My Comment to this article:
I appreciate the work on this matter. As this allows young conservatives to grid out today's areas of communist party infiltration based on sympathetic and old style KGB hate direction. Now hate direction is political parties use to create either sympathy or power for a vote or legislation. Thus the KGB where using these children and college students whether you like it or not as hate direction. However, General Westmoreland who's strategy it was against the Communist Chinese to go to the boarder of Vietnam and actual fight the real enemy of the Vietnam war the Communist Chinese soldiers and supplies. As just like the Invasion of Russia had majority of Chinese soldiers when the Czar was killed. So did Vietnam. However, the leftist in the country would not allow Westmoreland to drop zone at the boarder of China and Vietnam with massive artillery and major air bombardments. So we had to create a massive hate direction in our own world against Democracy as per leftist leaders against Democracy though a horrible strategy in Vietnam. I know I have read my Great Great Uncle's personal diary on the exact leftist characters he thought where working with the KGB to stop a real win of Vietnam. By not allowing the General of the war to stop it before it started then win it by cutting off the real invaders of Vietnam the Communist Chinese.
The counter to this book is Venona. It actually has proof and evidence of Communist party doing as he states till to this day. As each year the US and International Communist party come out after each committee meeting yearly and state they are militarized to destroy democracy and free markets for the communist feudalistic style governance. This is still such a threat as the Venona Book explains. As the KGB defectors in that book admitted to trying to get US communist party sympathizers in the Democratic party into the Science department so as to destroy the US sciences of then nuclear and microwave by draining our funding in a sympathetic oh so lets help the world with our funds, and counter direction of forced cooperation instead of competition against the Soviet Communist Party. If you look at the realty world implications of this today. We see that the Communist Chinese Party has been able to succeed where the Soviets failed. Secretary Chu, and Commerce Secretary Locke working with a Federeal Contract's person . Where able to give away 80% of our green tech stimulus. Which is analyzable to ammo boys given away 80% of our ammo before a war. Then saying go. We where complete destroyed in our science department and so weakened we are not even in competition for the new world sciences. Thus then also Chu and Locke gave to our utmost enemy the Communist Chinese, as per their funding of all of the terrorist as laymens call them but reality just communist party proxy agents funding and arms. As proven and admitted to by the PLA Colonials Unrestricted warfare book. That stated they where going to use Al Queada to attack the US and draw us into an economic drain war like Charlie Wilson did to the Soviet Union.
I am very glad this book was written as it can now highlight for the anti communist or as in reality the pro Democracy person. That does not believe in mono party rule like the communist does. The ability to create grids of how the US is actually being economically imploded through very weak spots the Communist Chinese can use to weaken our economy so to allow foreign state ownership take over of the US grids. As per my collection cite the Rider I Anti Economic Warfare Blog Post proves with volumes of evidence of high treason and economic terrorist actions by the International Communist Party and the lead of the Communist Parties the Communist Chinese.
Rider i
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