Thinking of trying to get Muslim Arab Democracies to speak to Syria military.
Egypt had a great big meeting with the whole world of Muslim Arab Democracy. When their protesters went for a long haul then became violent. It is hard for a military to not follow the Chief and Commander's orders at all costs. Therefore, I am wondering why the Syrian Military has not got the same cuddle and affection from the Democracy Arab world Generals to tell them. That democracy is not about the Chief it is about the people. And when the Chief allows for mass death of his own people when a simple just step down and let the vote pick a new. Is the answer stop the killing and arrest him and help him find a new life after the trail. To keep the country safe and the world safe.
It is a very simple answer. And I have not seen yet on my desk which is the people's desk the news. Any kind of love and intervention from other Arab Militarizes generals that understand that sometimes human beings can get very fascist and they will kill just to keep the power. As it is like an addiction. They feeling of losing the power makes it hard for them to live. So that is my answer peacefully. I will keep working. I do not think I want to call and defend the Democracy with a statement of we will use nuclear warheads. As I have big sway over the administration of Western Nuclear arms.
I am going to do like I did with Egypt and send out a letter to all the other Arab Democracy military tribunals to place together a proper packet for the lets have a talk guys for the Syrian military generals.
At this point in time I think the Director has taken the wrong policy with regards to Syria if peace and intentions of Democracy are the truth of the root. As I have read it is. And I think that we should entertain the Arab Democracy militarizes So as to create a proper scrip to have them speak with the Syrian Military generals. In Egypt we where able to stop any militarily tribunals or people's courts from attacking them as the military had said it takes orders from the Chief and they had proof and evidence that they where not acting alone and doing what militarizes due following the leader they think represents the people.
This strategy stops bio weapons arms bizares, invasion, implosion and death. I think it will work great. We can even do a body swap with the military of the president if his personal ties are to big to have him go die. If the Syrian Military is telling folks to mess off. Then the Arab world as in my last letter I will analogize should explain to them. That Libya is what happens to militarizes that do not represent the people.
The military of Syria represents the People of Syria it does not represent Assad's personal army to stop them from taken him out of power.
Then I need to write the guerrillas a letter explaining how the People of Egypt where able to win over the military with of course the show of force and willingness to die for their children freedom in Democracy. But also that they have a legal court document in a military tribunal after the Arab Democracies bring the peace to the military that I know the militarizes will read it. Then bring a court document to the court of the people seeking the Arrest of Assad for ordering the mass slaying of Syrian people. It is one thing to kill a few in defense if violent uproar. It is another thing to go on for months just killing them because they want a Democracy that represent them and not Assad's personal army.
So glad I yelled at the Chief. I feel so much better now. This is a level headed idea. I had to get out.
The idea is to stop terrorism. We do not want to invaded and create another battle field of terrorized citizens Neither do we want to massively enrich the blood lusted ones who are by now in hands deep of their own souls killing. Thus the basic idea is to present a way out if the Man in power is that internationally powerful, while given the show to the guerrillas, while also getting the military to become a world Democracy ally and stop this fascist personal army business.
All and all we could if we win the hearts of the military and the elders. Actually create a disposal plant that both Russia and US watchers over for disposal of bio weapons. As did the Russian and US work together for the disposal of world war's chemical weapons. Trust me right now those Syrian generals want a hug from a fellow general. As all generals now that killing is fun and all when they are enemies. But when you think they are your own people. It gets difficult and it sets in the mind. And most of killer startegist get really drunk and mad and let it out. But we all just want hugs too.
Here is my new strategy I will keep going with guerrilla reading though in case they go Gadafi style to much iconic idol ism in the military. Which again my analyses of the Muslim not allowing any one to idealist any one but the prophet really hit home with the Egyptian military. Strategy go for the hearts of the generals through court documents and military tribunals, get the hearts of the Arab Democracy world Generals to meet with their tired and pained hearts, and hug them and talk to them. Then write out a good court case to arrest Assad in the people's court. Then afterwords get the land to work with Russian and US disposal plants to build their own.
Rider I
Hugs create Democracy my new outline for my Syrian strategy. Break the iconic hold over the military of Assad using the good book's main them that do not idolize.
Egypt had a great big meeting with the whole world of Muslim Arab Democracy. When their protesters went for a long haul then became violent. It is hard for a military to not follow the Chief and Commander's orders at all costs. Therefore, I am wondering why the Syrian Military has not got the same cuddle and affection from the Democracy Arab world Generals to tell them. That democracy is not about the Chief it is about the people. And when the Chief allows for mass death of his own people when a simple just step down and let the vote pick a new. Is the answer stop the killing and arrest him and help him find a new life after the trail. To keep the country safe and the world safe.
It is a very simple answer. And I have not seen yet on my desk which is the people's desk the news. Any kind of love and intervention from other Arab Militarizes generals that understand that sometimes human beings can get very fascist and they will kill just to keep the power. As it is like an addiction. They feeling of losing the power makes it hard for them to live. So that is my answer peacefully. I will keep working. I do not think I want to call and defend the Democracy with a statement of we will use nuclear warheads. As I have big sway over the administration of Western Nuclear arms.
I am going to do like I did with Egypt and send out a letter to all the other Arab Democracy military tribunals to place together a proper packet for the lets have a talk guys for the Syrian military generals.
At this point in time I think the Director has taken the wrong policy with regards to Syria if peace and intentions of Democracy are the truth of the root. As I have read it is. And I think that we should entertain the Arab Democracy militarizes So as to create a proper scrip to have them speak with the Syrian Military generals. In Egypt we where able to stop any militarily tribunals or people's courts from attacking them as the military had said it takes orders from the Chief and they had proof and evidence that they where not acting alone and doing what militarizes due following the leader they think represents the people.
This strategy stops bio weapons arms bizares, invasion, implosion and death. I think it will work great. We can even do a body swap with the military of the president if his personal ties are to big to have him go die. If the Syrian Military is telling folks to mess off. Then the Arab world as in my last letter I will analogize should explain to them. That Libya is what happens to militarizes that do not represent the people.
The military of Syria represents the People of Syria it does not represent Assad's personal army to stop them from taken him out of power.
Then I need to write the guerrillas a letter explaining how the People of Egypt where able to win over the military with of course the show of force and willingness to die for their children freedom in Democracy. But also that they have a legal court document in a military tribunal after the Arab Democracies bring the peace to the military that I know the militarizes will read it. Then bring a court document to the court of the people seeking the Arrest of Assad for ordering the mass slaying of Syrian people. It is one thing to kill a few in defense if violent uproar. It is another thing to go on for months just killing them because they want a Democracy that represent them and not Assad's personal army.
So glad I yelled at the Chief. I feel so much better now. This is a level headed idea. I had to get out.
The idea is to stop terrorism. We do not want to invaded and create another battle field of terrorized citizens Neither do we want to massively enrich the blood lusted ones who are by now in hands deep of their own souls killing. Thus the basic idea is to present a way out if the Man in power is that internationally powerful, while given the show to the guerrillas, while also getting the military to become a world Democracy ally and stop this fascist personal army business.
All and all we could if we win the hearts of the military and the elders. Actually create a disposal plant that both Russia and US watchers over for disposal of bio weapons. As did the Russian and US work together for the disposal of world war's chemical weapons. Trust me right now those Syrian generals want a hug from a fellow general. As all generals now that killing is fun and all when they are enemies. But when you think they are your own people. It gets difficult and it sets in the mind. And most of killer startegist get really drunk and mad and let it out. But we all just want hugs too.
Here is my new strategy I will keep going with guerrilla reading though in case they go Gadafi style to much iconic idol ism in the military. Which again my analyses of the Muslim not allowing any one to idealist any one but the prophet really hit home with the Egyptian military. Strategy go for the hearts of the generals through court documents and military tribunals, get the hearts of the Arab Democracy world Generals to meet with their tired and pained hearts, and hug them and talk to them. Then write out a good court case to arrest Assad in the people's court. Then afterwords get the land to work with Russian and US disposal plants to build their own.
Rider I
Hugs create Democracy my new outline for my Syrian strategy. Break the iconic hold over the military of Assad using the good book's main them that do not idolize.
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