I am not an attorney
I am being Malicious Prosecuted by Diane Feinstein for my civil rights to bear an Auto Rifle in my business, vehicle or home. Purely based on law of statistics as per the way justice is supposed to be Weighing out the facts of the civil right compared to the malicious Prosecution. More people die from tubs each year than guns, should we not take baths. Its so malicious I am willing to prove the main prosecution team of the Brady Campaign has taken council from KGB espionage brain terrorists agents on how to brain manipulate and fight conservative mind sets. It would be one thing if the statistics of the day did weight out the facts. That gun ownership protects the US from Mexican invasion and criminals who today can build guns in a machine built by a
Collection of demand letter for settlement of $80,000 the cost of the case for her side if she loses.
Theory behind case she uses a foreign directive of Government to take over our grids with illegal criminals. To build her party and voting basis for the party she is in. Then she tries to take our guns in auto rifle. So we can defind our families and business and homes from the criminal invaison. As per admitted Mexican officials. Thus the prosecution of our civil rights to bear these arms to defend from Mexican invasion is a legitamte threat and she is wrongfully prosecuting the legal citizens. As the majority of gun crimes are committed by folks who are already criminals and should not have guns.
My law experience is in attacking governments, officials and fighting groups of people and their grids.
It is my personal belief the reason why Democracy has spread world wide is because the US citizens are armed and no one wishes to invade us as our system is based off of guerilla warfare systems of every individual has a right to self defense and their own power sources and kingdoms.
Corruption Prosecution of official (theory Mexican take over of the USA she uses for voter grid building through one sided amnesty. Then with her taken our guns away will allow the Mexican government admitted to conspiracy to take over the US lands to happen)
Prosecution of local governments
over 200 years the US has had the right to bear arms and the constant trying to prosecute our basic root necessary guerilla defense system is malicious.
When statistics rule against the ones prosecuting the legal civil right. And they just do it to be malicious the case is solid. The stats show that gun rights are good for macro, local and individual self defense. In countries where guns are forced to be owned by everyone there is almost no crime at all.
Over 200 years the US military and local police forces base their muscle on the fact that we have guns with good people behind every tree. When statistics in a blind justice case weigh out the facts, or in a open cite justice case of what is going on. We see that 1.7 rapes per minute beat out the idea of the tiny fraction of legal citizens that kill wontonly with guns. Compared to the majority of gun stats show criminals who should not have guns do the most damage.
Malicious intent is based on amnesty of just Mexican one sided voters and the fact that she is working with the Mexican government that admits to illegally and criminally inavding the US to take it over in the long run. Malicious intent
For over 200 years the US has had the rights to bear arms against their enemies of the country or individual. This is obvious a malicious prosecution.
Public officials are not protected from Malicious prosecution law
Case of defense against Malicous prosecution
Abuse of Civil Rights
Need to prove not Frivilous. Mexican govenrment speech and actions are a real threat and so are criminals to our populace and our way of idealogical defense of guerilla system's.
Desire the case to be weighed out on statistics and blind justice or the bright line of open eyed justice. Heller v DC says we have a right to them. But leaves the Auto rifle still up for argumentation on necessity of defense against Mexican invasion as per government speech and as per whole world leaders agreeing that the US is the only coutnry with the most civililzed guerilla units as per individual gun owners.
Defense hurdles so far Government immunity, frivilous claim, social uprising, pitty, dead children compared to raped woman. Statistically more woman are victimized due to not bearing arms than children die each year.
I am begging my pursuit to argue the case left open in DC v Heller of compelling interest of auto rifles.
My case will be based on reality of Mexican government stating they will invade and using criminals to do it. my collections will be here like the political discrimination case in highering through question. again I appreciate all thse years the elder lights seeing my actions as best for all cultures even when I get supremcist in a military or government world of ideas there are sacrifices of forces. the purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to keep all citizens armed to force us to be a better civilized world
so we do not invoke the hate of the people to march militarized against US. the few that die each year from good citizens with guns do not outweigh the legitamet purpose of defense from
trynical government or defense from literally Mexican government invasion. I can point to the Obama Administration policy of Libay. Where A naval captain was told to stand down forces to save the Embassy. So we could prove a macro policy to Muslims we are not hear to invade which invokved the Libyan people to come to our aid which was a major military isuse to befriend the light source of Muslims
the idea of Libya was based on the same moral principle of the idea of the auto rifle allowance
as the gun rights. As we needed the Muslim world to come to our aid. As we need our individuals to come to our aid. the people have to feel compelled to want to save the US not the government.
the Libyan people themselves destroyed the bad gang that hurt our citizens. they did it themselves and the forces behind the enemy of Democracy where killed and they feel good about us that much it is a sad thing that those people died. However, the war they where fighting and knew was for Democracy everyone know sif you work in a foreign embassy more likely than not civil revolt will kill them.
the light source is now to Muslim people that we are not a imperalist nation as show of actions. If we attack the policy of allowing the citizens to come to our aid with sometimes sacrifces in the gun right theories then the whole US military theory and Obama administration should be attacked too. The military constantly places folks in high areas of death to compell military interests and in harms way the individual citizen is not without war opne their heads from our neighbors the Mexican government as per their grid speech until that time that Mexico is speaking at us like Canada does with its grids. I feel a compelling interest to secure auto rifle arms
he idea behind our foreign policy is that every individual is armed to fight tryanical governments. Why would we stop that here I am coming up on a light package that could make me tyranical if I did not think my people where heavily armed to the teeth I am just a man if my people are not armed and I am more powerful than the US citizen with auto rifles woo is me and in this country the OWS kids have shown that we can still revolt peacefully even though auto rfiles are at every store both the right Tea Party and the left OWS kids should this society can bear its arms peacefully their revolts have led to both of them gaining power seats to fight peacefully through Democracy if you look at facsist countries that take their weapons from them. They find them and revolt in death Mexico, Libya, the idea that a few bad criminals .as the statistics of gun crime is majority folks who should not have them. can take away our auto rifle rights. Is like saying the folks who die in a bathtub can have our bathtub's taken away is it a compelling interest enough to do that. Or is the compelling interest of the Mexican invasion and Tyranical government I believe as per the constitution and the DC v Heller theories that the Mexican invasion and Tyranical government out weigh the sacrifices of military doctrine of guerilla warfare defense of the US lands and living hopefully the Libyian people will raise a momument for the diplomats who died for their Democracy showing a light to the world that the US and West is not imperalist force. the people of the world today have shown that when a people armed to the death with tanks, jets, RPG's, auto rifles full stockades full of ammo in the USA. Can revolve peacefully as their government trusts them too. Then in a world where Tyrants like Libya and Syria take your weapons are will fight with their military against peacefully protests with jets and bombers. I think the compelling interest show the Constitutional right of peopel to take back their governments if it becomes tryanical. I know thousands of citizens with jets that have full armed missiles systems in the USA
I see the taken of auto rifles when we can own tanks, bombers, RPG's, as a a cognitional weapon that is just being used to allow Mexican espionage proxy warriors to bully us cause they have more criminals on the grid and we can't cognitional defeat them in our minds at home in business or other places as we can't own major magas or guns. Thereofre, I find Malicious prosecution. Then they use that cognitional process to allow Feinstein to build her illegal Mexican seat voters every 5-7 years they force the US to give the left party she rules over 5 million or so just leftist voter seats. As the Mexican criminal grids are more powerful than the legal citizens rights to protect against major criminal movements of more than 10-15 members into a house or a cognitional harmful though.
I can usee this to allow me to be heard before a court. http://www.anti-slapp.org/your-states-free-speech-protection/
How about taken due process of individuals rights. Then that gets into aggregate Gun rights compared to individual. That is DC v heller issue too. Each individual has its own right to the right. difficult to fight though.
I think I am going to stick with the new issue of Malicious intent and prosecution based on one side political building. Equality laws I will look into too. The idea is that by taken the auto rifles away while we can have nuclear reactors, cell phones that can be programmed to kill folks, RPG's or tanks. That it is just a Mexican criminal cognitional weapon to allow them to keep building through bullying illegal migrant seats that gain amnesty. So that is the link here to the gun right.
I will think about that one. The idea is to stop the inequality of power in the individual grid. And stop this idea of Diane Feinstein and CISEN building one sided grids through criminal seat warfare. And creat ea cognitional allowance and trust of people to allow us to speak out against CISEN proxy agents that take over oru seats illegal and push us out of our country and lineages.
i want to stay away from that idea that foks can't make legislation but also get into that kind of legislation that is just over and over and over again malicious however they can tried with using foreign malicious espionage agency. and statistically through legal courts if we weigh by facts and morality and justice. Its obvious this case is a issue of malicious foreign espionage intent. KGB units working with the main prosecution team Brady Campaign, CISEN working to bully grids just to build the one side that keeps attacking the civil right.
I have not yet pin pointed the direct issue I want to attack. Just feeling this out here. There is a point to be made here. A new one I just have to find this out. I will start spending my nights at the law library after work. Until the night classes start.
Diane Feinstein desire the termination of my civil rights of guns. To allow the Mexican Espionage units to create an illegal grid system that is just voting for her political side. "(1) commenced by or at the direction of the defendant and pursued to a legal termination in the plaintiff’s favor;" The difficult one to fight will be probable cause without it, ya this one is going to take a lot of research. I am running with this one though. The probable cause will take the most research part." (2) brought without probable cause;" "(3) initiated with malice." is easy she knows that taken our gun rights will not stop school killings or the majority of gun crimes as the majority are done by folks who should not have guns or folks who are crazy and would use a knife or hammer as proven in foreign countries. (Crowley v. Katleman (1994) 8 Cal.4th 666, 676; Padres L.P. v. Henderson (2003) 114 Cal.App.4th 495, 513-514.) http://californiatortlaw.com/MALICIOUS_PROSECUTION/Elements/Malicious_Prosecution_Elements_Prosecution_Plumley_v_Mockett.htm
Malicious Torts
"A person has probable cause to commence or prosecute a civil (action/proceeding) on a claim of <claim made in underlying action or proceeding as to which defendant allegedly lacked probable cause> when (he/she) has knowledge of facts, actual or apparent, strong enough to justify a reasonable person in the belief that (he/she) has lawful grounds for prosecuting the defendant in the manner complained of."
Councilman sues Kauai prosecutor for allegedly malicious prosecution
"Every person who shall, maliciously and without probable cause therefor, cause or attempt to cause another to be arrested or proceeded against for any crime of which he or she is innocent:
(1) If such crime be a felony, is guilty of a class C felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not more than five years; and
(2) If such crime be a gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor."
Something like this causign the good folks to get arrested for not breaking a law.
I need to look up the key issues of legislative power and malicious prosecution.
Mayberry v Madiso is not necessary yet. Even though it could be if I applied it as a court block to a malicious legislative matter.
Key malicious prosecution teams the Brady campaign and Diane Feinstein entity.
How legislation is created. Which is they just use constituent ideas then send out letters to find out if good idea or not. Thus I can state that a specific legislation by a specific set of prosecution teams can be an issue http://www.williamcronon.net/researching/govtcivicsguide.htm
Violates Federal policy of guerilla defense as mainstay military issue of the USA.
Take this idea of prosecutors not being able to violate Federal policy of its right to create a policy. The US has been and is a guerrilla defense unit. Our policy is based off of the US being armed to the teeth. Federal being military policy, military doctrine and military actual use of foreign application of that idea.
Prosecution through public opinion laws need those laws too.
need exact data on amnesty voters, death of folks on UEI from mortality of such issues
"Prosecution by Information"
Taylor staffer claims malicious prosecution by tea party advocate
Jackson County Circuit Court Missipi court collection of thoughts
Trying to find that law that states you can't take a person's right because somebody else committed a crime.
and the tests for that as a social issue.
The Torts of Malicious Prosecution and Abuse of Process
Read more at Suite101: The Torts of Malicious Prosecution and Abuse of Process | Suite101 http://suite101.com/article/the-torts-of-malicious-prosecution-and-abuse-of-process-a354091#ixzz2IYATxnV2
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California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI)
A Look at the Misuse of Legal Procedure
13-1636. Malicious abuse of process defined; general statement of elements
How to Tell if You are Being "Maliciously Prosecuted" in Wisconsin
light word Wrongful Civil Proceedings
California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI)
1501. Wrongful Use of Civil Proceedings
Abuse of Process and Wrongful Use of Civil
man there are no manuals on this stuff at all. Just books about it no proper court laid out foundation manual.
Torts Wrongful Institution of Legal Proceedings - MBE
Light word
Torts Wrongful Institution of Legal Proceedings
my right to have a auto rifle is being arrested
Facts backs
A statistics during has been erased
"Among nonviolent Federal offenders, those involved
with firearms had more extensive criminal histories
More than 70% of violent Federal offenders had been
sentenced in the past, regardless of firearms involvement.
Excluding minor infractions, 76% of property offenders
and 61% of drug offenders with firearms involvement ¾
compared to 38% and 48%, respectively, without such involvement
¾ had been previously sentenced as an adult.
70% of offenders whose current case involved firearms
and 45% of offenders whose offense involved no firearm
had been sentenced in the past for at least one offense."http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/pub/pdf/ffro.pdf
HIghest gun crime rates are in those that have the hardest gun control issues.
A culture of brain washing criminal music creates the most of gun crimes
The Complexion of Crime in America
out of the 12,000 people that die each year 1.5 million are saved
Guess What Kills One Person Every 19 Minutes?
recidivism rate in the US prisons is high. Majority of crime with guns or otherwise is created by people that are already criminals.
67.5% of prisoners released in 1994 were rearrested within 3 years, an increase over the 62.5% found for those released in 1983
Case of Democrat Entity excepting bribery from Mexican government in the form of illegal voter seat one sided political party building. To give our lands away to Mexican government control. work on it conspiracy. I can prove Mexican government desires to take over and that the Democrats desire to use that take over scheme of illegal immigration.
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