This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

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Wruckers room

A Country a People a Culture Stays great cause it does not allow itself to be attacked or oppressed. The USA is currently run by a grid of losers to the Communist Chinese oppression. Racist Latin's leaders more worried about allowing Mexico to invade our grids to take over. African Racist Progressive more worried about taken over US European heritage muscle influence and base closures. European American's more worried about the Communist Chinese Proxy Warriors instead of the root of the matter like we did during the Cold War against the Russian Puppetted state of China's Bolshevist proxy warriors. A grid of losers and not one can figure out a simple plan to get us out of deficit to compete against the Communist State Owned Enterprise's. A country and culture does not stay great cause of some kind of ideological perspective that their theory will win. Even if they are massively being destroyed by a foreign state. Free Trade does not work in a neo-mercantilism world. The US alone has lost 3,000 Export Business over the last 18 years. Accumulative to 55,000 just to the Communist State Owned Enterprises of a mono fascist party state. This then would have been around currently with our civil needs, we would be in $34 trillion dollars of surplus if we would have fought the Communist like we did during the Cold War. As during the cold war we where spending around 15 trillion a year just on space race. These days thanks to oppressed weak leaders we are cutting everything and running scared from grid speech and grid maneuvers.

Friday, October 26, 2012

CISEN's Genomic Warfare Against American Citizens

I do not hate CISEN nor Mexican migrants. I just dislike the community of illegal non natural migrations, of invasion and what their espionage agency is willing to do to help them take over areas.
Just because a man is against illegal matters. Does not make him a hating man. When he watches his babies march in millions cause they have no jobs. While a foreign country invades and tries to get them addicted to drugs to destroy their families for their countries families. The pain I feel, watching over 2 million OWL's kids and adults marching with no jobs. While I watch 23 million illegal Mexican's live in communities that proliferate proxy warriors against US citizens through addiction grids. Cause me pain and thus I write freely under military protection and already over 40,000 human herding of my own. While also having to watch my governance complete be taken over by CISEN desires to ease and give prize and pillows for illegal actions of addictiong gridding and genomic warfare against the USA. Through legislation that states that 10,000 US students are not accepted each semester for our colleges. But today to bow to CISEN and their massive bullying of our immigration industry. We will allow their illegals to take up over 15 million of our College seats. Which then not only boots out the 10,000 students already not being accepted via non seat. It now allows 15 million more to be booted out what an American Dream. So uncool I have 50% of US youth with no jobs. And I have to watch my two leaders Democratic civil or Republican militarized Democracy both spending more time on illegal immigration oh its ok to non naturally invade the US. While the US children and people go further into deficit and have no jobs. So uncool. I find both leaders panzies. We are not in a trade war with Communist China, no they just block us and use major State Owned Enterprise to force our business into communist owned joint ventures while bullying all of US intellectual property. We are not at a war with CISEN, nooo it is a drug war. So lets let the community that sympathies with CISEN genomic warfare have more priority than US citizens. Again it is one thing for countries in civil war or genocide. It is another thing where CISEN kills to herd direct to invade. While US American citiens sit on their welfare and just smoke it into their lungs. While their children die off are heavy pyschologically warfare to go through the same genomic warfare. And millions upon millions of US citizens are dieing off and not birthing. While Mexican Catholics birth 4-10 and get US welfare of up to $4,000 a month even though they are illegals. And it is like America is some better place. When Mexico home ownership to wages is much higher, quality of life in schools and poverty is much higher, and the land square footage to family ownership is much higher. Majority of families have major farms and city homes in Mexico. In the US the majority of families barely own an apartment.

An analogy of the English Opium Wars against the Chinese:
During the war of 1842 the world was at war with the Chinese. The Spanish, American's, English, German's, and especially the Russians, everybody had banded together to free a part of the Chinese Empire to create Democracy, like each of the above named countries had done for their citizens. During this war one of the world's most deadliest books was produced through funds by the Chinese Emperor that paid Engels to find a long term way to destroy the Western Democracy cultures for attacking his imperialist country. This was Karl's Marx's Communist Manifesto. Which is the still today the best economic warfare to attack any economic infrastructure or country. During this time the English had to herd specific Chinese that believed in Democracy out of China into a specific coastal land. So they could create the Democracy area. They did this using Religion and addiction grids. The addiction grids where used to attack specific lines of communication of natural intelligence in the Chinese Emperor, like police, education, politics, etc. They used heavy amounts of opium in China to create major lines of immigration for the religious Democracy non addicted personnel. They then used major addiction grids in the coastal area to get the pro Chinese Emperor citizens to stop creating babies and to mess up their economic futures and lives, as they where addicted to opium. This allowed the English to create Hong Kong with pure addiction grid watchers and pure Democracy citizens. Which was not a racial genomic or cultural war. It was a many diverse cultural that wanted to be divers with other cultures war. Thus Hong Kong. One of the brightest economies in the world thanks to Democracy building.

CISEN's addiction gridding:
Addiction gridding is a very old military tactic. It has been used in ancient wars of Babylonian to create slave's. All the way to Roman times to popiate as it was called whole countries for easy invasion. After they became so heavy opiated that they gave up fighting and just worked and got high. Today the only major countries still using that tactic is Mexico and Venezuela. Mexico is pro Democracy however, its own intelligence agency are so controlled by the Spanish Royalty and Catholic Church. That all they care about is invading the US for Mexican take over. So the Spanish Royal Family and Catholic Church can run the USA. Like the English Royal Family and Protestant Church runs Canada. Which as a Republican in the long run as a rightist if I was pure spiritual and had no patriotic soul. Would not be so bad. As both of those institutions are pro Republican pro rightist. However, today they use the leftist for their invasion. But I am a patriot and thus more a very ancient family to SKA. Therefore, I have spent a life of investigation into CISEN's ties to the Royal family and Catholic church and have 100% accuracy on gridding their portals of entry and the network grids of proxy warriors for the institutions that desire take over of the US. I can go down any street and see any CISEN grid I want. Even home's that they use as different parts of their grids is easily seen to me. However, so long as they stop the leftist which is in their own personal good. As per their belief's in individual spirituality and ownership of heritage. Then I have not attacked. However, today is a different day. The US is no longer in a surplus and can no longer keep the boat a float for their conspiracy or the US conspiracy of world Democracy. Thus trimming has to be done. The main goal of each area's addiction gridder can easily be seen by who meets with the Queen of Spain or her concubine and is allowed to drive the G4. Which is Hitler's personal prized position, and is stated in conspiracy Hitler married into the Spanish family after the war and faked his own death. No man burns himself alive and the person who said he saw it happen. Lived out his days in Spain. With over 6 billion Catholics world wide. It easy to see. It is also a conspiracy to say that the current King and Queen of Spain is Hitler's son and the Spanish Dutche's Daughter. Which is a contradiction that the leftist protect them and help them invade the USA. If you study history and the Amazing appearance of a major core of what looks to be Germans in the hundreds of thousands showing up in Spain then a Duke of that area poping up all of a sudden. Its a conspiracy.

Thus to the addiction gridding. The gridding is very simple. What happens is CISEN's economic watchers see families that are have basic symptoms, one mother one father, children that are very poor, rich kids that just rebel against being rich, or children who listen to heavy brain washing by the narcotics industry icons. Then once this happens a simple networking que. Which can be as easy as speaking something to get the child to walk a different way into a pack of already gridded. All the way to complex use of politics to place an elder rich man into a position that allows the child to throw party through a CISEN proxy warrior grid peer pressure. Then once this is done each character has a lifetime feeding rate for their specific desire on the addiction grid chart. For example a rich kid would be worth more than a poor kid. As they could use them to create bigger grids of addiction than a poor kid could be used to do. Then poor kids can be used to do what they call put in dirt. Which means kill or send messages as they have no value if they are the type of kids who will do anything for a dollar and have no religion or soul. While religious families kids are kept for the illegal immigration invasion issue. Where the majority of helpers of Mexican's genomic invasion have major ties to addiction grids. Thus we can see a simple light into the addiction grid warfare that has been used since ancient times. It is like a computer mother board appears to be. Once you have a complete track of it and can see where things happen. Each one having a source of energy directly from CISEN.

These addiction grids are held by the CISEN operators inside of Mexico deep in areas of high militarized units. These addiction grids are heavy guarded by proxy warriors of CISEN that use force to stop anyone that works to stop the grids except for proper personnel or opposing Royal blue bloods. As pure the Royal international court system. That is still existing to stop the Chinese Emperor take over of the world. Which I am creating a document to take to the Royal International Court based on my nexus to the Scottish King's Ancestor. Therefore to due like Reagan's MacDonald lineage did. Which was to force the Spanish Royal family to look at Venezuela and other heavy leftist areas in Latin America instead of concentrating on the USA invasion. As the tables still considers these the colonies. I will not seek death as it is not a historical lineage land like the Saudi Arabian Prince invade with genomic warfare in Scotland with Heroin.

CISEN's Economic Seat Replacement Grids:
So with the understanding of the Roots of CISEN's genomic opiate war. From the roots to the specific addiction gridding of genomic warfare. We must they look at the economic seat Replacement Grids. This is also another grid system that is stored in CISEN's militarized system of networks deep in Mexico. I know right where they are stored. These grids show predicted addiction grid's families possible seats of economics. Which can be replaced with illegal Mexican immigrant USA born children. In specific areas of high CISEN networking of opiate genomic warfare. Take a single mother with two white males. Where her skill is specific real estate and stocks. The two boys are heavy addicted into the CISEN addiction grid. These boys have a specific grid of possible economic seat outcomes: College, graduate, school, local city jobs, government jobs, political leadership etc. Once the boys are gridded heavily into the addiction grids. Then their possible seats are over gridded with other area network of genomic gridding to show open seats that are more competitive for Mexican illegal immigrant children to take over. Thus creating a power system of sympathy for CISEN genomic warfare invasion. In reality which is just the Spanish Royal family and Catholic churches invasion.

This system of what is known as power enrichment. Looks similar to a nerve ending system. Which has specific areas of the grid that need to happen to specifically open up for CISEN sympathetic war power enrichment. Once the grids are energized the specific computer program can create areas of high open and or non competitive areas that CISEN can gain seats for a position that without the addiction gridding would have been open for the American children. Sometimes the addiction grid does not work the way it is supposed to do CISEN will actually call in busts to attack the specific gridded entity. So that the necessary thinning for the economic seat can happen. Thus opening the power grid for the CISEN sympathetic illegal immigrant child to take power over the pro American. This happens a lot to Democratic party children. As their own sympathetic cause and weak beliefs in illegal immigration allows the majority of Democratic children to become heavily taken into the addiction grid. Thus taken them out of possible future Democratic party enrichment grids. While CISEN replaces then with a stronger formula of entity sympathy. Alot of Democratic Party members actually sacrifice their own children to the CISEN Economic Seat gridding warfare.

Solution Reaganables:
Reagan had over 100,000 Retired American Military move into Mexico during the 1980's to create a community invasion of Mexico to stop the then CISEN warfare against the US via addiction genomic warfare grids and economic seat replacements. Also declaring it an espionage warfare. So our Espionage agents can show community force to bullies like CISEN does in America with their local proxy agents. Thus like Reagan did, having the American espionage agency take over the US again from Mexican espionage. This means like CISEN kills in the USA easily and interrogates or follows specific American families they want to grid into addiction grids that are weak or down and out. After the US declares an espionage war the American espionage agency does the same to their proxy warriors. During this period of time of Reagonomics. Home invasion, illegal immigrants, death from gang warfare everything goes down. As CISEN agitators and protectors are not hear to make the Mexican proxy warriors feel big and bad via major million dollar proxy networks or getting away with use of ghost non printed illegal immigrants in their crews. Areas where CISEN proxy warriors of pro Mexican nationals doing dirt that have high home invasions, high bullying or high market attacks. Then should be countered with US military seek and destroy like we do with Communist Chinese MSS proxy agents in the middle east. This does two fold. It allows the US to regain strength from attacks. While also forces CISEN to concentrate on its own Democracy building of Latin America, like Venezuela, Colombia and other areas that CISEN has completely forgot about as they are purely concentrating on the US invasion instead of Democracy building. Because of CISEN's such greed. They kill their own in mass groves, to take over the USA. While latin American is being taken over again my a Communist foreign threat of this time the Chinese. As Reagan had do to this for not only Mexico's Democracy but for the US's Democracy. It forces CISEN forces to redirect to find funding to latin American thus forcing their cultures into the non Democracy countries of latin American. Also stop saying it is a war on drugs and just state it like we stated it during the cold war. It is a war on espionage agencies that use narcotics for genomic warfare and economic seat gridding.

Again I am not genocidal. However, the current 23 million illegal immigrants working in the USA. That do not have taxes paid and send the majority of their funds back to Mexican major farm's where they own two homes and have more kids and family. Alone could solve the US deficit if our children where not on welfare and actually working legally. As per the 30 million unemployed that would drop the US down to a proper 4% unemployment actually around 3%. However, again not genocidal to the good folks in the communities. Micro impact, alone in my city the total deficit accounts for 100% of the cost to feed illegal immigrants children in our public schools. Which their families do not pay one cent of tax for. And their children as per the issue of tax loss through their parents stealing of economic seats of American unemployed, and their probable outcome of tax payment. Will not catch up for two generations of tax payer. Thus creating the simple deficit of my city alone. But my city is run by illegal personnel who have family that die in mafia style accident with regards to boat accidents running into a big barge in the middle of an open ocean with tons of illegal drugs in their system and found on their boat but none in major packages as the boat was pretty torn up. That is just one impact that does not even account for the genocidal impact of death of American families children and future families due to high genomic opiate wars. My best bet from the photo's I seen of the areas of hall. Was that it was some kind of espionage warfare that went on and took the narcotics from the hull that from the size could have been billions. Most likely cause CISEN was funding the political spectrum hear illeglly. As the to close ties to family and politics. Cause around that same time somebody had broken a treaty in this area that says no body goes around shooting guns.  If you have a problem you go face to face and you get permission. I am guessing the root cause was the I am a Senators Brother and CISEN works with me type issue. Cause there was a lot of drive buys. Then a lot of home invasion of gangsters found dead then the boat accident. Treaty is a treaty I guess. I do not know. I just studied it. That is my guess. A total blood fest of CISEN proxy warriors, a total counter reaction of dead proxy warriors. Pin point a calm to the area. Then a specific high profile accident. I personally did not make fuss out of the issue. As I was like I do not like thinking I am going to be out and about with my kids. I do nothing wrong no illegal actions here. Then all of a sudden some dude rolls by and somebody goes I do not like you I shoot you. Then my kid gets shot like the old white dude and latin dude that where sitting at a park and where very good church leaders that started the treaty that had their kids murdered like that. I am not going to lie kids get guns. It is up to the elders of their families to let them know there is a treaty. I do not live in a ghetto, no offense to that community but we are very churchy hear. But I am sure I pin pointed who did it. But you know sometimes medieval is necessary. 

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