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In all reality the GOP needs to start jerrymandering like the Democrats have to win. While also finding a way to turn the latin vote from the Democrats to the Republic. Then they also need to start migrant building their own seats with world conservative voters that are legal here in California. Which could mean using Congress to open up more seats to more conservative voters in the world. As the Democrats have opened up more liberal seats to illegal Mexicans since 1960 every 5-7 years with amnesty to 5 million Mexicans illegally.
Also I think our grid work and marketing incursions into the light grid need to get better. Our ability to collaborate with market's and politics is something we lack.
Also a simple bio diversity program in latin racist areas would stop the super majority latino racist voters. Where in some areas for over 30 years racist illegal immigrants have been coming. The Republic needs to start looking at either its own illegal conservative migrant quota's as the Democrats and CISEN did, or we need to work on better control of the legal migrant light grid quota while working with foreign espionage to obtain more seats in the grid like the Democrats have with CISEN.
The real problem is the more than 20 million just one sided Mexican illegal immigrants we have given amnesty too really live right here in California. As per cyclical amnesty voting seats for the Democrats to take over Hollywood as our projection capital in the USA for their leftist views to control the light grids.
We could easily start using foreign conservative espionage to counter Democrats CISEN espionage illegal migrant quota's. We would have to counter use criminal gangs of conservative roots to stop the Democrats Mexican racist criminal muscle that supports the illegal grid voter seat building. Then we could start mounting a muti million a year illegal conservative immigrant quota system like head Democrats like Feinstein have with their contacts to CISEN.
When you have over 20 million amnesty given since 1960 just to Mexicans with less than 1 million amnesty given to any other world culture. That becomes the main voting issue as 95% of those given amnesty vote Democrats to keep the grid seat racist building going for their country to take over in the future.
We could easily use the Mexican desire to take over our lands and CISEN's and Mexico's governments admissions that they are going to take over this land to create a counter NSA program for conservative voters with an illegal attack program against the racist latin voters that vote one sided for their grid seats to genocide other cultures with massive illegal migration then their children given amnesty and they vote the cyclical back in.
in about 15-20 years if we did a good counter seat grid of conservative lineages in California we could take over the grid and have a super majority like the Democrats do using the CISEN espionage criminal smuggling issues and grid illegal building through amnesty voters.
Basically the Democrats have allowed helped and funded and protected through political grids CISEN Mexico to invade. So the Republic needs to find a conservative country that is willing to build espionage invasion grids for conservative voters and conservative family lineages.
CISEN users their drugs smuggling and criminal enterprises to prop up Democrats in their light grids that they invade. So the Republic needs to find a legal way or a NSA counter invasion to stop Mexico our neighbor with a directive to create guerrillaCISEN users their drugs smuggling and criminal enterprises to prop up Democrats in their light grids that they invade. So the Republic needs to find a legal way or a NSA counter invasion to stop Mexico our neighbor with a directive to create guerrilla warfare grids to take over our lands to invade to stop the one sided racist 80% for over 50 years one sided illegal migration and amnesty policies we have here.
Currently today there are over 20 million legal conservative migrants that can't come to the USA legally. But each year millions of Democrat voters can just cross the boarder and come here to build grids and they keep our boarder porous and keep our grids filled with CISEN proxy warriors that muscle in their grids and voter seats for future presido wars. If the Conservative congress would flood the USA with a one time California directive of the legal conservative voters we would see the grid balance back out to a Democracy and not a Mexican style fascist 70 years worth of one sided political party building and over 50 years of one sided political party building in the USA by CISEN.
what we need to do legally is what the Democrats did illegal which was during the cold war they built Chinese and Russian grids around Hollywood and studios so they could create future hollywood just easy jobs take over of the projection unit. So we have Czech, Polish, German, Indian, major conservative well known hard core religious voters that will vote Republican if it is seen we are the ones helping their people come here then counter build grids around Hollywood to retake the projection units and easy jobs. The republic could build a great case for an NSA push through military to open the flood gates to those loyal international Republican voter migrants that are not allowed in as the Mexicans are coming here illegally and taking their legal migrant chances. This then would counter grids and create counter conspiracies to build grids with conservative loyal bases.
with a mass movement like that it is harder for CISEN Democrat brain chemical subversion to make them fear the Mexican espionage and muscle as they come here in droves they bring their conservative values of fighting and most countries do not have the epidemic of Mexican drugs and gangs as we do here. They have conservative church lives. They just want to come here to live in a bigger land and be able to make more money.
where Colombia Italy and other foreign espionage grid movements created a balanced migration and balanced social grid building. CISEN just builds one sided party grids to take over. As the majority of CISEN espionage work has create a fascist country in Mexico. The majority of one sided Democrat rappers that use the projection systems get millions in narco product to subsidize their rap and make them seem cool to the kids the Mexicans use muscle, social propoganda and brain chemical subversion to build one sided grids. With the conservative flood one time. We could counter back to a 1950's style what is cool is car's family church and anti leftist coolness. Not this drug epidemic Rapper CISEN funded social style stuff.
in all reality the Republic needs to counter grid seed voter seats with family lineages. Where today Mexicans who come here and take world balance legal migrant seats that are young families that come from big families so they have five kids. The US citizens are being gridded out of culture jobs social propaganda and their own heritage. So the US Republican party needs to find those conservative droves of future seeded voters that have been forced out each year due to Mexican illegals take up the legal balanced migrant quota's and then properly say you know what this is an NSA issue when a culture comes here so much and their government and espionage says they desire to in the end take our lands from us through force. That we have to allow the Republic to pick herd like the Democrats allow CISEN To fund illegal industries for their one sided party building for over 50 years.
The law of US migration policy would say either policy under foreign espionage counter to local espionage major builds up or legal one time flood which would be better as the criminal culture is still controlled by CISEN. That it would be completely legal as per 50 years of building illegally one sided Democrat party migrant grids.
Contra, Chan Chan, and now the Legal herding
Chan Chaninasta's CISEN lol
do you think the Republic would allow the Democrats to use CISEN and illegal criminal seat voter seed building without a counter with Democracy laws. The 20 million Democrat seat amnesty voter seats we have given as per law we get 20 million counter voter seats to be allowed in. Yes we do keep track of how they vote and what they say their are when they are given amnesty. And so we now can see where the heaviest concentration of Democrat amnesty grid building is and it is in California. So under my Republican fist leadership. I will dump the majority here in California to counter and spread across the boarder too. Orthodox Republicans.
I know the exact family CISEN lineage that is controlling the amnesty what they call hamster wheel cycle too. So its my time as a 500th generation palladin to stop the dark one sided policy of Mexico in the USA.
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