This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

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US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Wruckers room

A Country a People a Culture Stays great cause it does not allow itself to be attacked or oppressed. The USA is currently run by a grid of losers to the Communist Chinese oppression. Racist Latin's leaders more worried about allowing Mexico to invade our grids to take over. African Racist Progressive more worried about taken over US European heritage muscle influence and base closures. European American's more worried about the Communist Chinese Proxy Warriors instead of the root of the matter like we did during the Cold War against the Russian Puppetted state of China's Bolshevist proxy warriors. A grid of losers and not one can figure out a simple plan to get us out of deficit to compete against the Communist State Owned Enterprise's. A country and culture does not stay great cause of some kind of ideological perspective that their theory will win. Even if they are massively being destroyed by a foreign state. Free Trade does not work in a neo-mercantilism world. The US alone has lost 3,000 Export Business over the last 18 years. Accumulative to 55,000 just to the Communist State Owned Enterprises of a mono fascist party state. This then would have been around currently with our civil needs, we would be in $34 trillion dollars of surplus if we would have fought the Communist like we did during the Cold War. As during the cold war we where spending around 15 trillion a year just on space race. These days thanks to oppressed weak leaders we are cutting everything and running scared from grid speech and grid maneuvers.

Friday, October 12, 2012


Alright I told the boys and girld papa would not look over Syria as I did not want to look like a fascist silver backer. However, the monkey boy Clooney is not putting it down for the Democracy rebels. Same thing Chinese military base and espionage base then a Russian similar. However, we need to look at the differences. Communist facism is not someting we want to have military bases in the world. Russian Democracy if properly weeded out of its fascist communist illegal organ military members and old Communist party generals and get a good recruiting system in the Democracy Congress of Russia. We could really see that Russia is a Democacy and its military base could stay there. As it has.

I am going to eat some food. Look at the files that where sent to me overnight on my green screen computer and open it up and start reading. To see what I can come up with. It seems the same strategy that I laid out for Libya and then the different one I laid out of Eygpt need to be analized and then created a new. As Egyptian miliitary was very nice to the folks. Libya's was not. However, Syria has major elements of arsenals that if falls into guerilla hands or monkey boys hands could cause major issues. So we need to distinguish and apply the past two Democracy proxy wars.

Alogn with that my end goal for my thoughts will be unite the world guerillas against fascism and for religious Democracy. Black Panthers, Muslim Brother Hood the WACYL so we can finally create the proper force to stop this US hating and properly apply it to old cold war style hate direction against the Common enemy of the fascist.

Again I am not against Royality or even major one sided parties that are heavy hitting. So long as Congress of the people may be unique and hteir own parties. So I will eat some have some warm coco and then read over the files and write out what I think.

While I am looking into this. First of all open up talks with Russia and US navys to create a grid around the special arsenal. US and Russian Navy and militaries have a great 18 year long history of securing weird arsenals in the world together. That is a starting point. First grid it out then use mini mark 77's in our arsenal for any van, jet, citizens or anybody getting near the ammo dump. Civil rights with regards to WMD's are off the issue table.

Secondly grid out Syrian allied forces in USA and make sure I get the Clooney package ontop of the Silver Back WACLY package of asset protection while I am reading.

The idea I am having here is to cut out higher type generals who are calling shots to kill their citizens. Then under cut the bad and replace with the younger officers so as to coupe that is problematic. As it would be nice to get their military to secure it as it would allow a safer transition. However, war crimes tribunals are going to be needed. Which means that the G's are going to have to give into pardon's for some of the younger officers for following their orders. not studied yet so just rambling.

The first thing I am upset at is Biden's and Ryan's intellegence outfits. My first thing I strategized for Egypt and Libya was we have to make their own people's feel secure from foreign implosion or invasion hands off approach. We are there but we are not. Ryan is like we invade with neighbors stupid causes life long local populace terrorism feeling of power is foreign, Biden's idea is fund them with foreign funds, again it will feel to the people like power take over is foreign. You can't do that you have to think of the local populace feelings. We are there but not. In Libya it was enough for just the mini marks and supply dumps for the guerillas all of the guerillas knew they where funded locally and not by the Democracies, and it was theri things, so when the after math when a froce tried to attack an allied Democracy to create fascism the local rebels could fight them off with pride knowing the world was hands off.

They will not accept that input and programming. The power change has to feel like it is them wholey. So best we can do is advice local business on funding and then get them to do it. As we did in Libya and Egypt. Thise Vice Presidents should not be stating these things. Republican Vice President or Democract Current Champion Vice President.

International aid societies is not the way to go. In Libya it was pure air drops near Democracy camps. We did not give money to till after the power from dictator to people had changed. Then aid comes in if they allow it.

Another thing is I want Russia as a Democracy on our side we need them against Communist China a common enemy to Democracy. So that drives teh Syrian new Democracy government to not like Communist CHina as their natural enemy the dic could only get arms from Communist China. Not Russian Democracy. That is why the Russian WACLY branch of the congress and both sides top sec voted to blow up their own special ammo dumps with the 100 communist illegal organ muscles.

With Ryan getting involved already I can see a very old style invasion war type intellegence officer as his officer. Biden too. When Libya and Eypt it was only big dogs President McCain and President Obama. Now the little dogs see the big dogs playing and they want a piece. However, they are messing up and not properly reading the outlines of how to create a transition when a dictator's army goes wanton.

First of all creating camondo's in neighboring countries means foreign invasion life long war. As enriching the neighbor will cause major issues. However, creating a defense force for the boarders is another thing thing. Wording already in media is messed up. Democracy last because the people believe it is theirs. Thus it has to be theirs. As Democracies are about individual researching each others opposition for peaceful voting out through research and speech wars.

For example instead of just sending in Green Berret's which every world smart person knows is invasion tactics warfare. We should send in GB's and US high tech weapons customs and boarder agent trainers. To train them on possible tracking of moving of weird arsenal. So it looks like we are preparing to secure the arsenal if needed but not invading as the customers and boarder teachers are here too. This does two things. It stops green Berret's from an Arizona type lets use the special arsenal we took from Iraq to just attack in Afghanistan. Which would cause major civil rights issues as us military elephants really get calloused over. So the Boarder and Customs agents could counter the GB's love the boys great teams use them in reports a lot. But not dumb they are humans and they will if they can.

Russia worked with the US to get the WMD's out of Iraq and yes we did find the genocidal biological weapons in Iraq. The proper thing to do as I did see a military tribunal try and use the dark weapons for an easy possible world turn against the USA, or maybe a espionage foreign military man trying to make the US look bad in civil rights to get us invade. Is to make sure Green Beret does not get the whole load and it goes to destruction on cite. That is going to take time. I will read the files on what chemicals are there and how to dispose of them properly.

I was so afrarid that if the military tribunal would have got that plain past Arizona with that WMD headed towards Afghanistan Russia or even China could have used that attack to turn civil hate against the West and US forever.

I do not want the International forces getting it either has they have their own possible espionaged forces of Communism in their ranks that will cause hate against the west too. So awkard.

It is once thing to use bio weapons of extacy and testosterone or even estrogen as they are naturally winged out of the body. LIke we did in the Iraq invasion to get hundreds of thousands of soldiers to feel exctasy at the cite of our men and happy to see us. Its another to use erradication of genomic material chems.

The hard part and the reasoning behind him not stepping down is the idea of the Communist Chinese stating that the US is trying to invade to take over. So we can't allow that thought to be. So we need to stop the truth of any of their statements.

Ok now I am spinning my wheels I have no studies under me so. I should stop and read. Ok still need to eat I am paciing back and forth thinking outloud in waves of thought and counter thought.

How to stop the idea of invasion by foreign force. 1 is we secure the surrounding boarders internationally or at least two countries so that they know their boarders are not being fluxed in. 2. We do not directly fund with money any group. We can give supplies only in the battle ground. Only if lead by Syrian citizens that can prove are local politicians or elder loved and trusted business or clergy. Invasion causes world terrorism proven 100% folks will not stop their own fascist from being terrorist if they think they where invade. So it has to again has to be fully Syrian elders and loved lead.

Republican's failed in Vietnam, Korea, caused major world spread of hate and terrorism in Iraq. and this young centralist to right. did good in Egypt and Libya. All wars to stop Communist stick men dictators. All of the above where for that. All have common numerator. Communist. So my military needs to be careful when listening to Ryan of the Romney camp intel officers. And Biden's camp to as just funding easily given them money is failure to cuase more terrorist roots. We need to secure the area of mitasis of desire for Democracy, not let in our out at all and then sequester forces for proper food and manuals and then allow it to be theirs.

I will be calling the French Connection in a moment to see what their overview of the watch on Libya would be a great application to the Syrian issue. As they are the ones watching in the shadows to stop fascist hurt.

Ryan's idea that the US is some super hero country and can go around and stop and save everybody is not true. We come close everyday because of that mentality to almost complete death or drawn into another world economic drain war. Without international friendships and cooperation we can't make it. Just because Clooney the head I on this move to help a country transition from old cold war dictator stick man to Democracy. As he did not properly court the Russian left right and the area of RUssian military Communist left over illegal arms for the ones who can stop Democracy movements through illegal lines of undergrounds. Does not mean that we can't still work with them.

Another one send Clooney and the silver back shadows to Russia if he wills it as he is the main man on this. And have him court the Democracy Congress in a manner of we should work together to create world Democracy and stop fascist dictator weird arsenal. I will think about Clooney script too. He is smart though. Read up on both sides of Russias Democacy Clooners.

Yes it is the Russian Communist party that is the problem. They work hand in hand with illegal scripts to attack Democracies to destroy them in economic's so as to create the great world Communist mono China One World. So when in Russia you need to know hot spots. There are whole ares of Russia that have banned the Communist party and symbols and propaganda for its atrocities against cultures, Russian heritage, freedom, and its massive evil empire of corrupt officials.

And for you muscles out there that get mad when massive amount of intel are being brain stormed and it upsets you cause you can't think indepth and get mad. If this is Top Secret that is because I write it and then it is stamped as such. I am not leaking it or joking I am a strategist and an analyst and researcher.

For the uneducated why do we want to help Muslims have Democracy when militants are gaining power. Well during the cold war we where best friends the MB and Christian Brotherhood. We worked againstt the Communist Atheist and won Russia freedom together. 911 was written and scripted by the International Communist Party and Communist Chinese military to split our religious Democracy best friendship. So these policies are rekinding countries of good ties and we are not invaders. It is a we are sorry about the Iraqy strategy of Invasion, but not so much so as we have to show folks that if you use massive weapons of destruction and somebody that is closed to your network of clandestine agents we will invade for home attacks. But we are not there to take over.

And Democracy is going to win and they can have their place under Democracy like all the other cultures and political parties.

Alright I am going to eat and smoke my war cigar before I begin the cognitional battle for Democracy.

be back in a couple hours.

The two shot yourselves in the foot kids. Biden and Ryan.
I have a gun I will pull the trigger, Biden We have money, Ryan we have a military, just use it. pull the trigger not care if its pointed at my foot or not. Pain and sorrow and hate towards my own not matter.

When you have a gun you have to think how to use it. Mainly should be used for defense unless voted for and legal to use for offense. Even then you have to think about what happens when you use it. For example, if you are a clandestine member and you see another branch doing something to harm the good of Democracy. Then you have to aks for permission to use theoritical gun. Even then it has to be done so his own do not think that it was done by the table or council as it could break up the Democracy. So with Syria sure economic guns, and military guns, however, defense not offense. We need Muslim support to stop hate not create hate. Libya area has a great pation for the USA and West now. If we get Syria on that area we can get another land to have folks actually say they did not see one western soldier or vehicle and they did the transition themselves intheir own country. That means they will do like Libya did to stop their own fascist hurt.

Say by by now to Syria's last Dictator of the Russian Communist Party stick men.

Set out a script to have Russia help build democracies with the USA instead of sitting there and not getting involved in the world while the Communist Chinese take over and they are not being properly Viking about it.

do my little war dance here ok ya dancing ya

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