Everything has its pressure points. From the human body, which one can learn in special forces training on how to kill somebody with your pinky finger all the way to using a simple grab of a specific part of the hand to take down a 500 pound man. This is true for a culture and a governance. As such, the study of Communist Economic Warfare is such that one would have to know his own pressure points so as to be able to defend any abilities to obtain entrance to gain points on them. This is an area of material that the West needs to look at to counter the weakness to make them strong. A list of Western Pressure Points is below:
1. Leftist Political Spectrum: These area is something that has gone so far as to actually fight to save a foreign Communist Party who wished to destroy Democracy and use their state owned enterprises to destroy the West's Economy. With the idea that a one world governance with no ownership and all owned by the people as a feudalistic imperialist mindset of modern day world governance.
2. Rightist Political Spectrum: These area is so into individual market and freedom. That their own greed to trade with their biggest enemy. Forces them to think that the more they get in for their specific self's while destroying their societies economics. The more possibility somehow that the Communist country will become a free market and Democracy.
3. Religious Churches: The Communist does not believe in religion. As the Communist believes in communal order as a spiritual whole and not as the individual soul deals with its own sins and virtues. Thus then it is easy to manipulate churches.
The Catholic Church is so far Ran by the Spanish Monarchy Family. That all they care about is migration slavery and mental oppression based on forced need of assistance when illegalities of migration force are done. This then allows the Communist to use the migration as an economic warfare attack on civil taxes, and local jobs of the citizens that are able to aspire to great political feet's. As emplacement of migration forced political views of economic building.
The Protestants Church of the Masonic Guild's and Illuminati Structure is so far run by the British Monarch family. That all they care about is trying to build a world order structure for liberality. This church is so far allowing mass droves of racist one sided into temple's in areas. That there is no balance of thought in the old Temple system. Which has forced the temple to lean heavily leftist. So far so that today both President's running for the Structures main Crowned Gem. Are leftist, Mitt Romney created the socialized health care forced monopolized industry, then President Obama just implemented it Federally. Both of them are from the Masonic system. As I am a heritage and have access to everything and as a 112 degree speak as I will. During the cold war the policy of allowance of balancing out through recruitment for temple was allowed. During the Cold war Ending day's Chinese heritage and Russian Heritage in the Temple got a law of code that says that recruitment is banned. This then allows the Communist to easily gain sympathy in many areas. While easily allowing them to control a single structure through pressure points in the Temple system. So as to be able to control both sides. Mitt Romney's belief from MSS agent's work is the more investment in Communist China the more likely they will become a Democracy. President Obama's theory with Secretary Chu and Commerce Secretary Locke who destroyed our green tech sectors, exactly analyzable to the KGB defectors admissions to first cold war Communist party strategies on our microwave and nuclear sciences. Is so that he sees the idea of given away our taxes to the world Communist party as a good thing to create a one world order or green technology controlled by the Communist International Party. As the current green tech sector is.
4. Old Intelligence Guard mentality towards new Friends.
The US cold war guard of intelligence is so used to hating the Russian KGB. That they are unwilling to train or allow the youth to be able to start to work heavily with Anti Communist Forces to enrich them in Russia. So much so that, the actual new possible President and President where advised by the Intelligence council that Russia still poses the biggest threat. Yet they have the worlds biggest anti communist forces for political and economics in them. While the Communist Chinese are espionage invading small western Islands, militarily invasion allied Western island chains, funding and writing scrips on proxy war and economic drain wars like 911, and actually declared cultural war on the US and are threaten world war if we stop their espionage invasion or military invasion of small islands. This idea that Russia is a master puppet state. Is not true, the Communist manifesto was created by a man who was funded by the Chinese Emperor in 1842 to help a hater of his own culture Marxist create the longest biggest research into Western Democracy, Religion and Market place so as to allow the hater to create a full manual on how to destroy it. Proven fact. The master puppet state of Communism is and has been the Chinese Emperor and his secret organization. Which still exist today.
This is a two fold weakness. One is on foreign policy and international clout. Which still allows the old guards to hate each other. While also oppressing the new guards of Democracy to better help the Russian youth of Democracy. So that the Communist Russian party may not interact with the Chinese Communist party to retake the lands for mono cultural destruction. This then allows the Chinese who destroyed the Russian Communist Party in the Cold War. To then have the upper hand over the land. As nobody is helping the Russian anti communist. And the Communist Party of Russia is in a Democracy so they may not centralize attacks anymore as per civilized ideas of Democracy holds backs fascist movements of states. The second is that the US militarily can't get Russia to agree with them on world Democracy building. As the Russians still see the US as the threat and the Chinese as the allied force to them. Which is not true by any stance. The US is their best allied force now and the Chinese are their worst enemy. As they are a Democracy. This then stops the world from being able to stop market bullying by the centralized Communist Party of China, and military bullying. As the PLA the Chinese military thinks that Russia will not embargo them, like the PLA embargoed the Russian Communist party or Soviet Union. Embargo, espionage, standing with the Democracies against the major evil empire in international clout, etc.
5. Muslim hate in the US created by a PLA Colonial and Brigade Script for 911.
Muslims are not our enemy and in the world of free market and Democracy over the long run of the Cold war against Communism have been our best ally against atheist mono feudalistic empires of materialist industrial cultures. The 911 hate redirected the great cold war cooperation with the West and the Islam that was so strong during the cold war against the Communist Party. The Saudi Arabian Prince was selling drugs in England and was caught by the Royal International Court. He was using PLA and Chinese Communist as his basis to hide it and run it through their port systems. Along with that the constant direction of hate against the West. Allows the Communist International Party to easily direct proxy wars and create doped up brain washed suicidal bombers for economic impacts and hate direction scripting. These people are basically the same as our Christian and Catholic brothers and sisters. They are very religious and some are more liberal like Christians and some more conservative like Catholics. The only issue is their poverty that makes them a key element for proxy war creation in the international macro game of governance wars. Democracy v Communistic style goverances.
6. US old FNORD's created by the leftist Spectrum:
FNORD's are words that political spectrum create to try and drive hate or future stops of any ability to build forces against something. Joe McCarthy saved the Hollywood industry from Soviet Ownership and major Communist enrichment. As the Soviet's did not allow Religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of culture and everything had to be simple in their movies about Karls Marx. If a move was not made with major Marxist propaganda it would not be played in their movies. While all actors and media just like today's Communist party had to be trained in specific industrial beliefs of the Marxist destruction manifesto of Western Cultures. This would have destroyed liberality all together and create a world where liberals no longer exist and only leftist extremist fascist where allowed to survive. Thus destroying the idea of liberalism. This was also a big deal as per late 18 century and early 19 century advancements on brain washing and brain controls.
These FNORD's have today allowed and even made a great leftist spectrum party over the idea of allowing a fascist regime to own the West's biggest opitical industrial industry AMC movie theaters. Where as today, we have more proof that brain washing like Hitler did to Jew;'s goes on in Communist Gulag's in China than ever before. And also proof that the majority of major US films use brain washing tactics like, subliminal sounds, colors, and even static pictures to create ideas of feelings. Which can easily if allowed to be owned or controlled by a mono party system with no check on its civil right's be used for political fascist subliminal controls. Folks in China get their heads cut off for being liberal and shot in the head also, or placed in a Gulag for being a liberal Religious Protestant.
7. Decentralized small world cultures
The West believes in cultures. So much so we allow small countries and islands to exist. As we are a Democracy and have major one sided military and one sided civil rights. In a Communist Party there is just the idea of we take over its good for you. This ancient Western Culture has allowed the West to spread out and be decentralized from other fascist type cultures or genome's. Thus allowing a nice area of all cultures to live and have their own Democracies. The Communist Party has shown century in and century out. All it cares for is world take over for their one culture mono industrialist view points. Soviet Union, and Communist China currently today.
These decentralized countries and culture. Allows for easy espionage control of small islands and countries. As the biggest Western Country has about 150 million educated and that is the USA. The populace biggest is 300 million as genomic material. And about 50 million of those are lost in any kind of thought or idea of the West and Cultures of their own. This has allowed the Communist Chinese to invade small cultures like Iceland with about 500 espionage agents. And start griding to take over one of the West's historical best safety net islands and best cultural mineral and high tech base protection of type of holster cult issues. This then allows the Communist Chinese Party to finish Karl's Marx's complete world dominance grid points laid out in some of his books that are coded into the public one's. Which you have to know the code or be part of the Society, that Engel's started for Marx's yet Marx was not allowed in. As per the Chinese Emperor's request o start a society to destroy the West. Hitler was able to get a hold of a lot of the books and wrote Mine Kamp a brief on his own thoughts of Karls Work. As he did not know that the Chinese Emperor had paid Engles to destroy the West. In Mine Kamp there is also strategic grid points code into the books on Hitler's pysdo name books that if linked together can give you a complete list of things Hitler was trying to do to take over like Engel's did for Marx. However, the majority of Mine Kamp books have been destroyed and the codes taken out by Western intelligence officers. Only the original books that where not burned in the war still have the coded areas to find his pysdo name books. That was a complete intelligence war against the left over SS to find the original books so as to remove the codes and secret society that Hitler created just like Engels did.
This pressure point with the Liberal pressure point makes a excellent cognitional block for any centralized thought against the Communist International Parties movements, economic warfare or centralist economic cartel griding or violation of anti trust principles.
8. Backwards idea of Labor Unions created by a KGB undercover Republican book writer.
During the early stages of this country. Labor Unions where a Republican idea. As Republicans owned the business that did not like greed or slave's. These allowed business owners to be able to make the big money for being the smart one's and own their own capital of mind of grid work of labor. While the laborers where allowed to group together to make sure the big mind did not enslave the laborer body. Which was a very republican mindset. President Lincoln created the first Labor Unions to stop slaver literally. Senator Sherman a Republican created the Anti Trust laws to stop monopolizes and destruction of labor unions through incorporated bullying. The Democrats actually hated and still do hate the labor Unions. As they believed in slaver to the communal mind with no counter acts. As the smartest one was the best fit to control the labor. The idea today has become to force the labor Unions to the left so they only fund one side. So they can't win major legislation battles by gaining grounds on both sides. While also knew labor Unions believe in forcing individuals into labor unions and not allowing them out once in. These are all fascist idealist slave principles and not actual labor Union root ideas.
There is one book that both sides point to as a root source of research and cognitional grid work of foundation that has created this anti Democracy type union leadership and descent by one side of the political spectrum. If you are a good researcher or well trained in library studies or methodologies. You then know that you want to do a grid map for any good bipartisan issue research report of your evidence and material. Especially if you do bipartisan lobbying. A good bipartisan lobbying group has grid work to prove that they have decentralized their roots of research to at least both sides of the spectrum by using dual sided books. However, when it comes down to labor Union issues. Both sides do not do their proper methodological professional grid reports. To show where research reports and evidence stem from in the mass field of research on the idea's.
This books that I am not going to write as the good stuff has to be paid for and nobody pays me for my research and I am indigent. Is a book that was written by a Republican who was thought to be a KGB asset and or possible agent. The reason behind this guide stone creation is to set forth a path that is exactly happening. The Communist does not believe in Unions. It believes that Unions are a path away from socialism and communism. As labor Unions allow for fair wages and fair ownership. Thus allowing the idea of individual ownership to exist. Therefore, the Communist has to get rid of the labor Unions. Thus to get the common labor to draw on the common capital, so as to force it to implode. Thus how would one write a guide stone to do that. One would have to force the party that created them and truly believes in them to stop slavery to the Communist. To not want them to exist. Therefore, I have not yet read the book. However, I would guess that the book directs both sides in the path of which will end in the direction that the KGB operator desired. Thus the Republic would have to hate the Unions, and the Democrats would have to create a Union that only funds them. Therefore, destroying the powerful labor Unions of the first cold war. Which took up almost 57% of the US population. So as to allow the foreign and International Communist Parties to take our jobs and our own individual belief in our country as through labor and wages. As they would blame in on our system that we no longer have a good economic labor base. However, the reality would be this one book that has created a light source of cognitional mindset setting the two spectrum down a path of destruction through monotheistic political funding through the labor unions. Which then allows the labor unions to implode themselves by not balancing the laborers of the right and left together for individual ownership of daily toils. Today the labor Unions in the US make up around less than 8% of the US populace. While the US has seen its worst labor job losses in high tech, manufacturing, and other industries at a rate of such high velocity due to inability of labor to unionize from non bipartisan support legislative funding. That today the US labor force can't stop the massive Communist International State Owned Enterprise job taken to Communist party strong holds, or even stop the implosion of their own cities and families lives due to their own economic tax needs of exports inflow of treasury being taken from their neighborhoods.
While the labor Unions have gone down to almost nothing in this country. The Communist Chinese are literally funding the biggest Union in this country. Which is the Service Union. Thus allowing the weakening of the manufacturing and exports industries that brings in foreign fresh treasury. While enforcing the service side of the market place. Which is based on deficit macro economic's. As it does not create foreign fresh treasury inflow. This is proven as the labor Unions in the US get no help from the US and are banned from going to Communist China. However, the Service Union boss who was found corrupt by many political leftist and rightist institutions. For writing a book that did not sell one copy and then taken $600,000 for his own personal compensation for the book. Which he then went to Communist China and was allowed to speak with high ranking MSS agents and Political members. As per the meeting area and personnel charts that where going into the meeting. Then he came home and spent a big amount of money from his own personal account. Which has seemed to gain a major boost in foreign treasury through an investment funding transfer.
Rider I
1. Leftist Political Spectrum: These area is something that has gone so far as to actually fight to save a foreign Communist Party who wished to destroy Democracy and use their state owned enterprises to destroy the West's Economy. With the idea that a one world governance with no ownership and all owned by the people as a feudalistic imperialist mindset of modern day world governance.
2. Rightist Political Spectrum: These area is so into individual market and freedom. That their own greed to trade with their biggest enemy. Forces them to think that the more they get in for their specific self's while destroying their societies economics. The more possibility somehow that the Communist country will become a free market and Democracy.
3. Religious Churches: The Communist does not believe in religion. As the Communist believes in communal order as a spiritual whole and not as the individual soul deals with its own sins and virtues. Thus then it is easy to manipulate churches.
The Catholic Church is so far Ran by the Spanish Monarchy Family. That all they care about is migration slavery and mental oppression based on forced need of assistance when illegalities of migration force are done. This then allows the Communist to use the migration as an economic warfare attack on civil taxes, and local jobs of the citizens that are able to aspire to great political feet's. As emplacement of migration forced political views of economic building.
The Protestants Church of the Masonic Guild's and Illuminati Structure is so far run by the British Monarch family. That all they care about is trying to build a world order structure for liberality. This church is so far allowing mass droves of racist one sided into temple's in areas. That there is no balance of thought in the old Temple system. Which has forced the temple to lean heavily leftist. So far so that today both President's running for the Structures main Crowned Gem. Are leftist, Mitt Romney created the socialized health care forced monopolized industry, then President Obama just implemented it Federally. Both of them are from the Masonic system. As I am a heritage and have access to everything and as a 112 degree speak as I will. During the cold war the policy of allowance of balancing out through recruitment for temple was allowed. During the Cold war Ending day's Chinese heritage and Russian Heritage in the Temple got a law of code that says that recruitment is banned. This then allows the Communist to easily gain sympathy in many areas. While easily allowing them to control a single structure through pressure points in the Temple system. So as to be able to control both sides. Mitt Romney's belief from MSS agent's work is the more investment in Communist China the more likely they will become a Democracy. President Obama's theory with Secretary Chu and Commerce Secretary Locke who destroyed our green tech sectors, exactly analyzable to the KGB defectors admissions to first cold war Communist party strategies on our microwave and nuclear sciences. Is so that he sees the idea of given away our taxes to the world Communist party as a good thing to create a one world order or green technology controlled by the Communist International Party. As the current green tech sector is.
4. Old Intelligence Guard mentality towards new Friends.
The US cold war guard of intelligence is so used to hating the Russian KGB. That they are unwilling to train or allow the youth to be able to start to work heavily with Anti Communist Forces to enrich them in Russia. So much so that, the actual new possible President and President where advised by the Intelligence council that Russia still poses the biggest threat. Yet they have the worlds biggest anti communist forces for political and economics in them. While the Communist Chinese are espionage invading small western Islands, militarily invasion allied Western island chains, funding and writing scrips on proxy war and economic drain wars like 911, and actually declared cultural war on the US and are threaten world war if we stop their espionage invasion or military invasion of small islands. This idea that Russia is a master puppet state. Is not true, the Communist manifesto was created by a man who was funded by the Chinese Emperor in 1842 to help a hater of his own culture Marxist create the longest biggest research into Western Democracy, Religion and Market place so as to allow the hater to create a full manual on how to destroy it. Proven fact. The master puppet state of Communism is and has been the Chinese Emperor and his secret organization. Which still exist today.
This is a two fold weakness. One is on foreign policy and international clout. Which still allows the old guards to hate each other. While also oppressing the new guards of Democracy to better help the Russian youth of Democracy. So that the Communist Russian party may not interact with the Chinese Communist party to retake the lands for mono cultural destruction. This then allows the Chinese who destroyed the Russian Communist Party in the Cold War. To then have the upper hand over the land. As nobody is helping the Russian anti communist. And the Communist Party of Russia is in a Democracy so they may not centralize attacks anymore as per civilized ideas of Democracy holds backs fascist movements of states. The second is that the US militarily can't get Russia to agree with them on world Democracy building. As the Russians still see the US as the threat and the Chinese as the allied force to them. Which is not true by any stance. The US is their best allied force now and the Chinese are their worst enemy. As they are a Democracy. This then stops the world from being able to stop market bullying by the centralized Communist Party of China, and military bullying. As the PLA the Chinese military thinks that Russia will not embargo them, like the PLA embargoed the Russian Communist party or Soviet Union. Embargo, espionage, standing with the Democracies against the major evil empire in international clout, etc.
5. Muslim hate in the US created by a PLA Colonial and Brigade Script for 911.
Muslims are not our enemy and in the world of free market and Democracy over the long run of the Cold war against Communism have been our best ally against atheist mono feudalistic empires of materialist industrial cultures. The 911 hate redirected the great cold war cooperation with the West and the Islam that was so strong during the cold war against the Communist Party. The Saudi Arabian Prince was selling drugs in England and was caught by the Royal International Court. He was using PLA and Chinese Communist as his basis to hide it and run it through their port systems. Along with that the constant direction of hate against the West. Allows the Communist International Party to easily direct proxy wars and create doped up brain washed suicidal bombers for economic impacts and hate direction scripting. These people are basically the same as our Christian and Catholic brothers and sisters. They are very religious and some are more liberal like Christians and some more conservative like Catholics. The only issue is their poverty that makes them a key element for proxy war creation in the international macro game of governance wars. Democracy v Communistic style goverances.
6. US old FNORD's created by the leftist Spectrum:
FNORD's are words that political spectrum create to try and drive hate or future stops of any ability to build forces against something. Joe McCarthy saved the Hollywood industry from Soviet Ownership and major Communist enrichment. As the Soviet's did not allow Religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of culture and everything had to be simple in their movies about Karls Marx. If a move was not made with major Marxist propaganda it would not be played in their movies. While all actors and media just like today's Communist party had to be trained in specific industrial beliefs of the Marxist destruction manifesto of Western Cultures. This would have destroyed liberality all together and create a world where liberals no longer exist and only leftist extremist fascist where allowed to survive. Thus destroying the idea of liberalism. This was also a big deal as per late 18 century and early 19 century advancements on brain washing and brain controls.
These FNORD's have today allowed and even made a great leftist spectrum party over the idea of allowing a fascist regime to own the West's biggest opitical industrial industry AMC movie theaters. Where as today, we have more proof that brain washing like Hitler did to Jew;'s goes on in Communist Gulag's in China than ever before. And also proof that the majority of major US films use brain washing tactics like, subliminal sounds, colors, and even static pictures to create ideas of feelings. Which can easily if allowed to be owned or controlled by a mono party system with no check on its civil right's be used for political fascist subliminal controls. Folks in China get their heads cut off for being liberal and shot in the head also, or placed in a Gulag for being a liberal Religious Protestant.
7. Decentralized small world cultures
The West believes in cultures. So much so we allow small countries and islands to exist. As we are a Democracy and have major one sided military and one sided civil rights. In a Communist Party there is just the idea of we take over its good for you. This ancient Western Culture has allowed the West to spread out and be decentralized from other fascist type cultures or genome's. Thus allowing a nice area of all cultures to live and have their own Democracies. The Communist Party has shown century in and century out. All it cares for is world take over for their one culture mono industrialist view points. Soviet Union, and Communist China currently today.
These decentralized countries and culture. Allows for easy espionage control of small islands and countries. As the biggest Western Country has about 150 million educated and that is the USA. The populace biggest is 300 million as genomic material. And about 50 million of those are lost in any kind of thought or idea of the West and Cultures of their own. This has allowed the Communist Chinese to invade small cultures like Iceland with about 500 espionage agents. And start griding to take over one of the West's historical best safety net islands and best cultural mineral and high tech base protection of type of holster cult issues. This then allows the Communist Chinese Party to finish Karl's Marx's complete world dominance grid points laid out in some of his books that are coded into the public one's. Which you have to know the code or be part of the Society, that Engel's started for Marx's yet Marx was not allowed in. As per the Chinese Emperor's request o start a society to destroy the West. Hitler was able to get a hold of a lot of the books and wrote Mine Kamp a brief on his own thoughts of Karls Work. As he did not know that the Chinese Emperor had paid Engles to destroy the West. In Mine Kamp there is also strategic grid points code into the books on Hitler's pysdo name books that if linked together can give you a complete list of things Hitler was trying to do to take over like Engel's did for Marx. However, the majority of Mine Kamp books have been destroyed and the codes taken out by Western intelligence officers. Only the original books that where not burned in the war still have the coded areas to find his pysdo name books. That was a complete intelligence war against the left over SS to find the original books so as to remove the codes and secret society that Hitler created just like Engels did.
This pressure point with the Liberal pressure point makes a excellent cognitional block for any centralized thought against the Communist International Parties movements, economic warfare or centralist economic cartel griding or violation of anti trust principles.
8. Backwards idea of Labor Unions created by a KGB undercover Republican book writer.
During the early stages of this country. Labor Unions where a Republican idea. As Republicans owned the business that did not like greed or slave's. These allowed business owners to be able to make the big money for being the smart one's and own their own capital of mind of grid work of labor. While the laborers where allowed to group together to make sure the big mind did not enslave the laborer body. Which was a very republican mindset. President Lincoln created the first Labor Unions to stop slaver literally. Senator Sherman a Republican created the Anti Trust laws to stop monopolizes and destruction of labor unions through incorporated bullying. The Democrats actually hated and still do hate the labor Unions. As they believed in slaver to the communal mind with no counter acts. As the smartest one was the best fit to control the labor. The idea today has become to force the labor Unions to the left so they only fund one side. So they can't win major legislation battles by gaining grounds on both sides. While also knew labor Unions believe in forcing individuals into labor unions and not allowing them out once in. These are all fascist idealist slave principles and not actual labor Union root ideas.
There is one book that both sides point to as a root source of research and cognitional grid work of foundation that has created this anti Democracy type union leadership and descent by one side of the political spectrum. If you are a good researcher or well trained in library studies or methodologies. You then know that you want to do a grid map for any good bipartisan issue research report of your evidence and material. Especially if you do bipartisan lobbying. A good bipartisan lobbying group has grid work to prove that they have decentralized their roots of research to at least both sides of the spectrum by using dual sided books. However, when it comes down to labor Union issues. Both sides do not do their proper methodological professional grid reports. To show where research reports and evidence stem from in the mass field of research on the idea's.
This books that I am not going to write as the good stuff has to be paid for and nobody pays me for my research and I am indigent. Is a book that was written by a Republican who was thought to be a KGB asset and or possible agent. The reason behind this guide stone creation is to set forth a path that is exactly happening. The Communist does not believe in Unions. It believes that Unions are a path away from socialism and communism. As labor Unions allow for fair wages and fair ownership. Thus allowing the idea of individual ownership to exist. Therefore, the Communist has to get rid of the labor Unions. Thus to get the common labor to draw on the common capital, so as to force it to implode. Thus how would one write a guide stone to do that. One would have to force the party that created them and truly believes in them to stop slavery to the Communist. To not want them to exist. Therefore, I have not yet read the book. However, I would guess that the book directs both sides in the path of which will end in the direction that the KGB operator desired. Thus the Republic would have to hate the Unions, and the Democrats would have to create a Union that only funds them. Therefore, destroying the powerful labor Unions of the first cold war. Which took up almost 57% of the US population. So as to allow the foreign and International Communist Parties to take our jobs and our own individual belief in our country as through labor and wages. As they would blame in on our system that we no longer have a good economic labor base. However, the reality would be this one book that has created a light source of cognitional mindset setting the two spectrum down a path of destruction through monotheistic political funding through the labor unions. Which then allows the labor unions to implode themselves by not balancing the laborers of the right and left together for individual ownership of daily toils. Today the labor Unions in the US make up around less than 8% of the US populace. While the US has seen its worst labor job losses in high tech, manufacturing, and other industries at a rate of such high velocity due to inability of labor to unionize from non bipartisan support legislative funding. That today the US labor force can't stop the massive Communist International State Owned Enterprise job taken to Communist party strong holds, or even stop the implosion of their own cities and families lives due to their own economic tax needs of exports inflow of treasury being taken from their neighborhoods.
While the labor Unions have gone down to almost nothing in this country. The Communist Chinese are literally funding the biggest Union in this country. Which is the Service Union. Thus allowing the weakening of the manufacturing and exports industries that brings in foreign fresh treasury. While enforcing the service side of the market place. Which is based on deficit macro economic's. As it does not create foreign fresh treasury inflow. This is proven as the labor Unions in the US get no help from the US and are banned from going to Communist China. However, the Service Union boss who was found corrupt by many political leftist and rightist institutions. For writing a book that did not sell one copy and then taken $600,000 for his own personal compensation for the book. Which he then went to Communist China and was allowed to speak with high ranking MSS agents and Political members. As per the meeting area and personnel charts that where going into the meeting. Then he came home and spent a big amount of money from his own personal account. Which has seemed to gain a major boost in foreign treasury through an investment funding transfer.
Rider I
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