As they are like the folks who go in and dig trenches in a real war, except they are in a espionage war. In a grid you have the city workers, school workers, what criminals call candy stores or illegal products, city councils, attorney's, then street watchers or eyes. So if you notice that all of these things must come together for illegal immigration sympathy. You can start to build a grid of where to find the CISEN espionage agent communications. Now if you where to lay out a city like a mother board of programs and commands and operations. And if you understand basic coding and principles. Then you can easily see where the main issues are. Thus then you have to start to create the anti virus to the foreign criminal espionage conspiracy  This is usually done with legal people who understand the law and are able to apply it to specific instances with 100% zero tolerance. Then you have to look at the key players they can use in the grid. For example the key issue the CISEN uses in the international community to keep their policy of allowed invasion and hurt to the USA. Is that the US sells illegal guns to Mexicans. However, the majority of people we find that sell guns to Mexico are amnesty voters the US has allowed in. For example, the DNC trucking company. Was a truck driver who had gained amnesty voters and was trying to illegally deliver pallets full of ammo. Which make no sense in an espionage war. As the CISEN proxy agents have billions in their proxy treasuries. While the US proxy pro US guerrillas have hardly nothing and we can buy a $100 gun machine that prints out perfect AK47's for under $3 and so can CISEN as it is on google. The only reason why they do that is to keep open hot ties to communities of Mexican nationals or foreign nationals that where given amnesty in the USA to keep operating here.

Other parts of the grid are not so easy to see. For example the operator of a US grid is a politician. As they are the ones who program the grid and create legislation to allow in specific commands. This makes it harder to see. As the most of the time the Political people they will use are 100% goodies,. with just ties to the community of proxy grid workers. Thus we see then that the issue of sympathy is an issue of law in that need for an anti viral campaign. However, lets return to the main issue of this article. Which is the root cause of grid workers for Mexican espionage.

Illegal immigration has been used in proxy wars since the days of men deciding they had different ideas and different cultures and just did not want other men to come in and rule over their ideas or cultures. What Kings would call wizards would take the weak or unworkable but still able to produce children and send them to the opposing cultures grid just to live. So if they killed them they could get moral justice to attack them further through the illegal immigration. The idea then becomes to build a sympathy realm in the opposing cultures areas. So they see the illegal immigrants as just coming to their area to live under a better rule. However, the opposing wizards never allow them to stop being pro their own wizards cultures and nation. Through a major area of cultural impressions and light shows. So in reality just like for Mexicans in the USA they are no hear for the Democracy culture of voting right or voting left. They just all vote one sided when they finally are naturalized so their wizards can get more grid space to grid out. Then the espionage agents try and use the idea of free roaming world migration like we are all still living in the cave man days. Since before Christ himself and time begin in our world timeline. There have been boundaries in society, soul, and lands and countries. So this idea only plays to the sympathetic humans in the opposing wizards lands. As they want to help people and are more femine and helpful. In some instances like Mongolia's great leader Ghangis Khan. He would cause fires and killing of weak people or those that offended his sense of manliness  To cause those herds to be driven into the next area he wanted to invade. As the illegal immigration invasion would allow his soldiers to sneak in for espionage attacks and hide in the community that the opposing country was taken care of due to moral issues. If we today look at some of the great proxy warriors clans and militarizes of all time. We see that CISEN is just taken all of the good proxy grid building strategies and placing them into one. Which is the best one sympathy for illegal migrants. As today the majority of illegal migrants are just Mexicans.

Today if we where to take a counter operation as the Roman's did to Khan, I believe. The idea would be to take every single instance of any sympathetic institution and start to lay waste to it before the illegal immigrant invaders at mass one sided invasion, take over. The Roman's did not run herds into other countries for invasion as they felt it was morally wrong to hurt or oppress their own weak in the lands they took over. They used a major propaganda war to stop the Khan style warfare and moral issue. Where the leaders of those lands remember a world ruling class that killed their own to drive herds prior to military invasion. What the Romans did was they found every single institution that gave sympathy to the Mongolian style illegal immigration invasion prior to war. The then set out creating a counter grid light. And yes Roman's saw politics as camp fire light style events. Which would counter that strong society that once helped a foreign culture and country invade their own through sympathy. The Romans took the legal approach to invasion. The one I still today find the most moral just and appropriate way to take one's life if need be. As it only leaves death to those that are completely immoral beings. Not saying the Romans always followed it but their politicians set it up for a proper cognitional light seeing it as moral to stop illegal immigration invasion tactics of the Mongolians.

Thus if we have found the root of Mexican Espionage invasion and grid take over of the USA, to be sympathy to Illegal Immigration. We must then act. Especially since the moral just issue is in our hands today. CISEN kills to herd their own people over 60,000 people a year. Then they kill 24,000 US citizens a year. Which they then invade with their proxy grid workers millions a year. This is a moral injustice not only to the USA but also to the Mexican people. Then you must look at their light system and what drives. A child is a soul tabula rosa. Even if a child's soul is one way with proper training and mental work it can become complete opposite entity. So first we look at their roots that cause the mentality of the CISEN light work they do. In Mexican's schools and Colleges. It is well taught that Mexicans teach their tabula rosa souls that they divine right and spiritual thing to do is to invade the USA and take back an area of land. Every school teaches that in Mexico. So we then see a whole populace of human beings that are sympathetic to CISEN operations of invasion of the USA. Thus we find the first main issue. As any Mexican finds it their divine child hood goal to invade the USA and set up proxy grids for their countries patriotic duty to take over the USA lands. Then in the US schools in parts of areas that CISEN has moved in what they call District mayors for those lands. That their own government admits they think is Mexico's terrority. They start to teach the latin children in the US the same things they parents where taught. That it is their patriotic racist agenda to take over the USA for Mexico.

The other main root issue of these root issue of the grid tools they need. Is created by CISEN taken over of the Italian criminal dynasty of moral muscle operations. And creating an immoral dynasty of criminal drug networks. That destroy the soul of the weak. Today if you look at the difference in party culture. You see an old culture of Rock N Roll which was moral and patriotic. As Italians where not here to take over the USA. So they funded with their candy stores, Rockers and rollers. As it was similar to classical music with some hip into. Then we see the 1960's when CISEN begins to start to take over the Italian's with brain subversion. The institutions become more focused on moral degradation of woman that allow them to be used as tools in a place of business to smell them or feel them and dance with them. Which Rock N Roll did to as sex is the most natural form of sin. So no big deal. Then we start to move back to a Rock N Roll era in the 1980's as Reagan shuts down the Mexican's control of disco's completely and Italians feed only rockers in the light grids. Then we start to get into the 1990's. Where Rap has now gone from a Rock N Roll type we are bad and strong and cool R& with muscle and pride. To a complete form of every kind of moral degradation that the Mexican espionage units can fund to destroy the US soul's and populations with brain washing. As the Mexican espionage units now hold more of the worlds criminal drug networks than any other agency in the world. This then allows the culture to start to get brain washing from those who received funding and protection from the CISEN units.When then look to a light populace of souls that see the main nexus from degradation music to fun times as the bosses hogs of the light fun times are Mexican Espionage units. The people do not want to go against them as they like having fun. And the culture of morality and the culture of fun morality has become a culture of complete bowing to Mexican's. As they use big African crews to protect their interests in the US building of sympathy for illegal immigrants. As they do not care once the soul is lost as they just want money.

Then we see two major roots in the community that CISEN has created to allow their main tool for proxy grid workers to survive. Which is one the teaching of children of their racial patriotic duty to take over the lands for the closet Latin country which is Mexico. Then we see the majority of the brain chemical subversion industry being subverted through brain chemicals and brain washing by who is funding the main stream music girls want to sin to and boys want to sin with the girls. Which is funded primarily by CISEN drug networks. As majority of all that industry sings about openly. We leave this off at the issue of the main root which is sympathy to illegal immigrants. Two areas that seem to really root that in for the Mexican espionage is school teachers who teach take over of the USA for racism and a foreign country. Then also the funding of open source brain subversion and brain washing free market entities.

Key studies the problem is is once it is in. It is hard to get rid of.
Trying to take our Rock N Roll in Britain turned into a world revolution for the Italians lines of criminal com. While it is almost impossible to take out what a child learns in safe environment as a child without completely humilatly and reprogramming.
Reagan was not going to ban disco's or Mexican drug dance clubs. So he just started programs to help the counter culture become cooler than disco's so we saw Rock N Roll retake the world. You can;t ban it.
Also school teachings are just based on what a safe feeling from a specific leader gives you. So if we go with human smuggling and Mexican take over is very imoral and start at the churches with the help of the Vatican. As per the destruction of Italy from CISEN. We get a starting point
CISEN has sold the whole operation to Catholic's as a way to tabula Rosa Africans to turn them Catholic and then have key strong holds to go into African and operate. However, so far it is horrible. As CISEN will never allow Italy to regain its old criminal dynasty rule. While ANC is has different plans about religious institutions as a Communist entity.
To Issues one is the invasion of Italy with African Children that have been taught Communist morals will never turn those children into Catholics as a populace or herd as the herd knowledge will always operate as a Communist herd. While this idea we allow amnesty to Mexcians that where taught in local and foreign schools about take over of the USA. Is the same basic idea they will never be American it is ingrained in them to hate the USA and desire take over of it for their racism or nearest racial majority country. How did the US teach its own not to be racist humility of education and through major mass light cognition. So in my mind we should humality the CISEN opeators and operations at a mass extent.
Such things like creating movies against things like born in East LA where everybody thought it was cool to be a human smuggler and smugglee. Where create movies where being human smuggled and the life they lead is humanilating un just and unmoral things CISEN places them through. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

China not yet buying the world

My Comments to this article:

I think you need to study Communist China more if you think they are not yet bullying the world. They created the Unrestricted Warfare Manual that stated they where going to attack the USA to draw the west into an implosion war. Read the book. Then they have genocided all of their opposing culture and still due today as law in Communist China. Plus they are preparing to invade small islands and take them over away from small cultures that need the small island resources. Along with that they have over 97% of worlds resources. Then they go into nice cultures like Canada and threaten lawsuit if they can't take theirs over.

Rider I

Thursday, January 3, 2013

OC GOP's Apocalypse Now

Comments on this article:

In all reality the GOP needs to start jerrymandering like the Democrats have to win. While also finding a way to turn the latin vote from the Democrats to the Republic. Then they also need to start migrant building their own seats with world conservative voters that are legal here in California. Which could mean using Congress to open up more seats to more conservative voters in the world. As the Democrats have opened up more liberal seats to illegal Mexicans since 1960 every 5-7 years with amnesty to 5 million Mexicans illegally.

Also I think our grid work and marketing incursions into the light grid need to get better. Our ability to collaborate with market's and politics is something we lack.

Also a simple bio diversity program in latin racist areas would stop the super majority latino racist voters. Where in some areas for over 30 years racist illegal immigrants have been coming. The Republic needs to start looking at either its own illegal conservative migrant quota's as the Democrats and CISEN did, or we need to work on better control of the legal migrant light grid quota while working with foreign espionage to obtain more seats in the grid like the Democrats have with CISEN.

The real problem is the more than 20 million just one sided Mexican illegal immigrants we have given amnesty too really live right here in California. As per cyclical amnesty voting seats for the Democrats to take over Hollywood as our projection capital in the USA for their leftist views to control the light grids.

We could easily start using foreign conservative espionage to counter Democrats CISEN espionage illegal migrant quota's. We would have to counter use criminal gangs of conservative roots to stop the Democrats Mexican racist criminal muscle that supports the illegal grid voter seat building. Then we could start mounting a muti million a year illegal conservative immigrant quota system like head Democrats like Feinstein have with their contacts to CISEN.

When you have over 20 million amnesty given since 1960 just to Mexicans with less than 1 million amnesty given to any other world culture. That becomes the main voting issue as 95% of those given amnesty vote Democrats to keep the grid seat racist building going for their country to take over in the future.

We could easily use the Mexican desire to take over our lands and CISEN's and Mexico's governments admissions that they are going to take over this land to create a counter NSA program for conservative voters with an illegal attack program against the racist latin voters that vote one sided for their grid seats to genocide other cultures with massive illegal migration then their children given amnesty and they vote the cyclical back in.

in about 15-20 years if we did a good counter seat grid of conservative lineages in California we could take over the grid and have a super majority like the Democrats do using the CISEN espionage criminal smuggling issues and grid illegal building through amnesty voters.

Basically the Democrats have allowed helped and funded and protected through political grids CISEN Mexico to invade. So the Republic needs to find a conservative country that is willing to build espionage invasion grids for conservative voters and conservative family lineages.

CISEN users their drugs smuggling and criminal enterprises to prop up Democrats in their light grids that they invade. So the Republic needs to find a legal way or a NSA counter invasion to stop Mexico our neighbor with a directive to create guerrillaCISEN users their drugs smuggling and criminal enterprises to prop up Democrats in their light grids that they invade. So the Republic needs to find a legal way or a NSA counter invasion to stop Mexico our neighbor with a directive to create guerrilla warfare grids to take over our lands to invade to stop the one sided racist 80% for over 50 years one sided illegal migration and amnesty policies we have here.

Currently today there are over 20 million legal conservative migrants that can't come to the USA legally. But each year millions of Democrat voters can just cross the boarder and come here to build grids and they keep our boarder porous and keep our grids filled with CISEN proxy warriors that muscle in their grids and voter seats for future presido wars. If the Conservative congress would flood the USA with a one time California directive of the legal conservative voters we would see the grid balance back out to a Democracy and not a Mexican style fascist 70 years worth of one sided political party building and over 50 years of one sided political party building in the USA by CISEN.  

what we need to do legally is what the Democrats did illegal which was during the cold war they built Chinese and Russian grids around Hollywood and studios so they could create future hollywood just easy jobs take over of the projection unit. So we have Czech, Polish, German, Indian, major conservative well known hard core religious voters that will vote Republican if it is seen we are the ones helping their people come here then counter build grids around Hollywood to retake the projection units and easy jobs. The republic could build a great case for an NSA push through military to open the flood gates to those loyal international Republican voter migrants that are not allowed in as the Mexicans are coming here illegally and taking their legal migrant chances. This then would counter grids and create counter conspiracies to build grids with conservative loyal bases.

with a mass movement like that it is harder for CISEN Democrat brain chemical subversion to make them fear the Mexican espionage and muscle as they come here in droves they bring their conservative values of fighting and most countries do not have the epidemic of Mexican drugs and gangs as we do here. They have conservative church lives. They just want to come here to live in a bigger land and be able to make more money.

where Colombia Italy and other foreign espionage grid movements created a balanced migration and balanced social grid building. CISEN just builds one sided party grids to take over. As the majority of CISEN espionage work has create a fascist country in Mexico. The majority of one sided Democrat rappers that use the projection systems get millions in narco product to subsidize their rap and make them seem cool to the kids the Mexicans use muscle, social propoganda and brain chemical subversion to build one sided grids. With the conservative flood one time. We could counter back to a 1950's style what is cool is car's family church and anti leftist coolness. Not this drug epidemic Rapper CISEN funded social style stuff.

in all reality the Republic needs to counter grid seed voter seats with family lineages. Where today Mexicans who come here and take world balance legal migrant seats that are young families that come from big families so they have five kids. The US citizens are being gridded out of culture jobs social propaganda and their own heritage. So the US Republican party needs to find those conservative droves of future seeded voters that have been forced out each year due to Mexican illegals take up the legal balanced migrant quota's and then properly say you know what this is an NSA issue when a culture comes here so much and their government and espionage says they desire to in the end take our lands from us through force. That we have to allow the Republic to pick herd like the Democrats allow CISEN To fund illegal industries for their one sided party building for over 50 years.

if you read the legal migrant laws. It is that for every one leftist the US has to have one rightist. But with the Mexican CISEN issue its all just pure Democrat grid building.

The law of US migration policy would say either policy under foreign espionage counter to local espionage major builds up or legal one time flood which would be better as the criminal culture is still controlled by CISEN. That it would be completely legal as per 50 years of building illegally one sided Democrat party migrant grids.

Contra, Chan Chan, and now the Legal herding
Chan Chaninasta's CISEN lol

do you think the Republic would allow the Democrats to use CISEN and illegal criminal seat voter seed building without a counter with Democracy laws. The 20 million Democrat seat amnesty voter seats we have given as per law we get 20 million counter voter seats to be allowed in. Yes we do keep track of how they vote and what they say their are when they are given amnesty. And so we now can see where the heaviest concentration of Democrat amnesty grid building is and it is in California. So under my Republican fist leadership. I will dump the majority here in California to counter and spread across the boarder too. Orthodox Republicans.

I know the exact family CISEN lineage that is controlling the amnesty what they call hamster wheel cycle too. So its my time as a 500th generation palladin to stop the dark one sided policy of Mexico in the USA.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Steelworkers suggest B.C. coal mines controlled by Chinese government

Comments on this article "
Steelworkers suggest B.C. coal mines controlled by Chinese government"

The Miners Union should run a full investigation on laws I have collected on the special library for National Democracy security against Communist China and run a proper legal battle to remove all Communist State holding as violations of local and international laws.

Make sure to get contacts with the Canadian spy agency that is with you and the military. So as to protect yourself from the bribed President and MSS and PLA.

What you guys need to do is so what the Communist Government of China has ownership of our mines. We need to create reports that show that the local laws of terrorism and the international laws of State Owned Enterprises that are supposed to be removed from Communist China have not been followed and are violation of Canadian and Western Democracy international laws.

Rider I